
Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013

Dec 17, 2004
Social Security Stimulus Package
Just wanted to let you know….I received my 2024 Social Security Stimulus Package.

It contained two tomato seeds, pancake mix, two discount coupons to KFC, a “Biden Build Back Better”
bumper sticker, a prayer rug, a Biden Speech Decoder Ring, a machine to blow smoke up my ass,
and a “Blame it on Trump” poster for the front yard.

The directions were in Spanish.

Yours should arrive soon.

Nov 11, 2007

A long article but a powerful and sobering one about what could lie ahead!!

For me though the good news is that the overall voting population as a WHOLE is too intelligent to return a man to office

whose goal is to destroy America as we know it even if should he miraculously avoid conviction and be the nominee on Election

Day 2024!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Another post debate drop in the polls I see .

61% Lmao !

Keep thinking that a conviction or some looney Liberals or Never Trumpers thinking Trump could be taken off ballots in some states is stopping his R nomination Lightweight .

Trump is set on destroying the country ? Lol !

What’s life like looking at it with 🤡 News Network goggles ?

But then again , you also think it’s the American people at fault for not preparing for adversity .


Nov 11, 2007
What Geraldo rightfully referred to about Trump is alive and doing well in this thread that's for sure!!

Geraldo Rivera Gives CNN An Unfiltered Response To Trump's Latest 'Vile' Comment​

The former Fox News host cursed live on air and claimed it was "a personal embarrassment" that he'd been friends with the former president for so long.
Lee Moran
By Lee Moran
Oct 9, 2023, 02:20 AM EDT
|Updated Oct 9, 2023



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Former Fox News host Geraldo Rivera ripped former President Donald Trump for claiming that undocumented immigrants are “poisoning the blood of our country.” Rivera also slammed a Trump spokesperson’s claim that the phrase is “used in everyday life” as “absolute bulls**t.”
“I think it’s vile. I think it’s disgusting. It’s very disappointing,” Rivera told CNN’s Abby Phillip about Trump’s comment in a video shared online by Mediaite.

“To sink to that level, it’s for me a personal embarrassment that we were friends for so long,” he continued. “This language is racist, it is really disgusting, and, you know, some things cannot abide. We cannot abide certain things and he has crossed the line. I beseech his followers to listen to what he said about poison blood.”
The Nazis used similar “poisonous rhetoric,” Rivera noted.

“I hate to use Nazi or Hitler references, but it is impossible to miss the obvious parallels,” he said. “Poison blood, it was a direct reference. He made a direct reference that the migrants, the immigrants, mostly Latinos now, may I say, are poisoning, polluting the blood of real Americans. It is intolerable. I mean it’s absolutely beyond the pale.”
A spokesperson for Trump downplayed the comment, claiming it was “a normal phrase that is used in everyday life.”
Rivera told Phillip: “Excuse me, I apologize to you and your audience, but I have to say that the spokesman’s excuse was absolute bullshit.”

“It is lowdown and dirty,” he added. “Give me a break.”

Nov 11, 2007
Needless to say, the last few days have been ones of horror, a multitude of needless deaths and injuries and indescribable pain

and grief for the survivors of these people.

Just as importantly the events show that anti-Semitism is alive and well not only where the murders took place but all over

the world including in our own country!!

As I said earlier, imo the events of the last few days bring the world closer and closer to its extinction as the risks of all-out

nuclear war intensifies!!

It goes without saying politically speaking, some people have already started to blame people besides Hamas for the atrocities

and try to imply that they are the real evil folks here!!

If that is the way they choose to think it, then so be it!!

Let's just say that as a Jewish person who knows and understands fully well the history of oppression, we have suffered, the type

of thinking I just referenced is the furthest thing on my mind!!

Nov 11, 2007

Not only is she spot-on but I have a "hunch" that many millions of people across the country already agree with her

regardless of what happens with the indictments and convictions, a number that will only increase by leaps and bounds

between now and the 2024 Election, a number so great in fact that using Mary Trump's words with a few letters added,

that he doesn't have a fuc king chance of ever being elected POTUS again!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Imo it is quite obvious that so far the Trump legal team is no match for Jack Smith, and I don't see any reason/indication

why this is going to change other than for the worse!!


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Not only is she spot-on but I have a "hunch" that many millions of people across the country already agree with her

regardless of what happens with the indictments and convictions, a number that will only increase by leaps and bounds

between now and the 2024 Election, a number so great in fact that using Mary Trump's words with a few letters added,

that he doesn't have a fuc king chance of ever being elected POTUS again!!


This f‑‑‑ing maniac likely gave Putin (who gave Iran, who gave Hamas) Israel’s national security secrets,” Mary Trump wrote in a post on X, the platform formerly known as Twitter.

“Plus, he divulged highly classified information about our nuclear subs to an Australian cardboard guy,” she added. “Why is he still allowed to roam free?”

It’s not the useful idiot’s administration that gave Iran 6 million to appease them that limp dick Blinken admitted Iran could have used to fund terrorism , it’s Trump who gave Putin who passed to Iran who passed to Hama Israel’s national security secrets .

And not even CBS would verify another National Enquirer like nuclear sub secret Lightweight .

🤣 😂 🤣 😂

Nov 11, 2007
Post will follow.


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Nov 11, 2007
Here are several things out of too many to count that you should consider before putting any credibility into anything

Lenny Lenbo says about anything and especially when it comes to Trump.

I am using two recent reposts between him and myself to make my point:

LENBO said:
I suppose he can’t run for President either because he incited an insurrection that he wasn’t even charged for by Jack MeOff .

The stupid ! It burns !

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"I suppose, no actually I am 100% sure that you are incapable of posting anything even remotely negative about Trump when

it comes to taking a good hard OBJECTIVE look at him!!

Kindly show me just one post where you have admitted that the investigators and/or anyone in a position to say something

about Trump may have a point and especially with documentation to prove it!!

I realize that is asking a lot from you, whose mind has a 24/7/365 lock on it and will not listen/change your mind about

anything when it comes to Trump, but on the other hand perhaps there are some newcomers who don't yet know this 100% TRUTH

about you, and that is why I mention it!!

I am out of here from 7 until 10 or so tonight as again, I am not going to spend much time trying to discuss rationally anything

with you because you continue to cling to steadfast and unwaivering beliefs that are not open to other ideas and opinions even if they are

well documented!!"

LENBO said:
More whataboutisms I see .
Take the rest of the night off to avoid further embarrassment instead of pulling far fetched articles about what Trump is disqualified from running for out your @*s .
"Once again I confronted you with the truth and something for which you have no response!!

Thus you took your usual coward; 's way out by trying to change the topic and or run away and hide in the same way

EVERY SINGLE TIME I have asked you using one of many examples as to whether you agree with some of his sbd's

controversial predictions and statements!!

To conclude, I would normally say now go ahead and hide under your deity's skirt until it is safe to go back into the water,

but since Trump is a guy, I am going to appropriately change it to say go hide in Trump's underwear until you think

you can crawl back out of it into the ring with yours truly, who is your "daddy" in every way, whether it is intelligence, education,

profession and most importantly in the skill of debating, the latter which is about on the same level as an average

kid in high school!!

Back around 10 to out the finishing touches on you for another day!!"

Bye bye!!"

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