
Sep 5, 2010
This movie is gonna end great.

They’re coming for everyone’: Looming Georgia indictments send Trump allies running for cover​

Get ready for a mass ultra low iqanon suicide attempt.

But they are too stupid to get it done!!!!

Get ready for the return.


Soon, real soon.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Sep 5, 2010
Another ultra low iqanon bites the dust.

Man who posted threats toward President Biden killed during FBI raid​

Another shit stain erased from this planet.

Another to be removed soon, real soon.


:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

Nov 11, 2007
Strongest political potentials include Bush, Clintons, Obama, Biden.
This was supposed to be imminent 41 months ago, but wait, wait- did you forget according to you the Clintons were already

executed a couple of years ago at GITMO-did you "forget??" lol

Nov 11, 2007
Never said he wouldn’t be indicted dipstick . In fact I said he will get convicted in DC . And eventually JackMeOff will have his fingers crossed hoping his fate will be better than his previous Supreme Court annihilation .

But let us all know when he’s fitted for that orange jumpsuit and he begins that prison sentence .

It is too bad that we no longer have the original IVU Thread to see who is telling the truth here and/or who has the best memory.

I remember distinctly our debating what the chances were/are of getting indicted in the various investigations

about a year ago and let's just say that according to you, the chances of this happening were around 10% or

whereas I had them all in the 80% or higher range!!

If you dispute these figures, then let's just say that you are either a LIAR and/or have a poor and/or selective memory!!

These were pretty much the same figures when it came to conviction!!

I am not going to debate this unless you can prove otherwise, and if you can I will apologize!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
I don't think we'll ever see public executions. People just aren't ready for it. But there are some I sure would like to see.
I have graphic pictures of some, but don't post them.

I see daily reports of arrests, but don't post them.

I see daily reports of trials, but don't post them.

What I do post is provable info (receipts, documents, photos etc.) from publicly available open-sourced material.

Think about this logically..

WHY make these ongoing operations and events public? Too many idiots would lose their minds and just get in the way screaming bloody murder. So why tell the public?

Optics are critical for both sides in this information WAR.

I believe you are correct that not enough people are awake yet, which is the first thing a sober wartime CIC said when he stepped up to the podium announcing his reelection for 2024.

It would appear the REAL POTUS (in exile) wanted to return publicly before the midterms and hinted at such many times, although he was always vague and noncommittal. And the reason for that is it involved events beyond HIS the % of population "awake" willing to accept "unprecedented cures"...and countermoves from the enemy.

Moves and countermoves.

Realistically, there was never any legal road back for the REAL POTUS (in exile) unless either, the military stepped out of the shadows ("military coup" in the eyes TARDS) OR... the courts reinstated him as a result of an election-related indictment, since no judge was ever going to even entertain election fraud case on the merits lest he/she be forced into overturning the results. Note Team Trump team asking SCOTUS to once again intervene.

Another possible road back would have been the Dems removing 'Biden' themselves (25th Amendment) giving the REAL POTUS a small window to make his case..

The bottom line is that White Hats have game theoried this a million ways.

Ironically, many in Trump's inner circle were hoping these recent fake indictments would happen a lot sooner, which tells me they had to WAIT for the enemy to make their move BEFORE they could counter with their own. Now the REAL POTUS (in exile) gets DISCOVERY. Albeit two years too late, but better late than never.

War is nothing but one giant game of chess. You can't make five moves consecutively or the whole game ("The Plan") falls apart. If you're setting traps, you have to wait for the enemy to walk into them.

This isn't politics as usual.

We're at war.

It's not a shooting war or civil war, but a war nonetheless. A real war with real prisoners, like....the J6th POWs still awaiting justice. Or DS casualties like, every time a couple of SUVs with a half dozen Marines ambush a DS target and arrest them...

So 2024 gives the REAL POTUS (in exile) a realistic road back - a legitimate road back. Once elected, some of the ongoing operations and sealed indictments can slowly make their way into the public zeitgeist.

Name a single war in history with timelines? No such thing. You just keep fighting and adjusting your tactics, until the enemy either surrenders or he has no more moves left to make.



Nov 11, 2007
I have graphic pictures of some, but don't post them.

I see daily reports of arrests, but don't post them.

I see daily reports of trials, but don't post them.

What I do post is provable info (receipts, documents, photos etc.) from publicly available open-sourced material.

Think about this logically..

WHY make these ongoing operations and events public? Too many idiots would lose their minds and just get in the way screaming bloody murder. So why tell the public?

Optics are critical for both sides in this information WAR.

I believe you are correct that not enough people are awake yet, which is the first thing a sober wartime CIC said when he stepped up to the podium announcing his reelection for 2024.

It would appear the REAL POTUS (in exile) wanted to return publicly before the midterms and hinted at such many times, although he was always vague and noncommittal. And the reason for that is it involved events beyond HIS the % of population "awake" willing to accept "unprecedented cures"...and countermoves from the enemy.

Moves and countermoves.

Realistically, there was never any legal road back for the REAL POTUS (in exile) unless either, the military stepped out of the shadows ("military coup" in the eyes TARDS) OR... the courts reinstated him as a result of an election-related indictment, since no judge was ever going to even entertain election fraud case on the merits lest he/she be forced into overturning the results. Note Team Trump team asking SCOTUS to once again intervene.

Another possible road back would have been the Dems removing 'Biden' themselves (25th Amendment) giving the REAL POTUS a small window to make his case..

The bottom line is that White Hats have game theoried this a million ways.

Ironically, many in Trump's inner circle were hoping these recent fake indictments would happen a lot sooner, which tells me they had to WAIT for the enemy to make their move BEFORE they could counter with their own. Now the REAL POTUS (in exile) gets DISCOVERY. Albeit two years too late, but better late than never.

War is nothing but one giant game of chess. You can't make five moves consecutively or the whole game ("The Plan") falls apart. If you're setting traps, you have to wait for the enemy to walk into them.

This isn't politics as usual.

We're at war.

It's not a shooting war or civil war, but a war nonetheless. A real war with real prisoners, like....the J6th POWs still awaiting justice. Or DS casualties like, every time a couple of SUVs with a half dozen Marines ambush a DS target and arrest them...

So 2024 gives the REAL POTUS (in exile) a realistic road back - a legitimate road back. Once elected, some of the ongoing operations and sealed indictments can slowly make their way into the public zeitgeist.

Name a single war in history with timelines? No such thing. You just keep fighting and adjusting your tactics, until the enemy either surrenders or he has no more moves left to make.


Sorry sheriff HOE aka sbd, this doesn't fly for lots of reasons, and in essence, is nothing more than vague delusional bullshit

rationalized/"justified" by begging the question, poisoning the well and most importantly expecting that anyone

reading this will accept your premises, which are totally unprovable and in any court would be regarded as hearsay/gossip

and certainly not accepted as evidence and would be totally easily destroyed by the opposing attorney.

One of the big things that stands out to me and that you/sbd are guilty of too many times to count is you are contradicting something

you posted in the past either unintentionally or deliberately, hoping that no one will remember/catch what you posted initially

and/or if they do, they won't be able to see the contradiction/inconsistency!!

The one most obvious to me in what you posted is once again is that you are trying to revisit and change what you said previously!!

in this case, a lot of your narrative hinges on the term "REAL POTUS(in exile).

The problem with that is that the term conflates and contradicts what you have said right along that Trump is the CIC(commander

in chief)!!

No matter you or anyone else tries to twist the term to fit the narrative, the term CIC means that Trump is the ACTING commander

in chief and who makes and who has made all of the policy decisions since Inauguration Day, 2021 and not Trump!!

That in itself is a contradiction of terms unless of course you want to state that all of the policy decisions that have been

made by Biden were not in fact made by Biden but by Trump, which would result in another paradox of why and your cohorts

bitch every day if Trump is the one actually responsible for the decisions with which you disagree and not Biden!!

The rest of what you say that follows has no meaning for the simple reason that what precedes it doesn't result

im any kind of logical conclusion!!

Finally, when one considers that you/sbd and now your latest alias doctor success have done nothing since Inauguration Day but

preach/predict that devolution is "imminent," it just muddies the water even more and corroborates what I said earlier today

or yesterday about your posts equating to someone assembling 100 random pieces from 10 different jigsaw puzzles

and hoping/expecting that you can fit those thousand pieces into one definable picture/image!!

That's it for today and rest be assured that I will be posting it again because of the present late hour!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Sep 5, 2010
Another awesome document for your reading pleasure.

The Supreme Court has already rejected a key part of Trump’s defence​


Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

The stupid! It burns!

The ultra low iqanons aren't going to like how this movie ends.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Sep 5, 2010

Trump says he won’t sign Republican loyalty pledge, flouting debate requirement​

The orange encrusted buffoon is single handedly giving President Biden another term.

And the ultra low iqanons are too stupid to see it.


Soon, real soon.

Nov 11, 2007
Sorry sheriff HOE aka sbd, this doesn't fly for lots of reasons, and in essence, is nothing more than vague delusional bullshit

No matter you or anyone else tries to twist the term to fit the narrative, the term CIC means that Trump is the ACTING commander

in chief and who makes and who has made all of the policy decisions since Inauguration Day, 2021 and not Biden!!
Corrected the line from last night's post.

In addition, in re-reading what sheriff HOE/sbd stated I noticed that I didn't and should have responded to this claim on their part:

"I have graphic pictures of some, but don't post them.

I see daily reports of arrests, but don't post them.

I see daily reports of trials, but don't post them."

Even the dumbest of the dumb would realize that making statements of this nature and without posting these reports would

have as much credibility of HOE/sbd existent claims that they have proof of those so-called "benevolent beings" out there

but they are not at liberty to reveal it!!

The sbd/HOE and now doctor success entity have also claimed/implied that they are some kind of insiders who are privy to information

that virtually no one else is whether it be around Trump, his reinstatement, his devoluton which according to them has been imminent

for the last thirty months, Covid, the Covid vaccination about which they claim HUNDREDS of millions of people have already

died and hundreds of millions more will follow, alleged executions of thousands of notable members of the"evil ds" at GITMO,

that in actuality Trump won the 2020 Election winning all 50 states and getting over 90% of the popular vote in so doing,

but yet have not provided even a speck of evidence of this nor told us who is relaying this information to them and why the entity

has been chosen to be the insider spokesperson.

When you couple that with what I posted late last night an which I am going to repost which in essence just points out

all of the inconsistencies, contradictions, etc. in their narrative, what you have is an incoherent and confusing mess which adds


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