
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
Democrat Senator Joe Manchin Won’t Seek Reelection


Expect a lot more!

Sep 12, 2022

The source above has pics and a video.

Elite Satanists, lower-level evil-doers and even just the ordinary mischief makers we come across have this perverse little habit of telling us what they are about to do or have already done – but doing so in a manner which most decent-minded people would never even suspect.

Take the 9/11 false flag horror show which (((they))) thought was going to usher in The New World Order, for example. It was only afterwards that cyber sleuths were able to dig up numerous hints from movies, ads, cartoons, US currency bills and even popular songs that the dastardly deeds were mockingly and repeatedly foretold to us many months and even years in advance. Only in hindsight was even the most astute amongst us finally able to understand how they gleefully mocked us in advance.

We can now see that when it came to the worldwide menace of the Stupid-19 Scamdemic, there were similar cases of “predictive programming” and Satanic foretelling. Fortunately, unlike 9/11, we do believe that the plot to dramatically cull world population was re-routed by the “White Hats.”

Yes, there will be people who suffer adverse side-effects and even death from “the jab” – but the intended killing off of several billion people -- with a slave micro-chip left inside the survivors -- is not going to happen.

Back then, the Satanic whore Madonna and her handlers were not only expecting a mass die-off via vaccine – they had her sing and play act about it at the immensely popular 2019 Eurovision Song Contest -- which was held in "European" Israel that year! Before we revisit that macabre “performance,” we'll need to set the stage first with the story of "Disease X."

February, 2018: The Birth of “Disease X”

The following well-sourced excerpts -- based on the official and accepted description -- are from the Wikipedia entry for Disease X. Better to let the enemy explain “Disease X” in his own words so that no one can accuse us "conspiracy theorists" ™ of making this stuff up. "Disease X is a placeholder name that was adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO) in February 2018 on their shortlist of blueprint priority diseases to represent a hypothetical, unknown pathogen that could cause a future epidemic.

The WHO adopted the placeholder name to ensure that their planning was sufficiently flexible to adapt to an unknown pathogen (e.g. broader vaccines and manufacturing facilities).

Director of the US National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases Anthony Fauci stated that the concept of Disease X would encourage WHO projects to focus their research efforts on entire classes of viruses instead of just individual strains, thus improving capability to respond to unforeseen strains. At the 2018 announcement of the updated shortlist of blueprint priority diseases, the WHO said: "Disease X represents the knowledge that a serious international epidemic could be caused by a pathogen currently unknown to cause human disease."

John-Arne Røttingen, of the R&D Blueprint Special Advisory Group, said: "History tells us that it is likely the next big outbreak will be something we have not seen before", and "It may seem strange to be adding an 'X' but the point is to make sure we prepare and plan flexibly in terms of vaccines and diagnostic tests.

Jonathan D. Quick, author of End of Epidemics, described the WHO's act of naming Disease X as "wise in terms of communicating risk", saying "panic and complacency are the hallmarks of the world's response to infectious diseases." He wrote that the establishment of the term "might seem like an uncool move designed to incite panic" but that the whole purpose of including it on the list was to "get it on people's radars." (emphasis added)

* Obviously, Disease X -- conceived in 2018 and "war game" simulated at Event 201 in New York in 2019 -- would turn out to be Coronavirus / Covid-19 (rolled out worldwide in early 2020). But don’t take my word for it. A New York Times Op-Ed, vomited out on February 27, 2020 by the UK's Peter Daszak of the WHO, was headlined:
"We Knew Disease X Was Coming. It’s Here Now."

In which Deep Stater Daszak wrote:

“Disease X, we said back then, would likely result from a virus originating in animals and would emerge somewhere on the planet where economic development drives people and wildlife together. Disease X would have a mortality rate higher than a seasonal flu but would spread as easily as the flu. It would shake financial markets even before it achieved pandemic status. In a nutshell, Covid-19 is Disease X. " (emphasis added)

*OK, now that "youse guys" have been brought up to speed on the fact that "Disease X" is indeed Coronavirus / Covid-19 --- we can go back to pre-Covid times, to May 2019 – and talk about Madonna’s "Black Mass" performance in Israel.

May, 2019Tel Aviv, IsraelEurovision Song Contest 2019

After being introduced with great fanfare as "the Queen herself," the ageing harlot appeared in a Satanic-looking, blood-red temple scene with hooded worshipers before her chanting “Madonna.” She then sang (in her weakened voice) her 1989 hit song, “Like a Prayer” (whose lyrics now can be understood to be an ode to Satan). Madonna was wearing a crown (corona) and eye patch. That's one-eye Illuminati symbolism -- simple.

But the patch had a large capital letter “X” on it, as did her black outfit. This was to promote her upcoming album, released several weeks later, which was titled “Madame X” whose album cover featured an old fashion typewriter – clearly labeled, in large capital letters: CORONA.

Was “Madame X” -- nearly one year before Daszak and the NY Times -- telling us that Disease X --- the coronavirus -- was coming? Hmmm. I think so. But there’s more -- a lot more.

After finishing her "Like a Prayer" song to Satan, “Madame X” transitioned into one of the singles from the new Madame X album – “Future.” But just before singing that song, the witch went into a bizarre rant as male monks disrobed and presented as female vestal virgins wearing hazmat / gas masks.

They circle about her before she kills them all – in one case, with a jab to the chest. Here are the words with descriptions (and our interpretations) of the actions. At the end of this article, you’ll be able to view the performance and better appreciate what transpired in Israel.

Madonna: They are so naïve. They think, we are not aware of their crimes (as she kills a masked dancer). We know. We’re just not ready to act. The storm isn’t in the air. It’s inside of us (as she injects her finger into another masked dancer, instantly killing him). * What Madonna was telling us was that the death (Covid) “isn’t in the air” – it’s "inside of us" (in the vaccine!)

Madonna continues: It’s getting late now. Can’t you hear outside of your supreme hoodie (grabbing another dancer’s mask) the wind that’s beginning to howl (she blows at the dancers and they all drop dead on the temple steps..

After her mock genocide, Madonna broke out into the song from Madame X, “Future” – which contains the repeated mantra “Not everybody’s coming to the future. Not everyone that’s here is gonna last.” (the dead dancers return to life, still wearing gas masks) Knowing what we know now, and the scene that has just been summarized, the images and the actual video posted down below are really shocking. These monsters were planning to cull humanity, by the billions! VIDEO

"It is indispensable to trouble in all countries the people’s relations with their governments so as to utterly exhaust with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by the use of torture, by starvation, by the inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the Goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty."
- From Protocol 10 ofThe Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
BREAKING 👉 👉 👉 GA 2020 Stolen Election!

2020 Fraudulent Ballot Case in Fulton County

The big time CRIMINAL defense attorneys for Fulton County have filed a motion to withdraw from the case.


Is Fulton County getting ready to admit the ballots don’t exist?

They were ordered to produce the absentee ballots months ago!

Or have the ballots been destroyed?

Stay tuned because this is only the tip of the iceberg.

Buckle up! It’s coming…



Nov 11, 2007

Here is something for the REAL TDS/TRUMP DENIAL SYNDROME folks to think about!!

Nov 11, 2007

Here is something for the REAL TDS/TRUMP DENIAL SYNDROME folks to think about!!

It gets even better!!

Nov 11, 2007

It gets even better!!

Hat Trick!!
Aug 17, 2019
Before you waste another second of your life reading another pitiful clueless tard post, pause and THINK about something...

WHY would a billionaire who has it all, risk it all... allow himself to be "indicted" and "jailed" (for 717 years LOL) by corrupt loser hack Soros prosecutors with conviction and SCOTUS records that would make our tard "prediction records" look rosy?

Just pause and ASK yourself that question...

Before you get suckered into the next hysterical Fake News narrative....

Does that make any sense whatsoever???

It does not.

The reason Donald Trump is always 4-5 steps ahead of the enemy and "right about everything" (eventually) is because he has the foresight of military intelligence.

The reason SBD and I are eventually "right about everything" is we are dialed into the same flow of intel, directly or indirectly. Not just the Q drops...multiple sources, multiple Sr. advisors - the BEST accurate info on the Internet.

👉Military intel is the background.

👉CIC Trump is the foreground.

So when Trump drops the "watermark" comm during his last 3 rallies, we know EXACTLY what that means, AND will SHOW you the PROOF step-by-step with RECEIPTS.

When The Boss says, "I will secure our elections like they've never been secured before!"....believe him! Despite our current elections being a total dumpster fire at the moment, we know EXACTLY what that means, AND will SHOW you the PROOF step-by-step in easy to understand language with RECEIPTS.

Background and foreground... Understood?

We don't "follow the news" or "react to the news" - WE ARE THE NEWS 👉 THE NEWS FOLLOWS US!

So why would you STILL believe the Fake News and their clown "scare headlines"?

"What storm, Mister President?" You see? The Fake News is CLUELESS!

WE (Digital Soldiers and Anons) who were weaponized against the Deep State cabal ARE "THE STORM"

We know.

Everything we have told about this movie is happening - you just don't know all of it yet (publicly).

I see this thread is getting upwards of 15-20k+ views a week now. Like the old thread with millions of views, it will soon top Google searches for the kind of unique information it provides.

Just stick all the tards on Ignore and proceed.

If your friends and family look around the country and don't know what the hell is going on, show them this thread. Nothing makes sense...nothing seems believable anymore...because it isn't.

It's all fake.

Until the new constitutional Republic is launched, we are under a Continuity of Government supervised by the military...a holding pattern if you will. This current time period you are living through is a construction zone for a brand new state-of-the-art system until everything is ready for launch and they turn on the lights.

EVERYONE knows this. Every member of Congress, judge, law enforcement official, military. EVERYONE...

Holler, cry, throw a tantrum, "fact check" me 🤡...I don't give a shit! That's the TRUTH.

You want the TRUTH? That's what you they get in this thread. Unfiltered, unabashed.

👉 👉👉Military intelligence backed by the CURRENT Commander-in-Chief with ironclad publicly available RECEIPTS!

With the BEST is yet to come!

100% 👆 👆 👆 👆 👆

The only question remaining is why did the Rx really delete the original RR thread?


Sep 5, 2010
100% 👆 👆 👆 👆 👆

The only question remaining is why did the Rx really delete the original RR thread?

Because it was starting to drain the ultra low iqanon swamp.

It was getting ready for the return.

They knew that they had it all.

They knew that noone could stop what was coming. NOONE!

Nov 11, 2007
On we GO with the Savage1 Late Night Edition SHOW, the show and place intended for discerning and objective people who want to learn

how to utilize their brains to the fullest capability and to also be informed with actual documentation as to what is REALLY

happening as opposed to reading and hopefully not being sucked into the failed predictions, delusions, imagination, LIES and paranoia

of folks like sbd and sheriff joe, whose modus operandi is one that doesn't exist in the REAL world as we know it but rather

a world totally devoid of reality and of their hopes and projections, a world that at best exists at the outer limits of the Twilight


Nov 11, 2007
Because it was starting to drain the ultra low iqanon swamp.

It was getting ready for the return.

They knew that they had it all.

They knew that noone could stop what was coming. NOONE!
Good one!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
Final #’s in Kentucky

Beashear 694,167
Cameron 627,086

3.4 registered voter‘s in Kentucky 2.1 million-did not vote?

Oops! Republican Congressman Admits Hunter Biden Subpoena Double Standard​

And this one belongs to the Beashear!! lol

Nov 11, 2007
“Delusion arises from anger. The mind is bewildered by delusion. Reasoning is destroyed when the mind is bewildered. One falls down when reasoning is destroyed.” – The Bhagavad Gita

Suggested quote for sheriff joe, sbd and other lost and disturbed souls in this thread to read and consider moving forward!!
Sep 12, 2022
Absolute annihilation here today! Patriots CRUSHING Tards and beating them senseless! Only a matter of time now, less then 12 months before they all start screaming and jumping out of windows. Another prediction by the OP that is bound to come true.
Sep 12, 2022
Borrowed this from a StevieRay thread - another great Patriot. This costume is perfect for next year, coming only days before the election. Not that I support celebrating such a disgusting holiday as Halloween, but wouldn't it be nice to dress up a scarecrow and put in your left-leaning neighbor's front yard?


Nov 11, 2007
In reality, although I take great pride in absolutely destroying the main combatants in here on a daily basis because of my intelligence,

education, professional and personal experiences and debating skills, in actuality I would be misrepresenting/overstating the situation

or even lying by omission if I didn't give equal credit to the likes of sbd and sheriff joe themselves by making my job very simple

by their self-destructing every day with their obvious GLARING delusions, lies, inconsistencies, contradictions, unresolvable paradoxes

and total illogic and non-sequiturs are all they are capable of posting!!

This means in essence that I don't have to do all that much investigation at all but rather just collect and pile all of their poop

into a trash bag and dump and post it in my posts for all to see and then set it on fire!!

What makes the job even easier is they have no answers to my damning commentary, so much so that they PRETEND to put me on

ignore rather than have the shit I collected stuffed down their threat as opposed to just being set on fire for all to see!!

Back in the am!!

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