
RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

No further commentary needed

Lol ! More fine journalism posted by a mental midget .

“I must be the most accomplished alcoholic ever given what I accomplished,” he added, rattling off his resume both as mayor and a former federal prosecutor.

“I should be in the Guinness Book of World Records. It’s a complete, absolute lie.”

Giuliani even declined to describe himself as a social drinker, arguing that would only lend credence to the allegations.

Can we get a Mary Trump article on this next .

Nov 11, 2007
For those who are just getting home from work now, I am reposting this from earlier today as it applies to the reincarnated human

bodyguard/shield for Donald Trump who sees nothing but good for his hero and deity/Donald Trump and most importantly and

sadly cannot/will not sever that umbilical cord from the latter to his own body.

With that said, I present to you the readers of this thread, these two examples for your consideration of recent exchanges

between your truly and the one, the only LENNY LENBO:

Here are several things out of too many to count that you should consider before putting any credibility into anything

Lenny Lenbo says about anything and especially when it comes to Trump.

I am using two recent reposts between him and myself to make my point:

LENBO said:
I suppose he can’t run for President either because he incited an insurrection that he wasn’t even charged for by Jack MeOff .

The stupid ! It burns !

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"I suppose, no actually I am 100% sure that you are incapable of posting anything even remotely negative about Trump when

it comes to taking a good hard OBJECTIVE look at him!!

Kindly show me just one post where you have admitted that the investigators and/or anyone in a position to say something

about Trump may have a point and especially with documentation to prove it!!

I realize that is asking a lot from you, whose mind has a 24/7/365 lock on it and will not listen/change your mind about

anything when it comes to Trump, but on the other hand perhaps there are some newcomers who don't yet know this 100% TRUTH

about you, and that is why I mention it!!

I am out of here from 7 until 10 or so tonight as again, I am not going to spend much time trying to discuss rationally anything

with you because you continue to cling to steadfast and unwaivering beliefs that are not open to other ideas and opinions even if they are

well documented!!"

LENBO said:
More whataboutisms I see .
Take the rest of the night off to avoid further embarrassment instead of pulling far fetched articles about what Trump is disqualified from running for out your @*s .
"Once again I confronted you with the truth and something for which you have no response!!

Thus you took your usual coward; 's way out by trying to change the topic and or run away and hide in the same way

EVERY SINGLE TIME I have asked you using one of many examples as to whether you agree with some of his sbd's

controversial predictions and statements!!

To conclude, I would normally say now go ahead and hide under your deity's skirt until it is safe to go back into the water,

but since Trump is a guy, I am going to appropriately change it to say go hide in Trump's underwear until you think

you can crawl back out of it into the ring with yours truly, who is your "daddy" in every way, whether it is intelligence, education,

profession and most importantly in the skill of debating, the latter which is about on the same level as an average

kid in high school!!

Back around 10 to out the finishing touches on you for another day!!"

Bye bye!!"

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Not only is she spot-on but I have a "hunch" that many millions of people across the country already agree with her

regardless of what happens with the indictments and convictions, a number that will only increase by leaps and bounds

between now and the 2024 Election, a number so great in fact that using Mary Trump's words with a few letters added,

that he doesn't have a fuc king chance of ever being elected POTUS again!!


“Plus, he divulged highly classified information about our nuclear subs to an Australian cardboard guy,” she added. “Why is he still allowed to roam free?”


Sep 12, 2022
Here's more From

The "Wag the Dog" photo fakery and crisis acting coming out of Israel and Gaza is so amateurish and comical that "youse guys" surely don't need the "autistic" abilities of "The Editorial Board" of The Anti-New York Times to debunk them for you.

Just look at the dry-eyed wailing Israeli characters in black plastered across the top of "the paper of record" today (above). Haven't seen such bad acting since the Russia-Ukraine conflict -- a minor operation also conflated into an imaginary "war" with "hundreds of thousands" dead and "potential for World War III."

Seriously now, Palestinian paratroopers taking Israel "by surprise" and air-dropping unmolested, D-Day-style, into suddenly defenseless Israel -- in broad daylight -- to kill "hundreds" of civilians randomly? How the heck are they getting back home? A retaliatory Israeli missile strike taking out an entire building in perfect controlled demolition 9-11-style free-fall collapse? Fake crying here and fake blood there --- on both sides of the "conflict?" Sandy Hook School meets World War III.

1. In the 1997 film, Wag the Dog, a political/intelligence operative (played by Robert DiNiro) contracts a Hollywood producer (played by Dustin Hoffman) to conjure up a make-believe war in Albania and sell it to the American public. // 2. Even some of the mainstream media are now saying the daytime parachute drop was faked. The question is: by whom? // 3.

These fake events always feature the instantaneous gathering up of pictures of the best-looking and happiest people who were killed.
A textbook perfect controlled demolition in Gaza. Who rigged the building to fall like this?The fact that the White Hat scriptwriters are inflicting so much "destruction" and so many "casualties" upon both sides is very interesting.

You can be sure that if Hamas really did invade Israel, and murder and kidnap so many civilians -- the ensuing war would be as totally one-sided as it would be brief. Gaza would have looked like Dresden or Hiroshima by now -- with the US Judenpresse and all prominent politicians justifying the devastating counterstrike.

Instead, this "war" is shaping up to be a closely fought tit-for-tat -- with rumblings of Iran and Hezbollah possibly joining the fabricated fray. Seems as though "Bibi Satanyahoo" is getting soft in his old age! None of this makes any sense -- unless one understands "The Plan."

Now comes word that "20 American citizens" (in addition to the 14 already said to have died) are missing and presumably being held hostage. How the heck did these Hamas Rambos manage to smuggle them out of Israel? The humiliation and the headache that this will cause for the White Hat imposter "Joe Biden" could be like the Iran hostage crisis of 1979-80 which wrecked President Jimmy Carter.

If you thought "Biden" was unpopular now, imagine what a stage-managed protracted "hostage crisis" of American Jews would do to his approval numbers. As the nation and the world appear to teeter on the brink, the White Knight Trump plots his triumphant return. Understand that, and all of the weirdness going on in America and throughout the world starts to make perfect sense. Trust the Plan.

Nov 11, 2007
Let's just say that there are quite a few jew haters both in the country and the world, some of whom reside in this thread, who

on the one hand are using the slaughter of innocent Jewish people by Hamas as a laughable means/excuse to try to

blame Biden and Obamaas the only persons to blame for these atrocities rather than Hamal, while at the same time

are privately rejoicing or at the very least not giving a damn about Jewish people who died during that massacre!!

This should be obvious to any perceptive person who understands how life operates and/or who has followed this thread for

a while!!

Back in the morning.

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005

Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
"Treason" 🤡

"Death penalty" 🤡

Tards 🤡 🤡 🤡
I've seen some dumb posters in my lifetime but none even close to the level of stupid regularly displayed by the trolls and tards in this thread.

Remember when "Steering Wheel Gate" was going to make Liz Cheney a huge star in the GOP?? :ROFLMAO:

:an_laugh:"We got him this time for real!!!" 🤡

How do these morons perform even the most basic everyday functions in their miserable loser lives???

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
I've seen some dumb posters in my lifetime but none even close to the level of stupid regularly displayed by the trolls and tards in this thread.

Remember when "Steering Wheel Gate" was going to make Liz Cheney a huge star in the GOP?? :ROFLMAO:

:an_laugh:"We got him this time for real!!!" 🤡

How do these morons perform even the most basic everyday functions in their miserable loser lives???
I give them credit for be so committed to a goal in life

Damn shame they picked PERPETUAL STUPITY as that goal......

Nothing Can Stop What is Coming!!!
Jan 4, 2005
This is funny and well done....The best hits of Satan Klaus


Rx Normal
Oct 23, 2013
If you're taking sides in this latest Israel vs Palestinian PSYOP, YOU are definitely part of the problem since the Deep State funds BOTH sides - FACT.

So who is to blame? Who is REALLY to blame?

Under President Trump we had peace.

Under "Biden" we once again have WAR (endless human trafficking and money laundering)

Everywhere you look, nothing but WAR.

Still don't SEE it yet?

As the Deep State continues to lose the narrative and becomes ever more desperate trying everything under the sun we move closer to the end... a better more peaceful and prosperous world for all of mankind.

Just remember...

Satan stands absolutely no chance against God's Warriors.

Because this time...


RX Member
Sep 21, 2004

Emirates. My wife and I just flew from Tel Aviv - passing three or four armed military checkpoints to get to the airport - and are now safe in Dubai waiting for our connecting flight to the US.

If not for the Trump Abraham Accords, this would be unthinkable. There would be no flights from Israel to the UAE. To be able to fly to a friendly Arab country when even American flights won't dare, at a time of war, is miraculous.

Thanks to Trump's efforts, thousands of American citizens have a way home from a very dangerous situation.

Even as it seems the Middle East is imploding, this historic peace agreement is making things a little better.

Nov 11, 2007
Remember what we told everyone for years in the old RR thread.
Yes- you and sbd made predictions that failed to come true 99.8% of the time, most notably that Trump's reinstatement was/is imminent

along with other tabloid attention-seeking bullshit such as that Trump won all 50 states in the 2020 Election and got over 90% of the

Popular Vote, delusions/lies about imagined executions at GITMO of the "bad guys," lies and mathematically impossible numbers

about how hundreds of COVID-19-vaccinated people had already died!!
Whatever fear-inducing traumatizing BS they come up with next, don't fall for it.
What I stated above applies to YOU, SBD and your puppet DOCTORSUCCESS!!
Just don't.
Yes intelligent and objective people DON'T believe anything you say because of among other things the dedication of folks like

myself, wilbur and schmirt who have documented and exposed you folks for who and what you are!!
If it's coming from your idiot box, it's probably fake.
If it is coming from the likes of you, sbd and doctorsucess, it is not PROBABLY fake but 99.9% fake!!
It really is... FAKE NEWS!
For those who are unfamiliar with the term FAKE NEWS as used by sheriff joe, sbd, doctor success, etc. and of course their

perceived deity Donald Trump, the definition of fake news is one that they deem to be false because it is true, and they

have no other/SPECIFIC way to try to dismiss other than to simply use the generalized term "fake news" and hope

it will fly especially with their fellow members of low intelligence/low life fellow red neck basket of deplorables!!

RX Member
Sep 21, 2004
Hey lightweight . Read right past this with no comment . Because it’s policy related and not about Trump’s hair transplants or a Mary Trump comment about Uncle Donny you mental midget .

Because ONCE again . Trump told you and he told you and he told you as the useful idiot eats his words once again .

…incompetent and incapable of world leadership….the reckless disregard for the consequences that would surely follow was dangerously incompetent…it put the US and Iran on a collision course."

It isn’t until now that we are forced to watch Iran-backed Hamas commit unprecedented atrocities against Israelis and American citizens — putting Biden's own reckless foreign policy failures on display for the
Sep 12, 2022
If you're taking sides in this latest Israel vs Palestinian PSYOP, YOU are definitely part of the problem since the Deep State funds BOTH sides - FACT.

So who is to blame? Who is REALLY to blame?

Under President Trump we had peace.

Under "Biden" we once again have WAR (endless human trafficking and money laundering)

Everywhere you look, nothing but WAR.

Still don't SEE it yet?

As the Deep State continues to lose the narrative and becomes ever more desperate trying everything under the sun we move closer to the end... a better more peaceful and prosperous world for all of mankind.

Just remember...

Satan stands absolutely no chance against God's Warriors.

Because this time...

View attachment 76173
Powerful. And it just made me realize something. Tards hate God. Literally. I joke about their going to hell, but they hate God and REALLY ARE GOING TO HELL.

Nov 11, 2007
Hey lightweight . Read right past this with no comment . Because it’s policy related and not about Trump’s hair transplants or a Mary Trump comment about Uncle Donny you mental midget .

Because ONCE again . Trump told you and he told you and he told you as the useful idiot eats his words once again .

…incompetent and incapable of world leadership….the reckless disregard for the consequences that would surely follow was dangerously incompetent…it put the US and Iran on a collision course."

It isn’t until now that we are forced to watch Iran-backed Hamas commit unprecedented atrocities against Israelis and American citizens — putting Biden's own reckless foreign policy failures on display for the
As I promised last Friday night, I would limit myself to a maximum of one DIRECT response to you beginning last Saturday, and so far

not only have I kept that promise but in fact have not responded to you even once in direct response to what you said.

Reposting what I have documented about you in the past, which I have done several times does not count!!

In any case, I am going to respond ot what you said just now and will serve as my only direct response to you for this day.

Again the big reason I have decided to keep my correspondence to a maximum of one a day because as I have stated before,

you are nothing but a home/shill of the highest order for Trump and who focuses only on what you deem to be important while dismissing

100% of anything that is considered negative or worse criminal by others and simply as Trump does, bash the source without

considering the merits of what they have to say no matter how true and documented it is.

You just did the same with your general and vague and unjustified/undocumented commentary about Mary Trump!!

The next point is that once again you try to make comparisons between Trump and Biden politically speaking and imply

that we like Biden, whereas in fact I personally have stated many times that he is incompetent and needs very badly to be replaced

bt someone from either party OTHER than Trump

My final direct comment to you until at least tomorrow is something I alluded to last night and which I firmly believe:

The point is that using the example of the Hamas terrorist attack over the weekend, the focus of emphasis and blame

should be on them and not what Biden and/or Trump did or didn't do!!

What you state simply makes the assumption that without the policies that the US had in place, Hamas would not have been able to

do what they did!!

I hate to use this expression in terms of the horrific in terms of what occurred over the weekend, but in this instance "there is

more than one way to skin a cat," and imo Hamas would probably have found a way to pull off what they did from some other country,

some other means to do what they did!!

My last point for today is that imo folks like yourself who support Trump, a tyrannical fascist who has clearly shown that

he supports insurrection, violence, lying, and for that matter any means to achieve his ends and goals are the last persons

who should be pointing fingers at someone for what they perceive to be his fault!!

That's it from me to you until at least tomorrow!!

Nov 11, 2007

fyi-I agree 100% with every point made!!

If you don't agree then fine, but under no circumstances am I going to debate it!!

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