
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Oct 30, 2006
Roadreeler57 the coward returns figuring that perhaps it is safe to go back into the water after she ran away and hid after

I challenged her to this which I am going to repeat every single time she returns her.

For those of you who didn't see my challenge or forgot, I challenged this Trump fellator to this:

I openly stated that I would accept the verdict by any guilty if Trump was not convicted and found innocent!!

I asked her if she would do the same if found guilty.

She not only did not respond to the question but ran for the hills and then returned several days later to post something else

at which point I challenged her again, and once again she fled!!

Now here she is again and I am posing the same challenge to her.

Lets see if this time she has the guts to openly respond!!
I didnt see any of your posts about any challenges & I dont give a F about any challenge you put out there so Go F yourself Savage....I dont live in this thread like you do & dont read every post under a microscope everyday....There are other threads like for betting on sports to check...

Aug 5, 2021
I didnt see any of your posts about any challenges & I dont give a F about any challenge you put out there so Go F yourself Savage....I dont live in this thread like you do & dont read every post under a microscope everyday....There are other threads like for betting on sports to check...
feeble excuse. kill em off Savage. One by one.

Nov 11, 2007
I didnt see any of your posts about any challenges & I dont give a F about any challenge you put out there so Go F yourself Savage....I dont live in this thread like you do & dont read every post under a microscope everyday....There are other threads like for betting on sports to check...
You are lying, lady!!

I challenged you twice and now a third time!!

Being the Trump fellator you are who sniffs his ass 24/7/365 and who lives

her life vicariously through him because you are angry and disappointed with your own life and see him in your demented

mind as a means to elevate your own life to one of success rather than abject failure, I really didn't expect that you

would respond to my challenge because in your mind Trump is fu king God and that if he was found guilty of anything/convicted,

it would be because of the unfairness of the legal system, the judge and jury!!

It could never be because your "deity" did anything criminal and/or even criminal in intent because like other folks of

your ilk either are 1) emotionally and psychologically handle something that shatters the image of Trump and/or

2) you were raised in an environment where what Trump is accused of doing is perfectly acceptable!!

That's it for now as I don't want to take away any more of your precious time of extolling the "virtues" of your hero

in this section of the forum!!

The only sure thing is that you did see the challenge I offered in this post!!

How about answering it, with a simple "yes" or "no}" with attached reasoning if your like!!
Oct 30, 2006
You are lying, lady!!

I challenged you twice and now a third time!!

Being the Trump fellator you are who sniffs his ass 24/7/365 and who lives

her life vicariously through him because you are angry and disappointed with your own life and see him in your demented

mind as a means to elevate your own life to one of success rather than abject failure, I really didn't expect that you

would respond to my challenge because in your mind Trump is fu king God and that if he was found guilty of anything/convicted,

it would be because of the unfairness of the legal system, the judge and jury!!

It could never be because your "deity" did anything criminal and/or even criminal in intent because like other folks of

your ilk either are 1) emotionally and psychologically handle something that shatters the image of Trump and/or

2) you were raised in an environment where what Trump is accused of doing is perfectly acceptable!!

That's it for now as I don't want to take away any more of your precious time of extolling the "virtues" of your hero

in this section of the forum!!

The only sure thing is that you did see the challenge I offered in this post!!

How about answering it, with a simple "yes" or "no}" with attached reasoning if your like!!
You're a nutcase...

Nov 11, 2007
"Promises made, Promises kept."
In your case the phrase should be "predictions made, predictions failed" as documented by your 99.8% FAILED predictions since

you started the original thread almost four years ago and 100% when it comes to Trump's reinstatement/devolution

which you have been predicting for almost four years!1

For that matter you have in effect corroborated your own FAILED prediction made shortly after you opened the thread by

implicit agreeing with Trump about the so-called "Final Battel" to come when you in fact stated that the Final Battle was imminent

four years ago!!

It is no wonder, wimp, that you pretend to have had me on ignore for the last two or three years when you are so outmatched

and out of your league when it comes to skilled debating,

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

West Virginia Secretary of State and Gubernatorial Candidate Says 2020 Election Was ‘Stolen by the CIA’​

And the military has the corrupt Dominion server data (Solar Winds hack) and watermarked ballots which will SHOW people the REAL 2020 election results.


Who is ready?

Aug 17, 2019

West Virginia Secretary of State and Gubernatorial Candidate Says 2020 Election Was ‘Stolen by the CIA’​

And the military has the corrupt Dominion server data (Solar Winds hack) and watermarked ballots which will SHOW people the REAL 2020 election results.


Who is ready?


Soon tards will understand what was meant when we said "WE HAVE IT ALL".

They will also understand how others like Lindell, Lake and Bannon played key roles in keeping the election fraud front-center immediately following "the steal", paving the way for this moment.

Aug 5, 2021
Soon tards will understand what was meant when we said "WE HAVE IT ALL".

They will also understand how others like Lindell, Lake and Bannon played key roles in keeping the election fraud front-center immediately following "the steal", paving the way for this moment.
always soon and imminent and less than 5 months. Go crawl back in your "Q" hole . DESPICABLE LOSER!

Nov 11, 2007
Soon tards will understand what was meant when we said "WE HAVE IT ALL".

They will also understand how others like Lindell, Lake and Bannon played key roles in keeping the election fraud front-center immediately following "the steal", paving the way for this moment.
Could you be more specific as to what the term "moment" means-Trump's devolution, execution of all of the investigators, judges,

commentators, writers, members of his administration, all members of the media, etc. who ever said anything negative about

Trump, in short order or what!!

Nov 11, 2007
always soon and imminent and less than 5 months. Go crawl back in your "Q" hole . DESPICABLE LOSER!
That is why that any objective person doesn't give any of them even the slightest ounce of credibility!!
You're a nutcase...
One other thing for you and others to consider:

If I am the nut case as you allege, could you tell us what and how in comparison you view the repeated allegations here

that Trump's devolution is still imminent even after three years of failed daily predictions, or how about the statement won the 2020

Election and won all fifty states and got over 90% of the popular vote, or how about the Clintons, Newsom, Podesta, George Soros,

Bill Gates and his wife, Dr. Fauci and many thousands more members of the "DS" have all been rounded up and executed at

GITMO over the last few years or that HUNDREDS OF MILLIONS of people vaccinated for Covid have already died

without one iota of proof!!

Isstuff like this what you refer to as the voice of reason and anity!!

Nov 11, 2007
I almost forgot.

For the record, I just paid $2.67 a gallon to fill up the tank yesterday in one of my cars!!

The stock market over the last six weeks or so has made an amazing comeback but obviousy with no guarantees moving


But of course according to our concrete wall poster here who only wants to blame Biden for all of the bad stuff

but never give credit for the good stuff that happens under his watch, this is all immaterial and is either coincidental,

would have happened on its own but in no way as in the case above where he attributes 100% of the blame to Biden

for the economy when it was at its worst give even the slightest inch of credit!!

But then again, what should we expect from a totally fixated/homer-non-budging intransigent with a concrete wall


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