Sep 12, 2022

Russia Bans International LGBT Movement from Country​

New York Post:

Russia’s Supreme Court effectively outlawed LGBTQ+ activism on Thursday, the most drastic step against advocates of gay, lesbian and transgender rights in the increasingly conservative country.
Ruling in response to a lawsuit filed by the Justice Ministry, the court labeled what the suit called the LGBTQ+ “movement” operating in Russia as an extremist organization and banned it.
The ruling is the latest step in a decade-long crackdown on LGBTQ+ rights in Russia under President Vladimir Putin, who has emphasized “traditional family values” during his 24 years in power.
He’s the hero all of Europe needs.

There is no man like this on earth.

He is the only one fighting for Jesus.

Thursday’s closed-door hearing lasted four hours. No one besides Justice Ministry representatives were allowed in, and there was no defendant. Journalists were taken into the courtroom only for the reading of the verdict by Judge Oleg Nefedov, who wore a face mask, apparently for health reasons.
The case was classified, and the ministry didn’t disclose any evidence, saying only that authorities had identified “signs and manifestations of an extremist nature” in the movement it seeks to ban, including “incitement of social and religious discord.”
Multiple rights activists have noted the lawsuit was lodged against a movement that is not an official entity, and that under its broad and vague definition, Russian authorities could crack down on any individuals or groups deemed to be part of it.
That is to say: they can crack down on all gays.

It effectively outlaws being gay.

“In practice, it could happen that the Russian authorities, with this court ruling in hand, will enforce (the ruling) against LGBTQ+ initiatives that work in Russia, considering them a part of this civic movement,” said Max Olenichev, a human rights lawyer who works with the Russian LGBTQ+ community, contacted by The Associated Press before the ruling.
The lawsuit targets activists and effectively prohibits any organized activity to defend the rights of LGBTQ+ people, Olenichev added.

A Russian Orthodox Church spokesman praised the ruling, telling the state-run RIA Novosti news agency that it was “a form of moral self-defense by society” from efforts to push “the Christian idea of marriage and family from the public and legal realms.”

Nov 11, 2007
Seems like every day brings more good news for President Trump and more confirmation that he will win by a landslide in 2024. The question now is, how scorched earth will he be toward his enemies in his third term and how obvious will it be? Are we going to see televised trials and executions? Is he going to eliminate every commie puke in the country? (I sure hope so!)

There are so many ignorant people in the world and in this country that don't have the mental and emotional maturity to handle the truth. So how far does Trump intend to go? I'm hoping he goes all the way.

What do our resident experts SBD, MagaKing, StevieRay, and Sheriff Joe have to say?
"Seems like every day brings more good news for the country and President Trump and more confirmation that Trump will be buried

in quicksand by the time the 2024 Election comes around!!"

No need to thank me for correcting your typo!!

Nov 11, 2007
New York Post:

He’s the hero all of Europe needs.

There is no man like this on earth.

He is the only one fighting for Jesus.

That is to say: they can crack down on all gays.

It effectively outlaws being gay.
My name is sheriff joe and I approve this message and for that matter even helped hm write it!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
ps One thing that Lenny refuses to accept and keeps harping on because he has no other response is that he keeps equating

Trump supporters staying with him no matter what and who gets the actual nomination with winning the big prize which

is the POTUS itself!!

More importantly, he doesn't seem to grasp/ get the idea/accept that 1) there are many millions of folks who are not diehard supporters

and who DO NOT decide the Election by themselves;2) that the same polls he relies upon to show that Trump is going to get the

nomination also show that if he is convicted, he loses 30% of the potential vote for Trump right off the bat; 3) that what is now with

the public perception toward Trump can and will change depending on what happens from here, and along the same lines the

term "public perception" does not equate with "Lenny" perception and folks of his ilk, which will never change.

I could go on but why bother because when one is so stubborn, inflexible and stagnant as is Lenny Lenbo, no one is

going to change his mind except the reality of the situation when Trump is NOT ELECTED!!

ps One other thing that shows how poor a debater Lenny is :

Going back to his comment about Haley's getting the nomination, once again that per se has nothing to do with

own personal legal crisis of being elected because once again receiving the nomination for the REPUBLICAN PARTY in no way

is simply has nothing to do with his own viability of being elected POTUS!!

While his what is loosely called "logic and reasoning" may work in Lenny's mind to give him hope, it doesn't work well with

and falls apartwhen it comes under the type of scrutiny offered by yours truly!!

This will be my last post for me about anything to anyone until the 1:00 football games end.

For someone who claims Trump won’t be the R nominee , judging by your response it looks like a moving of the goal posts to the general to me.

But then again , I’m probably giving you too much credit .

Sep 5, 2010
Another great read.

'Stunned' former Trump official alarmed by his 'lack of sharpness' at Iowa rally​





Soon, real soon.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Seems like every day brings more good news for President Trump and more confirmation that he will win by a landslide in 2024. The question now is, how scorched earth will he be toward his enemies in his third term and how obvious will it be? Are we going to see televised trials and executions? Is he going to eliminate every commie puke in the country? (I sure hope so!)

There are so many ignorant people in the world and in this country that don't have the mental and emotional maturity to handle the truth. So how far does Trump intend to go? I'm hoping he goes all the way.

What do our resident experts SBD, MagaKing, StevieRay, and Sheriff Joe have to say?
White Hats keep trying to bring the evidence out in the open, legally by the book... For example, the Epstein flight logs, but the Deep State keeps blocking/obstructing.

Q Elon mentions "PizzaGate" once in a tweet and all the pedo woke corporations go ballistic boycotting him.

One again, SHOWING who the real criminals are waking even more people up.

What's going to happen in March when the entire world finds out the truth about the "stollen" 2016 and 2020 elections?

Is the Deep State simply going to ignore the evidence, and stage another false flag, another war or another scamdemic as a distraction? Or perhaps a cyber attack?

White Hats caught them all and have them surrounded, but they refuse to come out with their hands up!

How long until the people have seen enough and demand real drastic action?


Nov 11, 2007
White Hats keep trying to bring the evidence out in the open, legally by the book... For example, the Epstein flight logs, but the Deep State keeps blocking/obstructing.
A 99.8% FAILED accuracy rate in your predictions and statements over the last 10 years doesn't play out well in your overall credibility!!
Q Elon mentions "PizzaGate" once in a tweet and all the pedo woke corporations go ballistic boycotting him.
A 99.8% FAILED accuracy rate in your predictions and statements over the last 10 years doesn't play out well in your overall credibility!!
One again, SHOWING who the real criminals are waking even more people up.
A 99.8% FAILED accuracy rate in your predictions and statements over the last 10 years doesn't play out well in your overall credibility!!
What's going to happen in March when the entire world finds out the truth about the "stollen" 2016 and 2020 elections?
A 99.8% FAILED accuracy rate in your predictions and statements over the last 10 years doesn't play out well in your overall credibility!!
Is the Deep State simply going to ignore the evidence, and stage another false flag, another war or another scamdemic as a distraction? Or perhaps a cyber attack?
A 99.8% FAILED accuracy rate in your predictions and statements over the last 10 years doesn't play out well in your overall credibility!!
White Hats caught them all and have them surrounded, but they refuse to come out with their hands up!
A 99.8% FAILED accuracy rate in your predictions and statements over the last 10 years doesn't play out well in your overall credibility!!
How long until the people have seen enough and demand real drastic action?
A 99.8% FAILED accuracy rate in your predictions and statements over the last 10 years doesn't play out well in your overall credibility!!

Nov 11, 2007
Hit 40K today
It's too bad that he op didn't also predict the mind-blowing MASSIVE gains some of us have made in the high-tech sector over the last

month or so!!

But hey, to be fair, with an accuracy rate of 99.8% FAILED predictions since he started this thread and 100% with

his hundreds if not thousands of predictions when it comes to Trump's devolution, he should be given credit for the call and especially

since right calls and predictions about anything are so rare!!

Also as I have clearly stated right along, I also have a position in Bitcoin through GBTC and am also very content with

its recent very nice rise in price from 20 to around 32!!

Nov 11, 2007

Perhaps Lenny Lenbo can chime in on this and tell us whether this might qualify as the "first lie" Trump has told not only in his four years

as POTUS but probably in his entire life!! lol

Surely if there is a category for the most POTUS in the Guinness Book of World Records for not only the most "honest" POTUS

is US history but one who didn't even tell one, Trump should be listed there!! lol
Sep 12, 2022
White Hats keep trying to bring the evidence out in the open, legally by the book... For example, the Epstein flight logs, but the Deep State keeps blocking/obstructing.

Q Elon mentions "PizzaGate" once in a tweet and all the pedo woke corporations go ballistic boycotting him.

One again, SHOWING who the real criminals are waking even more people up.

What's going to happen in March when the entire world finds out the truth about the "stollen" 2016 and 2020 elections?

Is the Deep State simply going to ignore the evidence, and stage another false flag, another war or another scamdemic as a distraction? Or perhaps a cyber attack?

White Hats caught them all and have them surrounded, but they refuse to come out with their hands up!

How long until the people have seen enough and demand real drastic action?

What you said here about white hats showing everyone what they're up to is why I don't think we'll see public trials and executions. They're making it SO obvious to anyone with a brain what's going on, yet there are still millions of brain-dead retards who can't see it.

If the white hats went forward with full disclosure, it would create such a short circuit in the minds of the retards that they would literally - as SBD has said - wind up heavily medicated in mental institutions.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Perhaps Lenny Lenbo can chime in on this and tell us whether this might qualify as the "first lie" Trump has told not only in his four years

as POTUS but probably in his entire life!! lol

Surely if there is a category for the most POTUS in the Guinness Book of World Records for not only the most "honest" POTUS

is US history but one who didn't even tell one, Trump should be listed there!! lol

Actually snopes is confirming what Trump DID NOT say .

Yet the leftist media who Trump lives in the heads of 24/7/365 much like yourself are the ones lying .

To our ears, Trump unambiguously said, "we've been waging all-out war in American democracy" (and CSPAN's transcript reflects the same). We did not hear, nor does the context support the claim that he said, "waging all-out war on American democracy." It's clear that Trump was out to accuse his political opponents of waging war on democracy, not admitting to doing it himself.

Seek help for the TDS dumbass .

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
What you said here about white hats showing everyone what they're up to is why I don't think we'll see public trials and executions. They're making it SO obvious to anyone with a brain what's going on, yet there are still millions of brain-dead retards who can't see it.

If the white hats went forward with full disclosure, it would create such a short circuit in the minds of the retards that they would literally - as SBD has said - wind up heavily medicated in mental institutions.
The bottom line is, they don't want civil war.

That's why President Trump "left" office optically, but then was immediately sworn in by the military at Andrews Air Force Base with a 21-gun salute followed by Hail to the Chief.

It's not like this COG is classified top secret, anyone can read all the Laws and Orders, they're just not coming out and flat out announcing it officially.

Those who still don't know CHOOSE not to know.

That simple.
Aug 17, 2019

View attachment 79201

And now we are knocking at the door of 40,000 just like the op said would happen.

And the move into the mid-40s is imminent.

Enjoy the ride because we are just getting started!

Tards, enjoy your 5% CDs and $8/hr troll job.


Screen Shot 2023-12-03 at 10.21.35 PM.png


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
And then there are our "SteeringWheelGate" Tards who sell when they should buy and buy when they should sell.

Or, broadcast some big ominous "scoop" against Trump from their "great reads" only for it to completely fall apart, as always.

Now Haley is the latest Deep State donkey running away with the nomination.

Still batting ZERO.

The Rx has its very own "Opposite George"


Nov 11, 2007
The bottom line is, they don't want civil war.

That's why President Trump "left" office optically, but then was immediately sworn in by the military at Andrews Air Force Base with a 21-gun salute followed by Hail to the Chief.

It's not like this COG is classified top secret, anyone can read all the Laws and Orders, they're just not coming out and flat out announcing it officially.

Those who still don't know CHOOSE not to know.

That simple.
You forgot to add that Trump was sworn in by his "best buddy" General Milley and that the nasty things Milley about him

were simply to throw people off and were just a part of the same fu cklng plan you offer when you have nothing else to rebut

what is stated!!

Nov 11, 2007
And then there are our "SteeringWheelGate" Tards who sell when they should buy and buy when they should sell.

Or, broadcast some big ominous "scoop" against Trump from their "great reads" only for it to completely fall apart, as always.

Now Haley is the latest Deep State donkey running away with the nomination.

Still batting ZERO.

The Rx has its very own "Opposite George"

Did the value of your portfolio if you have one increase by a hefty six-figure amount over the last month or two as did some

of us wise ones did who bought high-tech/Nasdaq stocks when the crowd panicked and sold them!!

If not then well you should have!!'

People who put all of their eggs in one basket lose over time, whereas smart investors who diversify and invest in solid

and proven companies and that don't have a casino/get quick mentality to the market, are the ones who make out big-time

over time!!

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