
Nov 11, 2007
I just purchased a new garbage disposal at Home Depot because according to my fix-it guy, the motor is shot.

I asked the salesman at HD if he would offer any kind of credit for the old one and he said no!!

I then asked him if he would give me credit if I referred him to this thread and asked him whether he would accept

the gabrage disposal posts of sbd, sheriff joe, doctorsuccess and/or Lenny Lenbo for credit or at least for a down payment.

The salesman laughed and said that the price of the new disposal if anything would go up just to take these folks away and haul them

to the nearest waste disposal site!! lol
Aug 17, 2019
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Aug 17, 2019
Screen Shot 2023-12-04 at 5.52.04 PM.png

It will now take tards 30.5 years at 5% to equal what the op, and others here who followed, made this year on BTC.

And when you factor that savage1 is STILL down 26k from his BUY BUY BUY recommendation of 68k.

Proof that it doesn't pay to be a tard.

But it pays very well to be 'in the know'.


Nov 11, 2007
View attachment 79314

It will now take tards 30.5 years at 5% to equal what the op, and others here who followed, made this year on BTC.

And when you factor that savage1 is STILL down 26k from his BUY BUY BUY recommendation of 68k.

Proof that it doesn't pay to be a tard.

But it pays very well to be 'in the know'.

You would be THRILLED if you made anything remotely close to the nifty six-figure amount of money I made on paper

with high-tech stocks!!

And actually, I am doing quite well with my GBTC bitcoin-related stock, thank you-it has gone from 20 to around 34 in a very short

period of time!!

Just let me know when you want to compare with documentation whose portfolio has increased the most over the last five weeks or

so , yours or mine!!

For that matter if you want to make a wager for any amount you wish with the money to be held in escrow as to who has a larger

net worth on this day, just let me know!!

ps Perhaps if you actually had a job rather than being unemployed for god knows how long, folks might believe you had a lagge

stake in Bitcoin!!

Nov 11, 2007
Since some people might not have read this as I posed it in the wee hours of the morning, I am reposting this.

To be clear this doesn't replace/negate all of the other reasons why these folks deify Trump, but simply suggests an additional motive.

Here you go:

"Before retiring for the evening I have another idea and it involves a related and indirect reason why folks like sheriff joe, sbd, their puppet

doctorsucess. Lenny Lenbo, MAGAmoron, roadreeler, Red Eye, etc. adore Trump, and it isn't a direct reason why they do so!!

It is actually quite simple if you stop and think about it.

From what I can see all of these folks are in one way or more failures and on some level they realize that!!

Many millions of people are a lot more successful than they are!!

This is where Trump enters.

They see him as a means to get back at some of these folks and punish them somehow so as to make them as miserable and unhappy

as they themselves are!!

Then to put a rubber stamp on it and to ensure themselves in their own mind that this is really going to happen, they(especially

sheriff joe) conjure up baseless predictions about Trump's devolution, which they have been predicting is "imminent" for

almost three years!!

Also and just as importantly they preach to others(actually in sheriff's case to himself) that devolution is reality nothing

more than the official act of making it official that Trump is and has been the acting CIC for the last three years.

Back later on in the morning!!

However, one of the reasons he has pretended to put me on ignore is that he knows damn well that if faced me openly

in this thread, he would have to DIRECTLY respond to the massive holes I have found and stated regarding his

contentions and predictions!!

Yes while it is true that my intelligence, education, investigative career and experience and understanding human nature gives

me somewhat of an edge in being able to see what it is going on here, imo any objective and intelligent person should be able to

see the same thing!!"


Sep 21, 2004
I wonder what the going interest rate is for a loan to fund Ukraine.
Ukraine has already received a $15.6 billion loan from the IMF as part of a $115 billion total support package for Ukraine. The IMF Board approved the loan on March 31, 2023, and it is expected to be disbursed in the coming weeks. The loan is the first one that the IMF will make to a country at war, and it aims to help Ukraine sustain fiscal, external, price and financial stability and support economic recovery in the post-war period. The loan also comes with financing assurances from other donors, such as the G7, EU and others.

No rate listed or if it's secured loan :+clueless

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) works to achieve sustainable growth and prosperity for all of its 190 member countries. It does so by supporting economic policies that promote financial stability and monetary cooperation, which are essential to increase productivity, job creation, and economic well-being. The IMF is governed by and accountable to its member countries.

The IMF has three critical missions: furthering international monetary cooperation, encouraging the expansion of trade and economic growth, and discouraging policies that would harm prosperity. To fulfill these missions, IMF member countries work collaboratively with each other and with other international bodies.

In case you didn't know that's okay.... Nobody else knows either :cheers:

Bengals Money Line tonight 10/42

Higgins over 40.5 receiving 11/10

Sep 5, 2010
View attachment 79314

It will now take tards 30.5 years at 5% to equal what the op, and others here who followed, made this year on BTC.

And when you factor that savage1 is STILL down 26k from his BUY BUY BUY recommendation of 68k.

Proof that it doesn't pay to be a tard.

But it pays very well to be 'in the know'.

Glad that you finally got back to even, if you ever invested.

Probably don't have two nickles to rub together, cause you gave what little money you had to the orange encrusted buffoon.

Sad to be you, or any ultra low iqanon.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:

Nov 11, 2007
Glad that you finally got back to even, if you ever invested.

Probably don't have two nickles to rub together, cause you gave what little money you had to the orange encrusted buffoon.

Sad to be you, or any ultra low iqanon.

:lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Don't forget also that he claims there has been a cure for all kinds of cancer that only he and a few other privileged people know about

and has somehow been kept secret from for all of these years.

In addition, he has claimed because of these so-called natural herbs he takes, he hasn't been sick even one day in HIS ENTIRE LIFE!!

Couple that with claims that Trump did in fact win the 2020 Election and WON ALL FIFTY STATES, and won over 90% of the popular

vote and you get a taste of what his overall credibility is about anything he says and of course predicts with a 99.8% DOCUMENTED


Nov 11, 2007
"Opposite George"

Word to savage 👇 👇 👇

View attachment 79318


I am to you what kryptonite is to Superman with the major difference being that Superman is strong whereas in comparison

you are an abject failure/weakling in life with nothing to cling onto other than living in a world of fantasy and imagination

and expecting sane and objective people to believe your attention-seeking delusions and projections!!

Nov 11, 2007
Back no sooner than 10 tonight as it is now time to eat dinner, relax, watch the news and commentary, and some football!!

Sep 5, 2010
Yet another GREAT document to READ!

An absolute tsunami": Legal experts stunned at "disastrous legal day" for Trump​

"An absolute tsunami"​

Is this like the red tsunami that Porky was predicting in 2022?

I think this tsunami is happening.

Poor morbidly obese Porky and his ultra low iqanon friends just can't win.

That's why they are losers.

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
Sep 12, 2022

A little over one year has passed since the White Hats -- using both the identity and the ill-gotten money of the probably deceased Globalist villain Elon Musk -- concluded the process of purchasing Deep State Twitter for $44 billion.

Over the course of the past year, the imposter "Elon Musk" has done his best to drive the value of his acquired asset into the ground -- including such detrimental acts as the bizarre rebranding of the company as "X," and the deliberate picking of bad-for-business political fights with the (((usual suspects))) as well as Demonrats in general.

The plummeting value of X currently stands at $20 billion and -- in the aftermath of his endorsement of "far right conspiracy theories;" his shocking amplification of an "antisemitic" post blaming Jews for anti-White hatred and the subsequent advertiser boycotts -- is expected to lose even more value. "Musk" -- while publicly acknowledging the fact that the boycotts could end up killing his company -- seems unperturbed by it all. In response to a question about advertiser boycotts, (Disney being the most prominent) he said, before an audience, that anyone who wants to boycott X can: "Go F*** yourself."

Is "Musk" trying to wreck Twitter / X from within? We now suspect that to be his assigned mission. But why would he want to do such a thing? Who benefits? We'll get to that.

In math, statistics and certain types of coding, the variable "X" is used as a temporary "placeholder." Might this mean that some other entity will, in due time, takeover X?

What's Musk's end game?

"Musk's" latest nemesis is Disney CEO Bob Iger (cough cough) who was supposedly in the audience when Musk dropped the F Bomb directed at Disney (which owns ABC). We say "supposedly" because we have reason to believe that Bob Iger -- who had strangely resigned from Disney but just as strangely returned less than two years later -- may actually be "Bob Iger."

The interesting thing about the mutually destructive boycott war between the two titans is that Iger, like Musk and like Twitters' prior CEO, Jack Dorsey -- was also specifically targeted, years ago, by Q, at a time when nobody could have foreseen this ongoing drama. Here's what Q (post 3883, February 25, 2021) had to say about Iger's unexpected 2020 "resignation" as Disney CEO:

"Iger didn't quit Disney" --- "The Secret War continues." - Q

Iger's (or "Iger's) Disney and Disney X streaming service are, like Musk's X, also imploding. Disney stock is down 32% from its 2021 high. Some of that is market-related, of course -- but a well-organized and expanding right wing boycott (now being enhanced by Musk) -- is contributing to the hemorrhaging of Disney + streaming subscriptions.

If "Musk" and "Iger" keep beating each other up the way they are, then pretty soon, X and Disney+ may both be available for media competitors to buy up on the cheap. Is there a Divide and Conquer operation at work here?



A mutually destructive ("Divide & Conquer) war between the "world's richest man" and the various tech / media giants boycotting him (Disney, Apple, Facebook et al) will benefit the unknown party which is ochestrating the multi-party battle.

That the financial troubles being experienced by Twitter / X and Disney+ have been engineered by the White Hats is quite obvious to "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times. No speculation there, boys and girls. Therefore, there has to be an end game / final scene for the scripted "Musk" drama.

The following, however, is only a hypothesis. Don't hold us to it --- and do not take this as investment advice! X has an up-and-coming social media competitor which has announced its intentions to achieve a much higher market share as soon as its expected merger with Digital World Acquistion Corporation (DWAC) and associated major funding are consummated. That would be Truth Social, part of the Trump Media & Technology Group (TMTG).

Disney+ also has a new competitor on the horizon -- a streaming service called TMTG+, which is also part of Trump's promised TMTG media juggernaut. The stated mission for TMTG+ will be to produce "non-woke" subscription-based clean content --- the opposite of what "Frankfurt School" degenerate Disney+ pumps out.

What if the plan all along was to sabotage Twitter and Disney+ -- pit them into a boycott war against each other -- and tank their stock prices in advance of TMTG acquiring them both? DWAC, after all, stands for Digital World Acquisition Corp.

Keep an eye on this "Musk" vs "Iger" war.

* Full disclosure (not advice!): "The Editorial Board" purchased shares of DWAC two years ago. DWAC shares will convert to TMTG shares after the merger happens sometime in 2024. At which time, according to CEO Devon Nunes, TMTG will use the funding to embark on a major expansion program.

What if Truth Social acquires Twitter / X and TMTG + acquires Disney + and TMTG News acquires CNN? The would certainly be a "GIANT VOICE" for the people.

Just two days before Twitter (on Trump's orders) banned Trump's account -- he hinted that we would have a GIANT VOICE in the future. Is that what his multi-media company, TMTG is destined for?

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