
Nov 11, 2007
Silly/Stupid me their 2 kids May have been adopted but I don’t believe that story. There was no such thing as trans gender back then…. DJT-DJT-DJT

The names of about 150 affiliates of sex traffickers Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell will be revealed as early as today, possibly in piecemeal fashion over a series of days, the result of a long legal battle waged by the Miami Herald and its parent company, McClatchy.

Judge Loretta Preska issued an order Wednesday afternoon, reiterating that the documents would be unsealed, even though two unidentified people have appealed her decision. One “Doe”, as in John or Jane Doe, was given a stay until Jan. 22, the other, Doe 110, will be reviewed in due course, the judge said.

Maybe “Doe” is Michelle/Barack and maybe Doe 110 is Barack??
Maybe Santa Claus is the Easter Bunny and maybe the Easter Bunny is Santa Claus.

Nov 11, 2007

Time will tell!!

The only sure thing is that whether this prediction comes true or not, it sure as hell has a better chance of being correct than those of

our own sbd and sheriff joe who have an overall DOCUMENTED FAILURE 99.8% score when it comes to predictions and a 100% FAILURE

score when it comes to Trump's devolution that they have predicted is "IMMINENT" for three years!!

Nov 11, 2007

My prediction is that the SCOTUS will overturn the decision, and I have no problem if they do because ultimately it will be the

verdict in the various indictments that matter and that will decide Trump's fate!

I have very high confidence that Trump will be convicted in at least one of the indictments before the Election which

will finish him off one way or the other as a viable candidate for the 2024 Presidential Election.

If I am wrong and the SCOTUS does not overturn the decision, imo it will be a clear and early indication that other appeals filed

on behalf of Trump will fail also!!

Nov 11, 2007

It goes without saying that all of the Trump supporters in this thread will believe what Trump says because well he is "honesty

personified!!" lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

My prediction is that the SCOTUS will overturn the decision, and I have no problem if they do because ultimately it will be the

verdict in the various indictments that matter and that will decide Trump's fate!

I have very high confidence that Trump will be convicted in at least one of the indictments before the Election which

will finish him off one way or the other as a viable candidate for the 2024 Presidential Election.

If I am wrong and the SCOTUS does not overturn the decision, imo it will be a clear and early indication that other appeals filed

on behalf of Trump will fail also!!

Keep that confidence high on a conviction finishing him off . Because without it you’ve got Jack shit .

Nov 11, 2007
Keep that confidence high on a conviction finishing him off . Because without it you’ve got Jack shit .
For my one and only post to you and my last overall until late tonight, once again as I have stated previously, your response,

which you have used before, corroborates how clueless you are when it comes to debating and thinking clearly and logically!!

To say/imply as you just did that a conviction is a minor thing and that is all we have is like saying that if one robs a bank,

has been indicted and awaits trial and a verdict, that a conviction is all that the prosecuting attorney ha,s and without it using your

terminology, he has jackshit!! lol

In both instances, your inference is that a conviction is independent of the circumstances that engendered the conviction and a

completely different matter rather than an integral part of the entire legal matter of the case at hand!!

If you can't understand and/or are so close-minded as to refuse to accept that, then God help you!!

Back sometime after 10 tonight!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
For my one and only post to you and my last overall until late tonight, once again as I have stated previously, your response,

which you have used before, corroborates how clueless you are when it comes to debating and thinking clearly and logically!!

To say/imply as you just did that a conviction is a minor thing and that is all we have is like saying that if one robs a bank,

has been indicted and awaits trial and a verdict, that a conviction is all that the prosecuting attorney ha,s and without it using your

terminology, he has jackshit!! lol

In both instances, your inference is that a conviction is independent of the circumstances that engendered the conviction and a

completely different matter rather than an integral part of the entire legal matter of the case at hand!!

If you can't understand and/or are so close-minded as to refuse to accept that, then God help you!!

Back sometime after 10 tonight!!

So once again until you tell me that if there are no convictions before Election Day you keep proving my point that without one your party has got Jack shit pip squeaki .

Or clarify and tell me Trump is still finished even without a conviction .

Enjoy prime time clown News Network coverage .

Sep 5, 2010
In case you missed this very good read.

Maddow Blog | Trump’s claims against Liz Cheney collapse in embarrassing fashion​

What a great document.




Soon, real soon.

The red tsunami will be huge!

Get ready for the return.

Dr.Oz will win in a landslide against the stuttering retard, said the fat slob named Porky!

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
In case you missed this very good read.

Maddow Blog | Trump’s claims against Liz Cheney collapse in embarrassing fashion​

What a great document.




Soon, real soon.

The red tsunami will be huge!

Get ready for the return.

Dr.Oz will win in a landslide against the stuttering retard, said the fat slob named Porky!

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Except for a couple of minor details you borderline retard .

The video recordings of all witness interviews . Transcripts . And all secret service texts deleted and never recovered.

Has the irrelevant pig you call hot decided to run for President yet ?


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

I won't make any predictions with this other than say that it best whatever is revealed if anything won't help Trump

but at worst could hurt his public image!!

Here is what was revealed .

NEVER on Epstein island, NEVER at Epstein’s ranch in New Mexico, and NEVER at Epstein’s residence in NYC.

Next !


Nov 11, 2007
For my one and only post to you and my last overall until late tonight, once again as I have stated previously, your response,

which you have used before, corroborates how clueless you are when it comes to debating and thinking clearly and logically!!

To say/imply as you just did that a conviction is a minor thing and that is all we have is like saying that if one robs a bank,

has been indicted and awaits trial and a verdict, that a conviction is all that the prosecuting attorney ha,s and without it using your

terminology, he has jackshit!! lol

In both instances, your inference is that a conviction is independent of the circumstances that engendered the conviction and a

completely different matter rather than an integral part of the entire legal matter of the case at hand!!

If you can't understand and/or are so close-minded as to refuse to accept that, then God help you!!

Back sometime after 10 tonight!!
I want every objective reader of my response above which was /is reference to Lenny's contention/implication that a conviction

has to be considered as an entity on its own to read Lenny's response to this which in effect does not DIRECTLY address any of

my points and in essence is simply a rehash of what he posted earlier.

This is and always has been the modus operandi when I have cornered him!!

As usual this indicates one or more of the following possibilities in no particular order:

1) He doesn't have the native intelligence to grasp the salient points I made.

2) He does understand them but doesn't have anything to rebut directly what I said, and the best way to respond is to simply rehash

what he said originally and hope that it will fly!!

3) Along the same lines of #1 and #2, he lacks the debating skills and education to realize that what he said originally about

the relationship of crimes and conviction to realize that his original response is totally irrelevant to the points I made and

as always been the case when confronted and overwhelmed by points made by me, simply posts anything to try to

meekly by me, just fires back anything in desperation that not just includes what I cited but also begging the question,

poisoning the well and name-calling to drive home his weak "response."

Here is the repost of his post in reference to mine that I quoted at the beginning of this post:

"So once again until you tell me that if there are no convictions before Election Day you keep proving my point that without one your party has got Jack shit pip squeaki .

Or clarify and tell me Trump is still finished even without a conviction .

Enjoy prime time clown News Network coverage ."

Sep 5, 2010

Court smacks down Trump's immunity appeal demand in E. Jean Carroll civil case​





Porky is an ultra low iqanon moron.

Grease your sides and squeeze through the door and go for a walk you fat slob.

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Sep 5, 2010
I want every objective reader of my response above which was /is reference to Lenny's contention/implication that a conviction

has to be considered as an entity on its own to read Lenny's response to this which in effect does not DIRECTLY address any of

my points and in essence is simply a rehash of what he posted earlier.

This is and always has been the modus operandi when I have cornered him!!

As usual this indicates one or more of the following possibilities in no particular order:

1) He doesn't have the native intelligence to grasp the salient points I made.

2) He does understand them but doesn't have anything to rebut directly what I said, and the best way to respond is to simply rehash

what he said originally and hope that it will fly!!

3) Along the same lines of #1 and #2, he lacks the debating skills and education to realize that what he said originally about

the relationship of crimes and conviction to realize that his original response is totally irrelevant to the points I made and

as always been the case when confronted and overwhelmed by points made by me, simply posts anything to try to

meekly by me, just fires back anything in desperation that not just includes what I cited but also begging the question,

poisoning the well and name-calling to drive home his weak "response."

Here is the repost of his post in reference to mine that I quoted at the beginning of this post:

"So once again until you tell me that if there are no convictions before Election Day you keep proving my point that without one your party has got Jack shit pip squeaki .

Or clarify and tell me Trump is still finished even without a conviction .

Enjoy prime time clown News Network coverage ."
But he has twitter!

And that is all.

Nov 11, 2007
But he has twitter!

And that is all.
Twitter for the most part is for weak-minded people who have so little self-confidence that they need to read and post

the opinions of those who agree with them and is the case with some like Lenny who are unable to rebut what others who are opposed

to them say and oppose his/their views, simply post and bash the opposing view but never can state precisely why they

are wrong, and instead hope that begging the question and poisoning the well with their own OPINIONS in itself

will simply overwhelm the views who are opposed to them and slam the gavel down to try to put some finality to it!! lol

Can you say "pathetic and clueless!!"

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