
Nov 11, 2007

The most important thing about this is not whether it is true or not but rather the fear and doubts of Trump it will

instill and raise in millions of people in the country, which means that they will vote for someone else if he is miraculously

the nominee on Election Day or simply not vote!!

Anyone with any political sense realizes that if one of running for political office and especially in this case for POTUS,

it is a given that it is a near-death blow if the media is very much against you, which is clearky the case with TRUMP!!

Nov 11, 2007
This is going to be my last post until sometime this afternoon as I have some appointments and errands to attend to.

Anyways this piece is a comparison of the relevance of a physical exam to the current polling data regarding who is going

to win the 2024 Election.

Anyways using myself as an example, a few months ago I had my annual physical and did quite with my EKG, bp, weight,

blood tests overall physical health except for some spinal stenosis and arthritis which is quite normal for folks my age.

Needless to say, my cognitive ability also excelled!!

To cut to the chase, I walked out of the exam feeling quite good but also with the realization that sometimes without warning

people my age can die suddenly without warning from a heart attack, stroke, car accident or not so suddenly from stuff like canser,,

dementia, etc!!

Also in my favor is that my dad lived to be 90 and my mom 88 and would have lived longer hda she opted to have a heart


The bottom line is that despite the risks of what could happen, I was/happy with the results.

How does this compare to current polling??

Well and using Trump as the example, the current polling data which shows him leading or neck and neck with Biden is a far different

animal than the physical exam I cited above.

To cut to the chase, and unlike the physical exam, there are just so many things that are much more likely to occur over

the next year to alter the polling data.

The most glaring one is a Trump conviction which will immediately mean he loses 30% of potential voters which would

automatically reduce his chances of winning to next to nothing if he is the nominee!!

Couple that with a decent chance that he won't be facing Biden, which imo is a big reason that they would vote for

Trump in the first place as well as what effect the fear and doubts created by Trump himself by what he abetted by

the media, and a lot more and hopefully you will see some of the things that are a lot more likely to happen in the

next year as opposed to the results of my physical exam!!

Back sometime after 1 at the earliest.
Oct 30, 2006
That is why that any objective person doesn't give any of them even the slightest ounce of credibility!!

One other thing for you and others to consider:

If I am the nut case as you allege, could you tell us what and how in comparison you view the repeated allegations here

that Trump's devolution is still imminent even after three years of failed daily predictions, or how about the statement won the 2020

Election and won all fifty states and got over 90% of the popular vote, or how about the Clintons, Newsom, Podesta, George Soros,

Bill Gates and his wife, Dr. Fauci and many thousands more members of the "DS" have all been rounded up and executed at

GITMO over the last few years or that HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people vaccinated for Covid have already died

without one iota of proof!!

Isstuff like this what you refer to as the voice of reason and anity!!
What I do believe is Trump won the 2020 Election by many many more votes than Biden.....Democrats cheated like hell in many ways in the swing States its been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt with much video evidence too...

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

The most important thing about this is not whether it is true or not but rather the fear and doubts of Trump it will

instill and raise in millions of people in the country, which means that they will vote for someone else if he is miraculously

the nominee on Election Day or simply not vote!!

Anyone with any political sense realizes that if one of running for political office and especially in this case for POTUS,

it is a given that it is a near-death blow if the media is very much against you, which is clearky the case with TRUMP!!


Biden, who is likely to face a rematch with Trump next year, has already framed the 2024 race as a battle to defend American democracy, threatened by Trump's movement.

Nov 11, 2007
What I do believe is Trump won the 2020 Election by many many more votes than Biden.....Democrats cheated like hell in many ways in the swing States its been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt with much video evidence too...
Believe as you wish re: the 2020 Election!!

Every single recount, audit, legal challenge including to the SCOTUS failed to show anything other than that Biden won!!

Your shadow of a doubt nonsense, equates to offering undocymented opinion, begging the question and poisoning the well!!

Also as is the case with Lenny, who like you and unlike the other cowards in this thread has the balls to stand up to me and in the process

have their head handed to them, I noticed that you tried to change the topic and NOT address the points I made DIRECTLY

including such as whether Trump did win all fifty states and get over 90% of the popular vote and the other stuff I alluded to, about

which I asked you to compare regarding me as a nutcase!!

Your lack of direct response tells me that you have none or else you would have answered directly!!

And for the third time, you failed to accept the challenge I offered earlier about whether you would accept the verdict in

any and all of the Trump indictments if he is found guilty!!

Conclusion-while you are not chickenshit as is the case with sheriff joe, sbd, their puppet doctorsuccess, MAGATrump, etc.

to square iff against me, alas in effect you are as hapless as is Lenny when confronted with matters for which he has no


Bye bye for now!!
Sep 12, 2022
This is a good summation of Salvage and the Tards.

Sep 12, 2022
Soon tards will understand what was meant when we said "WE HAVE IT ALL".

They will also understand how others like Lindell, Lake and Bannon played key roles in keeping the election fraud front-center immediately following "the steal", paving the way for this moment.
At this point, a person would have to be a braindead retard to think the 2020 election WASN'T stolen.

Nov 11, 2007
feeble excuse. kill em off Savage. One by one.
They are not only LOSERS AND FAILURES IN LIFE, but not one of them has shown an ability and/or willingness to debate me

about anything because to diplomatic, they realize they are dealing with someone with whom has a different sets of credentials

than hose that are used to seeing!!

Nov 11, 2007
Stay tuned in the morning for my opinion that possibly contradicts what I have said up until now about sheriff joe

pretending to put me on ignore, and has actually why he has put me on ignore but not for the reasons you may think!!
Here is the response I promised last night regarding sheriff joe and why out of the other folks who frequent this thread and

claim I am on ignore, he is the most likely to be telling the truth, not that it means that he is!!

First of all, to be fair, I am not a physician and am just tossing this out as an opinion based on my knowledge and experience.

My contention is that sheriff joe may be an autistic adult and/or at the very least is afflicted with some of the characteristics

associated with someone who has been diagnosed as autistic.

One of the many things that is associated with autism is having a fanciful imagination and believing things with literally

nothing to back them up.

In addition in many cases, what they believe is steadfast and cannot be altered.

In many cases, autistic people simply shut out of their minds anything or anyone whom they deem to be challenging

their beliefs and do everything in their power to ensure that they are not subjected to these beliefs because of the fear

on some level of consciousness and just as likely unconsciousness , that these differing views could upset the applecart so

to speak and make them uneasy!!

Thus as a possibility, I see sheriff joe wanting to toss out this devolution and conspiracy stuff only to those whom he believes

will buy into it with a thumbs-up, which he equates to be virtually everyone.

However the other part of him realizes by now that there are in reality folks like myself who don't buy into what he says and

who also have the proof and receipts to challenge him, and if allowed to do so would put him into a position he does not want to be!!

Thus what better way from his point of view to in fact put people like me on ignore so as not to read what they have to say,

and to get out the truth as he sees it to what he believes to be the overwhelming number of people who read what he posts!!

Thus to conclude this for now, if what is said is true at least to some degree, then it dispels or at last partially dispels the nation

I suggested prior that I am on ignore and/or at least pretends to have me on ignore simply because of the fear I would make him look bad

in the eyes of other posters.

In the possible scenario I am suggesting, the issue is squaring off against me publicly and allowing others to make a choice

as to who makes a better case but rather to simply keep those blinkers or 24/7/365 and forge straight ahead with no

resistance and to imagine that the whole world is listening to what he posts and on some level of consciousness/unconsciousness

gives himself some kind of high and or feeling of importance in the eyes of others!!

ps Imo the above doesn't apply to the second major contributor here, because for me as stated before, at this juncture he

doesn't really believe a lot of what he says and is more of a taunter and troll than anything else!!

From the point of a trained and experienced investigator as I am, he is actually quite easy to read by simply by what he posts

how he says it!!

Nov 11, 2007
They are not only LOSERS AND FAILURES IN LIFE, but not one of them has shown an ability and/or willingness to debate me

about anything because to be diplomatic, they realize they are dealing with someone whom they realize has a different sets of credentials

than those that are used to seeing!!
Corrected post for typos and clarity

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