
Nov 11, 2007

To this I say to Trump's legal team, tough shit-perhaps if you had done a better fu cking job of defending your CRIMINAL client, then

perhaps it wouldn't have come down to this and/or even better, other than the fact that you would not be

getting a regular lucrative paycheck!!

Guess what-if your client hadn't indulged in the criminal activity he did, there would be no need for Jack Smith and any investigations

in the first place and he would probably roll to an easy victory in 2024!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
The Dow Jones is almost at all time highs, gas prices are plummeting, and interest rates and inflation are in check.

This should be a nightmare for Lenny Lenbo as improving conditions are not supposed to happen under Biden but only get worse.

But Lenny says don't worry-Trump will beat all of the indictments, become even more "popular" than he is now and then

totally annihilate Biden and/or whoever the Democratic nominee, and then cruise to an even larger margin of victory than

he did in 2020 when he won all fifty states and received over 90% of the popular vote!!

Get out the Red Auerbach victory cigar, Lenny, and all of the Trump diehards in this thread as there is no way Trump can lose!! lol

Congrats Bidenomics is working !

🎉 🎈 🎊

You’re so dumb it’s comical

Fed keeps rates at 22-year high .

Gas is up 75 cents since the useful idiot took office .

House Democrats have rejected the White House's months-long campaign to sell the term "Bidenomics."

Why it matters: Democrats are going into the 2024 election divided on how to communicate about the economy at a time when most voters are dissatisfied with it.

What's happening: House Democratic leadership stopped pushing the term months ago.

Nov 11, 2007
Jay Powell, who sometimes is considered the Grim Reaper when he talks about the economy which in turn sends the stock market

plunging, isn't doing this so far today as what he says is as I write this is being taken quite positively looking at the stock market.

In all fairness, between now and when he finishes, he could damper enthusiasm.

In any case here is the well-known song for today so far which commemorates the positivity for MOST people excepting

of course folks like Lenny Lenbo who want everything to tank so that he can lay it all on Biden!!



Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
It sounds like our TROLLS & TARDS are pivoting back to...ya know, the "issues" now that their lawfare and "81 million votes" BS narrative are completely falling apart.

If they had only stuck to the issues instead of this TDS crap, I might not have put them on Ignore.

:an_laugh: "We Got Him Now!! 717 Years in prison!!" 🤡

Beyond embarrassing!

Nov 11, 2007
It sounds like our TROLLS & TARDS are pivoting back to...ya know, the "issues" now that their lawfare and "81 million votes" BS narrative are completely falling apart.

If they had only stuck to the issues instead of this TDS crap, I might not have put them on Ignore.

:an_laugh: "We Got Him Now!! 717 Years in prison!!" 🤡

Beyond embarrassing!
I hope for your sake sheriff joey hoey, you made telephone numbers in the stock market as I and lots of other folks did today let alone for

the last couple of months!!

Back for one more encore performance of my HOF post which is spot-on about one of the facets of who and what you are:

"First of all, to be fair, I am not a physician and am just tossing this out as an opinion based on my knowledge and experience.

My contention is that sheriff joe may be an autistic adult and/or at the very least is afflicted with some of the characteristics

associated with someone who has been diagnosed as autistic.

One of the many things that is associated with autism is having a fanciful imagination and believing things with literally

nothing to back them up.

In addition in many cases, what they believe is steadfast and cannot be altered.

In many cases, autistic people simply shut out of their minds anything or anyone whom they deem to be challenging

their beliefs and do everything in their power to ensure that they are not subjected to these beliefs because of the fear

on some level of consciousness and just as likely unconsciousness , that these differing views could upset the applecart so

to speak and make them uneasy!!

Thus as a possibility, I see sheriff joe wanting to toss out this devolution and conspiracy stuff only to those whom he believes

will buy into it with a thumbs-up, which he equates/projects to be virtually everyone.

However the other part of him realizes by now that there are in reality folks like myself who don't buy into what he says and

who also have the proof and receipts to challenge him, and if allowed to do so would put him into a position he does not want to be!!

Thus what better way from his point of view to in fact put people like me on ignore so as not to read what they have to say,

and to get out the truth as he sees it to what he believes to be the overwhelming number of people who read what he posts!!

Thus to conclude this for now, if what is said is true at least to some degree, then it dispels or at last partially dispels the nation

I suggested prior that I am on ignore and/or at least pretends to have me on ignore simply because of the fear I would make him look bad

in the eyes of other posters.

In the possible scenario I am suggesting, the issue is squaring off against me publicly and allowing others to make a choice

as to who makes a better case but rather to simply keep those blinkers or 24/7/365 and forge straight ahead with no

resistance and to imagine that the whole world is listening to what he posts and on some level of consciousness/unconsciousness

gives himself some kind of high and or feeling of importance in the eyes of others!!

ps Imo the above doesn't apply to the second major contributor here, because for me as stated before, at this juncture he

doesn't really believe a lot of what he says and is more of a taunter and troll than anything else!!

From the point of a trained and experienced investigator as I am, he is actually quite easy to read by simply by what he posts

how he says it!!"

Nov 11, 2007
It sounds like our TROLLS & TARDS are pivoting back to...ya know, the "issues" now that their lawfare and "81 million votes" BS narrative are completely falling apart.

If they had only stuck to the issues instead of this TDS crap, I might not have put them on Ignore.

:an_laugh: "We Got Him Now!! 717 Years in prison!!" 🤡

Beyond embarrassing!
Do you mean that we shouldn't stick to issues like your DOCUMENTED 99.8% FAILED predictions and 100% when it comes to

your thousands of daily predictions by you over the last three years that Trump's devolution was/is imminent ,and your moronic

and contradictory claims that in an event Trump has always been the "acting CIC" but neither he nor you has presented one shred

of evidence to prove it!!

Or how about your 100% lack of accountability for all of your failed predictions and instead making up weak excuses

and/or simply stalling for time and moving out the goalposts to do so!!

If those are not legitimate issues, then why aren't they, and conversely what are the "real issues" you are vaguely

talking about??

Nov 11, 2007

Markets popped on hopes that borrowing costs would come down in the near future, and major indexes continued climbing through the afternoon. At the close, the Dow Jones Industrial Average jumped 512.3 points, or 1.4 percent, to a record high of 37,090.24. The S&P 500 index climbed 1.37 percent, and the Nasdaq 1.38 percent.

Not good news if it comes true for at least one Trump fellator and Biden hater in this thread!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Cry harder little Dick

There’s been enough information raised about Mr. Thomas and his spouse that he ought to think twice about recusal in this case,” Democratic Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin told CNN Chief Congressional Correspondent Manu Raju on Monday.


Dec 17, 2004

Nov 11, 2007
It's now time for dinner and to reflect on and enjoy this wonderful history-making day in the stock market!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Preach Julie , preach !


She rightly blamed Smith/DOJ for the simultaneous cases and potentially overlapping trials. She emphasized that Trump is entitled to due process—something Judge Chutkan has yet to do.

She called out DOJ for misleading estimates on discovery; failing to create a secure facility for document viewing; and unreasonable expectations to view 2+ years of footage central to obstruction case.

She was right—and she’s been demonized.

Sep 5, 2010
I hope for your sake sheriff joey hoey, you made telephone numbers in the stock market as I and lots of other folks did today let alone for

the last couple of months!!

Back for one more encore performance of my HOF post which is spot-on about one of the facets of who and what you are:

"First of all, to be fair, I am not a physician and am just tossing this out as an opinion based on my knowledge and experience.

My contention is that sheriff joe may be an autistic adult and/or at the very least is afflicted with some of the characteristics

associated with someone who has been diagnosed as autistic.

One of the many things that is associated with autism is having a fanciful imagination and believing things with literally

nothing to back them up.

In addition in many cases, what they believe is steadfast and cannot be altered.

In many cases, autistic people simply shut out of their minds anything or anyone whom they deem to be challenging

their beliefs and do everything in their power to ensure that they are not subjected to these beliefs because of the fear

on some level of consciousness and just as likely unconsciousness , that these differing views could upset the applecart so

to speak and make them uneasy!!

Thus as a possibility, I see sheriff joe wanting to toss out this devolution and conspiracy stuff only to those whom he believes

will buy into it with a thumbs-up, which he equates/projects to be virtually everyone.

However the other part of him realizes by now that there are in reality folks like myself who don't buy into what he says and

who also have the proof and receipts to challenge him, and if allowed to do so would put him into a position he does not want to be!!

Thus what better way from his point of view to in fact put people like me on ignore so as not to read what they have to say,

and to get out the truth as he sees it to what he believes to be the overwhelming number of people who read what he posts!!

Thus to conclude this for now, if what is said is true at least to some degree, then it dispels or at last partially dispels the nation

I suggested prior that I am on ignore and/or at least pretends to have me on ignore simply because of the fear I would make him look bad

in the eyes of other posters.

In the possible scenario I am suggesting, the issue is squaring off against me publicly and allowing others to make a choice

as to who makes a better case but rather to simply keep those blinkers or 24/7/365 and forge straight ahead with no

resistance and to imagine that the whole world is listening to what he posts and on some level of consciousness/unconsciousness

gives himself some kind of high and or feeling of importance in the eyes of others!!

ps Imo the above doesn't apply to the second major contributor here, because for me as stated before, at this juncture he

doesn't really believe a lot of what he says and is more of a taunter and troll than anything else!!

From the point of a trained and experienced investigator as I am, he is actually quite easy to read by simply by what he posts

how he says it!!"
No, he's not autistic.
He's just a delusional ultra low iqanon asshole.
Him and porky need to grease their sides and squeeze through the door of their trailer and get some exercise.

P.s. eating is not an exercise.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
No, he's not autistic.
He's just a delusional ultra low iqanon asshole.
Him and porky need to grease their sides and squeeze through the door of their trailer and get some exercise.

P.s. eating is not an exercise.
Try exercising your brain once in a while

Bad day for borderline retards investing in CDs

Interest rates unchanged

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