Aug 17, 2019
View attachment 77794

👉 It was just 6 weeks ago the op said to BUY BUY BUY on the dip at 26,300, that it was FREE money!

And look what's happened since.

That's a 37% increase in just 6 weeks!

Meanwhile, tards gained another .63% on their CDs for the same time period.

Another quick move to the mid-40s which is imminent.



Screen Shot 2023-12-03 at 6.31.17 AM.png

And now we are knocking at the door of 40,000 just like the op said would happen.

And the move into the mid-40s is imminent.

Enjoy the ride because we are just getting started!

Tards, enjoy your 5% CDs and $8/hr troll job.


Sep 5, 2010
Another great READ.

"Donald Trump's brain is gone" - Martina Navratilova slams former US President's ‘war on American democracy' rant​

"We've been waging an all-out war on American democracy", he said.

He finally said something that was the truth.




Soon, real soon.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Sep 5, 2010
For your reading pleasure, another GREAT read.

Former FBI official blows a hole in Trump's latest stolen document defense​

"Trump was quick to declare Pence 'an innocent man,'" he wrote. "The Pence case was closed without charges in June. It’s funny how Trump’s distinction between 'innocent man' Pence, and 'Crooked Joe Biden' seems to hinge not on the facts but on party affiliation."

No tweets or memes here, just receipts and documents.




Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the return.


Nov 11, 2007

Another Hail Mary attempt from the Trump legal team and another one which will like the others go up in flames!!

How disturbing is it for the anti-Semites in this thread that she and the judge are both Jewish!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

In case the Trump fellators forgot, here you go with more thing to sweep under the rug provided of course that there is any more room

left underneath it!! lol

In case you forgot . As per your article .

Say hello to the R nominee for President in 2024 pip squeak .

Trump is dominating the Republican field and may secure much of the support he needs by Super Tuesday, by which time almost half of the delegates who select the nominee at the GOP convention will have been awarded. Even if he were to be convicted in Washington or another trial, top party leaders and many voters have indicated they would stand by Trump anyway. And Trump and his allies are pushing to dismiss and delay the trials and have worked with state parties to craft rules favourable to him.

The RNC rules don’t include any provisions specific to the unprecedented scenario unfolding.

Nov 11, 2007
Hey Wilbur-take a look at Lenny's post 8188 where he says the best hope of the Democrats holding to the Presidency

is a Trump conviction!!

I can't believe that anyone is actually is that stupid to write off and minimize what a Trump conviction is and means and the implication

that if it weren't for the possibility of a Trump conviction, it would be no contest!!

Let me add two more truisms to Lenny's way of "thinking!"

1) If someone is considering robbing a convenience store, the only way that he won't get away with it is if he gets caught!! lol

2) If Biden runs against Trump, the only way Biden can win if he gets more votes than Trump and/or if Trump gets fewer

votes than Biden!! :LOL: :LOL:

I mean really, Lenny's thought processes are shockingly and embarrassingly bad and he ought to have someone who has

some real intelligence and knowledge re: how to debate and objectivity rather than rattle something off and he just

did which makes him look incredibly clueless, inept and just plain stupid!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Hey Wilbur-take a look at Lenny's post 8188 where he says the best hope of the Democrats holding to the Presidency

is a Trump conviction!!

I can't believe that anyone is actually is that stupid to write off and minimize what a Trump conviction is and means and the implication

that if it weren't for the possibility of a Trump conviction, it would be no contest!!

Let me add two more truisms to Lenny's way of "thinking!"

1) If someone is considering robbing a convenience store, the only way that he won't get away with it is if he gets caught!! lol

2) If Biden runs against Trump, the only way Biden can win if he gets more votes than Trump and/or if Trump gets fewer

votes than Biden!! :LOL: :LOL:

I mean really, Lenny's thought processes are shockingly and embarrassingly bad and he ought to have someone who has

some real intelligence and knowledge re: how to debate and objectivity rather than rattle something off and he just

did which makes him look incredibly clueless, inept and just plain stupid!!

Why don’t you ask Squirt to have a look too . You’ll never be the dumbest person in the room with those two geniuses around .


Nov 11, 2007
Why don’t you ask Squirt to have a look too . You’ll never be the dumbest person in the room with those two geniuses around .

My one post to you for today:

Everything I posted is all true, Mr. reincarnated Trump Condom!!

You are so clueless and fixated that you write off a Trump conviction as if it is a minor aside and has no relevance whatsoever regarding

Trump's ability to be elected or not.

Saying it is the "only way" for Trump to lose again is perfectly summarized this way according to your way of moronic thinking:

1) If someone is considering robbing a convenience store, the only way that he won't get away with it is if he gets caught!! lol

2) If Biden runs against Trump, the only way Biden can win if he gets more votes than Trump and/or if Trump gets fewer

votes than Biden!! :LOL: :LOL:

I mean you are so fu cking stupid and ignorant in your analysis that you fail to understand that a conviction is based on the trials

for the results of the investigations, which were based on Trump's criminality!!

Just because YOU beg the question and poison the well by negating its importance and implying that it is not a valid

reason for Trump not to be elected in your one-way shallow way of thinking about your "deity," guess what, the legal and

court system manner of doing things in place in his county as well as public perception do not agree with you, and if you don't accept

that concept, go right ahead because when all is said and done, you will be holding the shit end of the stick!!

See you tomorrow, jackass!!

Nov 11, 2007
Dumb, Dumber and Dumbest - The modern day version of the 3-stooges
Devolution, devolution, devolution-send the Coast Guard out to find it because it appears to be lost at sea after still not showing up for

after your three years of predicting it is imminent!! lol

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
My one post to you for today:

Everything I posted is all true, Mr. reincarnated Trump Condom!!

You are so clueless and fixated that you write off a Trump conviction as if it is a minor aside and has no relevance whatsoever regarding

Trump's ability to be elected or not.

Saying it is the "only way" for Trump to lose again is perfectly summarized this way according to your way of moronic thinking:

1) If someone is considering robbing a convenience store, the only way that he won't get away with it is if he gets caught!! lol

2) If Biden runs against Trump, the only way Biden can win if he gets more votes than Trump and/or if Trump gets fewer

votes than Biden!! :LOL: :LOL:

I mean you are so fu cking stupid and ignorant in your analysis that you fail to understand that a conviction is based on the trials

for the results of the investigations, which were based on Trump's criminality!!

Just because YOU beg the question and poison the well by negating its importance and implying that it is not a valid

reason for Trump not to be elected in your one-way shallow way of thinking about your "deity," guess what, the legal and

court system manner of doing things in place in his county as well as public perception do not agree with you, and if you don't accept

that concept, go right ahead because when all is said and done, you will be holding the shit end of the stick!!

See you tomorrow, jackass!!

Keep jerking off to that conviction . It’s really going to be devastating when his BASE jumps to Haley in the R primary .

The stupid !

It burns !

Everything you posted is true . Especially regarding the R primary .


Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001

View attachment 79201

And now we are knocking at the door of 40,000 just like the op said would happen.

And the move into the mid-40s is imminent.

Enjoy the ride because we are just getting started!

Tards, enjoy your 5% CDs and $8/hr troll job.

I liked a similar graph starting at the 16-18K level,,,,,,, :dancefool

Nov 11, 2007
My one post to you for today:

Everything I posted is all true, Mr. reincarnated Trump Condom!!

You are so clueless and fixated that you write off a Trump conviction as if it is a minor aside and has no relevance whatsoever regarding

Trump's ability to be elected or not.

Saying it is the "only way" for Trump to lose again is perfectly summarized this way according to your way of moronic thinking:

1) If someone is considering robbing a convenience store, the only way that he won't get away with it is if he gets caught!! lol

2) If Biden runs against Trump, the only way Biden can win if he gets more votes than Trump and/or if Trump gets fewer

votes than Biden!! :LOL: :LOL:

I mean you are so fu cking stupid and ignorant in your analysis that you fail to understand that a conviction is based on the trials

for the results of the investigations, which were based on Trump's criminality!!

Just because YOU beg the question and poison the well by negating its importance and implying that it is not a valid

reason for Trump not to be elected in your one-way shallow way of thinking about your "deity," guess what, the legal and

court system manner of doing things in place in his county as well as public perception do not agree with you, and if you don't accept

that concept, go right ahead because when all is said and done, you will be holding the shit end of the stick!!

See you tomorrow, jackass!!
ps One thing that Lenny refuses to accept and keeps harping on because he has no other response is that he keeps equating

Trump supporters staying with him no matter what and who gets the actual nomination with winning the big prize which

is the POTUS itself!!

More importantly, he doesn't seem to grasp/ get the idea/accept that 1) there are many millions of folks who are not diehard supporters

and who DO NOT decide the Election by themselves;2) that the same polls he relies upon to show that Trump is going to get the

nomination also show that if he is convicted, he loses 30% of the potential vote for Trump right off the bat; 3) that what is now with

the public perception toward Trump can and will change depending on what happens from here, and along the same lines the

term "public perception" does not equate with "Lenny" perception and folks of his ilk, which will never change.

I could go on but why bother because when one is so stubborn, inflexible and stagnant as is Lenny Lenbo, no one is

going to change his mind except the reality of the situation when Trump is NOT ELECTED!!

ps One other thing that shows how poor a debater Lenny is :

Going back to his comment about Haley's getting the nomination, once again that per se has nothing to do with

own personal legal crisis of being elected because once again receiving the nomination for the REPUBLICAN PARTY in no way

is simply has nothing to do with his own viability of being elected POTUS!!

While his what is loosely called "logic and reasoning" may work in Lenny's mind to give him hope, it doesn't work well with

and falls apartwhen it comes under the type of scrutiny offered by yours truly!!

This will be my last post for me about anything to anyone until the 1:00 football games end.
Sep 12, 2022
Seems like every day brings more good news for President Trump and more confirmation that he will win by a landslide in 2024. The question now is, how scorched earth will he be toward his enemies in his third term and how obvious will it be? Are we going to see televised trials and executions? Is he going to eliminate every commie puke in the country? (I sure hope so!)

There are so many ignorant people in the world and in this country that don't have the mental and emotional maturity to handle the truth. So how far does Trump intend to go? I'm hoping he goes all the way.

What do our resident experts SBD, MagaKing, StevieRay, and Sheriff Joe have to say?

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