
Nov 11, 2007
Ok lets start with this post and about my irrelevant post about the SCOTUS:

Here is what I asked:

Who appointed three of the members of the existing SCOTUS members-how about a former ex-POTUS!!

Here is a capsule summary of the three Trump appointees-just read the headline for now:

First, for me the operative question is did Trump appoint these people with no regard to his own personal convictions and opinions,

yes or no??

Also, do you think along the same lines that Trump might have appointed these people in case he found himself in a constitutional crisis

such as he finds himself hoping and/or assuming that they would rule in his favor, yes or no?

if you answer "no," there is no point in continuing without an explanation on your part.

Now let's take a similar look at Biden.

Do you think that he appointed Garland as AG along the same lines that Trump appointed his three SCOTUS appointments??

Do you think along the same lines, that Jack Smith was appointed by Garland as an extension of this??

In essence as in Trump's case above, if the answer is not, we can end he discussion right now unless you can explain why not.

To cut to the choice and using my logic, imo there is absolutely no difference in the modus operandi of Trump and Biden.

My conclusion is that if one wishes to state the DOJ has been victimized/criminalized by Biden, in the same manner, I can

say the same thing about Trump's choices foe the SCOTUS!!
From last night as posted above.

Perhaps Lenny at whom it was directed can comment on this.

Nov 11, 2007
This was also posted last night and directed at Lenny:

"Ok let's go with part 2 and you trying to compare my contention of Trump having no chance to be elected POTUS as a rationalization/

weak excuse so as not to answer the question in my post about your static approach to everything and not even allowing even

the possibility that the economic conditions as they exist now could change one way for the better or worse the polling data between

now and the Election to impact who people vote for.

Where your rationale and reasoning go astray is that unlike you I gave specific reasons looking ahead as to why Trump won't win

the Election and very possibly even the nomination.

Whether my scenarios come true or not, unlike you at least I consider what the future might hold.

In fact a few days ago and to be fair, I even stated that if my scenario doesn't unfold pretty much as I see it looking ahead,

Trump could be elected, although I consider it very unlikely."

Nov 11, 2007

On the way home from dinner last night and listening to the radio, I heard neo-Nazi/fascist/Trump fellator Jesse Kelly

say that for his own good trump needs to stfu at this juncture because in court whatever he says will be fair game

as evidence to be used against him by prosecutors!!
This is exactly the kind of stuff I am talking about above!!


Nov 11, 2007

ohn Lauro, El Caudillo Del Mar-a-Lago's latest hapless mouthpiece, hit what we like to call the Ginsburg Slam on the Sunday Showz this week. He did five of them, none of them particularly well. But it was on Meet The Press where he made me wonder whether or not his heart is really in this case. It also convinced me that, were if I ever up on a capital charge, I'd rather have Daffy Duck as my lawyer. From The New York Times:

Nov 11, 2007
Sheriff HOE aka sbd/doctor success-do you mean an even bigger landslide than the 2020 Election in which Trump won all fifty states

and got over 90% of the Popular Vote!!

The REAL landslide will be WHEN Trump's sorry ass is deposited into a federal penitentiary because of the LANDSLIDE decisions

of the judge and jury that he is a criminal!!
Sep 12, 2022
Not millions... "BILLIONS"
View attachment 73908
Billions, right. Absolutely amazing how stupid most people are. It's also amazing how nobody is able to refute even the smallest points made by you and the other Patriots on this thread. The Tards tried and failed miserably and no one has replaced them. When this Sequel began, I was hoping to see some semi-intelligent disagreement. But no, not a peep. Gee, I guess it's because they can't.
Sep 12, 2022
Almost everyone I know fell for the virus hoax and almost all of them would fall for another scam. Look at how many of them have turned on Trump, because he didn't declare martial law in 2020. They're all looking at him to save their scrawny lives; they're all crying about revolution, secession, civil war, why isn't the deep state drained yet? While having no intention to participate in any of those things themselves were they to happen.

View attachment 73897

Nov 11, 2007
Billions, right. Absolutely amazing how stupid most people are. It's also amazing how nobody is able to refute even the smallest points made by you and the other Patriots on this thread. The Tards tried and failed miserably and no one has replaced them. When this Sequel began, I was hoping to see some semi-intelligent disagreement. But no, not a peep. Gee, I guess it's because they can't.
Hmm-doctor success aka sbd/sheriff HOE-you and everyone else might want to consider your LIE about

not my/our rebutting even the smallest points made by snd and/or your folks!!

I cite these as the most glaring example of attention-seeking LIES. delusions repeated in this thread too many times to count.

How about one of you defending stuff like this or providing evidence that the stuff cited thay follows!!

But go ahead and keep patting yourselves and/or yourself on the back and imagining that bs like this is going to fly

with anyone other than yourselves or is yourself!!

The fact that other than yourselves you can't get even a thumbs-up with the bullshit you post let alone

positive commentary in this thread/forum which is completely dominated by rabid Trump supporters and Republicans

speaks volumes!!

In case you "forgot" what I am talking about, here you go:

"Re: the first line only, does "truth" defined as believing that Trump won all 50 states in the 2020 Election and got over 90% of the

Popular Vote!!

Does "truth" consist of claiming/predicting daily for the last 31 months that Trump is going to reinstated/devolutioned and

that it is "IMMINENT!!"

Does "truth" consist of proclaiming that THOUSANDS of members of the "evil ds" have already been tried and executed

at GITMO over the last few years including the likes of the Clintons, Bill and Melinda Gates, George Soros, Dr. Fauci and so

many more when these folks have been seen and heard too many times to count in public or via the media!!




Finally for now and along the same lines is it the "truth" that DamarHamlin actually did die from cardiac arrest back in Buffalo

on the football field induced by the cardiac arrest even though he has been seen and heard many times since that time and most

importantly is at training camp ready to resume his football career!!

I suggest that folks like doctor success aka sbd and/or sheriff joe as well as any objective person reading what they claim is

the "truth" consider what I just posted also as well as their own feelings based on whatever criterion they wish to use!!"

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Damn ! Another devastating post third indictment poll .

Ron DeSantis has replaced his campaign manager Generra Peck, in what is the third major reshuffling of his operations, a campaign spokesperson and a person familiar with the move confirmed to POLITICO.

Peck will be shifted to a role of chief strategist as part of the new order. Taking her place atop the campaign will be James Uthmeier, who has served as chief of staff in DeSantis’ governor’s office. In a text message, Uthmeier said the change was happening “ASAP.”

Nov 11, 2007
Hmm-I just noticed that doctor success aka sheriff HOE just pleaded his case in the Devolution Thread.

Has anyone besides me considered why that thread has remained since March 24 and all of a sudden has a number of hits today

by the founder, sheriff joe aka doctor success??

The words that quickly come to mind to me include "desperation," "fear," "anger" "panic," jealousy, and "frustration," and why not in view of

the fact that Jack Smith and the legal system is about ready to DESTROY Trump!!

In addition, as anyone who has studied psychology knows, when the mind is unable to psychologically and emotionally unable to

handle events that are not to their liking, many times their subconscious takes over and gives them escape outlets to take off some of the


Imo this scenario is unfolding now with lots of Trump diehards including those in this thread!!

Nov 11, 2007
Ok let's go with part 2 and you trying to compare my contention of Trump having no chance to be elected POTUS as a rationalization/

weak excuse so as not to answer the question in my post about your static approach to everything and not even allowing even

the possibility that the economic conditions as they exist now could change one way for the better or worse the polling data between

now and the Election to impact who people vote for.

Where your rationale and reasoning go astray is that unlike you I gave specific reasons looking ahead as to why Trump won't win

the Election and very possibly even the nomination.

Whether my scenarios come true or not, unlike you at least I consider what the future might hold.

In fact a few days ago and to be fair, I even stated that if my scenario doesn't unfold pretty much as I see it looking ahead,

Trump could be elected, although I consider it very unlikely.

Conversely, you see any polling data today that favors Trump as a given and that cannot and will not change between now and the Election.

I amended his in the last day or so to state that if the present data and conditions ARE NOT favorable to Trump, you CAN AND

WILL change your tune about the future and make predictions and scenarios such as you did with Jack Smith so that

Trump still comes out as the winner!!

That's it!!

ps Just as importantly, you continue to refuse to answer the question as to why you will not openly disagree with sbd about

anything when you obviously do and instead, refuse to answer and/or run away and hide or change the subject!!
Thanks once again for allowing me to prove my point by avoiding the post cited above and the other one that follows.

Could it be that once again, you realize that I have debating skills you do not because of my experience and education

you do not, and rather than admit that I am right, you simply take the cowardly/lowlife approach and run away and hide!!

Here you go with my other response for which you do not have any "response" other than running away and hiding rather

than address it DIRECTLY!!

And it goes without saying and as I keep repeating you have shown time and time again that you are gutless and a coward by

not openly admitting that you disagree with sbd about such things as Trump's devolution when you obviously do.

My suggestion to you, lenny, is to consult an orthopedic doctor not for such common things as lower back pain, arthritis

bur rather because you are SPINELESS!!

Here you go with my other post which floored you and you continue to aviod/hide from because you are obviously unable to

rebut it:

Ok lets start with this post and about my irrelevant post about the SCOTUS:

Here is what I asked:

Who appointed three of the members of the existing SCOTUS members-how about a former ex-POTUS!!

Here is a capsule summary of the three Trump appointees-just read the headline for now:

First, for me the operative question is did Trump appoint these people with no regard to his own personal convictions and opinions,

yes or no??

Also, do you think along the same lines that Trump might have appointed these people in case he found himself in a constitutional crisis

such as he finds himself hoping and/or assuming that they would rule in his favor, yes or no?

if you answer "no," there is no point in continuing without an explanation on your part.

Now let's take a similar look at Biden.

Do you think that he appointed Garland as AG along the same lines that Trump appointed his three SCOTUS appointments??

Do you think along the same lines, that Jack Smith was appointed by Garland as an extension of this??

In essence as in Trump's case above, if the answer is not, we can end he discussion right now unless you can explain why not.

To cut to the choice and using my logic, imo there is absolutely no difference in the modus operandi of Trump and Biden.

My conclusion is that if one wishes to state the DOJ has been victimized/criminalized by Biden, in the same manner, I can

say the same thing about Trump's choices foe the SCOTUS!!

Nov 11, 2007
I differ from a lot of the opinions and ideas of Ayn Rand.

However this is one with which I agree wholeheartedly, and certainly one that sbd/sheriff joe/doctor success should pay special attention

because imo they apply to them and epitomize the type of persons she is referring to:

“You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.” ― Ayn Rand

Back later as it is lunchtime and I have a few errands to run.

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