
Sep 5, 2010
Twitter for the most part is for weak-minded people who have so little self-confidence that they need to read and post

the opinions of those who agree with them and is the case with some like Lenny who are unable to rebut what others who are opposed

to them say and oppose his/their views, simply post and bash the opposing view but never can state precisely why they

are wrong, and instead hope that begging the question and poisoning the well with their own OPINIONS in itself

will simply overwhelm the views who are opposed to them and slam the gavel down to try to put some finality to it!! lol

Can you say "pathetic and clueless!!"
Funny, twitter is all that porky has.

Nov 11, 2007
My concluding remarks for the day are about Lenny and once again how he has shown his inability/refusal to respond directly

and/or all valid points made by me!!

This has been his modus Operandi since day one because to be blunt, that is all he is capable of!!

The most glaring example of late beforis today was he refusal to respond to my three requests to give an estimate in percentage

terms as to the likelihood that Trump will be convicted before the Election!!

His refusal to respond simply corroborates what a coward/scared rabbit he is when asked to take a stand on something!!

I made a prediction that could end up wrong, and unlike him, I will admit my error in judgment if he is not convicted!!

Lenny reminds me of the scenes in The Wizard of Oz when the Wiz bellows our some intimidating lines, but as we all know,

is later exposed as the weakling he is!!

The same can be said about Lenny until/when/if he shows he has some balls!!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
New reports are buzzing that King Charles has made the decision to step down and yield the throne to William as soon as this "difficult transition period" is over.

Remember Trump's visit with the Queen?

Remember SBD's, "pay attention to the resignations"?

It's a Donald Trump World now (lead by White Hats).

And 2024 is going to be a Donald Trump Year!

The BEST is yet to come!


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Friendly reminder to trolls and tards that this Epstein list would not have seen the light of day without the military in charge.

Everything from election fraud reveals to Epstein are planned coordinated controlled public disclosures executed with military precision.

This also means everything we've been SHOWING you involving the military (Trump the real CIC; massive arrests in DC, Gitmo tribunals and executions, DUMBs) are also very real and coming.

Patriots are currently batting 1700%! When have we ever been wrong?

If you've been in denial up to this point, now would be a good time to repent, get yourself right with God and prepare your rotten demonic FAKE "news" watching souls for what's coming.


Aug 17, 2019
New reports are buzzing that King Charles has made the decision to step down and yield the throne to William as soon as this "difficult transition period" is over.

Remember Trump's visit with the Queen?

Remember SBD's, "pay attention to the resignations"?

It's a Donald Trump World now (lead by White Hats).

And 2024 is going to be a Donald Trump Year!

The BEST is yet to come!


All the stories are coming into full public view, as promised.

Tards are going to jump soon.
Aug 17, 2019
Friendly reminder to trolls and tards that this Epstein list would not have seen the light of day without the military in charge.

Everything from election fraud reveals to Epstein are planned coordinated controlled public disclosures executed with military precision.

This also means everything we've been SHOWING you involving the military (Trump the real CIC; massive arrests in DC, Gitmo tribunals and executions, DUMBs) are also very real and coming.

Patriots are currently batting 1700%! When have we ever been wrong?

If you've been in denial up to this point, now would be a good time to repent, get yourself right with God and prepare your rotten demonic FAKE "news" watching souls for what's coming.



It's all happening just like we told them it would.

All we have ever done is encourage them to get right with God.

And we have all prayed for their souls.

Tards are on their own now.

It's between them and God.
Aug 17, 2019

Now that BTC has landed exactly where the op said it would what can we expect next?

Expect BTC to stay in a very tight range at this new level until March-April.

As we get closet to April, perhaps in March, we should see a 20-30% drop, +/- some.

This equates to roughly 9-13k drop from its current level, perhaps as far back as 28k.

It will be very short lived, perhaps only minutes or hours, before it starts racing to new all-time highs.

If this drop happens as expected it will be the LAST time you will ever be able to buy this low.

I'm putting this out here now so people can plan accordingly to take advantage of this unique opportunity one last time.

12/8/23 👆👆👆👆👆

SINCE 👇👇👇👇👇

Screen Shot 2024-01-04 at 7.09.53 AM.png

Another perfect call so far.

Stay patient.


Nov 11, 2007
Friendly reminder to trolls and tards that this Epstein list would not have seen the light of day without the military in charge.

Everything from election fraud reveals to Epstein are planned coordinated controlled public disclosures executed with military precision.

This also means everything we've been SHOWING you involving the military (Trump the real CIC; massive arrests in DC, Gitmo tribunals and executions, DUMBs) are also very real and coming.

Patriots are currently batting 1700%! When have we ever been wrong?

If you've been in denial up to this point, now would be a good time to repent, get yourself right with God and prepare your rotten demonic FAKE "news" watching souls for what's coming.


I will be brief and summarize rather than repeat what I have said before.\ as well as add something.

Your definition of an "acting CIC," for Trump inspires a new term, CICINO, which stands for Commander-in-Chief

in name only because he hasn't done even one thing to show he is the acting CIC and/or because your definition/implication of the term

is like an honorary PHD; this means it doesn't mean anything/have any clout as far as the educational credentials involved but

rather a title bestowed upon someone for those who for whatever reason have chosen to honor this man!!

Not until, if, when you or anyone can supply some empirical proof of legisation or something related he has effected rather than Biden,

he will remain an acting CICINO using any objective criterion!!

Nov 11, 2007
It's all happening just like we told them it would.

All we have ever done is encourage them to get right with God.

And we have all prayed for their souls.

Tards are on their own now.

It's between them and God.
Do you mean your Anti-Semitic God whose teachings you and doctorsuccess quoted yesterday or the REAL God, who considers Jewish people HIS

Chosen Ones??

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