My one and only DIRECT post to you for today:
Kindly tell me when Newsom or anyone comes even remotely close to remotely approaching 33,000 plus DOCUMENTED lies told
by Trump in just four years as POTUS!!
According to you he didn't even tell one!!
See ya at the earliest tomorrow!!
According to him(Lenny) Trump didn't even tell even one liem during his four year tenure!!
His last response trying to weasel his way out of the 33,000 DOCUMENTED lies by the number per day simply begs the question,
poisons the well but doesn't show that he did not tell the number!!
What if the number was say just 5000-10,000 lies told, then what would Lenny say and would that change anything that change anything
about Trump!!
The point is that Lenny refuses to acknowledge ANY lies on the part of his "deity,"(how shocking) who is a pathological liar but
yet chooses to call Newsom a liar because another one of his heroes said so!!
This is just one example of many that about six or seven weeks ago i decided to limit my posts to a maximum one a day to
Lenny the LOSER/Trump fellator!!