
Nov 11, 2007
Millions need to be executed for their crimes against the people.

All of their assets taken from their surviving family members also as they do not deserve the fraud money that was earned to help support them
Does that include Trump's execution also, and if not, why not??

Please be specific!!

I suggest you go back to your tower of ignorance, delusion, imagination and paranoia and come better prepared and with

more documentation next time if you want any credibility outside of the course of the existing major Trmp dolts in this thread

who have already painfully made fools of themselves by yours truly!!
Aug 17, 2019
Seriously? The Pzifer scumbag? If this is true, I'll dance a jig.

Are you at liberty to reveal any more names?
There are many, but thought friends here would like to know this one.

On this topic, you may be happy to also know Bancel was already eliminated.

Outside of Pharma you may be happy to know Rettig's fate will soon be determined.

Nov 11, 2007
Every medical administrator, doctor, etc who participated in having people take these shots, needs to be arrested, have a quick trial, found guilty with all the evidence sowing what they did, and right after put to death in public for all to see.

Also have all their assets taken from them and their families and put into a fund to pay the innocent who are suffering from these shots or compensate the families who had loved ones die from it.

The families of the guilty medical people deserve nothing from them and their ill gotten money
They should be destitute as the money they would live on was made from other people suffering.
Do you believe that HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of vaccinated people have already died from being vaccinated and that

HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS more will follow as espoused by sbd??

Please state yes or no and with an explanation for your response.

Avoiding this question all together will place you in the same category as several other well-known folks in this thread

who have shown that they are afraid to disagree with sbd when it comes to responding DIRECTLY to questions like this!!!

Nov 11, 2007
There are many, but thought friends here would like to know this one.

On this topic, you may be happy to also know Bancel was already eliminated.

Outside of Pharma you may be happy to know Rettig's fate will soon be determined.
You mean "eliminated" in the same sense that the likes of Hillary and Bill Clinton, Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros, Dr. Fauci

and many many more hundreds if not thousands of the "evil ds" "have already been eliminated!!" lol

What do you say t-hawk-do you agree with sbd that the folks he cited above along with many more have been "eliminated"

as he claims??

A simple "yes or no" will suffice!!
Sep 12, 2022
Every medical administrator, doctor, etc who participated in having people take these shots, needs to be arrested, have a quick trial, found guilty with all the evidence sowing what they did, and right after put to death in public for all to see.

Also have all their assets taken from them and their families and put into a fund to pay the innocent who are suffering from these shots or compensate the families who had loved ones die from it.

The families of the guilty medical people deserve nothing from them and their ill gotten money
They should be destitute as the money they would live on was made from other people suffering.
Damn straight. Burn 'em all in the electric chair like the scumsucking traitor Rosenbergs.
Sep 12, 2022
But savage1 somehow wins every debate.

Easy to do though when you are only ever debating yourself inside your delusional mind.

I pity the Tard.

Nov 11, 2007
You mean "eliminated" in the same sense that the likes of Hillary and Bill Clinton, Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros, Dr. Fauci

and many many more hundreds if not thousands of the "evil ds" "have already been eliminated!!" lol

What do you say t-hawk-do you agree with sbd that the folks he cited above along with many more have been "eliminated"

as he claims??

A simple "yes or no" will suffice!!
“If you play with fire, you’re gonna get burned.” — Bam Bam Bigelow

Wise words of advice, if you are a member of the neo-Nazi inherent Trump Cult in this thread and/or you, come over and side

with them, and wish to have your head handed to you on a silver platter by yours truly!!

Nov 11, 2007
But savage1 somehow wins every debate.

Easy to do though when you are only ever debating yourself inside your delusional mind.
Actually, the above is factually incorrect because chicken-shi ts like yourself will not debate me and PRETEND to put me on ignore

for the simple reason that if they did openly engage openly in an actual debate me, they would be knocked out in the first ten

seconds of the first round!!

At the very least find some new cliches, mantras and hackneyed expressions when you post as the current ones that

you have used too many times to count remind me of a guy who has used the same wig for ten years and has not washed it

even once, making it "a little noticeable!!" lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Another good read for the ultra low iqanons.

He's In Trouble': GOP Governor Spots Major Warning For Trump In Latest Polls​

New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu (R) said Donald Trump is “in trouble” and that voters shouldn’t assume he has the Republican presidential nomination locked up.

While polls have Trump far ahead of his rivals, Sununu said on Fox News they also expose a key weakness, especially recent polls of New Hampshire that show the former president’s support maxing out in the high 30s and low 40s there.

“That means 60 percent of the people don’t want him,” he said in comments clipped by Mediaite. “And even of his own supporters, a recent poll said 50 percent would go to somebody else if given a good option. So, he’s in trouble when you really narrow it down.”

Matbe Porkie the Pig can post a better poll.

50% of his ultra low iqanon supporters won't vote for the orange encrusted buffoon.

We have it all.

Can't wait for the end of this movie.

There will be a lot of ultra low iqanon tears!

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:




Nov 11, 2007
Dr. Savage1 is now officially out until around 10:00 in order to chow down, watch some baseball and some news

and commentary of the day.

As always, upon my return(which will be REAL return as opposed to Trump's made-up/fantasized one), I will as always

address whatever is posted in my absence!!

Until then do/post whatever floats your boat including fantasizing that Trump is going to win the 2024 Election!!

Bye-bye for now!!
Aug 17, 2019

Fake news wants you to believe it's "climate change" - IT'S NOT!

Screen Shot 2023-08-10 at 6.13.34 PM.png

A very good friend of mine took this photo on Kauai, moments before the fires started in the exact location of impact.

If you followed the RR thread, you know I called out DEWs many times, including the massive fires in Australia during the plandemic.

The op also pointed you to the fires of Paradise, CA, also started by DEW.

The fires fake news wanted you to think were started by a "campfire".


Sep 21, 2004
What is DEW…

Nov 11, 2007
What is DEW…
Although it was strictly unintentional on your part, thanks for the question and great set up!!

In answer to your question, DEW is an alternate spelling of DOO as in DOO-DOO, the current state that Trump and his supporters including

those in this thread currently find themselves with all possible exits closed out due to the efforts of Jack Smith!!

Nov 11, 2007

Fake news wants you to believe it's "climate change" - IT'S NOT!

View attachment 74017

A very good friend of mine took this photo on Kauai, moments before the fires started in the exact location of impact.

Guess what-a "very good friend of mine" told me that this is a fake photo, so there!!
If you followed the RR thread, you know I called out DEWs many times, including the massive fires in Australia during the plandemic.
If you followed the RR thread and now this one, you would realize that sbd claimed many times that and still doe such things

that Trump won all fifty states in the 2020 Election and got over 90% of the Population Vote!!

He also claimed and predicted hundreds if not thousands of times over the last 31 months that Trump's reinstatement/devolution

was/is imminent!!
The op also pointed you to the fires of Paradise, CA, also started by DEW.
Unproven hearsay/gossip and most importantly begs the question and poisons the well and offers ZERO proof that what he said

is true in the first place!!
The fires fake news wanted you to think were started by a "campfire".
Once again sbd is begging the question and poisoning the well and with zero proof that his unsupported OPINION


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
What is the "Trump Card"?

Most of the country already knows what happened on that horrifying night in Nov 2020, but there are still those annoying stubborn holdouts who flat out refuse to listen to reason and facts, mostly because their FAKE NEWS and their fake "fact checkers" have created this impenetrable wall shielding them from reality.

We all know who they are. Indeed, most are on Ignore.

The "Trump Card" will change all that and then some.

What is the "Trump Card"?

The "Trump Card" is prima facia evidence of election fraud - untainted military data sufficient to be established as irrefutable entered into the record.

History will record it as the "official story" of Election 2020, and the moment the Deep State was "obliterated"

Now, take a step back from what most of you already know about these RIGGED elections and focus on optics, nothing else.

If it were perceived President Trump was playing the "Trump Card" on HIS terms by calling a press conference, posting something on social media or sharing in an interview, it just wouldn't have that same forceful impact. Sure the vast majority would still believe.. but still not quite enough. Certainly not enough of the public to buy into something drastic like, oh...I dunno... "military is the only way"?

And we know the corrupt media would somehow fact-check bullshit their way out of it.

Right? Right.

Furthermore, almost assuredly, the Deep State would stage a false flag to clog the news cycle, once again distracting the still sleeping sheep from THE TRUTH.

You see - and this is really CRITICAL to understand - the "Trump Card" can only be played IF the enemy perceives it to be on THEIR terms.


In other words... a TRAP!



You see how this game works?

President Trump is already billing this "THE TRIAL OF THE CENTURY!" which, safe to say, would draw the largest TV audience for any trial or public hearing in history. Perhaps even one of the largest global audiences for any event EVER, depending how explosive the trials.

Everyone will be watching! EVERYONE!

Adam Schiff recently tweeted the trials should be televised, so either White Hats took over his account, or he cut a deal and is now playing his assigned "role" luring the most stubborn holdouts to the Trump Show.

Pay absolutely no attention to these laughable Deep State fake "paper indictments", which frankly aren't worth the paper they're written on. Their only purpose is to GET YOUR ATTENTION TO TUNE IN!

President Trump told us this would would happen...long before he became president.

He KNEW the Deep State would come after him with everything they had, and gladly took all the slings and arrows for the country and people he so loves. Don't worry, the CIC fully insulated and protected.

As the REAL POTUS (in exile) recently Truthed, "It's my great honor to be arrested for you" and, "I just need one more indictment to be elected!"

Isn't this fun? I mean, if you're going to "obliterate" your enemies, you may as well have a blast doing it, right?

You KNOW he wanted to be back before the 2022 midterms..

You KNOW he can't wait to put on a show on a global stage with every television and online streaming service tuned in.

You KNOW the Lion is ready to roar and ravage and devour his enemies in front of the entire world!

The hero ("Batman") who saved America from EVIL.. and the world. It's who Donald John Trump is and always aspired to be.

And to think election fraud is just the appetizer..

Get ready for the "TRUMP CARD"

Game on!


Nov 11, 2007
What is the "Trump Card"?

View attachment 74025
Most of the country already knows what happened on that horrifying night in Nov 2020, but there are still those annoying stubborn holdouts who flat out refuse to listen to reason and facts, mostly because their FAKE NEWS and their fake "fact checkers" have created this impenetrable wall shielding them from reality.

We all know who they are. Indeed, most are on Ignore.

The "Trump Card" will change all that and then some.

What is the "Trump Card"?

The "Trump Card" is prima facia evidence of election fraud - untainted military data sufficient to be established as irrefutable entered into the record.

History will record it as the "official story" of Election 2020, and the moment the Deep State was "obliterated"

Now, take a step back from what most of you already know about these RIGGED elections and focus on optics, nothing else.

If it were perceived President Trump was playing the "Trump Card" on HIS terms by calling a press conference, posting something on social media or sharing in an interview, it just wouldn't have that same forceful impact. Sure the vast majority would still believe.. but still not quite enough. Certainly not enough of the public to buy into something drastic like, oh...I dunno... "military is the only way"?

And we know the corrupt media would somehow fact-check bullshit their way out of it.

Right? Right.

Furthermore, almost assuredly, the Deep State would stage a false flag to clog the news cycle, once again distracting the still sleeping sheep from THE TRUTH.

You see - and this is really CRITICAL to understand - the "Trump Card" can only be played IF the enemy perceives it to be on THEIR terms.


In other words... a TRAP!


View attachment 74026

You see how this game works?

President Trump is already billing this "THE TRIAL OF THE CENTURY!" which, safe to say, would draw the largest TV audience for any trial or public hearing in history. Perhaps even one of the largest global audiences for any event EVER, depending how explosive the trials.

Everyone will be watching! EVERYONE!

Adam Schiff recently tweeted the trials should be televised, so either White Hats took over his account, or he cut a deal and is now playing his assigned "role" luring the most stubborn holdouts to the Trump Show.

Pay absolutely no attention to these laughable Deep State fake "paper indictments", which frankly aren't worth the paper they're written on. Their only purpose is to GET YOUR ATTENTION TO TUNE IN!

President Trump told us this would would happen...long before he became president.

He KNEW the Deep State would come after him with everything they had, and gladly took all the slings and arrows for the country and people he so loves. Don't worry, the CIC fully insulated and protected.

As the REAL POTUS (in exile) recently Truthed, "It's my great honor to be arrested for you" and, "I just need one more indictment to be elected!"

Isn't this fun? I mean, if you're going to "obliterate" your enemies, you may as well have a blast doing it, right?

You KNOW he wanted to be back before the 2022 midterms..

You KNOW he can't wait to put on a show on a global stage with every television and online streaming service tuned in.

You KNOW the Lion is ready to roar and ravage and devour his enemies in front of the entire world!

The hero ("Batman") who saved America from EVIL.. and the world. It's who Donald John Trump is and always aspired to be.

And to think election fraud is just the appetizer..

Get ready for the "TRUMP CARD"

Game on!

In essence, this is simply a rehash of the bullshit posted earlier today with a few words changed to make it from whoever wrote it,

and to whom you did even give credit for writing it.

There is no point in writing a new response to something which essentially is nothing new.

Therefore I will let my original response today serve as a response, which covers all bases in your lats bullshit:

Here you go:

"These are my observations and conclusions from your post and/or with the help of sbd and/or someone else:

You have conflated what the agencies do with what has actually been going with what has actually gone on with Trump,

and events in the past. but have provided ZILCH/NOTHING/NADA/ZERO to support your contention that the agencies you cited

in fact did what you claim!

This is total obfuscation at its finest!!

Perhaps also, you can tell/show all of us who all of your FUCKING FACT CHECKERS are and their actual documentation

before you criticize those of anyone else!

To say that these "classified documents" support your allegations and that you are one of the privileged ones to know what

they contain is at best hearsay/gossip and more likely just a BLATANT LIE!!

Just as importantly, your post unsuccessfully tries to either sweep under the rug all of your laughable and FAILED predictions about such

things for the last 31 months that Trump's reinstatement/devolution is imminent with the hopes that people will be so overwhelmed

as well as other delusions and predictions that didn't even come close to occurring.

Rather than admit that this stuff failed, your modus operandi is to move the goalposts and claim incriminating excuses/rationalizations

that these DELUSIONS are still going to occur but in "Trump-time," which for all intents and purposes with the oft-used phrase

"The check's in the mail!"

In short, if someone has no problems with posts like yours that rely upon "begging the question," poisoning the well," conflating

two distinct pieces of material when it is not at all warranted, which amounts to obfuscation as well as, lies, delusions,

massive contradictions, inconsistencies, relying on strictly one-way unsupported opinions, 100% lack of accountability and

lots more, then yeah I highly recommend that anyone who reads what you and your counterparts, sbd and doctor success

have to say as the "TRUTH" about anything and everything and don't even bother to read what people like myself have to

say even though I/we unlike you folks have documented what we have said, and MOST IMPORTANTLY FOR THESE FOLKS


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