Sep 12, 2022
The bottom line is, they don't want civil war.

That's why President Trump "left" office optically, but then was immediately sworn in by the military at Andrews Air Force Base with a 21-gun salute followed by Hail to the Chief.

It's not like this COG is classified top secret, anyone can read all the Laws and Orders, they're just not coming out and flat out announcing it officially.

Those who still don't know CHOOSE not to know.

That simple.
We certainly have our share of willfully ignorant retards on here.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (12/03/23)

#10 - Private jets headed to global warming conference get “literally frozen” on the runway.

#9 - New ruling in New York state allows for indefinite detention of the unvaccinated.

#8 - Police warn a brand-new iPhone feature could put your children at grave risk.

#7 - Masks paradoxically increased people’s chances of contracting COVID.

#6 - X influencers make Walmart instantly regret its decision to pull advertisements off of the platform.

#5 - Fake obituaries are being created to conceal cases of “died suddenly.”

#4 - Nine-year-old Chief’s fan responds to false allegations of wearing blackface.

#3 - Military could owe billions to service members involuntarily discharged for refusing COVID-19 shots.

#2 - Texas AG Ken Paxton sues Pfizer for misrepresenting COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and conspiring to censor public discourse.

#1 - New trove of documents exposes government-involved, sweeping plan for global censorship.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Gold will destroy the Fed"



Nov 11, 2007
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (12/03/23)

#10 - Private jets headed to global warming conference get “literally frozen” on the runway.

#9 - New ruling in New York state allows for indefinite detention of the unvaccinated.
But yet according to you even though Trump is the "acting CIC," he refuses to do anything about it!! lol

#8 - Police warn a brand-new iPhone feature could put your children at grave risk.

But yet according to you even though Trump is the "acting CIC," he refuses to do anything about it!! lol
#7 - Masks paradoxically increased people’s chances of contracting COVID.

But yet according to you even though Trump is the "acting CIC," he refuses to do anything about it!! lol
#6 - X influencers make Walmart instantly regret its decision to pull advertisements off of the platform.
But yet according to you even though Trump is the "acting CIC," he refuses to do anything about it!! lol
#5 - Fake obituaries are being created to conceal cases of “died suddenly.”
But yet according to you even though Trump is the "acting CIC," he refuses to do anything about it!! lol
#4 - Nine-year-old Chief’s fan responds to false allegations of wearing blackface.
But yet according to you even though Trump is the "acting CIC," but refuses to do anything about it!! lol
#3 - Military could owe billions to service members involuntarily discharged for refusing COVID-19 shots.
But yet according to you even though Trump is the "acting CIC," he refuses to do anything about it!! lol
#2 - Texas AG Ken Paxton sues Pfizer for misrepresenting COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and conspiring to censor public discourse.
But yet according to you even though Trump is the "acting CIC," he refuses to do anything about it!! lol
#1 - New trove of documents exposes government-involved, sweeping plan for global censorship.
But yet according to you even though Trump is the "acting CIC," he refuses to do anything about it!! lol
Bot what a nice fu cking easy job it must be to be an "acting CIC" of the country and do nothing to earn it!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Nov 11, 2007
Before retiring for the evening I have another idea and it involves a related and indirect reason why folks like sheriff joe, sbd, their puppet

doctorsucess. Lenny Lenbo, MAGAmoron, roadreeler, Red Eye, etc. adore Trump, and it isn't a direct reason why they do so!!

It is actually quite simple if you stop and think about it.

From what I can see all of these folks are in one way or more failures and on some level they realize that!!

Many millions of people are a lot more successful than they are!!

This is where Trump enters.

They see him as a means to get back at some of these folks and punish them somehow so as to make them as miserable and unhappy

as they themselves are!!

Then to put a rubber stamp on it and to ensure themselves in their own mind that this is really going to happen, they(especially

sheriff joe) conjure up baseless predictions about Trump's devolution, which they have been predicting is "imminent" for

almost three years!!

Also and just as importantly they preach to others(actually in sheriff's case to himself) that devolution is reality nothing

more than the official act of making it official that Trump is and has been the acting CIC for the last three years.

Back later on in the morning!!

However, one of the reasons he has pretended to put me on ignore is that he knows damn well that if faced me openly

in this thread, he would have to DIRECTLY respond to the massive holes I have found and stated regarding his

contentions and predictions!!

Yes while it is true that my intelligence, education, investigative career and experience and understanding human nature gives

me somewhat of an edge in being able to see what it is going on here, imo any objective and intelligent person should be able to

see the same thing!!
Sep 12, 2022
Media Blackout: 10 News Stories They Chose Not to Tell You This Week (12/03/23)

#10 - Private jets headed to global warming conference get “literally frozen” on the runway.

#9 - New ruling in New York state allows for indefinite detention of the unvaccinated.

#8 - Police warn a brand-new iPhone feature could put your children at grave risk.

#7 - Masks paradoxically increased people’s chances of contracting COVID.

#6 - X influencers make Walmart instantly regret its decision to pull advertisements off of the platform.

#5 - Fake obituaries are being created to conceal cases of “died suddenly.”

#4 - Nine-year-old Chief’s fan responds to false allegations of wearing blackface.

#3 - Military could owe billions to service members involuntarily discharged for refusing COVID-19 shots.

#2 - Texas AG Ken Paxton sues Pfizer for misrepresenting COVID-19 vaccine efficacy and conspiring to censor public discourse.

#1 - New trove of documents exposes government-involved, sweeping plan for global censorship.

Wow. Thanks for posting this. Posts like this are why this and the old thread remain the most frequently visited threads in the history of this and many other forums. Amazingly accurate information being posted here by patriots.

Nov 11, 2007
Wow. Thanks for posting this. Posts like this are why this and the old thread remain the most frequently visited threads in the history of this and many other forums. Amazingly accurate information being posted here by patriots.
It is probably also the thread where the two major players of the attention-seeking thread/sheriff joe and, sbd who excel in

FAILED predictions, lies, delusions, projection, horrible debating skills, etc. all of which have ever been displayed in a forum,

while at the same time being crushed and destroyed daily by the likes of me, wilbur, scmirt et al!!

Nov 11, 2007
Back for an encore performance post about LOST Lenny, the reincarnated self-anointed human condom for Trump who

is so attached to Trump that he neither understands the reality of the situation nor has the faintest clue as to how to debate:

Here you go:

"Hey Wilbur-take a look at Lenny's post 8188 where he says the best hope of the Democrats holding to the Presidency

is a Trump conviction!!

I can't believe that anyone is actually is that stupid to write off and minimize what a Trump conviction is and means and the implication

that if it weren't for the possibility of a Trump conviction, it would be no contest!!

Let me add two more truisms to Lenny's way of "thinking!"

1) If someone is considering robbing a convenience store, the only way that he won't get away with it is if he gets caught!! lol

2) If Biden runs against Trump, the only way Biden can win if he gets more votes than Trump and/or if Trump gets fewer

votes than Biden!! :LOL: :LOL:

I mean really, Lenny's thought processes are shockingly and embarrassingly bad and he ought to have someone who has

some real intelligence and knowledge re: how to debate and objectivity rather than rattle something off as he just

did which makes him look incredibly clueless, inept and just plain stupid!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Back for an encore performance post about LOST Lenny, the reincarnated self-anointed human condom for Trump who

is so attached to Trump that he neither understands the reality of the situation nor has the faintest clue as to how to debate:

Here you go:

"Hey Wilbur-take a look at Lenny's post 8188 where he says the best hope of the Democrats holding to the Presidency

is a Trump conviction!!

I can't believe that anyone is actually is that stupid to write off and minimize what a Trump conviction is and means and the implication

that if it weren't for the possibility of a Trump conviction, it would be no contest!!

Let me add two more truisms to Lenny's way of "thinking!"

1) If someone is considering robbing a convenience store, the only way that he won't get away with it is if he gets caught!! lol

2) If Biden runs against Trump, the only way Biden can win if he gets more votes than Trump and/or if Trump gets fewer

votes than Biden!! :LOL: :LOL:

I mean really, Lenny's thought processes are shockingly and embarrassingly bad and he ought to have someone who has

some real intelligence and knowledge re: how to debate and objectivity rather than rattle something off as he just

did which makes him look incredibly clueless, inept and just plain stupid!!

So he needs JackMeOff and Taylor Swift to save his sorry ass pip squeak ?



Nov 11, 2007
Here is another encore performance I posted yesterday to Lenny/the LOSER who as a grown man has his umbilical cord tied to Trump:

"I mean you are so fu cking stupid and ignorant in your analysis that you fail to understand that a conviction is based on the trials

for the results of the investigations, which were based on Trump's criminality!!

Just because YOU beg the question and poison the well by negating its importance and implying that it is not a valid

reason for Trump not to be elected in your one-way shallow way of thinking about your "deity," guess what, the legal and

court system manner of doing things in place in his county as well as public perception do not agree with you, and if you don't accept

that concept, go right ahead because when all is said and done, you will be holding the shit end of the stick!!"

Nov 11, 2007
Back late morning.

Among other things, I have a phone conversation scheduled shortly with my financial advisor regarding strategy re: what to do

at this point in consideration of the large gains on paper over the last month or two.

Selling some covered calls are one of the options I have in mind but it may be too soon to do that.

If some profit comes in with the general market, then perhaps selling some puts may be a viable option.

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