
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
That look you make when you've taken SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY PLANES worth of GOLD from the Vatican.

? ? ?




Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Trump has EVERTHING.

Confirmation of the 2020 Election Steal (we know they watched and logged it all in realtime from that SCIF)…

All the goods on the Biden Family treason…

All the evidence of the multiple Unconstitutional actions taken against President Trump ??? Treason and Sedition at the highest level….

All of the cabal's secret human trafficking and pedo rings.

All the upcoming DECLAS (ALL documents of Deep State assassinations, 911, false flag shootings, DOJ/FBI/FBI/DHS programs weaponized against We The People etc...)







Nov 11, 2007
Trump has EVERTHING.

Confirmation of the 2020 Election Steal (we know they watched and logged it all in realtime from that SCIF)…

All the goods on the Biden Family treason…

All the evidence of the multiple Unconstitutional actions taken against President Trump ??? Treason and Sedition at the highest level….

All of the cabal's secret human trafficking and pedo rings.

All the upcoming DECLAS (ALL documents of Deep State assassinations, 911, false flag shootings, DOJ/FBI/FBI/DHS programs weaponized against We The People etc...)





View attachment 73889

Yes of course you have it all right, so right in fact that Biden is, has been and always will be the CIC no matter how hard you

say he is not with your laughable, inconsistent, sophomoric lies, demented projections and illusions to the contrary!!

Just be prepared for some scrambling for errors, sheriff Hoe, once Trump is convicted and your bubble officially breaks!!

Nov 11, 2007

Laura LOOSER to the rescue!! lol

If Laura the LOOSER REALLY wants a job in the future with Trump,, she might consider putting in an application for some

kind of janitorial position, a prison guard, etc. at the federal penitentiary where Trump is going to be domiciled!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
lol-Dana Bash put this mercenary incompetent attorney in his place and left him beaten to a pulp!!

The only "skill" this latest charlatan has is to say the right things to make Donny happy by praising him and getting him to

believe he is going to win while at the same time collecting a nice big fat paycheck by so doing!!

Her target audience chimes in .

They’re better off interviewing their own . She had as good a day as Sleepy Eyes Schmuck Todd did yesterday with Lauro .

This isn’t by the Biden admin, It’s by the Special Counsel .

Well Dana who appointed the special counsel ?

Let’s move on

Lol !

Nov 11, 2007
Her target audience chimes in .

They’re better off interviewing their own . She had as good a day as Sleepy Eyes Schmuck Todd did yesterday with Lauro .

This isn’t by the Biden admin, It’s by the Special Counsel .

Well Dana who appointed the special counsel ?

Let’s move on

Lol !
Lauro got absolutely CRUSHED yesterday by Dana as well as by Chuck Todd!!

And most importantly why should any intelligent and objective anything you offer when after multiple requests you still refused

to respond to my questions over the weekend which follow!!

How come, Lenny Boy-could it "possible because I made some valid points for which you have no response and/or you

so stubborn to admit that I have some valid points!!

Here you go, Lenny Boy, once ago and now go hide under the bed until you decide it is safe to come out, which in fact will

be soon as I have dinner and watch some sports and news.

Here you go, Lenny once again!!

"This time the question was/is can the economy or other matters in the country between now and the primaries and/or

the Election that can have an election on Trump's fate and/or how people perceive them which could possibly alter

your static polling data as it exits today as how it is right before the Election??

Your total lack of response to DIRECTLY answer this, not answer it all and/or try to change the subject tells me that you do not have

any kind of response to refute the implication of what I said about your static approach to one which is more dynamic and at least

considers the possibility that things can change between now and then!!

Actually, I want to modify want a little bit.

As I see it, your static approach to Trump, Biden, etc. and using today only as the standard applies ONLY if what is today bodes well

for Trump and badly for Biden whether it be polling data or something else!!

However in your one-way approach, if what exists now for example is bad for Trump, then you can and will use

the future and make predictions to try to convert the bad into good.

The most glaring example of this is Jack Smith.

Right now Trump is in deep doo-doo with the law whether you agree with the charges or not largely because of Jack Smith's


That said, as you are unable to find anything in your static approach to bail Trump out, in this case, you use a more

dynamic approach and make a future prediction that Jack Smith will fail in his efforts when all is said and done.

To cut to the chase, using the Lenny Lenbo methodology, it is a case of wanting to have it both ways to promote your

agenda-in short it is heads Lenny wins and tails you lose and Lenny still wins!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Lauro got absolutely CRUSHED yesterday by Dana as well as by Chuck Todd!!

And most importantly why should any intelligent and objective anything you offer when after multiple requests you still refused

to respond to my questions over the weekend which follow!!

How come, Lenny Boy-could it "possible because I made some valid points for which you have no response and/or you

so stubborn to admit that I have some valid points!!

Here you go, Lenny Boy, once ago and now go hide under the bed until you decide it is safe to come out, which in fact will

be soon as I have dinner and watch some sports and news.

Here you go, Lenny once again!!

"This time the question was/is can the economy or other matters in the country between now and the primaries and/or

the Election that can have an election on Trump's fate and/or how people perceive them which could possibly alter

your static polling data as it exits today as how it is right before the Election??

Your total lack of response to DIRECTLY answer this, not answer it all and/or try to change the subject tells me that you do not have

any kind of response to refute the implication of what I said about your static approach to one which is more dynamic and at least

considers the possibility that things can change between now and then!!

Actually, I want to modify want a little bit.

As I see it, your static approach to Trump, Biden, etc. and using today only as the standard applies ONLY if what is today bodes well

for Trump and badly for Biden whether it be polling data or something else!!

However in your one-way approach, if what exists now for example is bad for Trump, then you can and will use

the future and make predictions to try to convert the bad into good.

The most glaring example of this is Jack Smith.

Right now Trump is in deep doo-doo with the law whether you agree with the charges or not largely because of Jack Smith's


That said, as you are unable to find anything in your static approach to bail Trump out, in this case, you use a more

dynamic approach and make a future prediction that Jack Smith will fail in his efforts when all is said and done.

To cut to the chase, using the Lenny Lenbo methodology, it is a case of wanting to have it both ways to promote your

agenda-in short it is heads Lenny wins and tails you lose and Lenny still wins!!

Who appointed JackMeOff Dana ?

I can’t hear you activist .

? ? ? ?


Nov 11, 2007
Hey, Lenny Lenbo-at the risk of your having to issue a spoiler alert, can you give us some kind of inkling as to who you will dutifully

serve next as the reincarnated condom you will serve if Trump is tossed into the slammer or at the very least is not the nominee

and/or does not win the Presidency!!

Nov 11, 2007
Who appointed JackMeOff Dana ?

I can’t hear you activist .

? ? ? ?

Who appointed three of the members of the existing SCOTUS members-how about a former ex-POTUS!!

Now go ponder how to answer that question along with the ones I just dismembered with you with multiple

times and for which you have no answers!!

All I can say is stick to spewing forth your ine-way thought with folks of your ilk before engaging people who know how

to intelligently engage in discussions and UNLIKE YOU, don't run away and hide when confronted by legitimate points

and questions!!

Back and later on, Lennio, and please offer at least a little bit of a challenge when I return!!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Government, Big Pharma, and their lapdog MSM, were complicit in violating all 10 points of the Nuremberg Code with their Covid vaccine campaign.

1. Were the public given “voluntary informed consent”?
-No❌ -We were lied to, and told everything was 100% safe.

2. Was the result good for society?
-No❌ -It did NOT stop transmission and has proven to be harmful to many who were at little to no risk from Covid.

3. Were there prior experimentations on animals the “justify the performance of the experiment”?
-No❌ -Animal experiments were conducted, but the results and validity of the data are in question due to the lack of data, and lack of safety/efficacy in humans.

4. Did they “avoid all unnecessary physical or mental injury”?
-No❌ -We were subject to 24/7 propaganda, brainwashing, and coercion from employers, media, and government entities. Not to mention the negative vaccine side effects such as Pericarditis and Myocarditis.

5. Did they stop possible “lethal or disabling procedures”?
-No❌ -Government health agencies continued to push the experimental shots despite the debilitating side effects and potential death. They went great lengths to cover up VAERS and all talk of vaccine injuries on social media.

6. Did the “degree of risk outweigh the benefits”?
-No❌ -99% of people were not at risk from SARS-CoV-2, and the experimental mRNA shots did not prevent transmission.

7. Were proper preparations and facilities prepared to prevent “remote possibilities of injury, disability, or death”?
-No❌ -Subjects were brainwashed and largely unaware they were being experimented on and did not know they were at risk of injury, disability, and potentially death.

8. Were the experimentations conducted by only the “scientifically qualified”?
-No❌ -Scientists who spoke out about the mRNA shots were silenced, censored, and intimidated by government agencies. Pharma propagandists coerced lower level public health workers to administer shots that they did not know the true data about. The doctors didn’t KNOW the vaccines were safe, they were told they were safe. They were wrong.

9. Can participants “freely end the experiment”?
-No❌ -Most of them don’t know they are being experimented on, and even if they do, permanent alterations have been made to their bodies via mRNA technology that cannot be undone as far as we know.

10. Did they stop the experiment when it “proved to be dangerous”?
-No❌ -Not only did they not stop, they kept going, doubled down, and abused government emergency powers to silence and censor US citizens who spoke about the real dangers of the mRNA vaccines on social media.

This may not officially be accepted as law, but the actions of our government violate all medical ethical standards and infringe upon the basic human rights recognized by every sovereign nation on the planet.

We will have Justice.

Nuremberg 2.0


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Who appointed three of the members of the existing SCOTUS members-how about a former ex-POTUS!!

Now go ponder how to answer that question along with the ones I just dismembered with you with multiple

times and for which you have no answers!!

All I can say is stick to spewing forth your ine-way thought with folks of your ilk before engaging people who know how

to intelligently engage in discussions and UNLIKE YOU, don't run away and hide when confronted by legitimate points

and questions!!

Back and later on, Lennio, and please offer at least a little bit of a challenge when I return!!


Challenges ? Lol .

Feel free to point out the clips from the head BASHIng Dana got to back up your Lauro got crushed statement .

And I wish I had the slightest clue about what your totally irrelevant first sentence meant to said clip .

Nov 11, 2007
Challenges ? Lol .

Feel free to point out the clips from the head BASHIng Dana got to back up your Lauro got crushed statement .

And I wish I had the slightest clue about what your totally irrelevant first sentence meant to said clip .
Here you go, Lenny once again!!

"This time the question was/is can the economy or other matters in the country between now and the primaries and/or

the Election that can have an election on Trump's fate and/or how people perceive them which could possibly alter

your static polling data as it exits today as how it is right before the Election??

Your total lack of response to DIRECTLY answer this, not answer it all and/or try to change the subject tells me that you do not have

any kind of response to refute the implication of what I said about your static approach to one which is more dynamic and at least

considers the possibility that things can change between now and then!!

Actually, I want to modify want a little bit.

As I see it, your static approach to Trump, Biden, etc. and using today only as the standard applies ONLY if what is today bodes well

for Trump and badly for Biden whether it be polling data or something else!!

However in your one-way approach, if what exists now for example is bad for Trump, then you can and will use

the future and make predictions to try to convert the bad into good.

The most glaring example of this is Jack Smith.

Right now Trump is in deep doo-doo with the law whether you agree with the charges or not largely because of Jack Smith's


That said, as you are unable to find anything in your static approach to bail Trump out, in this case, you use a more

dynamic approach and make a future prediction that Jack Smith will fail in his efforts when all is said and done.

To cut to the chase, using the Lenny Lenbo methodology, it is a case of wanting to have it both ways to promote your

agenda-in short it is heads Lenny wins and tails you lose and Lenny still wins!!

Back sometime after 10:00 for more, which gives you more time to address this for the umpteenth time request!!

Come on, Lenny, show us you have some balls for a change as well as intelligence by responding to this!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Here you go, Lenny once again!!

"This time the question was/is can the economy or other matters in the country between now and the primaries and/or

the Election that can have an election on Trump's fate and/or how people perceive them which could possibly alter

your static polling data as it exits today as how it is right before the Election??

Your total lack of response to DIRECTLY answer this, not answer it all and/or try to change the subject tells me that you do not have

any kind of response to refute the implication of what I said about your static approach to one which is more dynamic and at least

considers the possibility that things can change between now and then!!

Actually, I want to modify want a little bit.

As I see it, your static approach to Trump, Biden, etc. and using today only as the standard applies ONLY if what is today bodes well

for Trump and badly for Biden whether it be polling data or something else!!

However in your one-way approach, if what exists now for example is bad for Trump, then you can and will use

the future and make predictions to try to convert the bad into good.

The most glaring example of this is Jack Smith.

Right now Trump is in deep doo-doo with the law whether you agree with the charges or not largely because of Jack Smith's


That said, as you are unable to find anything in your static approach to bail Trump out, in this case, you use a more

dynamic approach and make a future prediction that Jack Smith will fail in his efforts when all is said and done.

To cut to the chase, using the Lenny Lenbo methodology, it is a case of wanting to have it both ways to promote your

agenda-in short it is heads Lenny wins and tails you lose and Lenny still wins!!

Back sometime after 10:00 for more, which gives you more time to address this for the umpteenth time request!!

Come on, Lenny, show us you have some balls for a change as well as intelligence by responding to this!!

ICYMI the first time .

Anyone who has his mind made up that there is NO WAY Trump will ever be President has no right asking a question about things changing between now and the election regardless of how many times or different ways you ask .

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