
Nov 11, 2007

For me the only "job" that this incompetent/mercenary bit ch is good for using the Wheel of Fortune format is a bl w job!! lol

Sep 5, 2010
Last I heard we have Memorial Day and Veterans Day for that!!

Speaking of mourning, how about a holiday to commemorate folks who died of Covid because they believed the lies of Trump

in order not to lose votes stated that Covid was no big deal and that it would just "disappear!"

Why not talk about that, minor leaguer!!
The ultra low iqanons can't comment on anything that they can't find on Twitter.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Leo Hohmann: More Predictive Programming on the Way in Big-Budget Hollywood Movie ‘Civil War’: First Trailer Released for Viewing

Following the Obama-produced release last week of the movie Leave the World Behind, about the collapse of America following a catastrophic cyber attack that shuts down the power grid, internet and all cellphone service, Hollywood is about to serve up another blockbuster dystopian film featuring???

How did you guess? Civil War in America.

Civil War, starring Kirsten Dunst and directed by Alex Garland, looks like an action-packed thriller that will draw an even bigger audience than the Obama production that’s currently Number 1 on Netflix. The first trailer for the upcoming Civil War has just been released. The film depicts journalists navigating a war-torn America.Check out the just-released trailer below.

The release date for Civil War is set for April 26, 2024.

In a May interview with The Daily Telegraph, Garland said the movie is “set at an indeterminate point in the future …and serves as a sci-fi allegory for our currently polarised predicament.”

I have argued for at least a couple of years now that Civil War is a key component of the final takedown of America. The globalists, in my opinion, have already fully conquered the U.S. government, the media, the education system and the military. All that’s left to conquer here is the spirit of the American people. There is a segment who must be disarmed and put in their place if the globalists are going to consolidate their power and make their stranglehold on the sytem permanent. They do not wish to try to subdue every patriotic American, a tall order that would probably take years to accomplish going house to house and collecting arms, arresting the inhabitants and placing them in camps. That’s a long and messy job.

They’d much rather see us all dead. What better way to accomplish that than through war. Perhaps a bloody civil war will break out in conjunction with a World War III scenario, cyber attacks, grid-down, etc. Out of chaos will come a new world order, right? At least that’s their plan. Only God knows if it will succeed.

Will the Second American Civil War be triggered next summer or fall? What if Trump manages to get elected to a second term? I could see that being used as the triggering mechanism.

All we see happening in the “news” is for a reason. It’s all theater. The only authentic reality is that God is on His throne and will ultimately prevail. He’s just waiting for the right moment to intervene and stop this merry-go-round of staged fake reality.

Nov 11, 2007

Leo Hohmann: More Predictive Programming on the Way in Big-Budget Hollywood Movie ‘Civil War’: First Trailer Released for Viewing

Following the Obama-produced release last week of the movie Leave the World Behind, about the collapse of America following a catastrophic cyber attack that shuts down the power grid, internet and all cellphone service, Hollywood is about to serve up another blockbuster dystopian film featuring???

How did you guess? Civil War in America.

Civil War, starring Kirsten Dunst and directed by Alex Garland, looks like an action-packed thriller that will draw an even bigger audience than the Obama production that’s currently Number 1 on Netflix. The first trailer for the upcoming Civil War has just been released. The film depicts journalists navigating a war-torn America.Check out the just-released trailer below.

The release date for Civil War is set for April 26, 2024.

In a May interview with The Daily Telegraph, Garland said the movie is “set at an indeterminate point in the future …and serves as a sci-fi allegory for our currently polarised predicament.”

I have argued for at least a couple of years now that Civil War is a key component of the final takedown of America. The globalists, in my opinion, have already fully conquered the U.S. government, the media, the education system and the military. All that’s left to conquer here is the spirit of the American people. There is a segment who must be disarmed and put in their place if the globalists are going to consolidate their power and make their stranglehold on the sytem permanent. They do not wish to try to subdue every patriotic American, a tall order that would probably take years to accomplish going house to house and collecting arms, arresting the inhabitants and placing them in camps. That’s a long and messy job.

They’d much rather see us all dead. What better way to accomplish that than through war. Perhaps a bloody civil war will break out in conjunction with a World War III scenario, cyber attacks, grid-down, etc. Out of chaos will come a new world order, right? At least that’s their plan. Only God knows if it will succeed.

Will the Second American Civil War be triggered next summer or fall? What if Trump manages to get elected to a second term? I could see that being used as the triggering mechanism.

All we see happening in the “news” is for a reason. It’s all theater. The only authentic reality is that God is on His throne and will ultimately prevail. He’s just waiting for the right moment to intervene and stop this merry-go-round of staged fake reality.
I still vividly remember how you and sbd creamed in your pants when you viewed the mule movie and predicted that

it would result in Trump's being declared the winner and reinstated to the POTUS within days!!

Not surprisingly it didn't happen, and you two folks and others of your ilk fled for the hills and started up again

on your daily Trump devolution which you predicted was/is imminent and now going on almost three years of nothing

but one abject and laughable failure after another!!

All you do and have done is either move the goalposts out each time it has happened and/or make up absurd

reasons, excises and "logic" that wouldn't fly with a sub-moron!!

I know I am dreaming but you folks need to take an objective look at your own lives and with or without professional

help and ask yourselves whether you are really satisfied with your present lot in life, and if you are not, do something

productive to turn it around, in a way that DOES NOT include spewing forth delusional nonsense with nothing to

support it and trying to make waves with your tabloid attention-seeking headlines and instead do something tangible that will

make both of you feel really good about yourself as well as in the eyes of society!!

I have bookmarked this post and will use it again because it is so spot-on!!

Sep 5, 2010
I still vividly remember how you and sbd creamed in your pants when you viewed the mule movie and predicted that

it would result in Trump's being declared the winner and reinstated to the POTUS within days!!

Not surprisingly it didn't happen, and you two folks and others of your ilk fled for the hills and started up again

on your daily Trump devolution which you predicted was/is imminent and now going on almost three years of nothing

but one abject and laughable failure after another!!

All you do and have done is either move the goalposts out each time it has happened and/or make up absurd

reasons, excises and "logic" that wouldn't fly with a sub-moron!!

I know I am dreaming but you folks need to take an objective look at your own lives and with or without professional

help and ask yourselves whether you are really satisfied with your present lot in life, and if you are not, do something

productive to turn it around, in a way that DOES NOT include spewing forth delusional nonsense with nothing to

support it and trying to make waves with your tabloid attention-seeking headlines and instead do something tangible that will

make both of you feel really good about yourself as well as in the eyes of society!!

I have bookmarked this post and will use it again because it is so spot-on!!
I agree 100%.

But they never read your posts.

They are too busy getting ready for the return and the red tsunami.

Nov 11, 2007
I agree 100%.

But they never read your posts.

They are too busy getting ready for the return and the red tsunami.
Out of all of the Trump fellators in here, imo sheriff joe is easily the most psychologically and emotionally disturbed and

unfortunately the most likely to go off the deep end (I will leave it to your imagination to the unnerving consequences for both him

and society what that means)if things unfolded so negatively that even he (sheriff joe) couldn't find a way to sweep it all under

the rug and simply move on!!

Sep 5, 2010
Out of all of the Trump fellators in here, imo sheriff joe is easily the most psychologically and emotionally disturbed and

unfortunately the most likely to go off the deep end (I will leave it to your imagination to the unnerving consequences for both him

and society what that means)if things unfolded so negatively that even he (sheriff joe) couldn't find a way to sweep it all under

the rug and simply move on!!
I'm pretty sure that he would just bounce off the rubber walls that surround him.

And I would think that his diaper is padded,too.

These ultra low iqanons sit in their own shit waiting for someone to post.

Pretty sad bunch.
Sep 12, 2022

Leo Hohmann: More Predictive Programming on the Way in Big-Budget Hollywood Movie ‘Civil War’: First Trailer Released for Viewing

Following the Obama-produced release last week of the movie Leave the World Behind, about the collapse of America following a catastrophic cyber attack that shuts down the power grid, internet and all cellphone service, Hollywood is about to serve up another blockbuster dystopian film featuring???

How did you guess? Civil War in America.

Civil War, starring Kirsten Dunst and directed by Alex Garland, looks like an action-packed thriller that will draw an even bigger audience than the Obama production that’s currently Number 1 on Netflix. The first trailer for the upcoming Civil War has just been released. The film depicts journalists navigating a war-torn America.Check out the just-released trailer below.

The release date for Civil War is set for April 26, 2024.

In a May interview with The Daily Telegraph, Garland said the movie is “set at an indeterminate point in the future …and serves as a sci-fi allegory for our currently polarised predicament.”

I have argued for at least a couple of years now that Civil War is a key component of the final takedown of America. The globalists, in my opinion, have already fully conquered the U.S. government, the media, the education system and the military. All that’s left to conquer here is the spirit of the American people. There is a segment who must be disarmed and put in their place if the globalists are going to consolidate their power and make their stranglehold on the sytem permanent. They do not wish to try to subdue every patriotic American, a tall order that would probably take years to accomplish going house to house and collecting arms, arresting the inhabitants and placing them in camps. That’s a long and messy job.

They’d much rather see us all dead. What better way to accomplish that than through war. Perhaps a bloody civil war will break out in conjunction with a World War III scenario, cyber attacks, grid-down, etc. Out of chaos will come a new world order, right? At least that’s their plan. Only God knows if it will succeed.

Will the Second American Civil War be triggered next summer or fall? What if Trump manages to get elected to a second term? I could see that being used as the triggering mechanism.

All we see happening in the “news” is for a reason. It’s all theater. The only authentic reality is that God is on His throne and will ultimately prevail. He’s just waiting for the right moment to intervene and stop this merry-go-round of staged fake reality.
I don't think we'll see a civil war. Not when upwards of 70% of the country surrendered their freedom without a shot being fired during the recent virus hoax. Grown men hiding behind face diapers, crying like little bitches, and submitting themselves to injections of a deadly and fake vaccine.

Nov 11, 2007
I don't think we'll see a civil war. Not when upwards of 70% of the country surrendered their freedom without a shot being fired during the recent virus hoax. Grown men hiding behind face diapers, crying like little bitches, and submitting themselves to injections of a deadly and fake vaccine.

Nov 11, 2007
One of your big and obvious problems as someone who claims to be involved with Hollywood

is that you are insanely jealous and hateful of those noteworthy Jewish people who made it big time either as an

actor, actress, film producer, film writer, director, musician, etc. whereas in comparison your "success" at best amounted

something along the lines of cleaning up the restrooms or as a busboy!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
I'm pretty sure that he would just bounce off the rubber walls that surround him.

And I would think that his diaper is padded,too.

These ultra low iqanons sit in their own shit waiting for someone to post.

Pretty sad bunch.
One of the big inherent risks of me and for that matter anyone responding to sheriff joe is that it plays into his hands by giving him


Although imo he is not the typical troll who posts only to irritate people since it looks like he really believes what he posts,

the attention he gets by responding to him/rebutting what he says is very likely to 1) not help him and if anything drive him

further into his shell assuming that he does read the posts which as I have stated previously is a huge question mark in itself

but 2) possibly also to antagonize him to the point when and if he realizes that his predictions and narrative are wrong(a

HUGE IF), and that we are right, which in turn could make the water in his being "boiling" to the point that he could

lose all control and do something destructive in nature; let's leave it at that!!

Time for bed!!

Nov 11, 2007

It keeps getting better and better, and why shouldn't it justifiably not as long overdue Divine Justice is about to catch up

to this lying criminal who has evaded it so far!!

Nov 11, 2007
Back for an encore performance post about LOST Lenny, the reincarnated self-anointed human condom for Trump who

is so attached to Trump that he neither understands the reality of the situation nor has the faintest clue as to how to debate:

Here you go:

"Hey Wilbur-take a look at Lenny's post 8188 where he says the best hope of the Democrats holding to the Presidency

is a Trump conviction!!

I can't believe that anyone is actually is that stupid to write off and minimize what a Trump conviction is and means and the implication

that if it weren't for the possibility of a Trump conviction, it would be no contest!!

Let me add two more truisms to Lenny's way of "thinking!"

1) If someone is considering robbing a convenience store, the only way that he won't get away with it is if he gets caught!! lol

2) If Biden runs against Trump, the only way Biden can win if he gets more votes than Trump and/or if Trump gets fewer

votes than Biden!! :LOL: :LOL:

I mean really, Lenny's thought processes are shockingly and embarrassingly bad and he ought to have someone who has

some real intelligence and knowledge re: how to debate and objectivity rather than rattle something off as he just

did which makes him look incredibly clueless, inept and just plain stupid!!

Nov 11, 2007
One of the big inherent risks of me and for that matter anyone responding to sheriff joe is that it plays into his hands by giving him


Although imo he is not the typical troll who posts only to irritate people since it looks like he really believes what he posts,

the attention he gets by responding to him/rebutting what he says is very likely to 1) not help him and if anything drive him

further into his shell assuming that he does read the posts which as I have stated previously is a huge question mark in itself

but 2) possibly also to antagonize him to the point when and if he realizes that his predictions and narrative are wrong(a

HUGE IF), and that we are right, which in turn could make the water in his being "boiling" to the point that he could

lose all control and do something destructive in nature; let's leave it at that!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Why the concern Barry ? Trump is getting convicted and voters will some how gain 20% more income just to break even in the useful idiot’s economy .​


Barack Obama 'thinks Joe Biden could LOSE the White House next year', with president's polls continuing to tank as worries over his age and cost of living crisis persist​

Aug 17, 2019

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