if you don't believe in God and celebrate x-mas...i have 1 ?


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
It's like Jesus comped me a few sins ...

Or is it like Jesus sent me a holiday gift card from Best Buy ... I can do whatever I want ... he's paid for it ... and I have a gift card to prove it.

It's reasons like this that Jesus Christ has rocked steady for centuries now.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
do you believe in the devil?

Of course because I've seen him on TV

Here's a pic from his recent bitchin' Halloween party out in California



New member
Oct 6, 2007
Jesus is a great guy and I have nothing but respect for him. I can't tell you how good of a job he does on my lawn. I just worry one day immigration will get him.

Oh boy!
Mar 21, 2004
Once again you are blinded by your own arrogance and indifference. If you knew anything about me, you would know that I was very religious for the biggest majority of my life. I have read the Bible cover to cover many times and participated for years in public debate's during which I defended the Bible. Ironically enough, it was my own knowledge of the Bible which began to cast the seeds of doubt in my mind. Honestly, you are one of the most unintelligent posters I have ever seen...it is literally painful for me to try to decipher your rants. If you would give me 10 minutes of your time to debate I would make you look like the fool that you are you. I do not believe that it is a huge leap of faith to assume you have absolutely no real knowledge of the Bible - much less the linguistic or mental capacity to formulate an argument and defend it. If you want to look really stupid, just keep on talking old man - I am sure the baby Jesus is quite pleased with your scholarly defense of his teaching.

He's not addressing our points. I made the point that you replied to him in an intelligent way that showed me that you had some idea of what you were talking about therefore you were not ignorant. Instead he just takes the high road and replies to my post like he is right.

He also didn't address the points others made that Christmas isn't just a Christian holiday and then he says he doesn't understand why people who aren't Christians celebrate the birth of Jesus. He just started a thread so he could rant on about his beliefs without addressing anyone else's posts.

I refuse to waste any more time with someone who doesn't answer my points and instead just goes off on his own rant.

New member
Feb 26, 2010
saturnalia was not stolen. it was used as an opportunity to convert the pagans or the drunkards. a chance
to convert them to the real birth of Son of God not the worship of the sun which God created

New member
Feb 17, 2009
saturnalia was not stolen. it was used as an opportunity to convert the pagans or the drunkards. a chance
to convert them to the real birth of Son of God not the worship of the sun which God created

You could not possibly be more wrong...or less informed...I will let you decide which one you are. Here is a link for you to study - http://www.simpletoremember.com/vitals/Christmas_TheRealStory.htm ; you can educate yourself on the original holiday and how it is transformed into what we celebrate today. I find it odd that most Christians honestly believe that Dec 25th is the actual birthday of Christ...you cannot defend this position using your bible - only your opinion and thought, which quite frankly doesn't matter at all according to the majority of your religion. The only thing that matters when dealing with Christianity is the "divine, holy, infallible etc. word of God" and no where is it mentioned, not even hinted upon, that Jesus was born on Dec 25th.

While you are formulating a response, perhaps you can explain to me how your god (who you say created the sun) created the plants and trees on Earth - which I am sure you realize depend on the sun to survive - before he made the sun and moon? Do you also believe that the Earth and the rest of the Universe was in place BEFORE our sun and moon? If not, why don't you believe what the good book teaches? I am sure you can come with a good reason.

Aug 20, 2009
Jesus was born. Mary wasn't a virgin. Jesus isn't God's son.

Fuck it .. even if I am wrong, they told me in church that Jesus died for my sins ... so I can do whatever I want ... it's all paid for 2000 years ago.

Wow! Thats a bold statement. Well you are right about one thing, Jesus did die for your sins.

New member
Jan 31, 2007

I dont know much about God. I just don't think Christianity (or any other religion) knows any more than me. Not you, not the Pope, not any Rabbi and not some Imam.

So I will celebrate Christmas as a holiday ... even if you think I shouldn't.

PS: do you believe God will allow the Jets to cover the spread on Monday?

lol, cincy, people are taking my orignial question way out of context. i don't care who actually believe's in God or who doesn't, i find it a little humorous that people participate in what many believe to be a holiday that is directly associated w the birth of christ. i personally won't aor don't take part in any celebration's outside of my belief's. i could care less. to each their own my friend, it still doesn't mean people can't do what they want which i am not judging or condemning them for, i get a kick out of those that come on here spewing direct hatred towards me and the question i asked....and they love to still celebrate the holiday's...whoopie...

New member
Jan 31, 2007
Jesus is a great guy and I have nothing but respect for him. I can't tell you how good of a job he does on my lawn. I just worry one day immigration will get him.
you must actually be the wierdo from across the street who is really roguescholar, the pedophile. complete loser.

New member
Jan 31, 2007
Re-read what you wrote. Where do you find anything in my post about loneliness?? Why do think I am angry and mad all the time?? The only thing I get angry about is dolt's like you who have no clue about anything beyond their small, self-centered little world. The only thing that I know about you is that you are an idiot - and yes, I have read the Bible - I asked you to have a debate and you have obviously declined. If you don't have anything intelligent to post to defend your position just leave it be because nothing you say makes any sense. I am quite sure you will want the last word so I will leave it with you, unless of course you can muster the brain power and courage to say something intelligent.
it is easy to see that you're just an angry bitter old man. you have made some interesting comment's and some of which i don't agree with, but if you really have read the bible i think you might not be so bitter. i don't really care who actually celebrate's x-mas, i was just asking a question w this thread, not trying to convert anyone or condemn anyone. some of you are taking this way out of context and getting really bent over it which is really the funniest thing i have seen on here for quite some time...lol...sorry to have ruined your day....lmao

New member
Jan 31, 2007
Christmas as it's celebrated today has nothing to do with Christ or God.

This is honestly one of the dumbest posts I've seen posted here in this board. Your self-righteousness comes through the screen.

Don't get offended by this but this is exactly the reason people hate dumb rednecks.
you're taking this WAY out of context, it is just a question that seem's to get those who really don't believe, which is fine by me, completly riled up...lmao....put a screen cover on so the context doesn't burn your eye's...lol

New member
Jan 31, 2007
If you had any sense at all you would know that if we liquify oxygen we can see it. All you need to do is alter the state...and viola! Visible! You can also taste and smell oxygen. If you do not believe me just try it. You could also hang out in an air-tight container for 30 minutes or so and feel the effects an oxygen-depleted environment. Love cannot be seen because love is an emotion. Can you see anger, happiness, sadness, etc?? I guess you probably believe that you have "felt" god or something of the nature - either that or you claim divine revelation ala Joseph Smith - either way you are nut case in the eyes of the majority. Religion is nothing more than a state of mass delusion. People by and large are incredibly stupid (i.e. you, specificially) and will believe basically anything you beat into their heads. If you don't believe me just go to LA and talk to the guys out at the scientology center.
'if' you liquify...i was referring to the actual air you are breathing rt now that can't be seen w the naked eye..'if's' don't cut it....what was it that really pushed you away from your religous belief's? just curious...if you actually think that i believe people HAVE to have a 'religion' to have a relationship w God, you got me all wrong. i know some very spiritual people who are wonderful human being's and don't belong to an organized 'religion'. and we get along just fine...

New member
Jan 31, 2007
You could not possibly be more wrong...or less informed...I will let you decide which one you are. Here is a link for you to study - http://www.simpletoremember.com/vitals/Christmas_TheRealStory.htm ; you can educate yourself on the original holiday and how it is transformed into what we celebrate today. I find it odd that most Christians honestly believe that Dec 25th is the actual birthday of Christ...you cannot defend this position using your bible - only your opinion and thought, which quite frankly doesn't matter at all according to the majority of your religion. The only thing that matters when dealing with Christianity is the "divine, holy, infallible etc. word of God" and no where is it mentioned, not even hinted upon, that

While you are formulating a response, perhaps you can explain to me how your god (who you say created the sun) created the plants and trees on Earth - which I am sure you realize depend on the sun to survive - before he made the sun and moon? Do you also believe that the Earth and the rest of the Universe was in place BEFORE our sun and moon? If not, why don't you believe what the good book teaches? I am sure you can come with a good reason.
thank's for the link. very interesting i must say. i have alway's known that dec 25th was not the actual b-day of jesus even before i read this. the rest of the link that i read was very interesting. seem's as though the jew's have been tormented quite harshly for their belief's. rape,murder, naked races....wow....thank's for the link, i am going to read more of this when i get some time....

New member
Feb 17, 2009
it is easy to see that you're just an angry bitter old man. you have made some interesting comment's and some of which i don't agree with, but if you really have read the bible i think you might not be so bitter. i don't really care who actually celebrate's x-mas, i was just asking a question w this thread, not trying to convert anyone or condemn anyone. some of you are taking this way out of context and getting really bent over it which is really the funniest thing i have seen on here for quite some time...lol...sorry to have ruined your day....lmao

Once you again, you never fail to surprise me with your misjudgments. I am not old...I fact I am in my late twenties. Believe it or not I have read the Bible many times - I can practically guarantee I know much more about it than you do. I find it odd that you do not ask one bible question nor try to back up any of your opinions using the scriptures. What I have gathered from your posts is that you are a guy who does "Christianity his way"...this isn't a problem in my eyes, but many of your constituents would openly condemn you for this and it basically impossible to have a reasonable discussion with someone like this. All in all, you are doing nothing but talking - you offer no supporting evidence for anything you claim.

New member
Feb 17, 2009
'if' you liquify...i was referring to the actual air you are breathing rt now that can't be seen w the naked eye..'if's' don't cut it....what was it that really pushed you away from your religous belief's? just curious...if you actually think that i believe people HAVE to have a 'religion' to have a relationship w God, you got me all wrong. i know some very spiritual people who are wonderful human being's and don't belong to an organized 'religion'. and we get along just fine...

Of course it cannot be seen, but we can measure and quantify its effects on the environment around us. You cannot see gravity either, but we understand the concept of how massive objects such as our Earth hold less massive objects (such as us) in their grip. What are you talking about with the "ifs" anyway? You mean like...if you were born in Iran you would be a Muslim...or if you were Tom Cruise's child you would be a Scientologist? I have already told you what pushed me away - it was my knowledge of the Bible and how the nonsense contained in it's pages contradicted what I could see in front of my very eyes - people like yourself who are so self-righteously ignorant only helped me along. One thing you are right on, however, is that spirituality has nothing to do with religion - or at least in my mind it shouldn't. There are tons of people who have one or the other, but rarely merge the two. In my opinion, a church-goer should strive to have a spiritual relationship with god while using their religion to govern their lives in accordance with their good book. I get the strange feeling that you have never tested your faith and rely on your own blind indifference to guide you through life without asking yourself the big questions.

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