
Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
NONE of what is posted here makes any sense to you ? Or make you think ANY of it is possible ? And you're here just to read nonsense and tell the guys to take a breath ?
The MOFO gets triggered evertime Joe makes a post....its pretty hilarious.

He is a sheep of the highest order who has no ability to view events outside of an MSM lens
YET thinks people who spend hours researching and giving evidence have no idea what they are talking about....

Nov 11, 2007
View attachment 77915

Top 10 Headlines The Fake News Didn't Tell You This Week

#10 Court of Appeals suspends Trump’s gag order, deeming it unconstitutional.

#9 Lawyers to meet with Florida Attorney General to prosecute Anthony Fauci.

#8 Vivek Ramaswamy calls out the media, wins third GOP debate.

#7 Pennsylvania voting machines shut down due to votes getting 'flipped'.

#6 Federal Judge upholds Florida law banning men from women's sports.

#5 Republicans call on RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to resign.

#4 Douglass Mackey facing prison for Hillary Clinton meme sets precedent for all of us according to Tucker Carlson. (Cases like these expose the Deep State and wake more people up)

#3 Elon Musk introduced Grok, the better, unbiased version of Bill Gates' ChatGPT.

#2 Democrat Michigan AG faces impeachment for failing to prosecute election fraud.

#1 Rep. Rashida Tlaib censured for pro-PaIestine comments, will Ilhan Omar be next?

Bonus: World leaders call for peace deal between Russia and Ukraine, Zelensky has a temper tantrum wanting more war funds.

But nothing is happening....right?

Life is good for Patriots. :cool:
You forgot #11, the "fake news" didn't tell us that you made the latest what will turn out to be yet another FAILED prediction you

have made out of hundreds if not thousands that "didn't quite get there" that Trump's devolution is IMMINENT!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

Nov 11, 2007
The MOFO gets triggered evertime Joe makes a post....its pretty hilarious.

He is a sheep of the highest order who has no ability to view events outside of an MSM lens
YET thinks people who spend hours researching and giving evidence have no idea what they are talking about....
All from a cretin who needs to put a Trump in a Superman outfit to display his lovefest with him!!

Nov 11, 2007
View attachment 77915

Top 10 Headlines The Fake News Didn't Tell You This Week

#10 Court of Appeals suspends Trump’s gag order, deeming it unconstitutional.

#9 Lawyers to meet with Florida Attorney General to prosecute Anthony Fauci.

#8 Vivek Ramaswamy calls out the media, wins third GOP debate.

#7 Pennsylvania voting machines shut down due to votes getting 'flipped'.

#6 Federal Judge upholds Florida law banning men from women's sports.

#5 Republicans call on RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to resign.

#4 Douglass Mackey facing prison for Hillary Clinton meme sets precedent for all of us according to Tucker Carlson. (Cases like these expose the Deep State and wake more people up)

#3 Elon Musk introduced Grok, the better, unbiased version of Bill Gates' ChatGPT.

#2 Democrat Michigan AG faces impeachment for failing to prosecute election fraud.

#1 Rep. Rashida Tlaib censured for pro-PaIestine comments, will Ilhan Omar be next?

Bonus: World leaders call for peace deal between Russia and Ukraine, Zelensky has a temper tantrum wanting more war funds.

But nothing is happening....right?

Life is good for Patriots. :cool:

Here is a headline among many more that sheriff joe aka homer Johnny Most and his "media" "forgot" to tell us about!! lol

Nov 11, 2007

Here is a headline among many more that sheriff joe aka homer Johnny Most and his "media" "forgot" to tell us about!! lol

Here is another instance that sheriff joe and his media forgot to mention about the REAL media that is recognized as such!!

Nov 11, 2007
The MOFO gets triggered evertime Joe makes a post....its pretty hilarious.

He is a sheep of the highest order who has no ability to view events outside of an MSM lens
YET thinks people who spend hours researching and giving evidence have no idea what they are talking about....
Do you mean the kind of"evidence" and "proof" provided that after 30 months of 100% daily FAILED predictions by joey hoey and sbd that

Trump's devolution is "IMMINENT!! or that in 2020 Trump won ALL FIFTY STATES AND RECEIVED OVER 90% OF THE POPULAR

VOTE!! lol

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The MOFO gets triggered evertime Joe makes a post....its pretty hilarious.

He is a sheep of the highest order who has no ability to view events outside of an MSM lens
YET thinks people who spend hours researching and giving evidence have no idea what they are talking about....
I don't mind being challenged.

Every one of these brainwashed loons were given numerous opportunities to debate me. Yet inevitably, they hit a brick wall whenever their "Truth Guardians" do not ALLOW them to even THINK a certain way, which is when they lash out in exhaustive anger and get personal and nasty 👉 cognitive dissonance.

Try that with me in person. Just try it. Out here, it's IGNORE.

Psychologically, they can't handle reality...they really can't.

Obama sells the same bullshit. He wants "rigorous debate" but ONLY if he can control the "facts" 👉 the flow of information 👉 NARRATIVE CONTROL. And he wants people to make decisions (vote) based on said "facts" 👉 NARRATIVE CONTROL. Snake oil salesmen like him call this "democracy"

Totally manipulated propaganda 👉 brainwashing.

East Germans were trapped behind a physical WALL. They couldn't get out.

Well guess what? The Deep State's Mockingbird Media imprisons people's MINDS the same way (NARRATIVE CONTROL) behind a VIRTUAL wall of stunning IGNORANCE. "Fact-checkers" as they call them, aka the Stasi Mind Police.

"Joe, what you're saying can't possibly be true...the news said so!!! You're posting misinformation!!" 🤡

Really? When has your "news" ever turned out to be right...on ANYTHING?

Your "experts" preyed on your childish ignorance, as they always do, and spun a fairytale fooling you into believing the virus came from a bat. No, actually that's Hollywood, not "science." And yet, they turned you into a mindless masked parrot believing the polar opposite: "Follow the science! Follow the science! Brawwwk!" They LIED and treated you like you're an idiot...because you are. In fact, right at the beginning of the scamdemic, my intel sources SHOWED me the virus was engineered in a LAB, and I have the original RECEIPTS and thread to prove it. Did you listen to me? Heavens no! Your Stasi Mind Control Police told you that was "conspiracy theory" 👉 NARRATIVE CONTROL 👉 CRITICAL THINKING BLOCKED!

The "news" is FAKE - that's why nobody watches anymore. Nobody believes their garbage, which is even more FAKE than you can possibly imagine.

Now, what does a NORMAL well-adjusted independent successful person do when they are cheated on? Lied to? Betrayed?

They stop trusting them. Right? Never will look at them the same way. EVER! Once you SEE the lying/cheating/betrayal, you cannot UNSEE.

Well, not quite...a beta bitch will go into denial and excuse that type of shitty behavior...

"Oh, he didn't mean to!"...."Oh, they had a bad day!"...."Oh, they didn't lie, they were just wrong!" 🤡

No, they actually LIED!

I honestly believe my trolls are beta masochists. How else to explain them getting fucked over by the same people over and over?

Then they come in here like the beta trolls they are and expect me to bend over the same way. I will NEVER bow down to the CONTROLLED NARRATIVE. NEVER! Show me RECEIPTS or fuck off!

I'll also never insult the intelligence of people who read my posts. Nor will I ever ask them to blindly "trust me" as the Fake News always does. I ALWAYS bring RECEIPTS, and if they happen to contradict the CONTROLLED NARRATIVE, boo-fucking-hoo.

Readers agree..

👉 Sheriff Joe > CONTROLLED NARRATIVE....each and every time!

You know what's really cool? Once you dump their controlled narratives, you cannot believe the bullshit you once believed.

Once you SEE, you cannot UNSEE.

Once people are AWAKE, they're AWAKE forever.

Mission Accomplished for Anons and Digital Soldiers 👉 NARRATIVE CONTROL DESTROYED!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

It gets even better!!

Oh look more leaks Lightweight . And yet the Commies want to gag the defendant as they continue to do so .

They can gag on this for now .

Trump Blasts CNN 'Breaking Fake News' Report in Docs Case

Fake News CNN just did a story, leaked by Deranged Prosecutor Jack Smith and his massive team of Radical Left Lunatics, that various people saw papers and boxes at Mar-a-Lago. Of course they did! They may have been the boxes etc. that were openly and plainly brought from the White House, as is my right under the Presidential Records Act. I even supplied, upon request, Security Tapes to these Election Interfering Thugs. Is this really "Breaking News?" No, it's "Breaking Fake News.

Nov 11, 2007
Oh look more leaks Lightweight . And yet the Commies want to gag the defendant as they continue to do so .

They can gag on this for now .

Trump Blasts CNN 'Breaking Fake News' Report in Docs Case

Fake News CNN just did a story, leaked by Deranged Prosecutor Jack Smith and his massive team of Radical Left Lunatics, that various people saw papers and boxes at Mar-a-Lago. Of course they did! They may have been the boxes etc. that were openly and plainly brought from the White House, as is my right under the Presidential Records Act. I even supplied, upon request, Security Tapes to these Election Interfering Thugs. Is this really "Breaking News?" No, it's "Breaking Fake News.
Here is my one self-imposed limit to one post a day to you and actually around just the sixth poll to you in the last roughly five weeks since

I started this policy!!

You can believe whatever Trump says, bash anyone or anything that expresses any negativity about him as well to completely

to dismiss 100% of any and all criminality to Trump contained in the investigations and indictments.

In essence, in all of the time you have been here you have NEVER even the remotest possibility that your

beloved Trump would even consider doing something criminal intent let alone do it!!

This also includes Mara-Lago!!

If that is the 100% lopsided manner in which you think regarding Trump, then fine, but don't expect people like myself to dignify

that by responding too often.

More important, is how and what the legal system thinks of everything in their dispositions

I stand right up here now and state that no matter what the final verdicts are in the current investigations, indictments

and possible indictments, I will accept them whether I agree with them or, and will openly say so in this thread!!

Will you do the same, yes or no, and if no why not!!

I suggest you mark this post as I have just done!!

See you at the earliest tomorrow!!

Nov 11, 2007
I don't mind being challenged.
That in itself is bullshit and a total lie. You wouldn't PRETEND to put me and others on ignore if that was the case!!
Every one of these brainwashed loons were given numerous opportunities to debate me. Yet inevitably, they hit a brick wall whenever their "Truth Guardians" do not ALLOW them to even THINK a certain way, which is when they lash out in exhaustive anger and get personal and nasty 👉 cognitive dissonance.
Another lie on your part. Most importantly I dare you to take me on directly about your CIC and devolution and what I have stated about them!!
Try that with me in person. Just try it. Out here, it's IGNORE.
What the fuck does that mean-one on one in an open debate is one-on-one whether it is in person or in a chat forum!!

Next please!!

Psychologically, they can't handle reality...they really can't.
Your reality as opposed to mine that you are scared shitless to debate me!!
Obama sells the same bullshit. He wants "rigorous debate" but ONLY if he can control the "facts" 👉 the flow of information 👉 NARRATIVE CONTROL. And he wants people to make decisions (vote) based on said "facts" 👉 NARRATIVE CONTROL. Snake oil salesmen like him call this "democracy"
Is Obama a tyrant, fascist/neo-Nazi/ racist like Trump who has openly admitted that if elected, he will exact revenge on anyone

who "wronged" him

Did Obama try to pull off a coup d-etat, threaten officials in Georgia to overturn the results, or to steal documents that he had no

right to and bring them to his home!!
Totally manipulated propaganda 👉 brainwashing.
How would you classify anyone who still believes you after 34 months of FAILED daily predictions

that Trump's devolution is still imminent-lifeline please!!
East Germans were trapped behind a physical WALL. They couldn't get out.

Well guess what? The Deep State's Mockingbird Media imprisons people's MINDS the same way (NARRATIVE CONTROL) behind a VIRTUAL wall of stunning IGNORANCE. "Fact-checkers" as they call them, aka the Stasi Mind Police.

I just responded to this in the example I used. The rest of what you offer consists of nothing of your usual begging the question,

poisoning the well with a lot of general fluff, cliches and mantras,, but with ZERO specifics!!
"Joe, what you're saying can't possibly be true...the news said so!!! You're posting misinformation!!" 🤡
I just addressed this above-I suggest you and more importantly other objective people consider what you just said regrading its

overall veracity!!
Really? When has your "news" ever turned out to be right...on ANYTHING?

Your "experts" preyed on your childish ignorance, as they always do, and spun a fairytale fooling you into believing the virus came from a bat. No, actually that's Hollywood, not "science." And yet, they turned you into a mindless masked parrot believing the polar opposite: "Follow the science! Follow the science! Brawwwk!" They LIED and treated you like you're an idiot...because you are. In fact, right at the beginning of the scamdemic, my intel sources SHOWED me the virus was engineered in a LAB, and I have the original RECEIPTS and thread to prove it. Did you listen to me? Heavens no! Your Stasi Mind Control Police told you that was "conspiracy theory" 👉 NARRATIVE CONTROL 👉 CRITICAL THINKING BLOCKED!
A lot of hype and words that say nothing that you say is DOCUMENTED ACTUAL FACT rather than a biased/one-way and/or

unsupported opinion!!
The "news" is FAKE - that's why nobody watches anymore. Nobody believes their garbage, which is even more FAKE than you can possibly imagine.
How the fuck do you know what anyone else believes other than you, sbd and a few other folks who post essentially what you do!!

is that what you call reliable and valid sampling??

If you are so psychic, please give me all of he ats winners for the weekend!!
Now, what does a NORMAL well-adjusted independent successful person do when they are cheated on? Lied to? Betrayed?
Should a normal person believe anything that your deity says when it has been documented that he told over 33,000 omes

in just four years as POTUS!!
They stop trusting them. Right? Never will look at them the same way. EVER! Once you SEE the lying/cheating/betrayal, you cannot
I just addressed this above.

Well, not quite...a beta bitch will go into denial and excuse that type of shitty behavior...

"Oh, he didn't mean to!"...."Oh, they had a bad day!"...."Oh, they didn't lie, they were just wrong!" 🤡

No, they actually LIED!

You will have to explain this one a little better-sorry
I honestly believe my trolls are beta masochists. How else to explain them getting fucked over by the same people over and over?
This is simply a twist of what you already said and I already responded to-no need to repeat!!
Then they come in here like the beta trolls they are and expect me to bend over the same way. I will NEVER bow down to the CONTROLLED NARRATIVE. NEVER! Show me RECEIPTS or fuck off!
believe my trolls are beta masochists. How else to explain them getting fucked over by the same people over and over?
This is simply a twist of what you already said and I already responded to-no need to repeat!!
I'll also never insult the intelligence of people who read my posts. Nor will I ever ask them to blindly "trust me" as the Fake News always does. I ALWAYS bring RECEIPTS, and if they happen to contradict the CONTROLLED NARRATIVE, boo-fucking-hoo.
believe my trolls are beta masochists. How else to explain them getting fucked over by the same people over and over?
This is simply a twist of what you already said and I already responded to-no need to repeat!!
Readers agree..

👉 Sheriff Joe > CONTROLLED NARRATIVE....each and every time!
How many thumbs up do you get with your posts and how many come forth to agree with you with commentary other than the usual

few-why is that the case!!

Conversely, why does virtually no one come to your defense when I slam you with actual documentation??
You know what's really cool? Once you dump their controlled narratives, you cannot believe the bullshit you once believed.
To a trained and experienced investigator like myself, this is an open admission that you are truly pissed that I and folks like me

have the ability to expose you for who and what you are and you have no way of preventing this!!
Once you SEE, you cannot UNSEE.
Once I, wibur, schmirt, et al SEE (actually have seen) what is true about you and document it for other objective people to consider

it, there is nothing you can do so that these folks don't unsee it!!
Once people are AWAKE, they're AWAKE forever.
I am not sure you will EVER AWAKE because of the devil and demonic entities that have hijacked our entire mind and soul!!
Mission Accomplished for Anons and Digital Soldiers 👉 NARRATIVE CONTROL DESTROYED!
My mission while not completely accomplished, will be once Trump receives his just due and with the events that will come,

I and the others will further and expose your delusions/fantasies, lies etc. about CIC, delusion and other matters pertaining to Trump

and leave you fully bloodied, battered and pulverized against the ropes so badly that it will take your DNA sample to identify you!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Here is my one self-imposed limit to one post a day to you and actually around just the sixth poll to you in the last roughly five weeks since

I started this policy!!

You can believe whatever Trump says, bash anyone or anything that expresses any negativity about him as well to completely

to dismiss 100% of any and all criminality to Trump contained in the investigations and indictments.

In essence, in all of the time you have been here you have NEVER even the remotest possibility that your

beloved Trump would even consider doing something criminal intent let alone do it!!

This also includes Mara-Lago!!

If that is the 100% lopsided manner in which you think regarding Trump, then fine, but don't expect people like myself to dignify

that by responding too often.

More important, is how and what the legal system thinks of everything in their dispositions

I stand right up here now and state that no matter what the final verdicts are in the current investigations, indictments

and possible indictments, I will accept them whether I agree with them or, and will openly say so in this thread!!

Will you do the same, yes or no, and if no why not!!

I suggest you mark this post as I have just done!!

See you at the earliest tomorrow!!

I don’t take anyone who actually believes Trump lied every day for four years straight on average of 23 times a day seriously .

There’s YOUR lopsided opinion of Trump .

As far as the trials and verdicts . None of them would be happening if Trump faded into the sunset . They are nothing more than political prosecutions by a bunch of power hungry Dems . Some of whom campaigned on getting Trump .

Trump announced he was running in Nov 2022. Name me one indictment before that ?

I see no response on the prosecution continuing to leak as they try to put a gag order the defendant . Putin would be proud .

Bye bug !

Nov 11, 2007
I am not sure you will EVER AWAKE because of the devil and demonic entities that have hijacked YOUR entire mind and soul!!

Correction of a typo.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Wear a paper mask, it'll protect you from our, err I mean THE virus!" 🤡

Uhh, can we see some peer-reviewed studies on that, please?

"No! Follow the science! And here are our magic needles that will give you back your freedom. They're safe and effective but only work if everyone else takes them! So don't be the party pooper who ruins it and keeps everyone locked down!" 🤡

Umm, what's in this stuff? And why am I not immune from the virus regardless of what anyone else does? Can you show us the controlled Pfizer/Moderna testing phase of these "magic-needles" and publish the data for independent study?

"No! Not for 85 years! Who the hell do you think you are? This is an emergency pandemic! Follow the science! Stop asking questions, quit taking horse pills and stop spreading misinformation! Listen to what "Doctor Science" The Keebler Elf tells you to do! Otherwise, I'm sending the Rx trolls after you!" 🤡

Same with "81 million votes"...

Amazing statistically-impossible results, which again, Sheriff Joe documented the morning after in yet another EPIC RECEIPT-LOADED thread.

Show us the proof! Show us the transparency! Show us those impossible 81 million votes!

"Sorry, if our black box machines say 81's 81 million! Our completely honorable election officials behind boarded up windows and early-morning counters with no poll watchers present said so! Confirmed by CNN! I'm not discussing this with a crazy person who can't be reasoned with any further! Quit spreading conspiracies or we'll kick you off Twitter!" 🤡

These people aren't "right" or "left"..."middle"..."moderate" and sure as hell aren't interested in anything "science" or "fact-based"...


How corrupt?

Crimes against humanity!

"I caught them all! Let's see what happens!" - CIC Trump

Stick with the Badass Boss who doesn't fuck around, per all my RECEIPTS.

You'll gonna LOVE how this epic movie ends!

Nov 11, 2007
"Wear a paper mask, it'll protect you from our, err I mean THE virus!" 🤡

Uhh, can we see some peer-reviewed studies on that, please?

"No! Follow the science! And here are our magic needles that will give you back your freedom. They're safe and effective but only work if everyone else takes them! So don't be the party pooper who ruins it and keeps everyone locked down!" 🤡

Umm, what's in this stuff? And why am I not immune from the virus regardless of what anyone else does? Can you show us the controlled Pfizer/Moderna testing phase of these "magic-needles" and publish the data for independent study?

"No! Not for 85 years! Who the hell do you think you are? This is an emergency pandemic! Follow the science! Stop asking questions, quit taking horse pills and stop spreading misinformation! Listen to what "Doctor Science" The Keebler Elf tells you to do! Otherwise, I'm sending the Rx trolls after you!" 🤡

Same with "81 million votes"...

Amazing statistically-impossible results, which again, Sheriff Joe documented the morning after in yet another EPIC RECEIPT-LOADED thread.

Show us the proof! Show us the transparency! Show us those impossible 81 million votes!

"Sorry, if our black box machines say 81's 81 million! Our completely honorable election officials behind boarded up windows and early-morning counters with no poll watchers present said so! Confirmed by CNN! I'm not discussing this with a crazy person who can't be reasoned with any further! Quit spreading conspiracies or we'll kick you off Twitter!" 🤡

These people aren't "right" or "left"..."middle"..."moderate" and sure as hell aren't interested in anything "science" or "fact-based"...


How corrupt?

Crimes against humanity!

"I caught them all! Let's see what happens!" - CIC Trump

Stick with the Badass Boss who doesn't fuck around, per all my RECEIPTS.

You'll gonna LOVE how this epic movie ends!
You mean CICINO rather than CIC, as CICINO mand Commander-in-Chief in name only as he hasn't doesn't one solitary thing

that you can cite as CIC he has done since he allegedly continued to be POTUS beginning on Inauguration Day when Biden

assumed the Presidency!!

You just fuc ked yourself once again up the as s by on the one hand quoting what Trump is going to do if elected but on the

other hand not telling why he cannot do it now if he is the ACTING CIC!!

Your stupidity and inability to put together a consistent narrative is off the scale of incompetence!!
Aug 17, 2019
The MOFO gets triggered evertime Joe makes a post....its pretty hilarious.

He is a sheep of the highest order who has no ability to view events outside of an MSM lens
YET thinks people who spend hours researching and giving evidence have no idea what they are talking about....

He is 100% brainwashed, mind-controlled and beyond delusional.

And should be institutionalized and highly medicated.
Aug 17, 2019
"Wear a paper mask, it'll protect you from our, err I mean THE virus!" 🤡

Uhh, can we see some peer-reviewed studies on that, please?

"No! Follow the science! And here are our magic needles that will give you back your freedom. They're safe and effective but only work if everyone else takes them! So don't be the party pooper who ruins it and keeps everyone locked down!" 🤡

Umm, what's in this stuff? And why am I not immune from the virus regardless of what anyone else does? Can you show us the controlled Pfizer/Moderna testing phase of these "magic-needles" and publish the data for independent study?

"No! Not for 85 years! Who the hell do you think you are? This is an emergency pandemic! Follow the science! Stop asking questions, quit taking horse pills and stop spreading misinformation! Listen to what "Doctor Science" The Keebler Elf tells you to do! Otherwise, I'm sending the Rx trolls after you!" 🤡

Same with "81 million votes"...

Amazing statistically-impossible results, which again, Sheriff Joe documented the morning after in yet another EPIC RECEIPT-LOADED thread.

Show us the proof! Show us the transparency! Show us those impossible 81 million votes!

"Sorry, if our black box machines say 81's 81 million! Our completely honorable election officials behind boarded up windows and early-morning counters with no poll watchers present said so! Confirmed by CNN! I'm not discussing this with a crazy person who can't be reasoned with any further! Quit spreading conspiracies or we'll kick you off Twitter!" 🤡

These people aren't "right" or "left"..."middle"..."moderate" and sure as hell aren't interested in anything "science" or "fact-based"...


How corrupt?

Crimes against humanity!

"I caught them all! Let's see what happens!" - CIC Trump

Stick with the Badass Boss who doesn't fuck around, per all my RECEIPTS.

You'll gonna LOVE how this epic movie ends!

It's going to be biblical!

Nov 11, 2007
It's going to be biblical!
it's going to be biblical all right when the world is presented with irrefutable proof that Trump's toadstool-shaped weenie

is not of this earth but was implanted by God to symbolize the greatness HE bestowed upon him in serving as HIS PERSONAL customer

service representative on this planet!! :LOL: :LOL: :LOL:

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