
Nov 11, 2007
I will say it again.

What this thread is particularly badly in need of is a moderator in the true sense of the word, namely not someone who merely

deletes words and/or name-calling of insults that they deem unacceptable but more importantly one who tries to

stimulate and steer productive discussion and debate in the right direction so as to allow everyone to fully understand

why posters believe as they do as well as to allow others to either agree and/or civilly disagree with the reasons stated!!

At the moment the thread is nothing but a free-for-all where the modus operandi is to throw out whatever one wants to say,

present it as fact and in the case of sbd, sheriff joe and a few others to put folks like myself on ignore or more likely to pretend

to put them on ignore rather than to allow themselves to be questioned about what they have said!!

Unlike just about all of the other threads, which consist of varying opinions about Trump and to a lesser extent about Biden,

this thread deals with subjects that cannot simply be reduced to opinions but rather topics about devolution and related

predictions and which lend themselves to be much more controversial and the need for actual proof of their existence

and/or lack of!!

Again a good moderator would take it upon themselves to ask questions of those who claim and predict matters of this nature

for clarification which in turn would open the doors for others to engage in the discussion and debate in a civil manner

and would make the thread a truly productive one rather than its current status as a Pier Six brawl!!


Back in the am.
Sep 12, 2022
Tards being programmed and so stupid they don't even know it.


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
One thing I noticed immediately on the old thread was the complete lack of willingness (fear) the Tards had to debate any issue, and their absence of facts and logic.

I put all faggots, retards, and child molesters on Ignore. Now I can scroll through this thread at ease and find the good stuff.
Wise move.

The mac daddy troll's idea of "hitting HRs" is claiming his "News Guard" app hasn't authorized your source. Or, even more comical, "blacklisted" because some Soros purple-haired woke whale making minimum wage tagged it as "disinformation" :ROFLMAO:

Or, my favorite - "Joe, that's already been debunked!" Yes, "81 million votes" is totally official, verified and legit. 🤡

Says who? CNN? Surely not the honorable Generals working with Trump.

Pizzagate was also "debunked" dontchaknow - exposed for the crazy "QAnon conspiracy" it was by one of their industry's finest who got busted for, err, pedophilia.

And we're all still waiting for tard mea culpa on "Russian collusion".

No shame. Absolutely no shame. This is why nobody believes their crap anymore. As Dubya once said, "fool me once, shame on.... shame on you. Fool can't get fooled again."

You know what happens to a brain which has been fed nothing but lies when it's finally exposed to the truth? It implodes! Straightjacket time! Exactly what we witness here day after day with our beta trolls.

No, no...Deranged Jack Smith's case isn't blowing up after he got bitch-slapped by a judge! He's just...backtracking because...he's lining up more witnesses to flip! Yeah, yeah, that's it! Flipidy flip-flip-flip! Cry them MAGA tears! LOL

No need to actually THINK engaging in any meaningful discussion. Simply C&P CNN, Salon and SheFinds articles all day claiming you're "hitting home runs doing God's work!"

Useful idiots for the satanic cabal.

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Trump Statement Agenda 47 - Salute to America 250! 1776 Founding!

“Three years from now the United States will celebrate the biggest & most important milestone in our country’s history; 250 years of American independence.”

As a nation, we should be preparing for a most spectacular birthday party!

Here is My Plan to Celebrate Americas 1776 Founding:

• Day 1, I will convene a White House Task Force called “Salute to America 250”

- They will Coordinate with State & Local Governments to ensure not just one day of celebration, but an ENTIRE YEAR of festivities across the nation starting on Memorial Day 2025 & continuing to July 4, 2026.

• I will work with all 50 governors, Republican & Democrat to create “The Great American State Fair”, a unique One Year Exhibition featuring pavilions from all 50 states.

- The Great American State Fair will showcase the glory of every state in the Union, promote pride in our history & put forth innovative visions for Americas future.

- Trump plans to host “The Great American State Fair” at the Legendary Iowa State Fair Grounds.

- Together we will Build it & They will Come!

• We will host major sporting contests for High School Athletes — Patriot Games

• I will sign an Executive Order to bring back our National Garden of American Hero’s, commission artists in a statuary park honoring the greatest Americans of all time

• I will invite the leaders & citizens of nations around the world to visit the United States in honor of our 250th anniversary.

- Americas tourist industry should get ready because we’re going to have a lot of people coming, it will be a record year.

• I will ask Americas great religious communities to pray for our nation & our people as we prepare for this momentous occasion!

“As we chart a course toward the next 250 years, let us rededicate ourselves as One Nation, Under GOD!


Sep 12, 2022
Trump Statement Agenda 47 - Salute to America 250! 1776 Founding!

“Three years from now the United States will celebrate the biggest & most important milestone in our country’s history; 250 years of American independence.”

As a nation, we should be preparing for a most spectacular birthday party!

Here is My Plan to Celebrate Americas 1776 Founding:

• Day 1, I will convene a White House Task Force called “Salute to America 250”

- They will Coordinate with State & Local Governments to ensure not just one day of celebration, but an ENTIRE YEAR of festivities across the nation starting on Memorial Day 2025 & continuing to July 4, 2026.

• I will work with all 50 governors, Republican & Democrat to create “The Great American State Fair”, a unique One Year Exhibition featuring pavilions from all 50 states.

- The Great American State Fair will showcase the glory of every state in the Union, promote pride in our history & put forth innovative visions for Americas future.

- Trump plans to host “The Great American State Fair” at the Legendary Iowa State Fair Grounds.

- Together we will Build it & They will Come!

• We will host major sporting contests for High School Athletes — Patriot Games

• I will sign an Executive Order to bring back our National Garden of American Hero’s, commission artists in a statuary park honoring the greatest Americans of all time

• I will invite the leaders & citizens of nations around the world to visit the United States in honor of our 250th anniversary.

- Americas tourist industry should get ready because we’re going to have a lot of people coming, it will be a record year.

• I will ask Americas great religious communities to pray for our nation & our people as we prepare for this momentous occasion!

“As we chart a course toward the next 250 years, let us rededicate ourselves as One Nation, Under GOD!


The man is a visionary!
Aug 17, 2019
One thing I noticed immediately on the old thread was the complete lack of willingness (fear) the Tards had to debate any issue, and their absence of facts and logic.

I put all faggots, retards, and child molesters on Ignore. Now I can scroll through this thread at ease and find the good stuff.

No no they were openly debating every issue... in their delusional minds.

And they won every debate too.

Thanks to fake news, fake polls, fake fact-checkers, fake science and fake world o' meter numbers.

Sep 5, 2010
Seems like the ultra low iqanons get all their information from tweets and memes.

And don't forget about polls.

We have it all.

91 fake indictments.

Beat by 8 million votes by a man campaigning from his basement.




Soon, real soon.



Get ready for the return.
Jul 27, 2023
I will say it again.

What this thread is particularly badly in need of is a moderator in the true sense of the word, namely not someone who merely

deletes words and/or name-calling of insults that they deem unacceptable but more importantly one who tries to

stimulate and steer productive discussion and debate in the right direction so as to allow everyone to fully understand

why posters believe as they do as well as to allow others to either agree and/or civilly disagree with the reasons stated!!

At the moment the thread is nothing but a free-for-all where the modus operandi is to throw out whatever one wants to say,

present it as fact and in the case of sbd, sheriff joe and a few others to put folks like myself on ignore or more likely to pretend

to put them on ignore rather than to allow themselves to be questioned about what they have said!!

Unlike just about all of the other threads, which consist of varying opinions about Trump and to a lesser extent about Biden,

this thread deals with subjects that cannot simply be reduced to opinions but rather topics about devolution and related

predictions and which lend themselves to be much more controversial and the need for actual proof of their existence

and/or lack of!!

Again a good moderator would take it upon themselves to ask questions of those who claim and predict matters of this nature

for clarification which in turn would open the doors for others to engage in the discussion and debate in a civil manner

and would make the thread a truly productive one rather than its current status as a Pier Six brawl!!


Back in the am.
You are correct. Sheriffjoe tried to claim something stupid in another thread. He was called out, looked dumb and disappeared. Sheriffjoe knows exactly what I mean. I know what he is here at therx for. I sent him the bat signal.

Nov 11, 2007
It is Saturday and I am going to keep my remarks few and far between rather than respond all day long to posts born out of desperation

regarding Trump who is already starting to get his due from the legal system, and when all is said and done will have his head handed to him.

Among the usual adulation spewed forth by sheriff joe,second in command sbd and then by their puppet doctorsuccess

is their blatant lie about Trump's respecting the military and vice-versa!!

I will not further dignify this other than repost what Trump said about General Milley and let objective folks decide how he

stands with the military based on DOCUMENTATION like that which follows.

Here you go:

Back sometime this afternoon at the earliest!!

Nov 11, 2007
Until this afternoon here is a repost of what I posted last night regarding this thread and how it should be run.

Obviously, the chances of this ever happening are not great because I have seen no indication that the powers that be seem

interested only in maintaining the status quo, which as stated a total and very unproductive free-for-all madhouse.

Here you go and don't expect any further posts from me until mid-afternoon at the earliest.

That said, if I say any relevant articles between now and then, I will post the links without commentary.

"I will say it again.

What this thread is particularly badly in need of is a moderator in the true sense of the word, namely not someone who merely

deletes words and/or name-calling of insults that they deem unacceptable but more importantly one who tries to

stimulate and steer productive discussion and debate in the right direction so as to allow everyone to fully understand

why posters believe as they do as well as to allow others to either agree and/or civilly disagree with the reasons stated!!

At the moment the thread is nothing but a free-for-all where the modus operandi is to throw out whatever one wants to say,

present it as fact and in the case of sbd, sheriff joe and a few others to put folks like myself on ignore or more likely to pretend

to put them on ignore rather than to allow themselves to be questioned about what they have said!!

Unlike just about all of the other threads, which consist of varying opinions about Trump and to a lesser extent about Biden,

this thread deals with subjects that cannot simply be reduced to opinions but rather topics about devolution and related

predictions and which lend themselves to be much more controversial and the need for actual proof of their existence

and/or lack of!!

Again a good moderator would take it upon themselves to ask questions of those who claim and predict matters of this nature

for clarification which in turn would open the doors for others to engage in the discussion and debate in a civil manner

and would make the thread a truly productive one rather than its current status as a Pier Six brawl!!"


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
It is Saturday and I am going to keep my remarks few and far between rather than respond all day long to posts born out of desperation

regarding Trump who is already starting to get his due from the legal system, and when all is said and done will have his head handed to him.

Among the usual adulation spewed forth by sheriff joe,second in command sbd and then by their puppet doctorsuccess

is their blatant lie about Trump's respecting the military and vice-versa!!

I will not further dignify this other than repost what Trump said about General Milley and let objective folks decide how he

stands with the military based on DOCUMENTATION like that which follows.

Here you go:

Back sometime this afternoon at the earliest!!

Woke b*tch General Mark Milley admitted going behind the Commander-in-Chief's back to betray American national security .

Milley coordinated with the Chinese Communist Party behind President Trump's back to hinder Trump's policies against the CCP, and admitted as much.

Now post the story about Trump not wanting to go to a Veterans cemetery because they are losers and he didn’t want to get his hair wet because it was raining you silly old fool

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
BOMBSHELL REPORT: 47 boxes of ballots MOVED to Hyatt Regency in Wisconsin on November 3, 2020..

"Somewhere around 6:15AM, ballots will begin to arrive at the HOTEL."

There will be approximately 47 BOXES OF BALLOTS that will go to the Grand Ballroom."

"Do not UNLOCK Grand ballroom until Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein REQUESTS and is with security."

Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein listed as is a Democratic Party-aligned consultant and operative who was the Wisconsin lead for the left-of-center National Vote at Home Institute (NVAHI) in Green Bay, Wisconsin, for the 2020 election. -- Influencer



Remember what's coming 👉 👉 👉 "watermark ballots" :cool:


(Insert 81 million clown emojis) 🤡 🤡 🤡
Aug 17, 2019
BOMBSHELL REPORT: 47 boxes of ballots MOVED to Hyatt Regency in Wisconsin on November 3, 2020..

"Somewhere around 6:15AM, ballots will begin to arrive at the HOTEL."

There will be approximately 47 BOXES OF BALLOTS that will go to the Grand Ballroom."

"Do not UNLOCK Grand ballroom until Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein REQUESTS and is with security."

Michael Spitzer-Rubenstein listed as is a Democratic Party-aligned consultant and operative who was the Wisconsin lead for the left-of-center National Vote at Home Institute (NVAHI) in Green Bay, Wisconsin, for the 2020 election. -- Influencer



Remember what's coming 👉 👉 👉 "watermark ballots" :cool:


(Insert 81 million clown emojis) 🤡 🤡 🤡

Please stop posting receipts and official communications!

Savage1 already confirmed with CNN, MSNBC and The Daily Beast that election fraud is just conspiracy! 🤡

And snopes and others fact-checked it too! 🤡


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Who can't wait for our FEATURE PRESENTATION?


How many ACTUAL LEGAL VOTES did "Biden" get?

Anyone wanna guess?

(Insert 81 million clown emojis 🤡🤡🤡🤡)

Soon "Depends" will be flying off the shelves! :poop::poop::poop::poop:

And our Fake News-guzzling beta trolls currently reading every word can quote me on that!!


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