
Nov 11, 2007
Oct 30, 2006

Nov 11, 2007
I noticed yesterday you once again disappeared after I battered you against the wall with nothing to rebut what I said about your inability/

refusal to rebut anything I said about your selective and indirect response to what I posted that addressed literally

NOTHING that I had stated!!

And today you come back hoping that your cowardice will be quickly forgotten because it is a day later, and that in any event

all you have to do is taunt and offer a sophomoric response as you just did!!

Simpletons/dreck like yourself constitute a big reason why Trump got elected in the first place while at the same time having no sense

of what is deemed criminal and or just plain appropriate and what is not!!

Thank God I was raised on the other side of the tracks and have values unlike yours that deify someone like Trump

epitomizes and exemplifies what a human being SHOULD NOT BE!!

That's it-now go stick your nose up Trump's anal orifice and be sure to let us all know what he does every second of his existence

today because that is all you are good at!!

Nov 11, 2007
I noticed yesterday you once again disappeared after I battered you against the wall with nothing to rebut what I said about your inability/

refusal to rebut anything I said about your selective and indirect response to what I posted that addressed literally

NOTHING that I had stated!!

And today you come back hoping that your cowardice will be quickly forgotten because it is a day later, and that in any event

all you have to do is taunt and offer a sophomoric response as you just did!!

Simpletons/dreck like yourself constitute a big reason why Trump got elected in the first place while at the same time having no sense

of what is deemed criminal and or just plain appropriate and what is not!!

Thank God I was raised on the other side of the tracks and have values unlike yours that deify someone like Trump

epitomizes and exemplifies what a human being SHOULD NOT BE!!

That's it-now go stick your nose up Trump's anal orifice and be sure to let us all know what he does every second of his existence

today because that is all you are good at!!
In case you "forgot," roadRODENT, tjis is what I am talking about, here is the post from yesterday which sent you scurrying for hills

and then a very indirect response which left virtually all of the things I mentioned untouched because you were unable to

offer any other than ones that would offend sheriff joe and sbd which is a no-no!!

Here you go:

"One other thing for you and others to consider:

If I am the nut case as you allege, could you tell us what and how in comparison you view the repeated allegations here

that Trump's devolution is still imminent even after three years of failed daily predictions, or how about the statement won the 2020

Election and won all fifty states and got over 90% of the popular vote, or how about the Clintons, Newsom, Podesta, George Soros,

Bill Gates and his wife, Dr. Fauci and many thousands more members of the "DS" have all been rounded up and executed at

GITMO over the last few years or that HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people vaccinated for Covid have already died

without one iota of proof!!

Is stuff like this what you refer to as the voice of reason and sanity!!"
Sep 12, 2022
(y)....... beautiful song 🎶
It IS a beautiful song. It could melt the heart of even the most obstinate and ignorant Tard. No, wait. They're Tards. They hate God, hate Christmas, and hate songs like this. Very soon they will be in hell, serving their master Satan and getting tortured and gang-raped by demons.

Nov 11, 2007

artre > Quotes > Quotable Quote​

Jean-Paul Sartre

“Never believe that anti-Semites are completely unaware of the absurdity of their replies. They know that their remarks are frivolous, open to challenge. But they are amusing themselves, for it is their adversary who is obliged to use words responsibly, since he believes in words. The anti-Semites have the right to play. They even like to play with discourse for, by giving ridiculous reasons, they discredit the seriousness of their interlocutors. They delight in acting in bad faith, since they seek not to persuade by sound argument but to intimidate and disconcert. If you press them too closely, they will abruptly fall silent, loftily indicating by some phrase that the time for argument is past.”​

― Jean-Paul Sartre

Read more quotes

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
BREAKING: Deranged Jack Smith’s Alleged Role In Extortion Scheme While At the International Court of Justice Is Revealed

It NEVER ends for our hopelessly brainwashed and controlled TDS TARDS!

Will they ever learn???

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Oct 30, 2006
In case you "forgot," roadRODENT, tjis is what I am talking about, here is the post from yesterday which sent you scurrying for hills

and then a very indirect response which left virtually all of the things I mentioned untouched because you were unable to

offer any other than ones that would offend sheriff joe and sbd which is a no-no!!

Here you go:

"One other thing for you and others to consider:

If I am the nut case as you allege, could you tell us what and how in comparison you view the repeated allegations here

that Trump's devolution is still imminent even after three years of failed daily predictions, or how about the statement won the 2020

Election and won all fifty states and got over 90% of the popular vote, or how about the Clintons, Newsom, Podesta, George Soros,

Bill Gates and his wife, Dr. Fauci and many thousands more members of the "DS" have all been rounded up and executed at

GITMO over the last few years or that HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people vaccinated for Covid have already died

without one iota of proof!!

Is stuff like this what you refer to as the voice of reason and sanity!!"
Thats good Im glad I bug you Savage.....

Nov 11, 2007
Thats good Im glad I bug you Savage.....
If that is how you get your "rocks off" or whatever you have down there, well great!!

I guess we both win then because I not only perform my daily God-driven order of putting folks like you and the major

Trump fellators in their place and exposing them for what they are but at the same time derive immense pleasure

out of doing because after all I am a human being created in God's image and especially so because of my Jewish heritage.

This means that I am subject to the same sets of feelings and emotions as everyone else, that in this case means having a good

feeling about myself in using my God-given abilities to wreak daily destruction against those who have strayed from HIS RIGHTFUL WAYs

as well as getting a "high" in doing so!!

It is tough to beat a win-win situation like this!!

Nov 11, 2007
Thats good Im glad I bug you Savage.....
ps I hope you realize that what you just said is an open admission that by definition you are a TROLL, not that it is any great revelation to

begin with!!

It would be nice and fitting if the likes of sbd and several other folks in his thread were as upfront and honest as you are!! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Oh no! The Badass Boss just Truthed those two magic code words directed at Deranged Jack Smith!


Patriots know what that means! 👇👇👇

Beautiful Executive Order 13848 -- Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election

From "Great Reads" to GITMO! 😂😂😂

When it rains it POURS for our gullible TARDS!


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