
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Ohio Brad Wenstrup Announces his Retirement from Congress

Aug 17, 2019

Just a reminder that tards are beyond delusional.


Like the op stated in the RR thread, they are going to cheer against God and defend Satan until they end.

And they are.

Many will be jumping soon.

Others will be institutionalized and highly medicated.

"less than 5 months"

It's going to be biblical!

👆 👆 👆 👆 👆
Aug 17, 2019

And a great to also remember that savage1 has been wrong 100% of the time!

All documented here and in the RR thread.

That's right - 100%!

Wrong about every single thing!

Imagine spending 3.5+ years in a thread, 24/7, posting non-stop fake news links, fake fact-checkers, fake polls, fake covid world-o-meter numbers and other gibberish non-sense thinking you are "hitting HRs".

Only to find out in the end you were wrong 100% of the time, defending Satan the entire time, and the main clown of the circus!

👆 👆 👆 👆 👆

Nov 11, 2007
In reality, although I take great pride in absolutely destroying the main combatants in here on a daily basis because of my intelligence,

education, professional and personal experiences and debating skills, in actuality I would be misrepresenting/overstating the situation

or even lying by omission if I didn't give equal credit to the likes of sbd and sheriff joe themselves by making my job very simple

by their self-destructing every day with their obvious GLARING delusions, lies, inconsistencies, contradictions, unresolvable paradoxes

and total illogic and non-sequiturs are all they are capable of posting!!

This means in essence that I don't have to do all that much investigation at all but rather just collect and pile all of their poop

into a trash bag and dump and post it in my posts for all to see and then set it on fire!!

What makes the job even easier is they have no answers to my damning commentary, so much so that they PRETEND to put me on

ignore rather than have the shit I collected stuffed down their threat as opposed to just being set on fire for all to see!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
BREAKING 👉 👉 👉 GA 2020 Stolen Election!

2020 Fraudulent Ballot Case in Fulton County

The big time CRIMINAL defense attorneys for Fulton County have filed a motion to withdraw from the case.


Is Fulton County getting ready to admit the ballots don’t exist?

They were ordered to produce the absentee ballots months ago!

Or have the ballots been destroyed?

Stay tuned because this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Buckle up! It’s coming…

View attachment 77882

View attachment 77883

Just another right wing conspiracy theory .

There is NO EVIDENCE, they claim
(because it's been kept secret for over 3 years)

Take it to COURT, they whine
(GA Supreme Court said bring out the ballots)

No JUDGE has found, they assert
(because they all run away)

Nov 11, 2007
ALL so-called "pandemics" were triggered by vaccines.

The "Spanish flu" did not come from "Spain" - it was a military experiment gone bad.

Do your research.

What "pandemic" did Dr. Jonas Salk's Polio Vaccine result in, perhaps the "pandemic" of saving millions of lives!! lol

Your stupidity and lack of posting something without massive contradictions, inconsistencies and paradoxes are off of the

charts, and may also indicate that you have innate masochistic tendencies!!
Jul 27, 2023
What "pandemic" did Dr. Jonas Salk's Polio Vaccine result in, perhaps the "pandemic" of saving millions of lives!! lol

Your stupidity and lack of posting something without massive contradictions, inconsistencies and paradoxes are off of the

charts, and may also indicate that you have innate masochistic tendencies!!
Savage1 I do like to pop in the thread and remind you guys to take a breath here and there. However you are correct in those posters you mentioned just throwing out non sense. You are spot on.

Nov 11, 2007
Savage1 I do like to pop in the thread and remind you guys to take a breath here and there. However you are correct in those posters you mentioned just throwing out non sense. You are spot on.
Skoalbandit33-Even though you are very brief in your commentary and cut to the chase, I am quite sure that any intelligent and objective

person who doesn't want to bother with the back and forth between sheriff joe and sbd and their puppet doctorsuccess along

with others who occasionally spew forth and the same delusional nonsense and myself, come to the same conclusion

you do in a nutshell!!

In fact the term "nutshell" has two meanings here:

1) the one that we all recognize as meaning to summarize everything succinctly.

2) In this case the "nut" portion of the term also means the word as used as crackpots who profess and claim things that simply

are not there and that are matters which way beyond those of simply a fantasy or a figure of their imagination!!

Please continue to come around here in your efforts to splash to quickly and effectively splash pails of ice-cold water

on the faces of those who need i!!

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
Savage1 I do like to pop in the thread and remind you guys to take a breath here and there. However you are correct in those posters you mentioned just throwing out non sense. You are spot on.
NONE of what is posted here makes any sense to you ? Or make you think ANY of it is possible ? And you're here just to read nonsense and tell the guys to take a breath ?

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Are you ready for FREE anti-woke Trump School for everyone?

President Trump announces a plan to revolutionize higher education by shifting excessively large endowments from private universities toward a new institution called the American Academy.


This is awesome!

A few things..

1. He says he's going to fund this by "taxing, fining, and suing excessively large private university endowments."

This is the higher education version of building the wall and making Mexico pay for it. :ROFLMAO:

2. It's called "American Academy" 0r "AA" which is fitting since it's basically going to be rehab from woke indoctrination.

3. Biden probably can't even spell "academy".

Nov 11, 2007
NONE of what is posted here makes any sense to you ? Or make you think ANY of it is possible ? And you're here just to read nonsense and tell the guys to take a breath ?
I don't mean to butt in here, but I didn't read where skoalbandit said "none" of it makes any sense!!

Unless I am totally misunderstanding what he is referring to, he is talking about crap such Tump's devolution and other things

that folks like sheriff joe and sbd throw out which are simply projections but without one piece of verifiable piece of

prfoof that would be recognized and accepted in a court of law as admissible evidence!!

Nov 11, 2007
Are you ready for FREE anti-woke Trump School for everyone?

President Trump announces a plan to revolutionize higher education by shifting excessively large endowments from private universities toward a new institution called the American Academy.


This is awesome!

A few things..

1. He says he's going to fund this by "taxing, fining, and suing excessively large private university endowments."

This is the higher education version of building the wall and making Mexico pay for it. :ROFLMAO:

2. It's called "American Academy" 0r "AA" which is fitting since it's basically going to be rehab from woke indoctrination.

3. Biden probably can't even spell "academy".
You once again made a total fool out of yourself by posting what you just posted.

You say on the one hand that he is going to to this when he is elected but on the other hand, continue to claim that he is

the acting CIC, which by definition means he should be able to do it NOW and not have to wait to be elected POTUS,

Couple that with your backup contention that his devolution is "imminent" and it means that the relevance of the 2024

Election has ZERO meaning!!

I have encountered some really stupid and ignorant people in my life when engaging in discussions and debates, and to

be as polite as I can, you sure as hell fit into that category!!

The other thing is that unlike you at least he folks to whom I am referring had the balls to try to make their case whereas

you simply run away and hide and PRETEND to put me on ignore for obvious reasons!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
NONE of what is posted here makes any sense to you ? Or make you think ANY of it is possible ? And you're here just to read nonsense and tell the guys to take a breath ?
He already crossed the line in a different thread making veiled threats, something I have ZERO tolerance for.

Another troll on Ignore.

Nov 11, 2007
He already crossed the line in a different thread with veiled threats, something I have ZERO tolerance for.

Another troll on Ignore.
In fact, you have ZERO tolerance for folks like myself and him who have the intellectual capacity and ability to destroy

just about everything that you post and will do so!!

Putting us on ignore or more likely PRETENDING to put us on ignore falls into the same category as the middle school bully

who physically intimidates those smaller and/or weaker than him but as soon as someone his equal or more in physical stature

comes around and challenges him physically, he runs away and heads for the hills!!

ps It goes without saying that the same applies to sbd, you know the dude who started this thread and from you stole the

thread because of your own imagined self-importance!!

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Top 10 Headlines The Fake News Didn't Tell You This Week

#10 Court of Appeals suspends Trump’s gag order, deeming it unconstitutional.

#9 Lawyers to meet with Florida Attorney General to prosecute Anthony Fauci.

#8 Vivek Ramaswamy calls out the media, wins third GOP debate.

#7 Pennsylvania voting machines shut down due to votes getting 'flipped'.

#6 Federal Judge upholds Florida law banning men from women's sports.

#5 Republicans call on RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel to resign.

#4 Douglass Mackey facing prison for Hillary Clinton meme sets precedent for all of us according to Tucker Carlson. (Cases like these expose the Deep State and wake more people up)

#3 Elon Musk introduced Grok, the better, unbiased version of Bill Gates' ChatGPT.

#2 Democrat Michigan AG faces impeachment for failing to prosecute election fraud.

#1 Rep. Rashida Tlaib censured for pro-PaIestine comments, will Ilhan Omar be next?

Bonus: World leaders call for peace deal between Russia and Ukraine, Zelensky has a temper tantrum wanting more war funds.

But nothing is happening....right?

Life is good for Patriots. :cool:

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