Aug 17, 2019

Wash. Rinse. Repeat.
Aug 17, 2019
Death threats now? Last gasp for our trolls and tards..

Never forget 👉President Trump NEVER conceded nor give up the "football"

👉 Commander-in-Chief via Military Occupancy and Continuity of Government via Laws & Orders

It is beyond comical to watch one DS wild goose chase after another knowing the ONLY reason trolls and tards don't KNOW (meaning, not officially announced on FAKE "news") is because White Hats didn't want a civil war. That is the ONLY reason.

Only the Jews, blind, deaf and stupid still believe "Biden" got "81 million votes" and was legally sworn in as "president"


Fixed it for you:

"Only the Jews, blind, deaf and stupid still believe "Biden" got "81 million votes" and was legally sworn in as "president"

Nov 11, 2007
My only response to what sbd posted in post 9782 is that if there ever was a doubt that he is anti-semitic he has corroborated

with this post.

There never was any doubt in my mind as in the original thread I posted multiple times of things that he said that were anti-semitic.

In fact shortly after Biden assumed office, he made a nasty reference to all of the people Biden had appointed who were Jewish.

I reported that post and it was deleted shortly after I did.

In his post today he as usual he has begged the question, poisoned the well and lied about me hoping that it would catch on, which it

actually will with his other fellow anti-Semities in this thread, sheriff joe and doctorsuccess, who imo for the most part is a puppet

of both of them!!

He vaguely says that I support Satan but cannot present any evidence that I do because well I worship God!!

What I find particularly interesting is that he claims that I call someone anti-Semitic when I am caught lying or can't defend my

view with facts.

The point is that if he claims he has truly had me on ignore for around three years, he has no idea of what I have posted and thus

is in no position to make a statement like that!!

I am going to report his post this time not because of his clearly anti-semitic/ racist/ shite supremacist remarks but because

of a personal attack on my regarding my wife who was born in Colombia and stating that I purchased her and turned her into a slave.

As stated previously, I met her through an international world-famous matchmaking agency and have been happily married for almost

18 years!!

He posted this before and I reported it and it was removed!!

I will do the same this time around and will await to see what happens as well as how they perceive the anti-Semitic material.

If it is allowed to stand, sbd can expect the same and a lot more in return about his ALLEGED wife!!

To change the subject from religion, I would remind people that I have openly challenged sbd for the last years to openly

debate me about things such as Trump's devolutions, what he claims about thousands of alleged executions of members of the

"DS" at Gitmo, that Trumopwon all fifty states and receive over 90% of the Popular Vote in the 2020 Election and that HUNDREDS of

MILLIONS of people vaccinated for Covid have already died in the world without a shred of evidence to support it!!

Each and every tine he has refused to take me on because well he PRETENDS to have me on ignore when in fact as I showed

earlier in this post that is clearly a lie!!

That's it for now.

Nov 11, 2007
ps My remarks about Jewish people being the "Chosen People" were engendered by anti-Semitic remarks made by either sheriff joe,

sbd and actually for the most part by doctorsuccess who imo has shown he is the biggest Jew-hater of the three in this thread

by what he has posted!!

Nov 11, 2007

Liz Cheney hasn't really got started yet, and I GUARANTEE that whatever she says and does isn't going to help Trump, and that is

a massive understatement to say the least!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Liz Cheney hasn't really got started yet, and I GUARANTEE that whatever she says and does isn't going to help Trump, and that is

a massive understatement to say the least!!

Do you and the borderline retard think that maybe Dick in Drag’s comments will help cut into that 55 point lead ?


Nov 11, 2007
Never forget savage1 is a self-proclaimed Jew.

A "chosen one" in his words.

And let's not forget the countless times he's called others names using vulgar language, wished them harm and even death.

And if you don't agree with him or he's caught lying, you are racist and anti-Semitic.

But, remember, the op has NEVER stated. or even implied, anything racist.

Only ever promoted standing together in unity, peace and love and, above all, with God the All-One..

And only ever stated what he can back up with truth and facts.

Why is this important?

Because "one day" this thread may vanish too.

Some of us know how it works.

What happened to your post I reported-it looks like someone upstairs agreed with me about your remarks about

my wife and your rampant anti-Semitism.

But of course, you don't know what I wrote in response to what you said because I "have been on ignore" for three years!!

Next time choose your potential adversaries more carefully and don't bite off more than you can chew as you have shown

you are clearly outmatched here and is major reason that you PRETEND to have me on ignore!!

Nov 11, 2007
One of the advantages I have over sheriff joe, sbd and especially to doctorsuccess is that it allows me to catch and expose them

in their LIE about allegedly having me on ignore as an excuse.

I have proved that because a number of times their responses bashing me contain references to what I said that they could not

have possibly known about if I truly was/am on ignore.

Actually in spite of that, sheriff joe and sbd do a reasonably good job if trying to give the impression they do not read my posts,

that will fly with their supporters but not to keen and sharp minds with the experience to see through their attempts to see

thta they are not telling the truth.

The easiest person to expose is doctorsuccess who imo at times is fed his lines by sheriff joe and/or sbd.

Here is why he is easy to expose especially of late:

He posts/has posted something which is clearly anti-Semitic and/or directed at me.

Shortly after, I responded to it in kind directed at me.

Shortly afterward he didn't respond to what I posted directly but posted some more anti-semitic and/or insults directed at me.

If that doesn't show that he is reading my posts and that he is lying about having me on ignore, then I don't know what does!!

What is great is that when/not if he reads this post, he is caught in a bind because he cannot openly rebut it because if he

does, it will prove that I am not on ignore.

Even better, if he simply waits longer than a few minutes to respond to what I have posted to him to give the impression that what

he posts is independent of what I post to him, he also loses because it will show that he did in fact read this post with an implied

suggestion that he should wait a little more time before responding to me!!

Now that is what I call a lose-lose situation for him and a win-win situation for me and one bit of proof that when it comes

to sheer intelligence, education, logic and debating skills, it is the men up against the boys when doctorsuccess engages

me and the reason that his two counterparts, sheriff joe and sbd have chosen to keep their figurative distance from me

in order not to suffer the same fate!!

Nov 11, 2007
Never forget savage1 is a self-proclaimed Jew.

A "chosen one" in his words.
And very proud of it!!
And let's not forget the countless times he's called others names using vulgar language, wished them harm and even death.
You and folks have done the same to me especially doctorsuccess
And if you don't agree with him or he's caught lying, you are racist and anti-Semitic.
It is you/not I who have made the anti-Semitic remarks which engendered my response in kind.
But, remember, the op has NEVER stated. or even implied, anything racist.
That is a total lie and you just had a post deleted after I reported for being anti-Semitic as well as right after Biden was inaugurated!!
Only ever promoted standing together in unity, peace and love and, above all, with God the All-One..
Bullshit-one only has to look at your effusive praise for mass murderers like Putin and Kim Jong-un and reveling in the death

and destruction in Ukraine to see that you are nothing of what you claim!!
And only ever stated what he can back up with truth and facts.
Do you mean "facts" like Trump's devolution that you have been predicting for three years; "facts" like Trump did win

fifty states in the 2020 Election and giot over 90% of the Popular Vote; or how about "facts" that hundreds of millions

of Covid vaccinated people have already died and that hundreds of millions more will follow; or "facts" like all of the Clintons,

Bill Gates, Governor Newsom, Dr. Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates and many hundreds if not thousands of members of the DS

have been executed at GITMO and that what we have seen and heard from these people too many times to

count are from body doubles, paid actors, holographs, optics, evil spirits, etc.

The REAL FACT is that you have supplied ZERO, ZILCH, NADA to support any of the above and would be destoyed

if you tried to present the above as evidence.

The FACT is that you won't dare to openly debate this stuff wih me because the FACT is that if you did, you would be battere

beyond recognition in the first few seconds of the first round!!

Why is this important?
I just explained why it is IMPORTANT why people should know the DOCUMENTED truth about you!!
Because "one day" this thread may vanish too.
I will vanish from this thread for sure WHEN/NOT if it is a FACT that Trump will never be POTUS again!!

At that time you can preach all of the other attention-seeking bullshit you want and will not longer have to worry about me ripping

you to shreds!!
Some of us know how it works.
I am one of the some you refer to who knows how it works as it applies to YOU using what I just posted as documentation!!

Nov 11, 2007
And very proud of it!!

You and folks have done the same to me especially doctorsuccess

It is you/not I who have made the anti-Semitic remarks which engendered my response in kind.

That is a total lie and you just had a post deleted after I reported for being anti-Semitic as well as right after Biden was inaugurated!!

Bullshit-one only has to look at your effusive praise for mass murderers like Putin and Kim Jong-un and reveling in the death

and destruction in Ukraine to see that you are nothing of what you claim!!

Do you mean "facts" like Trump's devolution that you have been predicting for three years; "facts" like Trump did win

fifty states in the 2020 Election and giot over 90% of the Popular Vote; or how about "facts" that hundreds of millions

of Covid vaccinated people have already died and that hundreds of millions more will follow; or "facts" like all of the Clintons,

Bill Gates, Governor Newsom, Dr. Fauci, Bill and Melinda Gates and many hundreds if not thousands of members of the DS

have been executed at GITMO and that what we have seen and heard from these people too many times to

count are from body doubles, paid actors, holographs, optics, evil spirits, etc.

The REAL FACT is that you have supplied ZERO, ZILCH, NADA to support any of the above and would be destoyed

if you tried to present the above as evidence.

The FACT is that you won't dare to openly debate this stuff wih me because the FACT is that if you did, you would be battere

beyond recognition in the first few seconds of the first round!!


I just explained why it is IMPORTANT why people should know the DOCUMENTED truth about you!!

I will vanish from this thread for sure WHEN/NOT if it is a FACT that Trump will never be POTUS again!!

At that time you can preach all of the other attention-seeking bullshit you want and will not longer have to worry about me ripping

you to shreds!!

I am one of the some you refer to who knows how it works as it applies to YOU using what I just posted as documentation!!
The beauty of responding to sbd in my previous post in the manner in which I did is that he unknowingly created

a double-edged sword for me.

I say that because as I have stated before, I don't believe that sbd actually believes a lot of the bs he posts including possibly

what I alluded to in my my previous posts but rather to seek attention and to taunt folks like me which is common practice

for someone who knows he is losing the battle!!

What is great though and what gives me the advantage is that when he posts bs as fact, I can take him at his word and thoroughly

dismantle him as I just did.

On the other hand, on other occasions, I can use the same examples as evidence of his seeking attention and taunting.

Either way he loses and I win-can't do better than that!!

Again it is a case of men against the boys when it comes to this stuff!!

Nov 11, 2007

Now we have one more person for folks like Lenny Lenbo to discredit and bash like he does with everyone no matter how qualified

they are to offer an opinion if it is negative and/or threatens the tied umbilical cord/deified relationship that Lenny has with Trump even

as a grown-sad but true!!

Nov 11, 2007

But of course, as we all know, Lenny is 100% correct in his claim that Trump hasn't told even one lie in his entire life let alone

over 30,000 documented ones during his four years as POTUS!!

Nov 11, 2007

Perhaps our very own "legal scholar" in this thread/Lenny Lenbo can give his "legal opinion" on this and perhaps can give us sound

reasons to rebut it!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Now we have one more person for folks like Lenny Lenbo to discredit and bash like he does with everyone no matter how qualified

they are to offer an opinion if it is negative and/or threatens the tied umbilical cord/deified relationship that Lenny has with Trump even

as a grown-sad but true!!

I guess you’ll have to agree with the opinion of senior legal analyst Eli Honig from your beloved 🤡 News Network as well for calling JackMeOff’s race against the calendar purely political .

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Perhaps our very own "legal scholar" in this thread/Lenny Lenbo can give his "legal opinion" on this and perhaps can give us sound

reasons to rebut it!! lol

You have me on your mind a lot today cupcake .

You might want to try reading your articles first before posting .

This is nothing more than political theatre .

Colorado's Secretary of State Jena Griswold said Thursday that, with the appeal filed, Trump will be included as a candidate on the state's primary ballot unless the U.S. Supreme Court declines to hear the case or upholds the state supreme court's ruling.

Here is my prediction

WHEN the Supreme Court slaps this farce of a case down we will
revisit . Until then I will continue to laugh at the garbage you post from Raw Story .

So put your prediction here on whether they will or will not hear and what the decision might be .

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