
Nov 11, 2007
Challenges ? Lol .

Feel free to point out the clips from the head BASHIng Dana got to back up your Lauro got crushed statement .

And I wish I had the slightest clue about what your totally irrelevant first sentence meant to said clip .
Ok lets start with this post and about my irrelevant post about the SCOTUS:

Here is what I asked:

Who appointed three of the members of the existing SCOTUS members-how about a former ex-POTUS!!

Here is a capsule summary of the three Trump appointees-just read the headline for now:

First, for me the operative question is did Trump appoint these people with no regard to his own personal convictions and opinions,

yes or no??

Also, do you think along the same lines that Trump might have appointed these people in case he found himself in a constitutional crisis

such as he finds himself hoping and/or assuming that they would rule in his favor, yes or no?

if you answer "no," there is no point in continuing without an explanation on your part.

Now let's take a similar look at Biden.

Do you think that he appointed Garland as AG along the same lines that Trump appointed his three SCOTUS appointments??

Do you think along the same lines, that Jack Smith was appointed by Garland as an extension of this??

In essence as in Trump's case above, if the answer is not, we can end he discussion right now unless you can explain why not.

To cut to the choice and using my logic, imo there is absolutely no difference in the modus operandi of Trump and Biden.

My conclusion is that if one wishes to state the DOJ has been victimized/criminalized by Biden, in the same manner, I can

say the same thing about Trump's choices foe the SCOTUS!!

Nov 11, 2007
ICYMI the first time .

Anyone who has his mind made up that there is NO WAY Trump will ever be President has no right asking a question about things changing between now and the election regardless of how many times or different ways you ask .
Ok let's go with part 2 and you trying to compare my contention of Trump having no chance to be elected POTUS as a rationalization/

weak excuse so as not to answer the question in my post about your static approach to everything and not even allowing even

the possibility that the economic conditions as they exist now could change one way for the better or worse the polling data between

now and the Election to impact who people vote for.

Where your rationale and reasoning go astray is that unlike you I gave specific reasons looking ahead as to why Trump won't win

the Election and very possibly even the nomination.

Whether my scenarios come true or not, unlike you at least I consider what the future might hold.

In fact a few days ago and to be fair, I even stated that if my scenario doesn't unfold pretty much as I see it looking ahead,

Trump could be elected, although I consider it very unlikely.

Conversely, you see any polling data today that favors Trump as a given and that cannot and will not change between now and the Election.

I amended his in the last day or so to state that if the present data and conditions ARE NOT favorable to Trump, you CAN AND

WILL change your tune about the future and make predictions and scenarios such as you did with Jack Smith so that

Trump still comes out as the winner!!

That's it!!

ps Just as importantly, you continue to refuse to answer the question as to why you will not openly disagree with sbd about

anything when you obviously do and instead, refuse to answer and/or run away and hide or change the subject!!
Sep 12, 2022
Government, Big Pharma, and their lapdog MSM, were complicit in violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code with their Covid vaccine campaign.

1. Were the public given “voluntary informed consent”?
-No❌ -We were lied to, and told everything was 100% safe.

2. Was the result good for society?
-No❌ -It did NOT stop transmission and has proven to be harmful to many who were at little to no risk from Covid.

3. Were there prior experimentations on animals the “justify the performance of the experiment”?
-No❌ -Animal experiments were conducted, but the results and validity of the data are in question due to the lack of data, and lack of safety/efficacy in humans.

4. Did they “avoid all unnecessary physical or mental injury”?
-No❌ -We were subject to 24/7 propaganda, brainwashing, and coercion from employers, media, and government entities. Not to mention the negative vaccine side effects such as Pericarditis and Myocarditis.

5. Did they stop possible “lethal or disabling procedures”?
-No❌ -Government health agencies continued to push the experimental shots despite the debilitating side effects and potential death. They went great lengths to cover up VAERS and all talk of vaccine injuries on social media.

6. Did the “degree of risk outweigh the benefits”?
-No❌ -99% of people were not at risk from SARS-CoV-2, and the experimental mRNA shots did not prevent transmission.

7. Were proper preparations and facilities prepared to prevent “remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death”?
-No❌ -Subjects were brainwashed and largely unaware they were being experimented on and did not know they were at risk of injury, disability, and potentially death.

8. Were the experimentations conducted by only the “scientifically qualified”?
-No❌ -Scientists who spoke out about the mRNA shots were silenced, censored, and intimidated by government agencies. Pharma propagandists coerced lower level public health workers to administer shots that they did not know the true data about. The doctors didn’t KNOW the vaccines were safe, they were told they were safe. They were wrong.

9. Can participants “freely end the experiment”?
-No❌ -Most of them don’t know they are being experimented on, and even if they do, permanent alterations have been made to their bodies via mRNA technology that cannot be undone as far as we know.

10. Did they stop the experiment when it “proved to be dangerous”?
-No❌ -Not only did they not stop, they kept going, doubled down, and abused government emergency powers to silence and censor US citizens who spoke about the real dangers of the mRNA vaccines on social media.

This may not officially be accepted as law, but the actions of our government violate all medical ethical standards and infringe upon the basic human rights recognized by every sovereign nation on the planet.

We will have Justice.

Nuremberg 2.0

And millions of people were still stupid enough to take it.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
About those pesky Trump Executive Orders (the ones "Biden" keeps renewing)..

Executive Order 13848 -- Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

Executive Order 13818 -- Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

"Quick Trials" ? ? ? MILITARY TRIBUNALS

If you believe the FAKE NEWS, you'll never know.

But if you follow this thread, you KNOW..


Nov 11, 2007
When Trump wins in '24
We take the Tards off Ignore
You won't have to take me off ignore doctor success aka sbd/sheriff HOE because as promised, I will PERMANENTLY exit from this

thread because Trump will no longer be a candidate one way or another to be POTUS!

I actually expect this to occur by sometime relatively early in 2024 if not before then!!

Nov 11, 2007
About those pesky Trump Executive Orders (the ones "Biden" keeps renewing)..

Executive Order 13848 -- Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

Executive Order 13818 -- Blocking the Property of Persons Involved in Serious Human Rights Abuse or Corruption

"Quick Trials" ? ? ? MILITARY TRIBUNALS

If you believe the FAKE NEWS, you'll never know.

But if you follow this thread, you KNOW..

ok Hoe/sbd/doctor success if you say so!! lol

For those who just came out of a coma, we have the same FAILED prediction about the elimination of the "evil ds" and

that it was/"imminent" 41 months ago when sbd started this thread and for the last 31 months since Biden was inaugurated,

that Trump's return/reinstatement/devolution was also "imminent!!"

I will leave it to all intelligent and objective people to decide how to regard the latest predictions regarding the laughable/non-existent,

projections regarding alleged military tribunals, executions, etc!!
Sep 12, 2022
How many brainwashed idiots will fall for another scamdemic, a cyber attack, a fake nuclear war or whatever bullshit the desperate DS unleashes last minute trying to stop Trump again?

Almost everyone I know fell for the virus hoax and almost all of them would fall for another scam. Look at how many of them have turned on Trump, because he didn't declare martial law in 2020. They're all looking at him to save their scrawny lives; they're all crying about revolution, secession, civil war, why isn't the deep state drained yet? While having no intention to participate in any of those things themselves were they to happen.


Nov 11, 2007
How many brainwashed idiots will fall for another scamdemic, a cyber attack, a fake nuclear war or whatever bullshit the desperate DS unleashes last minute trying to stop Trump again?

Perhaps if you are alive long enough, the admitting officer of the Twilight Zone may actually allow you admittance to wherever they

exist even though at the moment you have ZERO chance of admittance because even these folks believe that your views are simply

too demented and out of touch with reality for them!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Almost everyone I know fell for the virus hoax and almost all of them would fall for another scam. Look at how many of them have turned on Trump, because he didn't declare martial law in 2020. They're all looking at him to save their scrawny lives; they're all crying about revolution, secession, civil war, why isn't the deep state drained yet? While having no intention to participate in any of those things themselves were they to happen.

View attachment 73897
is this your definition of a hoax!!

If you truly believe it is a hoax and are unvaccinated, I strongly suggest that you go to a hospital ward full of covid patients and request

all of them to cough in your face and then see if what you say is true in the upcoming days and weeks!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


Nov 11, 2007
From the fake vaccine. Someone dumb enough to take it. Yet they blame Trump for everything.

View attachment 73898
And of course, as we all know according to your other posting names, one of which is sbd, that "Hundreds of people who have

been vaccinated for Covid have already died and that hundred of millions more will follow!! lol
Sep 12, 2022
At this point, the only people who oppose a third term for Trump are homosexual child molesters. Everyone else wants a third term. If you hear someone say anything disparaging about Trump, you know with 100% certainty that they are a homo pedophile.
Wow, this confirms everything posted earlier today.


Regular readers of The Anti-New York Times should know by now that the results of the 2024 Republican Primaries -- if they even occur at all -- are already a foregone conclusion. Under the script being directed by the current emergency / transitional military government (COG / Continuity of Government) -- the true Commander In Chief, Donald J Trump, will, one way or another, be "officially" reinstated. The goofy gaggle of make-believe candidates seeking the GOP nomination are only there for show -- and they all know it.

One of the most amusing aspects of this controlled circus is the way in which Trump has used it to humiliate the odious and obese Chris Christie -- and now, his former snake-in-the-grass Vice President, Mike Pence. Whether or not Christie is actually "Christie" -- or Pence is actually "Pence" -- is impossible to say in this historic time of pervasive CGI / Skin Mask Deep-Fakery. What is very clear, however, is that Trump is having some fun in beating up on these despicable characters. The relentless fat-shaming of Elephant Christie, though admittedly a bit juvenile, is as well-deserved as it is entertaining. Take it from this New Jerseyite, our egomaniacal and abusive former governor deserves the humiliating beat-down.




1. Christie -- nachos & cheese in hand -- confronts a heckler at the ball park. // 2. Christie -- ice cream in hand -- confronts another heckler on the boardwalk. // 3. A recent Trump post mocks Christie's eating habits (so delightful to see a notorious bully like Christie get his comeuppance from Trump!)

The Pence character was clearly tasked with self-destruction (just like the "mistakes" made by Ron DeSantis). No Republican in their right mind would seriously expect to win a primary by repeating the lie that Trump tried to overthrow an honest election. Yet that's exactly what Pence just did. While "campaigning" in New Hampshire -- as some were chanting "traitor!" -- Pence told Trump supporters to "read the Constitution." That ought to win them over! (rolling eyes)

From the article:

"Former Vice President Mike Pence on Wednesday said that former President Donald J. Trump and his advisers had tried to get him “essentially to overturn the election” and that the American people needed to know it.

Trump has begun to counterattack Pence. To one who understands the "comms," Trump's latest attack -- posted at Truth Social -- was devastating -- though probably not 1 in 100 TS readers -- and not 1 in 500 in the outside world -- actually understood what he was telling us. Here's the post:

“WOW, it’s finally happened! Liddle’ Mike Pence, a man who was about to be ousted as Governor (of) Indiana until I came along and made him V.P., has gone to the Dark Side. ...... He’s delusional, and now he wants to show he’s a tough guy.” (emphasis added)

Strong words, but nothing really newsworthy --- unless and until one understands the hidden meaning of the term "Liddle'" -- and it isn't slang for "little." Trump then followed up with another "Liddle'" reference regarding Pence. Both posted below in Column 2.



Liddle' Mike Pemce


Again -- Liddle' Mike Pemce
1. Pence is despised by Trump supporters because he went along with certifying a fraudulent election (as the White Hats running the STING OPERATION knew that he would). // 2. What does "Liddle'" mean?


These recent posts about Pence now mark the third time that Trump has used the prefix "Liddle'" in front of the name of a political enemy. Last October, following the sudden "resignation" of anti-Trump Republican Senator Benn Sasse, Trump truthed:

"Great news for the United States Senate, and our Country itself. Liddle’ Ben Sasse, the lightweight Senator from the great State of Nebraska, will be resigning."

A few years earlier, Trump had also tagged pedo-monster Congressman Adam Schiff as "Liddle' Adam Schiff. But neither Sasse, nor Schiff nor Pence are exactly short (5' 10," 5' 11" & 5' 10" respectively). Might 'Liddle" have something to do with the creepy "Liddle Kidz Foundation" (which Schiff was involved with)that provides "infant massages" and "pediatric touch therapy?" Hmmm? Yes, of course it does!

Assertions of Pence's pedo predilection -- based on testimony -- have been circulating online for years -- most notably spread by Georgia Attorney Lin Wood. But now, with Trump's branding of his former VP as "Liddle'" -- we are quite confident that the accusations were true after all. There can be no doubt: The Donald is the scourge of child rapists!




1. "Liddle'" Adam -- Trump's most hateful nemesis in all of Congress -- doing some "touch therapy" down in the pedo-monster / Clinton Foundation haven of Haiti! // 2. "Liddle'" Ben Sasse of Nebraska was once considered presidential material. Then he "resigned."

Nov 11, 2007
Hmm-I just noticed that doctor success aka sheriff HOE just pleaded his case in the Devolution Thread.

Has anyone besides me considered why that thread has remained since March 24 and all of a sudden has a number of hits today

by the founder, sheriff joe aka doctor success??

The words that quickly come to mind to me include "desperation," "fear," "anger" "panic," jealousy, and "frustration," and why not in view of

the fact that Jack Smith and the legal system is about ready to DESTROY Trump!!

In addition, as anyone who has studied psychology knows, when the mind is unable to psychologically and emotionally unable to

handle events that are not to their liking, many times their subconscious takes over and gives them escape outlets to take off some of the


Imo this scenario is unfolding now with lots of Trump diehards including those in this thread!!

Nov 11, 2007
ps The barrage of lengthy posts just released as I was just released by doctor success/sheriff HOE/sbd as I was typing my previous

post simply corroborates what I just said about the emotions they are feeling and the psychological and emotional reasons for

so doing!!

Thanks guys for making my job even easier than it already is!!:specool::specool::specool:

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