Aug 17, 2019
You gotta love the can see their will going down each day

They know in their hearts that their love for supporting pedos and satanists is coming closer to an end each and every day.

Just fake news and insults and even the fake news is slowly telling truths so the tards wont even have them down the road....hahahaha

They are dying a slow death.

And they know it.

This is where all come together and pray for them.

Let's hope they don't jump.

Nirvana Shill
Oct 20, 2001
You must be referring to savage1, when he said BUY BUY BUY at 68,000, that it was going to $250,000.

At the same time the op said SELL SELL SELL.

And then SELL SELL SELL at 30,000, that it was going to 10-20,000.

And then BUY BUY BUY at 19-20,000

And MORE MORE MORE at 16,500

And MORE MORE MORE on the recent dip at 26,300, that is was more free money!

And the rest is history!
I never would've thought I would've ever bought this much BTC. Glad I did though.
Aug 17, 2019
I never would've thought I would've ever bought this much BTC. Glad I did though.

And I'm sure you can guess why 12 major financial companies recently filed for spot Bitcoin ETF approval?


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"The Dollar is Extremely Strong" Update

Don't ask for dates.

Here's a rough flowchart of what is currently under construction behind the scenes.

SBD will confirm.

👇 👇 👇

View attachment 77836
Fake News is now talking about TRUMPSARA aka NESARA!

They're talking debt elimination and monthly stipends!

Yet another "Conspiracy Theory" no more!!


Nov 11, 2007
Herer is am encore performance of my destruction of sheriff joe two days ago and why he along with sbd are scared shitless

to debate me and PRETEND to put me on ignore for their "reasoning and "logic!!" lol

SheriffJoe said:
"I am the only candidate who can prevent and stop World War III" -- CIC Trump

How can Trump make such a bold statement and promise? How?
Because he wants to vote morons to believe it!!
It is the Trump version of why did the chicken cross the road!! lol
SheriffJoe said:
Ron DeSanctimonious can't say this.
Who the fuck cares what he or anyone says/boast-it is delivering on promises that count!!
SheriffJoe said:
None of the other so-called candidates can make that pledge.
So let's see if someone makes a political pledge to do something, it means he can do and everyone should just take him

at his word and vote for him!!

Your stupidity and inabiliy to debate are off the charts today!!
SheriffJoe said:
"Biden" can't even make that promise, and most people still believe HE is the Commander-in-Chief. LOL
Again total illogic, non-sequiturs, lies begging the question and poisoning the well on full display here with the post to which I am referring above!!
The Candy Man Can!! lol
SheriffJoe said:
Except Trump - a man supposedly out of power.
Not supposedly/IS OUT OF POWER according TO YOU if one examines the statements you have made in the past and

takes them at face value!!
SheriffJoe said:
How? How is this possible? Have you ever turned off the TV and thought this through?
How is it possible that a grown man like yourself believes the laughable shit you post WITHOUT ONE SHRED OF EVIDENCE TO
SheriffJoe said:
Let me tell you.

It means...all the Deep State "television enemies" (the countries they are scaring you into believing would engage in a WORLD WAR with the United States!) are - ready? - WORKING WITH TRUMP!
Link please, or is it as I suspect sheriffjoe. com!! lol
My last post is HOW I continue to make you look clueless and badly in need if professional help!!
SheriffJoe said:
Even if the Deep State managed to trigger a false flag against, say, Putin scaring you into WWIII...Putin would not respond and their pitiful false-flag "world war" would be kaput.
Again provide a link to this nonsense and attention-seeking delusional bs other than
SheriffJoe said:
Don't believe me? Listen to my boy Vlad himself..
Unlike you, I would not trust that murderous menace to society and the world to give someone the right time of day!!
SheriffJoe said:
"We are not war with the American people, we are war with AMERICAN OLIGARCHS!"
I just addressed this. It doesn;t say much abut folks like yourself and sbd to support this diabolical scourge who needs to

be eliminated if his failing health doesn't get it done!!
SheriffJoe said:
Delusions, paranoia and projections without documentation don't get it done and never will!!
SheriffJoe said:
Do I have receipts? Of course I do!
Kindly present the verifiable and documented receipts, which don't include lies and unsupported opinions!!
SheriffJoe said:
Russian Air Force and US Air Force conducting joint military exercises over the Black Sea and the Mediterranean.
Again show us the link to the article to prove this and not of!!
SheriffJoe said:
Australian, Canadian, Brazilian, French military aircraft on US soil. US planes constantly flying over Europe..
Maybe you mistook these for large birds!! lol
SheriffJoe said:
Egyptian and Saudi military landing in Israel...
savage1 currently landing in this thread to once again put you in your place and DESTROY you!!
SheriffJoe said:
THOUSANDS of flights tracked.
You mean the same flights that were tracked that dent thousands upon thousands of evil members of the deep state to Gitmo!! lol
SheriffJoe said:
Everyone working together to destroy the common enemy..
The common enemy is TRUMP and members of his right-wing cult who if left unfettered would send this country and the world

back to the Stone Age if not destroy it!!
SheriffJoe said:


They will try to "scare" you into believing we might be close to a world war...maybe in the Ukraine (although they appear to have given up on that one), maybe in the middle east, maybe in Taiwan...
Actually it is folks like you who wish to lull people into a false sense of security that WW 3 can never happen!!
Th shadow knows!! lol
SheriffJoe said:
It really doesn't matter what bullshit war your TV tells you might happen.
It is bs to you because YOU and NOT THEM live in a world of fantasy, paranoia, delusion and projection, which is typical of

people who suffer from deep psychosis!!
SheriffJoe said:
It's all fake, phony and false.
I am glad that at least for one second you come to grips that you are referring to yourself!!
SheriffJoe said:
👉👉👉Historic Global Civ-Mil Alliance
Please be specific and give us the link/source to this!!
SheriffJoe said:
The Deep State and the Fake News scaring you with bullshit after bullshit are not in control.
Look at scoreboard, buddy, and see who has made all of the decisions whether they were/are good or not since he took office!!

Guess what despite your claim which is full of holes as I have pointed out too many time to count, the CIC is Biden!!
SheriffJoe said:
PATRIOTS are in control.
Yeah I agree with a 2-7 record the Patriots are not going to make the playoffs and it is time to get rid of both Mack Jones

and Bill Belichick!!

It is nice to agree with you about something a change!! lol
SheriffJoe said:
That's why CIC Trump, and ONLY Trump, can prevent WWIII, fully backed by Global militaries.
I just addressed this above-no need to repeat!!
Yes now you/we/all know that you have been destroyed once again by your intellectual and debating superior!!

Aug 5, 2021
many more diseases
very little ASD detection before 2000
spectrum much wider now.

All you spread is total BS

Nov 11, 2007
Before I sign off until sometime after 10 tonight, I suggest that everyone take notice of all of the Hail Marys thrown today by sheriff joe,

as he does anything in his power to try to get people and most importantly HIMSELF to divert attention to other matters other

than the most important and relevant one, namely the Donald Trump investigations, indictments and convictions, and what lies ahead, the

latter which on some level of consciousness is simply too painful for him to deal with!!

Nov 11, 2007
many more diseases
very little ASD detection before 2000
spectrum much wider now.

All you spread is total BS
He is very obviously very psychologically and emotionally unstable along with colleague sbd, the entity from whom he usurped because

he failed in his own devolution thread to even make it out of the batter's box!!

Sep 21, 2004
Final #’s in Kentucky

Beashear 694,167
Cameron 627,086

3.4 registered voter‘s in Kentucky 2.1 million-did not vote?

Oops! Republican Congressman Admits Hunter Biden Subpoena Double Standard​

Sep 12, 2022
Before you waste another second of your life reading another pitiful clueless tard post, pause and THINK about something...

WHY would a billionaire who has it all, risk it all... allow himself to be "indicted" and "jailed" (for 717 years LOL) by corrupt loser hack Soros prosecutors with conviction and SCOTUS records that would make our tard "prediction records" look rosy?

Just pause and ASK yourself that question...

Before you get suckered into the next hysterical Fake News narrative....

Does that make any sense whatsoever???

It does not.

The reason Donald Trump is always 4-5 steps ahead of the enemy and "right about everything" (eventually) is because he has the foresight of military intelligence.

The reason SBD and I are eventually "right about everything" is we are dialed into the same flow of intel, directly or indirectly. Not just the Q drops...multiple sources, multiple Sr. advisors - the BEST accurate info on the Internet.

👉Military intel is the background.

👉CIC Trump is the foreground.

So when Trump drops the "watermark" comm during his last 3 rallies, we know EXACTLY what that means, AND will SHOW you the PROOF step-by-step with RECEIPTS.

When The Boss says, "I will secure our elections like they've never been secured before!"....believe him! Despite our current elections being a total dumpster fire at the moment, we know EXACTLY what that means, AND will SHOW you the PROOF step-by-step in easy to understand language with RECEIPTS.

Background and foreground... Understood?

We don't "follow the news" or "react to the news" - WE ARE THE NEWS 👉 THE NEWS FOLLOWS US!

So why would you STILL believe the Fake News and their clown "scare headlines"?

"What storm, Mister President?" You see? The Fake News is CLUELESS!

WE (Digital Soldiers and Anons) who were weaponized against the Deep State cabal ARE "THE STORM"

We know.

Everything we have told about this movie is happening - you just don't know all of it yet (publicly).

I see this thread is getting upwards of 15-20k+ views a week now. Like the old thread with millions of views, it will soon top Google searches for the kind of unique information it provides.

Just stick all the tards on Ignore and proceed.

If your friends and family look around the country and don't know what the hell is going on, show them this thread. Nothing makes sense...nothing seems believable anymore...because it isn't.

It's all fake.

Until the new constitutional Republic is launched, we are under a Continuity of Government supervised by the military...a holding pattern if you will. This current time period you are living through is a construction zone for a brand new state-of-the-art system until everything is ready for launch and they turn on the lights.

EVERYONE knows this. Every member of Congress, judge, law enforcement official, military. EVERYONE...

Holler, cry, throw a tantrum, "fact check" me 🤡...I don't give a shit! That's the TRUTH.

You want the TRUTH? That's what you they get in this thread. Unfiltered, unabashed.

👉 👉👉Military intelligence backed by the CURRENT Commander-in-Chief with ironclad publicly available RECEIPTS!

With the BEST is yet to come!
Fantastic info!

I, too, have noticed how many views this thread gets. Because I have the Tards on Ignore, I don't know how much they are posting here, but even if they were posting Fake News a hundred times a day, it wouldn't account for all the traffic coming here.

People are visiting this site to read what you and SBD post. The average person loves the truth that you guys are revealing here.
Sep 12, 2022
You must be referring to savage1, when he said BUY BUY BUY at 68,000, that it was going to $250,000.

At the same time the op said SELL SELL SELL.

And then SELL SELL SELL at 30,000, that it was going to 10-20,000.

And then BUY BUY BUY at 19-20,000

And MORE MORE MORE at 16,500

And MORE MORE MORE on the recent dip at 26,300, that is was more free money!

And the rest is history!
He said to buy at 68,000!!!!



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