
Sep 5, 2010
What I do believe is Trump won the 2020 Election by many many more votes than Biden.....Democrats cheated like hell in many ways in the swing States its been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt with much video evidence too...
The mule movie was fiction.

Sep 5, 2010
What I do believe is Trump won the 2020 Election by many many more votes than Biden.....Democrats cheated like hell in many ways in the swing States its been proven beyond a shadow of a doubt with much video evidence too...
I believe that you and the rest of the ultra low iqanons are a bunch of clueless moronic boobs.

Nov 11, 2007
The mule movie was fiction.
Of course but you got to give the producers of the movie a lot of credit for deciding FIRST what conclusion they should have

to appease the Trump fellators to bring in the $$$ and then go out and find some selective "evidence" to support it!!

Nov 11, 2007
I believe that you and the rest of the ultra low iqanons are a bunch of clueless moronic boobs.
That goes without saying!1

Sadly they believe that by worshiping their false God, somehow that is going to transform their own miserable and wretched existence

into a successful and meaningful one!!

Dec 17, 2004

Sep 5, 2010
Of course but you got to give the producers of the movie a lot of credit for deciding FIRST what conclusion they should have

to appease the Trump fellators to bring in the $$$ and then go out and find some selective "evidence" to support it!!
I would bet that the ultra low iqanons are convinced that Gilligan's Island was a true story.
It was on TV, it has to be true.

Sep 5, 2010
That goes without saying!1

Sadly they believe that by worshiping their false God, somehow that is going to transform their own miserable and wretched existence

into a successful and meaningful one!!
Obviously the ultra low iqanons think that by sending the orange encrusted buffoon their money, $35 at a time, he will somehow change their pathetic lives.
Maybe some will lose some weight and be able to get outside without greasing their sides.

:pig: :pig::pig::pig::pig::santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat::pig:
Sep 12, 2022
Another day, another day of winning for President Trump.


Presidents Sally Kornbluth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Elizabeth Magill of Penn and Claudine Gay of Harvard were grilled by Republicans at a House hearing. (* House is actually not even in session, but I digress.)

As Fury Erupts Over Campus Antisemitism, Conservatives Seize the Moment​

Republicans have been attacking elite universities for years. After a tense congressional hearing last week, many on the left are joining them.

Rebuttal By​

The latest manifestation of the current Military Occupation system (White Hats / COG) takes the form of a coordinated attack upon the Ivy League and, by extension, the rest of "elite" libtarded quackademia. The sheer genius of this assault is that it targets the Cabal from a direction which they never suspected and now, cannot contain -- specifically, the Left.

From the article: "For Republicans, the rise of antisemitic speech and the timid responses of some academic leaders presented a long-sought opportunity to flip the political script and cast liberals or their institutions as hateful and intolerant. 'What I’m describing is a grave danger inherent in assenting to the race-based ideology of the radical left,' said Representative Virginia Foxx, Republican of North Carolina, at the hearing, adding, 'Institutional antisemitism and hate are among the poison fruits of your institution’s cultures.'” (emphasis added) *

Relax, ye overly passionate purists of the Black Pill Society -- for you see, in the Zionized United States, the most politically destructive label that can be affixed to somebody is "antisemitic ™." How delightfully ironic to see the Cabal's "elite" minions get boomeranged with this "kiss of death" of their own creation!

1. Campus libtards -- now being blindly led by White Hat operatives -- are doing the heavy lifting against Israel. //

2. We've been saying for years now that the loony ladies of the Demonrat Congressional Clique known as "The Squad" were White Hat operatives. Their uncontrollable condemnations of Israel have served to awaken many, while scaring some Jews away from the D Party at the same time.

Putting aside the unreformable majority bloc of anti-goy Marxists and "Neocon" Jews, the main reason why the majority of unsuspecting Jewish normies vote Demonratic is because Republicans have been painted as closer to "zee Nazis," whereas the Demonrats have been marketed as the "tolerant" ones. It's a "gas chamber" thing, dontcha' know? But that perception is changing now -- quickly and by design.

To the extent that the academic Left in general and the D Party in particular come off as either unwilling or unable to control their young "antisemites ™," expect many paranoid (but innocent) Jews to bolt the Party and begin gravitating toward Trump.

Now, we don't exactly expect a majority of Js to become MAGA Republicans -- though a good number of them indeed already have and more certainly will. If enough of them simply withhold their money from the "antisemitic" ™ D Party and stay home on Election Day (or vote for RFK Jr.), it will be devastating for the already devastated national D Party.

It is very important to understand that the NWO Jewish Cabal regards the Jewish rank-and-file as just a better breed of cattle than the goy herds -- yet cattle to be mentally manipulated and herded nonetheless.

What Trump and the White Hats are doing represents a delightfully engineered reversal of a tactic -- set forth in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion -- used to control the oblivious "lesser brethren" of Judea: Protocol 9: "Antisemitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren."

The never-ending mantra of "antisemitism ™" was always the Cabal's most fearsome Frankenstein Monster. As it was in both Mary Shelley's novel and the various movie remakes, that monster -- and many other Frankensteins -- are being flipped around to counter-attack the Cabal with. Indeed, as Q so accurately foretold: "the Hunter has become the Hunted."

Right-wing White Hats have seized the Cabal's assets, identities and tactics and are running wild with them -- successfully branding the "elites" of media and academia as "antisemites ™" -- "racists ™" -- "anti-Israel" and "fascists."

We saw Vlad the Bad successfully play this game by labeling the Globalist-Marxist proxies of Ukraine as "Nazis."

Do not be surprised if 35-40% of "lesser brethren" Jews, and also "people of color ™" hop aboard the "far right" ™ Trump Train in 2024.

My dear Black Pilled brethren: Is this not far more effective than screaming, "da Jews! da Jews!"" at every turn -- while slandering many of our movement's political leaders and influencers as "false opposition psyops" for not doing the same? Think about it.

Trust the plan.

1 & 2. The paranoid Jews of JEXIT (Jewish Exit from the Democrat Party) support Trump because they are spooked by the engineered surge in "antisemitism" and "anti-Israelism" on the far left.

Trump is wise to play along with this. As long as the US is never again drawn into another war for Israel (which it won't be) -- it's all just harmless strategic "optics" because we believe that Netanyahoo and his main henchmen were already executed, and that the current war in Gaza is only a "Wag the Dog" movie. // 2. The Protocols, annotated by yours truly.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that conservatives are attacking elite universities for promoting antisemitism.

Boobus Americanus 2: What an odd role reversal. It seems that the antisemites are in the Democratic Party now, and that those seeking to protect the people of the Jewish faith are on the right. *

St Sugar: We're just faking it, Boobuss -- so we can sstir up some divide & conquer sshit among enemy rankss.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
2. We've been saying for years now that the loony ladies of the Demonrat Congressional Clique known as "The Squad" were White Hat operatives. Their uncontrollable condemnations of Israel have served to awaken many, while scaring some Jews away from the D Party at the same time.
Did you know AOC actually "tried out" to be the candidate in her guaranteed far left D riding? That's right, from bartender and acting to....overnight Congresswoman LOL

Sure, she's adored by her woke purple-haired freak base, but mocked by everyone else. And that's the point. One of the best butt-end of jokes and memes, which absolutely serve a purpose in waking people up.

AOC is a Judas Goat.

Another member of "The Squad" married her brother. Nothing unusual about that, either. 😂
Oct 30, 2006
Did you know AOC actually "tried out" to be the candidate in her guaranteed far left D riding? That's right, from bartender and acting to....overnight Congresswoman LOL

Sure, she's adored by her woke purple-haired freak base, but mocked by everyone else. And that's the point. One of the best butt-end of jokes and memes, which absolutely serve a purpose in waking people up.

AOC is a Judas Goat.

Another member of "The Squad" married her brother. Nothing unusual about that, either. 😂
She’s a sex object…Nice boobs..

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Another day, another day of winning for President Trump.


Presidents Sally Kornbluth of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Elizabeth Magill of Penn and Claudine Gay of Harvard were grilled by Republicans at a House hearing. (* House is actually not even in session, but I digress.)

As Fury Erupts Over Campus Antisemitism, Conservatives Seize the Moment​

Republicans have been attacking elite universities for years. After a tense congressional hearing last week, many on the left are joining them.

Rebuttal By​

The latest manifestation of the current Military Occupation system (White Hats / COG) takes the form of a coordinated attack upon the Ivy League and, by extension, the rest of "elite" libtarded quackademia. The sheer genius of this assault is that it targets the Cabal from a direction which they never suspected and now, cannot contain -- specifically, the Left.

From the article: "For Republicans, the rise of antisemitic speech and the timid responses of some academic leaders presented a long-sought opportunity to flip the political script and cast liberals or their institutions as hateful and intolerant. 'What I’m describing is a grave danger inherent in assenting to the race-based ideology of the radical left,' said Representative Virginia Foxx, Republican of North Carolina, at the hearing, adding, 'Institutional antisemitism and hate are among the poison fruits of your institution’s cultures.'” (emphasis added) *

Relax, ye overly passionate purists of the Black Pill Society -- for you see, in the Zionized United States, the most politically destructive label that can be affixed to somebody is "antisemitic ™." How delightfully ironic to see the Cabal's "elite" minions get boomeranged with this "kiss of death" of their own creation!

1. Campus libtards -- now being blindly led by White Hat operatives -- are doing the heavy lifting against Israel. //

2. We've been saying for years now that the loony ladies of the Demonrat Congressional Clique known as "The Squad" were White Hat operatives. Their uncontrollable condemnations of Israel have served to awaken many, while scaring some Jews away from the D Party at the same time.

Putting aside the unreformable majority bloc of anti-goy Marxists and "Neocon" Jews, the main reason why the majority of unsuspecting Jewish normies vote Demonratic is because Republicans have been painted as closer to "zee Nazis," whereas the Demonrats have been marketed as the "tolerant" ones. It's a "gas chamber" thing, dontcha' know? But that perception is changing now -- quickly and by design.

To the extent that the academic Left in general and the D Party in particular come off as either unwilling or unable to control their young "antisemites ™," expect many paranoid (but innocent) Jews to bolt the Party and begin gravitating toward Trump.

Now, we don't exactly expect a majority of Js to become MAGA Republicans -- though a good number of them indeed already have and more certainly will. If enough of them simply withhold their money from the "antisemitic" ™ D Party and stay home on Election Day (or vote for RFK Jr.), it will be devastating for the already devastated national D Party.

It is very important to understand that the NWO Jewish Cabal regards the Jewish rank-and-file as just a better breed of cattle than the goy herds -- yet cattle to be mentally manipulated and herded nonetheless.

What Trump and the White Hats are doing represents a delightfully engineered reversal of a tactic -- set forth in The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion -- used to control the oblivious "lesser brethren" of Judea: Protocol 9: "Antisemitism is indispensable to us for the management of our lesser brethren."

The never-ending mantra of "antisemitism ™" was always the Cabal's most fearsome Frankenstein Monster. As it was in both Mary Shelley's novel and the various movie remakes, that monster -- and many other Frankensteins -- are being flipped around to counter-attack the Cabal with. Indeed, as Q so accurately foretold: "the Hunter has become the Hunted."

Right-wing White Hats have seized the Cabal's assets, identities and tactics and are running wild with them -- successfully branding the "elites" of media and academia as "antisemites ™" -- "racists ™" -- "anti-Israel" and "fascists."

We saw Vlad the Bad successfully play this game by labeling the Globalist-Marxist proxies of Ukraine as "Nazis."

Do not be surprised if 35-40% of "lesser brethren" Jews, and also "people of color ™" hop aboard the "far right" ™ Trump Train in 2024.

My dear Black Pilled brethren: Is this not far more effective than screaming, "da Jews! da Jews!"" at every turn -- while slandering many of our movement's political leaders and influencers as "false opposition psyops" for not doing the same? Think about it.

Trust the plan.

1 & 2. The paranoid Jews of JEXIT (Jewish Exit from the Democrat Party) support Trump because they are spooked by the engineered surge in "antisemitism" and "anti-Israelism" on the far left.

Trump is wise to play along with this. As long as the US is never again drawn into another war for Israel (which it won't be) -- it's all just harmless strategic "optics" because we believe that Netanyahoo and his main henchmen were already executed, and that the current war in Gaza is only a "Wag the Dog" movie. // 2. The Protocols, annotated by yours truly.

Boobus Americanus 1: I read in the New York Times today that conservatives are attacking elite universities for promoting antisemitism.

Boobus Americanus 2: What an odd role reversal. It seems that the antisemites are in the Democratic Party now, and that those seeking to protect the people of the Jewish faith are on the right. *

St Sugar: We're just faking it, Boobuss -- so we can sstir up some divide & conquer sshit among enemy rankss.
This line is the one I agree MOST with

It is very important to understand that the NWO Jewish Cabal regards the Jewish rank-and-file as just a better breed of cattle than the goy herds -- yet cattle to be mentally manipulated and herded nonetheless.

They got a bunch of White Christians AND rank and file Jews doing their dirty work propaganda, once these groups finally see how they have been brainwashed to promote their EVIL agenda....a major gambit the Cabal uses will be busted and ineffective.

Just like how more and more people will NOT be fooled with the " race card" being used as a WEAPON at every turn to obfuscate truth
They will not be fooled with the "Anti-Semitism" card being used in the same manner.

Sep 5, 2010
We have it all.

The ultra low iqanons posted all night.

This usually happens when the orange encrusted buffoon is going to get bad news.

Or what the stooges call winning.


Soon, real soon.




:santahat: :santahat::santahat::santahat::santahat:

Nov 11, 2007
View attachment 79848

The tragedy in this is that Trump will be in prison by then or even at GITMO facing death penalty.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

🤡 🤡 🤡
What does that have to do specifically with the investigations, indictments, conviction, and the overall ability for him to

be elected POTUS in 2024??

I mean even though sheriff joe has pretty much usurped your dominance in this thread and because in any event, you are

in reality not much more than a taunter at this point, your illogic, "reasoning" nonsequiturs and ability to draw conclusions

as shown above are embarrassingly and shockinly off of the scale in incompetence!!

Nov 11, 2007
Now that got me spitting out my
Of course it does because you are basically cut of the same ilk that sbd he is, although I would compare

you overall more than sheriff joe at this point because of your total disconnect from the real world total inability and/or refusal

to see what Trump is up against at this juncture. that in turn has been badly supplanted by your hopes and projections!!

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