
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Sep 12, 2022
Fixed it for you:

"Only the Jews, blind, deaf and stupid still believe "Biden" got "81 million votes" and was legally sworn in as "president"
I hate to see anyone going to hell.

Even with people like Fauci, Soros, Obama, and the Clintons, people who deserve hell a million times over, I hate to see them going there.

But when someone like Salvage refuses to listen to reason, insists on rejecting God, and openly supports the molestation and murder of children, then there's really nothing more that can be done for them.

You've bent over backwards to help him. You even saved his life by convincing him not to take the booster shots. Others on the old thread also tried to help him. All to no avail.

When he finds himself BURNING IN HELL for all eternity it will be a hell of his own making.


Nov 11, 2007
I hate to see anyone going to hell.

Even with people like Fauci, Soros, Obama, and the Clintons, people who deserve hell a million times over, I hate to see them going there.

But when someone like Salvage refuses to listen to reason, insists on rejecting God, and openly supports the molestation and murder of children, then there's really nothing more that can be done for them.

You've bent over backwards to help him. You even saved his life by convincing him not to take the booster shots. Others on the old thread also tried to help him. All to no avail.

When he finds himself BURNING IN HELL for all eternity it will be a hell of his own making.

View attachment 81055
It looks like the moderators don't agree with you, having deleted one of anti-Semitic posts earlier!!

Nov 11, 2007
I hate to see anyone going to hell.

Even with people like Fauci, Soros, Obama, and the Clintons, people who deserve hell a million times over, I hate to see them going there.

But when someone like Salvage refuses to listen to reason, insists on rejecting God, and openly supports the molestation and murder of children, then there's really nothing more that can be done for them.

You've bent over backwards to help him. You even saved his life by convincing him not to take the booster shots. Others on the old thread also tried to help him. All to no avail.

When he finds himself BURNING IN HELL for all eternity it will be a hell of his own making.

View attachment 81055
In case you "missed" this earlier," here it is again. Dr. Josef Mengele:

No matter how long you take to respond to this, for reasons explained, you lose and I win-it doesn't get any better than that!!

One of the advantages I have over sheriff joe, sbd and especially to doctorsuccess is that it allows me to catch and expose them

in their LIE about allegedly having me on ignore as an excuse.

I have proved that because a number of times their responses bashing me contain references to what I said that they could not

have possibly known about if I truly was/am on ignore.

Actually in spite of that, sheriff joe and sbd do a reasonably good job if trying to give the impression they do not read my posts,

that will fly with their supporters but not to keen and sharp minds with the experience to see through their attempts to see

thta they are not telling the truth.

The easiest person to expose is doctorsuccess who imo at times is fed his lines by sheriff joe and/or sbd.

Here is why he is easy to expose especially of late:

He posts/has posted something which is clearly anti-Semitic and/or directed at me.

Shortly after, I responded to it in kind directed at me.

Shortly afterward he didn't respond to what I posted directly but posted some more anti-semitic and/or insults directed at me.

If that doesn't show that he is reading my posts and that he is lying about having me on ignore, then I don't know what does!!

What is great is that when/not if he reads this post, he is caught in a bind because he cannot openly rebut it because if he

does, it will prove that I am not on ignore.

Even better, if he simply waits longer than a few minutes to respond to what I have posted to him to give the impression that what

he posts is independent of what I post to him, he also loses because it will show that he did in fact read this post with an implied

suggestion that he should wait a little more time before responding to me!!

Now that is what I call a lose-lose situation for him and a win-win situation for me and one bit of proof that when it comes

to sheer intelligence, education, logic and debating skills, it is the men up against the boys when doctorsuccess engages

me and the reason that his two counterparts, sheriff joe and sbd have chosen to keep their figurative distance from me

in order not to suffer the same fate!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Hilarious . They have nothing .

Biden announces national address on dangers of white supremacy on Jan 6 anniversary
Sep 12, 2022
Well, shut my mouf. Somebody done made a list.

From Xena:

Updates on Arrests and Executions:
Former Arizona Secretary of State
Katie Hobbs, convicted of treason, election fraud and failed murder-for-hire plot against Kari Lake; realrawnews. com/2023 /12/katie-hobbs-hanged-at-gitmo /;;
Over 250 Deep State felons executed in October:
95 doctors
, charged with blacklisting patients refusing Covid-19 shots and refusing to treat patients without Covid-19 shots, , realrawnews. Com /2023 /11 /jag-hangs-250-in-october /; realrawnews .com/ 2023 /07 /military-sting-catches-100-criminal-covid-doctors/
160 of 165 privates, specialists, and sergeants, including 56 PFCs, 90 Spec-4s, 15 E-5s, 3 E-6s, and an undisciplined E-7 charged with dereliction of duty, aiding and abetting the enemy, conspiracy to commit insurrection, conspiracy to commit fratricide, and treason, realrawnews. Com /2023 /11 /jag-hangs-250-in-october /; realrawnews. Com /2023/ 08 /jag-to-jointly-try-165-treasonous-soldiers / 5 Fort Drum soldiers accepted plea deals —15 years behind bars.
Janet Yellen,
charged with having clandestinely sent hundreds of billions of American tax dollars to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, far more than the $75bn the criminal Biden Regime has admitted to, realrawnews. Com /2023 / 09 /janet-yellen-arrested-for-treason /; member of Atlantik-Brücke, Brookings Institution, Council on Foreign Relations/Members 3, Trilateral Commission; attended WEF Annual Meeting 2023
General Mark Milley, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, on treason charges, realrawnews. Com /2023/ 10/ mark-milley-hanged-at-gitmo / realrawnews .com /2023 /09/ general-mark-milley-arrested; crimes gainst humanity including mandating forced vaccinations on US servicemembers, including vaccinating infants of female servicemembers and dependents.conspiracy with Lloyd Austin with both men signing thirty-four documents enriching Volodymyr Zelenskyy with billions of dollars in cash and weapons without Congress’ approval;WITH THE BIDENS IN DELAWARE ON OCTOBER 2, 2020, CONSPIRACY TO MURDER PRESIDENT TRUMP.
Major David Dunbar,
charged with treason and violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the U.S. Constitution; realrawnews .com /2023 /10 /hang-him-adm-stephens-says-of-corrupt-army-major-david-dunbar-but-without-tribunal/; THREATENED PRESIDENT TRUMP, assaulted an inmate in the shower and assaulted his attorney; executed after bench trial presided by Adm. Stephens.
Five physicians
convicted of coercing patients to get vaccinated and blacklisting those who refused, realrawnews. com/ 2023 /09 /jag-hangs-five/
Melissa J. Moore, convicted of crimes against humanity, lobbied the FDA to approve the mRNA-1273 clot shot despite knowing it had killed and sickened trial participants and would have a high mortality rate once administered to the general population, realrawnews. Com /2023 /08 /military-arrests-moderna-clot-shot-creator /;
Charles Rettig, convicted of treason and defrauding USA of $40 billion taxpayer dollars, realrawnews. Com /2023 /07 /military-arrests-former-irs-director-charles-rettig /; thehill. com/ business/ 3709576-rettig-out-as-irs-commissioner/; irs .gov /newsroom /irs-statement-irs-commissioner-charles-rettigs-final-message;
Eric H. Holder Jnr. (hanged), convicted of treason, conspiracy to commit murder; realrawnews. com/ 2023 /07/ obamas-former-ag-eric-holder-arrested/; wikispooks. Com /wiki /Eric_Holder; wikispooks .com /wiki/ Covington_%26_Burling; www. cov. Com /en /professionals /h /eric-holder;
Former FEMA director Brock Long (hanged), convicted of treason, murder, acts of domestic terror against law-abiding citizens; realrawnews. com /2023 /06 /former-fema-director-brock-long-arrested/; realrawnews .com/ 2021 /01/ biden-gives-fema-license-to-kill/; realrawnews .com/ 2021/ 01 /biden-brings-back-guillotines/; realrawnews .com/ 2021 /01/ covid-19-fema-camps-ready-to-roll/; realrawnews. Com /2020/ 12 /fema-buys-assault-rifles-from-china/; wikispooks Com /wiki Federal_Emergency_Management_Agency; Politico .com/story/ 2019 /02/ 13/ fema-administrator-brock-long-resigns-1169239; hagerty consulting. com/ employee /brock_ long/; THREATENED PRESIDENT TRUMP’S SON, BARRON.
Gretchen Whitmer
(hanged), convicted of treason, aiding and abetting child sex trafficking, seditious conspiracy; realrawnews .com /2023 /06 /gretchen-whitmer-arrested-charged-with-treason/; realrawnews. Com /2023 /06/ cocaine-porn-evidence-of-child-trafficking-found-in-whitmers-car/; wikispooks. com/ wiki/ Gretchen _Whitmer; jacobin .com /2021 /07 /fbi-domestic-war-on-terror-authoritarianism-gretchen-whitmer-civil-liberties; counsel: Schertler Onorato Mead & Sears (schertlerlaw. com)
Rochelle Walensky, (hanged), convicted of treason, crimes against humanity, conspiracy; wikispooks. Com /wiki/ Rochelle _Walensky
Moncef Slaoui (hanged), convicted of treason, mass murder and conspiracy to murder 300,000,000 Americans via the lethal vaccines; realrawnews .com/ 2023 /03/ operation-warp-speed-architect-arrested/; wikispooks. com /wiki /Moncef _Slaoui; counsel: Omar Akbar, www .jenner .com/ en
Lori Lightfoot (hanged), convicted of treason, dereliction of duty; realrawnews .com /2023/ 03 /military-arrests-lori-lightfoot/
Liz Cheney (hanged), convicted of treason, falsely charging President Trump with conspiracy to defraud the United States, conspiracy to make a false statement, attempts to “incite,” “assist,” or “aid or comfort” an insurrection. and other high crimes against America, election fraud; www. dcclothesline. com /2019 /09 /22 /iran-liz-cheney-the-daughters-of-creative-destruction/; THREATENED PRESIDENT TRUMP AND HIS FAMILY MEMBERS, AND THREATENED VICE ADMIRAL DARSE E. CRANDALL AND HIS FAMILY MEMBERS.
Jerome Adams
(hanged), convicted of treason and crimes against humanity, realrawnews .com /2023/ 01 /jag-arrests-former-surgeon-general-jerome-adams/; wikispooks .com /wiki/ Jerome_Adams
Brian Deese (hanged), convicted of treason by sabotaging the nation’s food chain, inflating prices of eggs and chicken meat; www .investopedia .com / who-is-brian-deese-5095167
Stephen Hahn (hanged), convicted of treason and accessory to murder; realrawnews .com /2022/ 12/ military-arrests-former-fda-commisioner-stephen-hahn /; www. fda .gov /about-fda /fda-organization/stephen-hahn
Ivan Kovalenko (shot by U.S. Marine sniper), child sex trafficking and paedophilia, realrawnews. Com /2023 /02/ marine-sniper-kills-ukranian-pedophile-in-baltimore/
Richard Tillyer (hanged), convicted of crimes against humanity; maintaining a confidential company database detailing how Janssen prevented trial participants whom the vaccine had sickened from seeing their personal physicians. Realrawnews .com /2023/ 03 /vaccine-scientist-hanged-at-gitmo / www .janssen .com/ richard-tillyer-phd

Dr. Chikwe Ihekweazu, Assistant Director-General for the Division of Health Emergency Intelligence and Surveillance Systems
, charged with conspiracy to harm American citizens, espionage against the United States, terrorism-related offenses, and other high crimes and misdemeanors, realrawnews .com /2023 /12 /marines-arrest-who-official /; www .who .in t/news/item /17-04-2023-key-leadership-appointments-made-to-drive-who-strategic-direction-and-initiatives; wikispooks .com /wiki/ Paul_%26_Daisy_Soros_Fellowships_for_New_Americans; www. cdc. gov/ about /leadership /leaders/pdd .html;
Colorado Supreme Court justice Monica Marquez, a lesbian and member of the Colorado LGBT Bar Association member, who voted in favor of removing President Donald J. Trump’s name from the state’s 2024 ballot, /2023 /12 /marines-arrest-colorodo-scj-who-voted-to-remove-president-trump-from-state -ballot/
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Acquisition Tanya M. Skeen, who wired $35 million—pilfered from the DoD’s war chest–to Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s personal savings account in Kyiv, realrawnews. Com /2023 /12 /marines-arrest-assistant-defense-secretar y/
Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger for treason and betrayal of oath of office, realrawnews .com/2023 /12 /jag-arrests-georgia-sec-of-state-brad-raffensperger-for-treason /
NIH Deputy Director Alfred C. Johnson , charged with having contracted FEMA to procure “human research subjects” for the NIH’s BSL-4 facility in Hamilton, Montana, confessing FEMA had plucked the homeless off the streets of San Francisco ahead of Chinese President Xi Jinping’s stateside visit, enticing them with promises of money, lodging, food, alcohol, and drugsRealrawnews .com/ 2023 /12 /jag-arrests-nih-honcho-tied-to-montana-biolab /
Ronald Dahl, 47, “suspect” connected to last month’s assassination attempt on General Eric M. Smith’s life,
Two Lt. Colonels, three Colonels, and a General surrender to JAG, requesting requested amnesty and clemency, confessing Deep State is laying plans to broadly weaponize its military loyalists and federal agencies against patriotic American citizens, realrawnews. com/ 2023 /12 /black-hat-officers-surrender-to-jag/
Karen Hacker, the Center’s Director for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (NCCDPHP), emphasized a necessity for mandatory mail-in voting in the 2024 presidential election, convicted of treason and conspiracy to commit election fraud, sentenced to 15 years behind bars; realrawnews .com/ 2023 /12 /jag-nabs-another-cdc-official /; realrawnews. Com /2023/ 12/ jag-convicts-cdc-official-karen-hacker /
Stephen Colbert, host of CBS’s Late Night with Stephen Colbert, molesting young boys and girls during trips to Jeffrey Epstein’s Island, HS A New Zealand bunker stocked with six-to-ten-year-old blonde-haired, blue-eyed boys and girls” where he traveled to seven times since 2020, realrawnews. Com /2023 /11 /jag-arrests-stephen-colbert /, realrawnews. Com /2023 /11 /jag-grills-pedophile-stephen-colbert /
Daniel Hoadley, Commander of the 5th Bomb Wing, treason, sedition, and conduct unbecoming an officer,
Captain Timothy Joseph Daniels, born Zaamil el-Alam, charged with attempted homnicide, who wanted to “disembowel all Jewish-looking people in response to Israel’s airstrikes on Gaza,” realrawnews. Com /2023 /10 /white-hats-arrest-loony-jihadist-infiltrator/
Leticia James, charged with treason but also defrauding the United States of America, bribery, and; nypost .com /2019 /08 /11 /theres-no-video-of-jeffrey-epsteins-apparent-suicide-sources /; wikispooks .com /wiki /Jeffrey_Epstein;
Ukraine presidential aide Andriy Yermak and Economy Minister Yulia Svyrydenko, realrawnews .com /2023 /11 /special-forces-arrest-ukrainian-criminals-in-u-s /; www .c-span .org /video/ ?525429- 1 /world-economic-forum-discussion-technology-national-security; www .kmu .gov .ua/ en /profile /yuliya-sviridenko; www. State .gov /secretary-blinkens-meeting-with-ukrainian-presidential-office-head-yermak /; https: // x. c om/ AndriyYermak/ status/ 1724787654745874594?s=20; https: //x .com /AndriyYermak/ status/ 1724515125309136950?s=20; www. President .gov. ua /en /news /u-vashingtoni-kerivnik-ofisu-prezidenta-ukrayini-zustrivsya-87001;
Chester Dominguez, a pastry chef, charged with cybertheft, realrawnews .com /2023 /10 /deep-state-spy-caught-at-trump-vegas-hotel /
Penny Pritkzer, convicted of treason and defrauding the united States of America, PSP received from Treasury under Yellen $1,600,000,000.00, of which she purloined $200,000,000.00 then wired $1.4bn to cryptocurrency and sending it to Oschadbank, a state-owned Ukrainian Bank headquartered in Kiev; realrawnews .com/ 2023/ 09/ jag-arrests-u-s-special-representative-for-ukraines-economic-recovery/;member of Aspen Strategy Group, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, Council on Foreign Relations/Members 3; attended WEF Annual Meeting in 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2019, 2020; 20 years in prison without the possibility of parole realrawnews .com /2023/11 /jag-convicts-u-s-special-representative-for-ukraines-economic-recovery-penny-pritzker /; returned to Camp Delta to serve her sentence of 20 years.
Commander Bryan Keels,
charged with suspicion of treason and accused of accepting “bonus pay” for coercing perfectly healthy soldiers to get excessive vaccinations, realrawnews .com /2023/ 09/white-hats-arrest-vaccine-tyrant-base-commander-in-california /;
CDC Chief Medical Officer Debra Houry,
charged with crimes against humanity, imposing demands on eight hospital administrators in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania to treat all patients presenting respiratory ailments as COVID-19 positive without confirming the presence of Sars-Cov2 via a PCR test, imposing new Covid mandates and convincing hospitals to artificially inflate Covid-related hospitalizations, realrawnews .com /2023 /09/ jag-nabs-another-cdc-cretin /
Two unnamed guards ages 24 and 27, who beat detainee Erick Hooks to death in the showers after hearing him brag about the genocide by fire at Maui, serving a 25-year sentence without the possibility of parole in place of a trial by jury and they did not sign a statement of contrition, realrawnews .com /2023 /11 /gitmo-guards-who-murdered-erik-hooks-take-plea-deal/
Erick Hooks, charged with ordering agents in Maui to deny fire victims food and water, to inhibit civilian relief efforts, to stop “by any means necessary” displaced persons from exiting fire-ravaged Lahaina, and to dispose of bodies as “discriminately as possible,” realrawnews. com/ 2023 /08 /military-arrests-fema-deputy-administrator-erick-hooks/’ beaten to death in the showers by two unnamed guards at Gitmo, realrawnews .com/ 2023/11 /fema-official-beaten-to-death-at-gitmo /;
Shalanda Young, charged with treason, seditious conspiracy, aiding and abetting the enemy, and other high crimes; realrawnews .com/ 2023 /08 /the-untried-the-dead-shalanda-young /; www. opb. org/ article/ 2023 /05/ 25/ shalanda-young-federal-budget-spending-deal/; died from a cranial injury caused by a slip-and-fall on a puddle of water while walking to meet her attorney at GITMO.
Former SSG Jayden Carter
, charged with treason, realrawnews .com /2023/ 08 /army-cid-arrests-black-hat-army-recruiter /
Three lieutenants and a captain, charged with treason and violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the U.S. Constitution; realrawnews .com /2023 /08 /delta-force-captures-black-hat-officers-in-germany /
Major David Dunbar and CSM Nema Mobarakzadeh, charged with treason and violating the Uniform Code of Military Justice and the U.S. Constitution; realrawnews .com/ 2023/ 08 /white-hats-arrest-black-hats-in-new-york-state/; www .army .mil/ article/ 258594 former_3rd_brigade_combat_team_senior_enlisted_adviser_takes_on_new_responsibility_with_10th_mountain_division_at_fort_drum;
Isabella Guzman, charged with threatening small business owners with fines or foreclosure unless they adopted draconian Covid-19 adherence protocols,; realrawnews. Com /2023 /06 /military-nabs-another-covid-criminal/; www .sba. gov/ person/ isabella-casillas-guzman; www .sba .gov /blog /championing-equitable-access-women-business-owners; Twitter handle: @ SBAIsabel;
Mar-a-Lago spies, (no names identified) convicted for surveilling President Trump; serving 20 years at GITMO.
2 ATF/FBI agents
apprehended at Cherry Point.
Carolyn Ainslie, charged with possession of child pornography, child endangerment, and child sex trafficking; www .gatesfoundation. org /about /leadership /carolyn-ainslie
Tom Patterson, admitted to violating Articles 133 and 106a of the UCMJ; realrawnews. com/ 2023 /05/ alleged-desantis-spy-detained-at-gitmo/
Huma Abedin, charged with treason and crimes against children; realrawnews. Com /2021 /04 /u-s-special-forces-arrest-john-podesta-and-huma-abedin/; realrawnews .com/ 2021 /04 /trump-charges-podesta-abedin-with-treason-and-crimes-against-children/; wikispooks. com/ wiki /Huma_Abedin; given plea deal in exchange for testimony against Hillary Clinton.
Dr. Howard Zucker
, convicted of blackmail, extortion, treason; realrawnews .com /2023/ 05 military-arrests-cdc-official-for-covid-crimes/; theorg. com/ org /cdc-gov /org-chart / howard-zucker; testified against Rochelle Walensky; serving 20-year sentence at GITMO.
Chance Saltzman
, convicted of treason, theft; realrawnews .com/ 2021 /01/ biden-to-dismantle-us-space-force/; www .spaceforce. mil/ SFB /Display/ Article/ 2329659 /b-chance-saltzman /; execution temporarily stayed at GITMO.
Valerie Jarrett
, charges with treason; www. conference-board .org /bio /valerie-jarrett
Jack Lew, charged with treason; wikispooks. com /wiki /Jack_Lew; WEF /Annual Meeting /2016
Bill Ayers, convicted of seditious conspiracy; thehill .com/ blogs/ pundits-blog/ presidential-campaign/ 28339-obama-and-bill-ayers-together-from-the-beginning/; serving 25-year sentence at GITMO.
James Baker, charged with treason, seditious conspiracy, aiding and abetting the enemy, bribery, and blackmail; wikispooks .com /wiki /James_Baker
Miguel Cardona, convicted of treason, child endangerment; www2 .ed. gov /news/ staff /bios /cardona.html; serving 20-year sentence at GITMO.
German-born “cloning scientist,” realrawnews .com /2023 /01 /military-arrests-deep-state-cloning-scientist/
Amy Coney Barrett, charged with treason, under house arrest; realrawnews. Com /2021 /03 /trump-authors-sealed-indictment-on-scj-amy-coney-barrett/; www .womenshistory .org/ education-resources /biographies / amy-coney-barrett
Maria Barret, www. arcyber .army. mil /About /Leaders /Biography /Article /3097046 / lt-gen-maria-b-barrett /
Patricia Conrad, realrawnews .com /2022 /03 /military-arrests-dr-faucis-nih-assistant/
Amy Eshleman, orward .com /fast-forward /425163 /meet-amy-eshleman-wife-of-chicagos-new-mayor-lori-lightfoot/;
Amy Ashish Kumar Jha, www. brown. edu /news /2022-03-17/ jha;
Carole Johnson, www .hrsa. gov /about /organization/ bio-johnson
Ron Klain, Biden strategist, convicted of seditious conspiracy and masterminding the 2020 steal; wikispooks .com/ wiki /Ron_Klain; counsel: Jeremy Bartholomew from NY law firm; serving 20-year sentence at GITMO.
Melinda French Gates/Kevin Kline
, charged with aiding and abetting Bill Gates with child sex trafficking and his promotion of deadly vaccines after Gates murdered the real Melinda French Gates, mother of their three children; .www. imdb .com /name /nm0000177 /; realrawnews .com/ 2022 /01 /military-arrests-melinda-french-gates /; Bilderberg /2004; WEF /Annual Meeting /2011; WEF /Annual Meeting /2016; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation; wikispooks. com/ wiki/ Melinda_Gates; testified against Bill Gates
Michael Malanoski
, charges of treason and seditious conspiracy, threatening servicemembers with dishonorable discharges unless they took the lethal Novavax Covid-19 vaccine; health .mil/ About-MHS /Biographies / Malanoski; died of a brain aneurysm on February 5, 2023, three days before his scheduled tribunal.
Paul Pelosi
, convicted of paedophilia and crimes against minors; moneyinc com /paul-pelosi-net-worth /; testified against Nancy Pelosi; life sentence at GITMO.
Eli Roth, orchestrated murder of 16 men and women in Albania; realrawnews. com /2022/ 12 /jag-names-hollywood-producer-arrested-after-bidens-banquet /
Tom Shimabukuro, charged with censoring of medical professionals who challenged the CDC narrative; realrawnews .com /2023 /02/ cdc-deputy-directer-arrested-for-covid-crimes/ goprincetontigers .com /sports /2021 /5/ 10 /Tom-Shimabukuro
George Soros, declared global terrorist by China, under arrest warrant by Russia, corruption of politicians in America, Argentina, Canada and France, treason; wikispooks .com / wiki/ George _Soros; WEF/ Annual Meeting /2017; Controversy in Loudon County; Brussels Forum /2015; BlackWednesday; Bilderberg /2002, Chantilly, Virginia, Westerfield Marriott Hotel; the liberty beacon. com / putin-issues-international-arrest-warrant-george-soros-dead-alive /; asiatimes. com/ 2021 /09 /chinese-state-media-label-george-soros-a-terrorist /; www .bitchute .com / video /XQg8 HA JIUah9 /; mosaic magazine .com/ picks /israel- Zionism / 2017 /07 /what-does-israel-have-against-george-soros-quite-a-lot-actually /;
Mark Suzman, charged with possession of child pornography, child endangerment, and child trafficking; wikispooks .com; attended Aspen_Institute /New_Voices_Fellowship /2018; www. gatesfoundation. org /about /leadership /mark-suzman
Elijah Wood, charged with paedophilia; www .imdb. com/ name /nm0000704 /
Jeff Zients, charged with treason and murder; wikispooks. com /wiki / Jeffrey _Zients; Bilderberg /2017 in Chantilly, Virginia; died while incarcerated; still awaiting autopsy results.
Jen Psaki
, charged with treason; wikispooks. com /wiki / Jen _Psaki#_a6859623ec49fe4871f95ae7d 8bafe3e .
Rex Tillerson, charged with treason; wikispooks .com /wiki /Rex _Tillerson; WEF /Annual Meeting/ 2011;
Bill Clinton, convicted of treason, rape, statutory rape, crimes against humanity, crimes against children, child sex trafficking with Ghislaine Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein, accepting bribes from globalists in exchange for military aid/aggression overseas, ordered downing of Flight TWA 800 in 1996; wikispooks .com /wiki /Bill_ Clinton; Bilderberg /1991 in Steigenberger Hotel Badischer Hof, Baden-Baden, Germany; WEF/ Annual Meeting /2009 ; counsel: David E. Kendall at Williams & Connolly, www .wc. com rumble .com/ v2b6mae-the-clinton-body-count-documentary-2021-the-syndicate-serial-killers.html?mref=6zof&mrefc=4; died by homicide, ricin poisoning, no arrests made yet.
With Liz Chaney now confirmed dead, Salvage will never be able to live out his fantasy of her whipping him into a frenzy while she's dressed in a NAZI Storm Trooper uniform. Perhaps he can transfer that fantasy to Big Mike Obama.

Nov 11, 2007
I would love to see an astute and terrific commentator like Dana Bash do an interview with Lenny Lenbo and ask him what it feels like

and why he worships Trump as a deity, believes he has never even considered committing a crime in his entire life, has never

told one lie not only in his four years as POTUS with over 30,000 documented ones but in his entire life, why he acts as a condom

to protect Trump against 100% of anything that is said negatively about him no matter how true it is and how credible and

reliable the person saying it is and most importantly why as a grown adult in his fifties he is so petrified that his

own existence will end if Trump is not elected POTUS and along the same lines why he is still tied to Trump's umbilical cord!!

I would pay money on Pay for View to see that interview!!

Nov 11, 2007
With Liz Chaney now confirmed dead, Salvage will never be able to live out his fantasy of her whipping him into a frenzy while she's dressed in a NAZI Storm Trooper uniform. Perhaps he can transfer that fantasy to Big Mike Obama.
It looks like you have taken the first option and responded to my first option of proving that despite your LIES to the contrary,

do read my posts by responding so quickly to my post.

Worse you make a complete AHole out of yourself by proclaiming that Liz Cheney is dead.

ps Apparently you never learned how to spell Liz's last name correctly, which is not surprising with a person like yourself who lacks basic

intelligence and education!!

Nov 11, 2007

I won't make any predictions with this other than say that it best whatever is revealed if anything won't help Trump

but at worst could hurt his public image!!

Nov 11, 2007

I have no commentary because the article is brilliantly and artciculately expressed and leaves no stone unturned!@!@

Perhaps our "well-educated and legal analyst" in this thread, Lenny Lenbo, can point out something with which he disagrees

with and/or is just flat-out wrong with reasons why!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

Nov 11, 2007

"My New Year's prediction: The Supreme Court will refuse to hear Mr. Trump's inevitable appeal from the D.C. Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals finding that presidential immunity does not apply to Mr. Trump's alleged criminal acts arising out of the Jan. 6th insurrection. The criminal prosecution against Mr. Trump will proceed to trial in March," he wrote.

Remember the prediction is HIS AND NOT MINE and I am posting it as a fyi only and hoping of course that it comes true!!

Sep 21, 2004

"My New Year's prediction: The Supreme Court will refuse to hear Mr. Trump's inevitable appeal from the D.C. Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals finding that presidential immunity does not apply to Mr. Trump's alleged criminal acts arising out of the Jan. 6th insurrection. The criminal prosecution against Mr. Trump will proceed to trial in March," he wrote.

Remember the prediction is HIS AND NOT MINE and I am posting it as a fyi only and hoping of course that it comes true!!

What about the American people? Is this Judge on Epstein List? Time to go to work...

Nov 11, 2007
What about the American people? Is this Judge on Epstein List? Time to go to work...
I don't play favorites when it comes to my perseption to right and wrong.

If someone commits a crime and is found guilty in a court of law, they deserve what they get regardless of their poliical

affiliation or any other criterion.

The same applies to sports, baseball and my favorite team, the Red Sox!!

Case in point-if the Sox were stripped of their WS Championships in 2004 and/or 2008 because Manny Ramirez was convicted

of using, ped's, I would have no problem accepting the verdict!!

That said, I would be pissed off if any of those Cincinnati Red Teams was deprived of any of those championships if it was

documented that Rose gambled on those games!!

Along the same lines, imo Rose should have been inducted into or should be into the HOF because unlike Manny Ramirez,

to the best of our knowledge, he did not use ped's, and using his gambling on the games as a manager as a reason for exclusion to

the HOF as opposed to using ped's is simply not even remotely warranted!!

Sep 21, 2004
Silly/Stupid me their 2 kids May have been adopted but I don’t believe that story. There was no such thing as trans gender back then…. DJT-DJT-DJT

The names of about 150 affiliates of sex traffickers Jeffrey Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell will be revealed as early as today, possibly in piecemeal fashion over a series of days, the result of a long legal battle waged by the Miami Herald and its parent company, McClatchy.

Judge Loretta Preska issued an order Wednesday afternoon, reiterating that the documents would be unsealed, even though two unidentified people have appealed her decision. One “Doe”, as in John or Jane Doe, was given a stay until Jan. 22, the other, Doe 110, will be reviewed in due course, the judge said.

Maybe “Doe” is Michelle/Barack and maybe Doe 110 is Barack??

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