
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Not a good day for Trump but a good day for the rug with some new material for Lenny and the other rose-colored blinkers

to sweep underneath it!!

Yawn . Another bad day for the R nominee .

Hold on to that one bullet in the holster Lightweignt . Because after last night’s embarrassing performance by savior Newsome your bench was exposed big time in case Grandpa shits the bed before November .

Sep 5, 2010
Part of the plan?

Judge rejects Trump’s claim of immunity in his federal 2020 election prosecution​

You are watching an ultra low iqanon movie.

Documents and receipts.

We have it all.


Red tsunami

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
Sep 12, 2022

The United States intelligence community, nurtured and incubated Google as part of a drive to dominate the world through the control of information and surveillance.



Nov 11, 2007
Part of the plan?

Judge rejects Trump’s claim of immunity in his federal 2020 election prosecution​

You are watching an ultra low iqanon movie.

Documents and receipts.

We have it all.


Red tsunami

:pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: :pig: 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 🐖 :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao: :lmao:
If for some reason it is not part of the fu king plan, rest be assured that Lenny will sweep it underneath his already bulging bedroom

rug as something that is irrelevant and/or makes people more likely to vote for Trump!! lol

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

Why are many people so libtarded?​

By Mike King​


The most obvious answer to the paradox of "intelligent liberals" is that Universities, and even High Schools, have become infested with liberals/Marxists who miseducate their students. Though certainly true, the psychological roots of the mental disorder known as 'liberalism' run much deeper than these superficial intellectual causes.​

During the formative years, children are praised for parroting back their ABC’s and 123’s. At an early age, the child’s delicate mind is already being conditioned to equate obedient regurgitation with praise, love, and self worth.

The little scholars are quite proud of their early "achievements." The conditioned Pavlovian connection between regurgitation and praise is established at an early age.

The brightest young learners are singled out to receive the most praise. Proud parents enthusiastically reinforce the praise of the teacher, showering the impressionable child with hugs and kisses. The inflation of the intelligent child’s ego, and the reflexive association of regurgitation with rewards, (including parental love!) are really taking root by now.

Parents naturally praise good grades. The child thus associates regurgitation with parental love.

With subjects such as reading, writing, and math, the system of obedient regurgitation and praise is a necessary and effective model of teaching. That’s because the ‘3 R’s’ are what they are. They cannot be distorted.
Repetition, memorization & praise is the only way to teach 'The 3 Rs."

But with subjects such as History, Philosophy, Economics, Current Events, Political Science, and ‘Environmental Science’, the regurgitation / reward model leaves the student vulnerable to manipulation and erroneous information.

They may be smart in many ways, but the critical thinking / "outside the box" facet of their intelligence is still not developed, and may never be.
The ego gratification associated with the regurgitation & praise model is reinforced throughout Middle and High School. It is during this time that the, ‘gifted & talented’ students are separated out from their ‘inferiors’ and taught to repeat such rubbish as:

Karl Marx was a great philosopher.
FDR’s New Deal saved America.Germany started 2 World Wars.
6 Million Jews were gassed in ‘The Holocaust’.
Picasso was the greatest artist.
Einstein was the smartest man who ever walked the face of the Earth.
Senator Joe McCarthy was evil.
Martin Luther King was a saint.
Capitalism is about greed and socialism is about charity.
Men and women are the same.
There is no such thing as race.
Man ‘evolved’ from ocean scum.
Global Warming is a proven fact.
There are no government conspiracies.
Homosexuality is normal.
Guns and religion are evil.

The little peckerhead may be able to calculate, but he is being stripped of humility and denied access to true wisdom.

The next big ‘doggie-treat’ for the young ‘straight A’ parrot, comes when she is accepted to a ‘prestigious’ University. Now she knows that she is really smart!
College Acceptance!

At college, the star student continues (to his benefit, and to his credit) to regurgitate the complex material of challenging subjects such as physics, engineering, statistics, calculus etc. However, he may also obediently regurgitate the Marxist crap contained in other subjects (electives).

Because he has never had cause to question the undeniable veracity of the math and science content presented to him, why would he question what any other textbook or teacher tells him?

Gullible college students swallow the poison spewed forth by Marxist professors.

By now, the bright young scholar has been so psychologically conditioned that he is incapable of distinguishing between the fact based regurgitation of the objective courses (math, experimental science, etc.), and the propaganda based regurgitation of the subjective courses (electives, humanities, theoretical scienceetc).

His ego is literally addicted to the praise/good grades of whatever godlike Marxist Professor is instructing him. The hard earned (and expensive!) diploma represents the ultimate doggie treat and confirmation, in his mind, that he knows it all.

"This degree means I'm smarter than you!"

Diploma-decorated, smart and knowledgeable in some areas, sought after by corporate world --- but with a head filled with garbage.
Taught to believe that "educated" people read The New York Times, attend Modern Art exhibits, and watch the various aggheads of PBS -- the trendy post-Graduate libtard’s superficial belief system is further reinforced by the Marxist Media culture.

Otherwise intelligent liberals worship their morning newspapers, listen to NPR radio, and watch PBS propaganda programs.

When challenged on his belief system, the ‘educated’ libtard’s entire self worth is suddenly threatened. Telling him for example that Global Warming is a bunch of Marxist hooey is the equivalent, in his reactive mind, of saying that 2 + 2 is not 4!

Because his bloated ego simply cannot bear the discomfort of being out-of-sync with the 'in crowd', the miseducated libtard will despise you, and insult you. Press him further, and he'll cut and run. Yes, his mental disorder runs deeeeep!

By now, the "educated" and opinionated idiot has become an unbearable prick. -- Condescending, arrogant, and smug in his false education and self worth.

The ‘educated’ libtard is merely an advanced Pavlovian show dog. Through years of studious regurgitation and positive reinforcement, he may have learned to design bridges, repair mangled bodies, program software, build companies from scratch, or design rockets.

But he has never been taught the lesson of humility! He knows not how to philosophize – to think his own thoughts – to understand the world - to understand the inner nature of man - to be his own man. And his tragic 'hard wired' arrogance (insecurity) will prevent him from ever trying.
Had to bookmark this one.

Always great to read an article where you BELIEVE the idea and its conclusions
AND they say it much more succintly than me....

MOFOS get good men to do evil things with PRAISE

"You are a genuis Mr Scientist.....Now get back in your hole and make us a new virus"

Nov 11, 2007

Here is the summary of the double defeat for Trump today!!

Don't worry though because Lenny Lenbo believes that stuff doesn't matter legally and/or in how people perceive Trump!!

Also Lenny will continue to reassure you the fact that in HIS OPINION Newsome didn't do well in the debate last night,

for sure will make people flock to Trump, simply forget all of the legal mess Trump is and that he will simply romp

in the 2024 Election no matter who the democratic nominee is and/or is convicted and possibly even incarcerated!! lol

Welcome to the world of LennyLot!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Sep 12, 2022
Had to bookmark this one.

Always great to read an article where you BELIEVE the idea and its conclusions
AND they say it much more succintly than me....

MOFOS get good men to do evil things with PRAISE

"You are a genuis Mr Scientist.....Now get back in your hole and make us a new virus"
Isn't it something how he talks about ego gratification and how libtards have their self worth threatened by the truth? It's as if he can read the minds of the Tards on this thread.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
Isn't it something how he talks about ego gratification and how libtards have their self worth threatened by the truth? It's as if he can read the minds of the Tards on this thread.
Why do you think they ALWAYS defer to authority?

.....even the HS dropouts have already been trained enough to comply, and being dumb and brainwashed gets you nothing to nibble on except the TEETS of the Gubment.

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Here is the summary of the double defeat for Trump today!!

Don't worry though because Lenny Lenbo believes that stuff doesn't matter legally and/or in how people perceive Trump!!

Also Lenny will continue to reassure you the fact that in HIS OPINION Newsome didn't do well in the debate last night,

for sure will make people flock to Trump, simply forget all of the legal mess Trump is and that he will simply romp

in the 2024 Election no matter who the democratic nominee is and/or is convicted and possibly even incarcerated!! lol

Welcome to the world of LennyLot!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

You know this was the dagger to Make America California when the liberal media went nuts attacking DeSantis over it ,

Policy doesn’t matter to the our resident 🤡 News Network fanboy .

Only politically motivated prosecutions .


Sep 5, 2010

Here is the summary of the double defeat for Trump today!!

Don't worry though because Lenny Lenbo believes that stuff doesn't matter legally and/or in how people perceive Trump!!

Also Lenny will continue to reassure you the fact that in HIS OPINION Newsome didn't do well in the debate last night,

for sure will make people flock to Trump, simply forget all of the legal mess Trump is and that he will simply romp

in the 2024 Election no matter who the democratic nominee is and/or is convicted and possibly even incarcerated!! lol

Welcome to the world of LennyLot!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:
Just like he romped in the last election.
And helped so much in the 2018 and 2022 midterms.

Remember Porky predicting the red tsunami?

How'd that prediction work out?

Right up there with sbd and Clueless Joe's get ready for the return and so many failed dates to list.

The ultra low iqanons have lost so often that they think they are winning.




Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the return.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:

Nov 11, 2007
Just like he romped in the last election.
And helped so much in the 2018 and 2022 midterms.

Remember Porky predicting the red tsunami?

How'd that prediction work out?

Right up there with sbd and Clueless Joe's get ready for the return and so many failed dates to list.

The ultra low iqanons have lost so often that they think they are winning.




Soon, real soon.

We have it all.

Get ready for the return.

:santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat: :santahat:
Lenny is a colossal bore because in essence in reality he is nothing but a reincarnated human condom who serves only to try

to protect him against all people and charges even though lots of those charges are true!!

In addition, he can compared to a used car salesman because all he tells us is the good stuff about Trump(if there really is any)

but in the same way the car salesman hides and/or doesn't talk about the negative stuff about the car and/or sweeps it under

the rug, Lenny does the same thing in talking about Trump!!

if that is not enough, he tries to project his own feelings onto the voting public in general!!

Anytime I have tried to point out things that he doesn't mention in his thinking and/or things in his own personality he can't rebut,

he simply avoids the question and/or runs away and hides or tries to change the subject to somethin entirely different!!

On the one hand unlike sheriff joe, sbd, doctor success, MAGMORON, etc. who PRETEND to put me on ignore as an excuse

to not openly debate me, I will give him credit for trying but on the other hand it can be argued that he has to weigh that against

his incompetency because of his lack of debating skills!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Lenny is a colossal bore because in essence in reality he is nothing but a reincarnated human condom who serves only to try

to protect him against all people and charges even though lots of those charges are true!!

In addition, he can compared to a used car salesman because all he tells us is the good stuff about Trump(if there really is any)

but in the same way the car salesman hides and/or doesn't talk about the negative stuff about the car and/or sweeps it under

the rug, Lenny does the same thing in talking about Trump!!

if that is not enough, he tries to project his own feelings onto the voting public in general!!

Anytime I have tried to point out things that he doesn't mention in his thinking and/or things in his own personality he can't rebut,

he simply avoids the question and/or runs away and hides or tries to change the subject to somethin entirely different!!

On the one hand unlike sheriff joe, sbd, doctor success, MAGMORON, etc. who PRETEND to put me on ignore as an excuse

to not openly debate me, I will give him credit for trying but on the other hand it can be argued that he has to weigh that against

his incompetency because of his lack of debating skills!!

Speaking of debating skills . Your savior looked as weak as you pip squeak .

And this was his deflection answer after being asked about the mass exit during Covid .



Sep 5, 2010
Lenny is a colossal bore because in essence in reality he is nothing but a reincarnated human condom who serves only to try

to protect him against all people and charges even though lots of those charges are true!!

In addition, he can compared to a used car salesman because all he tells us is the good stuff about Trump(if there really is any)

but in the same way the car salesman hides and/or doesn't talk about the negative stuff about the car and/or sweeps it under

the rug, Lenny does the same thing in talking about Trump!!

if that is not enough, he tries to project his own feelings onto the voting public in general!!

Anytime I have tried to point out things that he doesn't mention in his thinking and/or things in his own personality he can't rebut,

he simply avoids the question and/or runs away and hides or tries to change the subject to somethin entirely different!!

On the one hand unlike sheriff joe, sbd, doctor success, MAGMORON, etc. who PRETEND to put me on ignore as an excuse

to not openly debate me, I will give him credit for trying but on the other hand it can be argued that he has to weigh that against

his incompetency because of his lack of debating skills!!
If twitter went down for a day he couldn't even post.

Nov 11, 2007
If twitter went down for a day he couldn't even post.
He is a typical boorish Trump fellator sucker and is representative of the type of low-class people who elected him in the first place!!

Other than in a public chat board like this one, I wouldn't bother with him because to be diplomatic I was raised differently and

have views 100% opposed to his!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Speaking of debating skills . Your savior looked as weak as you pip squeak .

And this was his deflection answer after being asked about the mass exit during Covid .



TUCKER: "One thing I know for a fact about Gavin Newsom is he has the capacity to beat a lie detector test…Gavin Newsom's palms don't sweat. His respiration doesn't increase. His body temperature doesn't change. Nothing changes in Gavin Newsom when he lies to your face. And there are not that many people like that."

Nov 11, 2007

TUCKER: "One thing I know for a fact about Gavin Newsom is he has the capacity to beat a lie detector test…Gavin Newsom's palms don't sweat. His respiration doesn't increase. His body temperature doesn't change. Nothing changes in Gavin Newsom when he lies to your face. And there are not that many people like that."
My one and only DIRECT post to you for today:

Kindly tell me when Newsom or anyone comes even remotely close to remotely approaching 33,000 plus DOCUMENTED lies told

by Trump in just four years as POTUS!!

According to you he didn't even tell one!!

See ya at the earliest tomorrow!!

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