
Nov 11, 2007
ps I forgot to include above he entity's claim that Damar died of cardiac arrest on the football field in Buffalo because of the

Covid Vaccination and this is not really alive to resume his football career which is obviously the case now!!

It must be nice to be privy to all of this information when virtually no one else is!! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Deep State "Gun control" is CITIZEN CONTROL

Aug 17, 2019
? Ecuador’s 2023 Candidate for President, Fernando Villavicencio, was assassinated today

He was assassinated during a campaign rally in Quito.

Villavicencio, a journalist known for his critical stance against corruption, began his career with El Universo.

His work has exposed significant government malpractices.


Nov 11, 2007
Corrected the line from last night's post.

In addition, in re-reading what sheriff HOE/sbd stated I noticed that I didn't and should have responded to this claim on their part:

"I have graphic pictures of some, but don't post them.

I see daily reports of arrests, but don't post them.

I see daily reports of trials, but don't post them."

Even the dumbest of the dumb would realize that making statements of this nature and without posting these reports would

have as much credibility of HOE/sbd existent claims that they have proof of those so-called "benevolent beings" out there

but they are not at liberty to reveal it!!

The sbd/HOE and now doctor success entity have also claimed/implied that they are some kind of insiders who are privy to information

that virtually no one else is whether it be around Trump, his reinstatement, his devoluton which according to them has been imminent

for the last thirty months, Covid, the Covid vaccination about which they claim HUNDREDS of millions of people have already

died and hundreds of millions more will follow, alleged executions of thousands of notable members of the"evil ds" at GITMO,

that in actuality Trump won the 2020 Election winning all 50 states and getting over 90% of the popular vote in so doing,

but yet have not provided even a speck of evidence of this nor told us who is relaying this information to them and why the entity

has been chosen to be the insider spokesperson.

When you couple that with what I posted late last night an which I am going to repost which in essence just points out

all of the inconsistencies, contradictions, etc. in their narrative, what you have is an incoherent and confusing mess which adds

I invite anyone out there to either defend what the sbd/sheriff joe entity stated last night to which I responded and/or

to rebut/refute anything I said in response either last night or this morning and that includes the sbd/sheriff joe entry!!

Back in about 30 minutes or so.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
? Ecuador’s 2023 Candidate for President, Fernando Villavicencio, was assassinated today

He was assassinated during a campaign rally in Quito.

Villavicencio, a journalist known for his critical stance against corruption, began his career with El Universo.

His work has exposed significant government malpractices.


This is what happens when you try and fight the Deep State head on.

This is what happened to JFK.

This is why CIC Trump is insulated and protected by the military.

Moves and countermoves.

5th Generation Warfare.

The Great Awakening.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Trump keeps setting the traps.

They keep taking the bait.

Tards keep buying the bullshit.
Tards aren't even aware there's a war going on.

How do you legally introduce evidence of election fraud? - Q

How do you get subpoena power to produce evidence?

You get charged, and then you have subpoena power.


White Hats wanted these indictments two years ago.

So did Trump.

"They had 2.5 years to file, long before the campaign started. Another Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX. Should not be allowed to happen!"

I guess the Deep State isn't THAT stupid.

Aug 17, 2019
Tards aren't even aware there's a war going on.

How do you legally introduce evidence of election fraud? - Q

How do you get subpoena power to produce evidence?

You get charged, and then you have subpoena power.


White Hats wanted these indictments two years ago.

So did Trump.

"They had 2.5 years to file, long before the campaign started. Another Russia, Russia, Russia HOAX. Should not be allowed to happen!"

I guess the Deep State isn't THAT stupid.

Tards still think ballots are votes.

How can we expect them to understand there's a war going on.

Especially the most complex and sophisitcated war in the history of humanity.

Nov 11, 2007
For those of you who don't have the time or inclination to read what I and/or the entity of sbd/sheriff HOE offered last night

(I think I am going to use the word "entry" rather than "entity" in the spirit of the Forum which does include horseracing)than regarding

Trump, let me summarize what you would have to accept/believe just in the last ten hours or so from their end.

Oh yes before I begin-has anyone noticed that of late when they are unable to dismiss anything written about Trump as "fake

news" because the evidence is so overwhelming to the contrary, the sbd/sheriff HOE/doctor success entry has resorted

to terminology that all of the negativity is some kind of a "trap," and that the "evil ds" is taking the bait with no explanation as

to how/why it is a trap and what the net result will be.

In essence, this is just a continuation of their oft-used and undefined phrase "It is all part of the plan" when they have nothing else to offer.

Anyways, back to what I started to say:

In order to believe what the HOE/sbd entry stated last night, you would have to accept this on their end:

Trump is the acting CIC and always has been, but yet there is no explanation as to how/why Biden has made all of the

policy decisions since he was inaugurated about which the entry bitches and complains every day.

In addition, the entry stated last night that Trump is in exile!!

I got to say that it is quite a feat to run the country in exile, and in any event, if he really is, how is that Biden's policies are and have

always been that of the Biden administration.

In addition to the above, somehow you would have to accept that despite what I just referred to, Trump was supposed

to have been reinstated/devolutioned starting 31 months ago up until now, which if true would negate the relevance

of what they claim above because beyond a shadow of a doubt, Trump would ALREADY BE POTUS and would

have done what was needed to restore order!!

if you accept all of that, so be it and good luck!!

Momentarily in my next post you are going to get both a creative and humorous look while at the same time valid

comparison/analogy to what the sbd/sheriff joe and now doctor success posts add upto!!

Nov 11, 2007
Ok-here goes:

Yesterday I compared the posts of the sbd/sheriff HIE and doctor success entry to a jigsaw policy with the overall conclusion that

none of what they posts amounts to anything but a scrambled, confused contradictory and inconsistent ness that can't even get out

of the starting gate!!

Today's analogy compares the overall credibility of their posts to a tag sale.

Consider this:

On a nice warm summer day, you decide to take a walk.

Well after you have walked about 100 yards or so, you notice that one of your neighbors is having a tag sale!!

You stop to take a look at some of the items that are being sold and have to pinch yourself to make sure you are awake when

you see what your neighbor is trying to sell at exorbitant prices!!

Here are some of the items on display they are trying to peddle:

Badly old rusted filthy pots and pans and silverware with prices starting at $80.

Tattered, unwashed and smelly old and used men's and women's items of clothing starting at $99.99.

A cat litter box filled with cat piss and poop and which appears not to have been cleaned or changed in weeks for

the discounted amount of $49.99(it was originally $59.99).

A set of bedsheets full of blood stains, holes caused by smoking and the uncleaned and obvious stains caused by lovemaking!!

Then you notice several pair of used diapers going for $19.99 for one and a "mere" $29.99 for the set!! lol

You continue your stroll and then notice that there is a package of Halloween Candy on display except that it no longer looks like

Holloween Candy because of the maggots and vermin that have gotten inside it and are eating it!!

This gem goes for just $9.99!!!

Then right alongside of the candy you see a badly scratched and shattered wall size mirror with a big ad atop of it that says in

caps ONE OWNER ONLY!! lol

As you continue your stroll you see a badly bloodied butcher knife with no explanation as to how it got so badly bloodied!!

You become even more unnerved when you say the asking price is a mere $.99 or best offer!!

This sends you into a frenzy and you decide to leave immediately.

As you are just about to leave, you see one curious item for sale, actually not an item but as incentive which states

that "the first ten people who buy anything today at this tag sale will receive free of charge a link to the Important

Virus Sequel Thread, where you find additional items to purchase from an entity that calls itself SportsBookDate that we

simply did not have room to display here!!

I hope some folks have as much fun reading this as I did writing it!!

Nov 11, 2007
? ? ? ? ?
View attachment 74005

"It's not even believable that such incompetence and stupidity..."

"IQ of a first grader"

Sound familiar?

The same things the op has saying about tards since the onset of the original RR thread.

This post simply shows how incompetent you are in posting a narrative that flows!!

You are quoting Trump here bashing Biden and his policies while at the same time maintaining that Trump is the CIC??

I already commented on your inconsistent and contradictory bullshit and no need to repeat!!

The implication here is that Trump doesn't realize that he is the CIC but you do!!

I rest my case, Your Honor!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

And all of them are being dealt with, one by one.


So much to clean up!

As SBD says, no war in history has ever been this complex and sophisticated.

Trump and the White Hats have it all but have to wait to expose it because there would be a civil war if done too soon.

If you read the Q drops, Q shares the exact same sentiment.

This is the only way with the least amount of suffering for the populace.

Even our TARDS are innocent pawns in this WAR and don't deserve to die just because they're hopelessly brainwashed and stupid.


Nov 11, 2007
One more thing for now, and sorry if it sounds boastful, but it is the truth based on my ability unlike many people, to be able

to BOTH "talk the talk" and "walk the walk!"

Let's just say that if was a mercenary and would even lie to get paid, if I had started this thread 41 months ago, I could

have done an INFINITELY better job of obtaining credibility and maintaining it than sbd has for the simple reason that unlike

him, I would have made sure that everything I posted made sense, was consistent/not contradictory and simply flowed smoothly

to arrive at a logical conclusion!!

In addition, I would have obviously left out entirely all of the attention-seeking/delusional/imagined and projected bullshit and lies,

all of which has destroyed his overall credibility even in political areas where he has posted opinions which are at least debatable

to some extent!!

But to be fair, it is not his fault that he doesn't have the overall capabilities and experience that I do!!

Most importantly he should look at what I, wilbur et al have done to him over the last forty-one months in this thread

and use it as a motivating force to correct the mistakes that resulted in his being exposed here for who and what

he is!!

Nov 11, 2007
View attachment 74006

And all of them are being dealt with, one by one.


As SBD says, no war in history has ever been this complex and sophisticated.

Trump and the White Hats have it all but have to wait to expose it because there would be a civil war if it's done too soon.

If you read the Q drops, Q shares the exact same sentiment.

This is the only way with the least amount of suffering for the populace.

Even our TARDS are innocent pawns in the WAR and don't deserve to die just because they're hopelessly brainwashed and stupid.


before you insult not only intelligent and objective persons reading your mindless drivel bust just as importantly YOURSELF!!

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