
Nov 11, 2007
They will refuse to see it even when it's in plain view.
Awk-Polly want a cracker-the same lie, mantra, cliche, hackneyed expression, choice of words which you have used too many times to

Tards will be full fetal soon.
Awk-Polly want a cracker-the same lie, mantra, cliche, hackneyed expression, choice of words which you have used too many times to

Some will jump.
Awk-Polly want a cracker-the same lie, mantra, cliche, hackneyed expression, choice of words which you have used too many times to

Others will be institutionalized and highly medicated.
Awk-Polly want a cracker-the same lie, mantra, cliche, hackneyed expression, choice of words which you have used too many times to

"less than 5 months"
Awk-Polly want a cracker-the same lie, mantra, cliche, hackneyed expression, choice of words which you have used too many times to


Seriously, you have to find some new words and terms to express yourself!!

I mean considering you are not employed, is it really that hard to be a little more versatile in what you say and how you say it!!
Sep 12, 2022
I know when you say the Tards will jump, you are speaking in hyperbole. Yet, I'm beginning to wonder if they actually will. We know from their posts on the old thread that they are suffering from extreme mental illness. Their jealousy of one man has warped their minds to the extent that they are no longer functioning in the real world.

Add to that, the poisonous chemicals and spike proteins they foolishly injected themselves with, and they just might be unhinged to the point where a third Trump presidency, which we all know is coming, will send them leaping to their deaths - and into the bowels of hell, where they will serve their master.
Aug 17, 2019
I know when you say the Tards will jump, you are speaking in hyperbole. Yet, I'm beginning to wonder if they actually will. We know from their posts on the old thread that they are suffering from extreme mental illness. Their jealousy of one man has warped their minds to the extent that they are no longer functioning in the real world.

Add to that, the poisonous chemicals and spike proteins they foolishly injected themselves with, and they just might be unhinged to the point where a third Trump presidency, which we all know is coming, will send them leaping to their deaths - and into the bowels of hell, where they will serve their master.
They are victims of the most advanced military grade mind-control psyop.

Unfortunately, if you are not strong enough to control your own mind, someone else will.

Most people just aren't strong enough.

Tards definitely aren't.

And we have all been subjected to it, even victims at some level.

But those with strong minds continued to pull themselves above it until they simply cannot be controlled.

These are the "awakened" ones. ["The Great Awakening"]

And why dems and the DS cabal hate us.

We simply cannot and will not be controlled.

We are their biggest threat!

Nov 11, 2007
I know when you say the Tards will jump, you are speaking in hyperbole. Yet, I'm beginning to wonder if they actually will. We know from their posts on the old thread that they are suffering from extreme mental illness. Their jealousy of one man has warped their minds to the extent that they are no longer functioning in the real world.

Add to that, the poisonous chemicals and spike proteins they foolishly injected themselves with, and they just might be unhinged to the point where a third Trump presidency, which we all know is coming, will send them leaping to their deaths - and into the bowels of hell, where they will serve their master.
Seriously whether you wrote that or sheriff joe/sbd did, is simply writing attempted forced, trite generalized nonsense without an ounce of

proof to back it up th very best you can do??

Again is it our side that is in deep doo-doo and that is facing 91 indictments, convictions, possible incarcerations and/or being disqualified

from being the POTUS by law or simply in the eyes of the population or Trump or your side!!!

As far as the vaccinations go, I myself now as the oldest person in this thread received both the initial vaccinations and

am feeling great!!

Do you have any kind of job to go to every day, and if so what is it??

You call yourself a "doctor,"

I would think a doctor would have patients to treat rather than be treated himself or should I say destroyed by his

presence here!!

That's it for now-I strongly that your ventriloquists at least give you something more original to say/post, but that is a tall

order considering that they do the same thing when they post!!!

Nov 11, 2007
They are victims of the most advanced military grade mind-control psyop.

Unfortunately, if you are not strong enough to control your own mind, someone else will.

Most people just aren't strong enough.

Tards definitely aren't.

And we have all been subjected to it, even victims at some level.

But those with strong minds continued to pull themselves above it until they simply cannot be controlled.

These are the "awakened" ones. ["The Great Awakening"]

And why dems and the DS cabal hate us.

We simply cannot and will not be controlled.

We are their biggest threat!
What I just posted to docorsuccess applies to you also.

Seriously whether you wrote that or sheriff joe/sbd did, is simply writing attempted forced, trite generalized

nonsense without an ounce of proof to back it up th very best you can do??

Again is it our side that is in deep doo-doo and that is facing 91 indictments, convictions, possible incarcerations and/or being disqualified

from being the POTUS by law or simply in the eyes of the population or Trump or your side!!!

As far as the vaccinations go, I myself now as the oldest person in this thread received both the initial vaccinations and

am feeling great!!

Do you have any kind of job to go to every day, and if so what is it??

You call yourself a "doctor,"

I would think a doctor would have patients to treat rather than be treated himself or should I say destroyed by his

presence here!!

That's it for now-I strongly that your ventriloquists at least give you something more original to say/post, but that is a tall

order considering that they do the same thing when they post!!!


Nov 11, 2007

If what Stormy Daniels says about his toadstool member is true, perhaps he should consider some kind of weenie transplant

to satisfy himself and so that the women of the night who service him hopefully will say nice things about his pec ker!! lol
Aug 17, 2019
Screen Shot 2023-10-09 at 9.47.57 AM.png

All going exactly as stated in the original RR thread.

Taiwan is next.


Nov 11, 2007
View attachment 76088

All going exactly as stated in the original RR thread.

Taiwan is next.

Is all going as stated in the original RR thread by YOU regarding Trump's devolution, which going back to January of 2021 when

Biden was inaugurated was/is supposed to be IMMINENT(meaning within hours or a few days)??

Yes I realize that your new definition of imminent is now up to five months to buy you more time to move the goalposts,

but it isn't retroactive, meaning that your hundreds if not thousands of DAILY PREDICTIONS about Trump's

devolution is now officially 100% FAILED ONE!!

There is no way for you to weasel your way out of that one-the same applies to your 100% lack of accountability for the same!!

ps Folks who are anti-semitic and/or xenophobics should be happy if they really believe Biden is behind all of this!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
He told you and he told you and he told you !

But did you hear what Mary Trump had to say about Uncle Donny ?

On September 11, Trump condemned the Biden Administration's decision to agree to a prisoner exchange that allowed the Iranian regime to unlock more than $6 billion in funds, which had been frozen due to U.S. sanctions on the Islamic Republic.

"Can you believe that Crooked Joe Biden is giving $6 Billion to the terrorist regime in Iran? That money can be used for terrorism all over the Middle East and, indeed, the World. This incompetent FOOL is absolutely destroying America," Trump wrote in a Truth Social post last month.

In a separate post, Trump predicted precisely what has come true.

"To pay for hostages will lead to kidnapping, ransom, and blackmail against Americans across the globe. I freed many dozens of our people from various unfriendly countries and never paid a dime!" The 45th president wrote


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
The Biden regime is clearly amassing tens of thousands of military-aged men from all over the world & dispersing them throughout our country to carry out attacks on Americans when given the green light.

How many of millions of us are armed? The Biden regime is insane if they think they will be able to disarm us when the threat to our families has never been higher.

All planned and coordinated by the Deep State.

Now do you understand why there will be an EAS and the military will cleaning up most of the cities?

Nov 11, 2007
The Biden regime is clearly amassing tens of thousands of military-aged men from all over the world & dispersing them throughout our country to carry out attacks on Americans when given the green light.

How many of millions of us are armed? The Biden regime is insane if they think they will be able to disarm us when the threat to our families has never been higher.

All planned and coordinated by the Deep State.

Now do you understand why there will be an EAS and the military will cleaning up most of the cities?
And yet according to you, Trump is and has always been the "acting CIC" and letting all of this happen.

Yeah but I know before the "acting CIC" does anything about and/or is devolutioned to make it official, the "people have

to be shown first!!"

Do you realize hos stupid, contradictory and illogical that sounds!!

But then again coming from a loyal member of the fascist/neo-Nazi member of the far right-wing Trump cult, I am not

really all that surprised!!

Nov 11, 2007

fyi-for those who don't know already, this is a good piece to learn what Hamas is and and its goals.

Nov 11, 2007

Predictably as he has done thousands of times before, anyone who dares to say or in this case imply something negative about

him no matter how true it is!!

Nov 11, 2007

If there was some kind of a futures bet on this, I would bet Smith wins without batting an eyelash!!

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