For those of you who don't have the time or inclination to read what I and/or the entity of sbd/sheriff HOE offered last night
(I think I am going to use the word "entry" rather than "entity" in the spirit of the Forum which does include horseracing)than regarding
Trump, let me summarize what you would have to accept/believe just in the last ten hours or so from their end.
Oh yes before I begin-has anyone noticed that of late when they are unable to dismiss anything written about Trump as "fake
news" because the evidence is so overwhelming to the contrary, the sbd/sheriff HOE/doctor success entry has resorted
to terminology that all of the negativity is some kind of a "trap," and that the "evil ds" is taking the bait with no explanation as
to how/why it is a trap and what the net result will be.
In essence, this is just a continuation of their oft-used and undefined phrase "It is all part of the plan" when they have nothing else to offer.
Anyways, back to what I started to say:
In order to believe what the HOE/sbd entry stated last night, you would have to accept this on their end:
Trump is the acting CIC and always has been, but yet there is no explanation as to how/why Biden has made all of the
policy decisions since he was inaugurated about which the entry bitches and complains every day.
In addition, the entry stated last night that Trump is in exile!!
I got to say that it is quite a feat to run the country in exile, and in any event, if he really is, how is that Biden's policies are and have
always been that of the Biden administration.
In addition to the above, somehow you would have to accept that despite what I just referred to, Trump was supposed
to have been reinstated/devolutioned starting 31 months ago up until now, which if true would negate the relevance
of what they claim above because beyond a shadow of a doubt, Trump would ALREADY BE POTUS and would
have done what was needed to restore order!!
if you accept all of that, so be it and good luck!!
Momentarily in my next post you are going to get both a creative and humorous look while at the same time valid
comparison/analogy to what the sbd/sheriff joe and now doctor success posts add upto!!