
Nov 11, 2007
savage1 said:
Corrected the line from last night's post.

In addition, in re-reading what sheriff HOE/sbd stated I noticed that I didn't and should have responded to this claim on their part:

"I have graphic pictures of some, but don't post them.

I see daily reports of arrests, but don't post them.

I see daily reports of trials, but don't post them."

Even the dumbest of the dumb would realize that making statements of this nature and without posting these reports would

have as much credibility of HOE/sbd existent claims that they have proof of those so-called "benevolent beings" out there

but they are not at liberty to reveal it!!

The sbd/HOE and now doctor success entity have also claimed/implied that they are some kind of insiders who are privy to information

that virtually no one else is whether it be around Trump, his reinstatement, his devoluton which according to them has been imminent

for the last thirty months, Covid, the Covid vaccination about which they claim HUNDREDS of millions of people have already

died and hundreds of millions more will follow, alleged executions of thousands of notable members of the"evil ds" at GITMO,

that in actuality Trump won the 2020 Election winning all 50 states and getting over 90% of the popular vote in so doing,

but yet have not provided even a speck of evidence of this nor told us who is relaying this information to them and why the entity

has been chosen to be the insider spokesperson.

When you couple that with what I posted late last night an which I am going to repost which in essence just points out

all of the inconsistencies, contradictions, etc. in their narrative, what you have is an incoherent and confusing mess which adds

I invite anyone out there to either defend what the sbd/sheriff joe entity stated last night to which I responded and/or

to rebut/refute anything I said in response either last night or this morning and that includes the sbd/sheriff joe entry!!

Back in about 30 minutes or so.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
WHO gave the ORDER to STOP the COUNTING?

PA Trump by 682,000 votes (15.2%)
GA Trump by 311,000 votes (7.5%)
MI Trump by 307,000 votes (9.8%)
WI Trump by 128,000 votes (4.9%)
NC Trump by 77,000 votes (1.4%)

Then at 4AM vans started delivering ballots & the Deep State (intel agencies) took America.

Lots of eyewitness testimony, cell phone footage, security cams etc.

Only stupid people who flunked 6th grade math still don't believe it was "stollen"

"We had that election won at 10am!" - CIC Trump (real POTUS in exile)

Aug 17, 2019
WHO gave the ORDER to STOP the COUNTING?

PA Trump by 682,000 votes (15.2%)
GA Trump by 311,000 votes (7.5%)
MI Trump by 307,000 votes (9.8%)
WI Trump by 128,000 votes (4.9%)
NC Trump by 77,000 votes (1.4%)

Then at 4AM vans started delivering ballots & the Deep State (intel agencies) took America.

Lots of eyewitness testimony, cell phone footage etc.

Only stupid people who flunked 6th grade math still don't believe it was "stollen"

"We had that election won at 10am!" - CIC Trump (real POTUS in exile)


The election was over before it even started.

Trump won in a massive landslide.

America knows.

The whole world knows.

Only tards are dumb enough to actually think Biden won.

But they don't matter.

Their level of stupidity is off the charts.

And their IQs are so low it's beyond my comprehension.

A special kind of stupid, indeed.

Nov 11, 2007
Who gave the ORDER to STOP the COUNTING?

PA Trump by 682,000 votes (15.2%)
GA Trump by 311,000 votes (7.5%)
MI Trump by 307,000 votes (9.8%)
WI Trump by 128,000 votes (4.9%)
NC Trump by 77,000 votes (1.4%)

Then at 4AM vans started delivering ballots & the Deep State (intel agencies) took America.

Lots of eyewitness testimony, cell phone footage etc.

Only stupid people who flunked 6th grade math still don't believe it was "stollen"

"We had that election won at 10am!" - CIC Trump (real POTUS in exile)

Reposting lies from the past, all of which have been debunked/destroyed by recounts, audits, the legal system including

seventy odd FAILED legal challenges by Trump's legal team and most importantly to the SCOTUS, simply tells any objective

person how desperate you are as Jack Smith methodically destroys Trump, which means among other things that you will

continue to throw more lies and attention-seeking delusional bullshit against the wall and hope that it sticks!!

Thank God one of us was taught in our upbringing that losing is a part of life and one needs to accept it.

By the way that one who was taught properly IS NOT YOU!!

Nov 11, 2007
The election was over before it even started.

Trump won in a massive landslide.

America knows.

The whole world knows.

Except tards.

But they don't matter.

Their level of stupidity is off the charts.

And their IQs are so low it's beyond my comprehension.

A special kind of stupid, indeed.
Reposting lies from the past, all of which have been debunked/destroyed by recounts, audits, the legal system including

seventy odd FAILED legal challenges by Trump's legal team and most importantly to the SCOTUS, simply tells any objective

person how desperate you are as Jack Smith methodically destroys Trump, which means among other things that you will

continue to throw more lies and attention-seeking delusional bullshit against the wall and hope that it sticks!!

Thank God one of us was taught in our upbringing that losing is a part of life and one needs to accept it.

By the way that one who was taught properly IS NOT YOU!!

Nov 11, 2007
The REAL doctor, DR SAVAGE1, rather than the fake doctor, "doctor success," who as the third member of the entry

of sbd and sheriff HOE has not yet "blessed us" today with a countenance, will be leaving shortly leaving for lunch and will return

sometime early in the afternoon to continue his Divine Mission of exposing those who defy HIM and are not acting

in accordance with HIS WAYS!!

The entry of sbd/sheriff HOE and doctor success please take particular note!!
Sep 12, 2022
I have graphic pictures of some, but don't post them.

I see daily reports of arrests, but don't post them.

I see daily reports of trials, but don't post them.

What I do post is provable info (receipts, documents, photos etc.) from publicly available open-sourced material.

Think about this logically..

WHY make these ongoing operations and events public? Too many idiots would lose their minds and just get in the way screaming bloody murder. So why tell the public?

Optics are critical for both sides in this information WAR.

I believe you are correct that not enough people are awake yet, which is the first thing a sober wartime CIC said when he stepped up to the podium announcing his reelection for 2024.

It would appear the REAL POTUS (in exile) wanted to return publicly before the midterms and hinted at such many times, although he was always vague and noncommittal. And the reason for that is it involved events beyond HIS the % of population "awake" willing to accept "unprecedented cures"...and countermoves from the enemy.

Moves and countermoves.

Realistically, there was never any legal road back for the REAL POTUS (in exile) unless either, the military stepped out of the shadows ("military coup" in the eyes TARDS) OR... the courts reinstated him as a result of an election-related indictment, since no judge was ever going to even entertain election fraud case on the merits lest he/she be forced into overturning the results. Note Team Trump team asking SCOTUS to once again intervene.

Another possible road back would have been the Dems removing 'Biden' themselves (25th Amendment) giving the REAL POTUS a small window to make his case..

The bottom line is that White Hats have game theoried this a million ways.

Ironically, many in Trump's inner circle were hoping these recent fake indictments would happen a lot sooner, which tells me they had to WAIT for the enemy to make their move BEFORE they could counter with their own. Now the REAL POTUS (in exile) gets DISCOVERY. Albeit two years too late, but better late than never.

War is nothing but one giant game of chess. You can't make five moves consecutively or the whole game ("The Plan") falls apart. If you're setting traps, you have to wait for the enemy to walk into them.

This isn't politics as usual.

We're at war.

It's not a shooting war or civil war, but a war nonetheless. A real war with real prisoners, like....the J6th POWs still awaiting justice. Or DS casualties like, every time a couple of SUVs with a half dozen Marines ambush a DS target and arrest them...

So 2024 gives the REAL POTUS (in exile) a realistic road back - a legitimate road back. Once elected, some of the ongoing operations and sealed indictments can slowly make their way into the public zeitgeist.

Name a single war in history with timelines? No such thing. You just keep fighting and adjusting your tactics, until the enemy either surrenders or he has no more moves left to make.



Nov 11, 2007
One thing before I leave for lunch:

If you haven't noticed already, there is a striking similarity in the words, terminology, sentence structure and overall formation

of the posts between sbd and of sheriff joe and to some extent doctor success.

In the past, there was a discernible difference in the above regard.

My conclusion is that since I consider sbd a bit brighter overall than sheriff joe despite the bullshit and lies he spreads,

that sbd may in fact be feeding the lines to the sheriff and/or at least proofreading them and/or making changes to them to

make them a bit more credible, which isn't saying much because the overall credibility of the entry is just a whisker

above zero on the scale!!

Back after lunch.
Sep 12, 2022
View attachment 74006

And all of them are being dealt with, one by one.


So much to clean up!

As SBD says, no war in history has ever been this complex and sophisticated.

Trump and the White Hats have it all but have to wait to expose it because there would be a civil war if done too soon.

If you read the Q drops, Q shares the exact same sentiment.

This is the only way with the least amount of suffering for the populace.

Even our TARDS are innocent pawns in this WAR and don't deserve to die just because they're hopelessly brainwashed and stupid.

I agree. Our Tards don't deserve to die. Maybe just made to stand in the corner or parade down the street with a dunce cap on for an hour or two.
Sep 12, 2022
The election was over before it even started.

Trump won in a massive landslide.

America knows.

The whole world knows.

Only tards are dumb enough to actually think Biden won.

But they don't matter.

Their level of stupidity is off the charts.

And their IQs are so low it's beyond my comprehension.

A special kind of stupid, indeed.

Nov 11, 2007
One thing before I leave for lunch:

If you haven't noticed already, there is a striking similarity in the words, terminology, sentence structure and overall formation

of the posts between sbd and of sheriff joe and to some extent doctor success.

In the past, there was a discernible difference in the above regard.

My conclusion is that since I consider sbd a bit brighter overall than sheriff joe despite the bullshit and lies he spreads,

that sbd may in fact be feeding the lines to the sheriff and/or at least proofreading them and/or making changes to them to

make them a bit more credible, which isn't saying much because the overall credibility of the entry is just a whisker

above zero on the scale!!

Back after lunch.
On my way out the door, let's just say that I am wrong and that sbd is not feeding the lines to sheriff HOE, then the one thing

that it does prove is that he is a copycat, a leech, who has zero ability to use his own choice of words and styling and formation

of his posts and needs to rely on someone else, in this case, sbd, to use as a model of excellence to emulate in the same way as

he does with Donald Trump; all of this personifies and corroborates that he is a totally FAILED human being with ZERO confidence

in himself and a terrible self-image, not surprising because the description also fits sbd and doctor success!!

Back no sooner than 2 pm!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I'm going to explain a concept very slowly so even the blind, deaf and stupid can understand.

The CIA is the Central Intelligence Agency.

Every program within the CIA is SECRET.

Every document involving the CIA is SECRET.

Every operation involving the CIA is SECRET.

You're not allowed to see.

You're not allowed to know.

Everything CIA is... "CLASSIFED"

This means every operation the CIA carries out is - wait for it - MADE TO LOOK LIKE ANYTHING OTHER THAN CIA!

Wow! Common sense!

Still with me?

Forest fires; terrorist attacks; false flags; assassinations; political uprisings (color revolutions); RIGGED elections; psyops of every kind like bogus political "sex scandals" out of nowehere ; blackmail; name it.

It's all behind-the-scenes Jack Ryan shit you're not allowed to see.


You can't "fact check" the CIA and its operations.

The FAKE NEWS is not going to tell you if the CIA did something "really bad", no matter how overwhelming the evidence and facts.

But, but, but Joe...the CIA has congressional oversight. You're just a "conspiracy theorist"

No, they don't!

The CIA was BLOCKED from testifying to the 9/11 Commission. A total SHAM!

If Congress cuts a CIA program they don't like, the CIA simply finds other income streams behind the scenes to keep it going.

Drug trafficking, child trafficking... you name it. In fact, their organized crime networks pay MORE than any govt funding.

The CIA is a completely independent ROGUE govt agency, among many ROGUE AGENCIES, aka the Deep State.

The most powerful and richest people in the world USE the CIA and other agencies to do their bidding - FACT.

Nobody votes for these people and nobody controls them.

As far the public is concerned still sound asleep reading their NYTs and Washington Posts and CNNs, they don't even exist...even though these "news" outlets have direct lines to these rogue agencies feeding them BULLSHIT (propaganda).

For example, thanks to military intelligence, we now know the CIA used their Saudi intel agency counterparts to help recruit some of the 9/11 hijackers. Once again, BLOCKED FROM TESTIFYING.

Legally, the CIA is not "allowed" to operate on US soil, so they simply outsource whatever operation(s) to one of their other intel counterparts... MOSAD, M16, CIA...this how these ROGUE agencies circumvent "oversight"

If the CIA conducted an operation against your family and made it look like an "accident", nobody would tell - you would have no way knowing.

Only military intelligence and brave whistleblowers (insiders) can tell you what REALLY goes on inside the CIA and these ROGUE agencies.

Welcome to the World of White Hats vs Black Hats - a WAR which has been ongoing for DECADES.

A war long before Trump.

A war JFK tried to engage in - and lost.

Only "Trump" (or rather, Trump as the "BAIT") is slowly drawing this ancient war of Good vs Evil out into the LIGHT so YOU can SEE what is can SEE the EVIL.

Remember, like all evil, these rogue govt agencies and their puppet masters can only thrive in darkness.

Dark to Light.

Once enough people are awake, it's GAME OVER and we can CHANGE the SYSTEM.

We can rid ourselves of this EVIL and create a better world. A beautiful, prosperous, peaceful world for all.

Did you really believe you lived in a 'democracy'?

? ? ?

You don't.

Fuck your FAKE NEWS!

Fuck your fake "FACT CHECKERS"!

Unless you have the facts - THE REAL FACTS, including all those "classified documents" you're apparently not allowed to see - you don't know shit.

You really don't...


Nov 11, 2007
I'm going to explain a concept very slowly so even the blind, deaf and stupid can understand.

The CIA is the Central Intelligence Agency.

Every program within the CIA is SECRET.

Every document involving the CIA is SECRET.

Every operation involving the CIA is SECRET.

You're not allowed to see.

You're not allowed to know.

Everything CIA is... "CLASSIFED"

This means every operation the CIA carries out is - wait for it - MADE TO LOOK LIKE ANYTHING OTHER THAN CIA!

Wow! Common sense!

Still with me?

Forest fires; terrorist attacks; false flags; assassinations; political uprisings (color revolutions); RIGGED elections; psyops of every kind like bogus political "sex scandals" out of nowehere ; blackmail; name it.

It's all behind-the-scenes Jack Ryan shit you're not allowed to see.


You can't "fact check" the CIA and its operations.

The FAKE NEWS is not going to tell you if the CIA did something "really bad", no matter how overwhelming the evidence and facts.

But, but, but Joe...the CIA has congressional oversight. You're just a "conspiracy theorist"

No, they don't!

The CIA was BLOCKED from testifying to the 9/11 Commission. A total SHAM!

If Congress cuts a CIA program they don't like, the CIA simply finds other income streams behind the scenes to keep it going.

Drug trafficking, child trafficking... you name it. In fact, their organized crime networks pay MORE than any govt funding.

The CIA is a completely independent ROGUE govt agency, among many ROGUE AGENCIES, aka the Deep State.

The most powerful and richest people in the world USE the CIA and other agencies to do their bidding - FACT.

Nobody votes for these people and nobody controls them.

As far the public is concerned still sound asleep reading their NYTs and Washington Posts and CNNs, they don't even exist...even though these "news" outlets have direct lines to these rogue agencies feeding them BULLSHIT (propaganda).

For example, thanks to military intelligence, we now know the CIA used their Saudi intel agency counterparts to help recruit some of the 9/11 hijackers. Once again, BLOCKED FROM TESTIFYING.

Legally, the CIA is not "allowed" to operate on US soil, so they simply outsource whatever operation(s) to one of their other intel counterparts... MOSAD, M16, CIA...this how these ROGUE agencies circumvent "oversight"

If the CIA conducted an operation against your family and made it look like an "accident", nobody would tell - you would have no way knowing.

Only military intelligence and brave whistleblowers (insiders) can tell you what REALLY goes on inside the CIA and these ROGUE agencies.

Welcome to the World of White Hats vs Black Hats - a WAR which has been ongoing for DECADES.

A war long before Trump.

A war JFK tried to engage in - and lost.

Only "Trump" (or rather, Trump as the "BAIT") is slowly drawing this ancient war of Good vs Evil out into the LIGHT so YOU can SEE what is can SEE the EVIL.

Remember, like all evil, these rogue govt agencies and their puppet masters can only thrive in darkness.

Dark to Light.

Once enough people are awake, it's GAME OVER and we can CHANGE the SYSTEM.

We can rid ourselves of this EVIL and create a better world. A beautiful, prosperous, peaceful world for all.

Did you really believe you lived in a 'democracy'?

? ? ?

You don't.

Fuck your FAKE NEWS!

Fuck your fake "FACT CHECKERS"!

Unless you have the facts - THE REAL FACTS, including all those "classified documents" you're apparently not allowed to see - you don't know shit.

You really don't...

These are my observations and conclusions from your post and/or with the help of sbd and/or someone else:

You have conflated what the agencies do with what has actually been going with what has actually gone on with Trump,

and events in the past. but have provided ZILCH/NOTHING/NADA/ZERO to support your contention that the agencies you cited

in fact did what you claim!

This is total obfuscation at its finest!!

Perhaps also, you can tell/show all of us who all of your FUCKING FACT CHECKERS are and their actual documentation

before you criticize those of anyone else!

To say that these "classified documents" support your allegations and that you are one of the privileged ones to know what

they contain is at best hearsay/gossip and more likely just a BLATANT LIE!!

Just as importantly, your post unsuccessfully tries to either sweep under the rug all of your laughable and FAILED predictions about such

things for the last 31 months that Trump's reinstatement/devolution is imminent with the hopes that people will be so overwhelmed

as well as other delusions and predictions that didn't even come close to occurring.

Rather than admit that this stuff failed, your modus operandi is to move the goalposts and claim incriminating excuses/rationalizations

that these DELUSIONS are still going to occur but in "Trump-time," which for all intents and purposes with the oft-used phrase

"The check's in the mail!"

In short, if someone has no problems with posts like yours that rely upon "begging the question," poisoning the well," conflating

two distinct pieces of material when it is not at all warranted, which amounts to obfuscation as well as, lies, delusions,

massive contradictions, inconsistencies, relying on strictly one-way unsupported opinions, 100% lack of accountability and

lots more, then yeah I highly recommend that anyone who reads what you and your counterparts, sbd and doctor success

have to say as the "TRUTH" about anything and everything and don't even bother to read what people like myself have to

say even though I/we unlike you folks have documented what we have said, and MOST IMPORTANTLY FOR THESE FOLKS


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