If A. Rodgers protested the National Anthem and GB cut him, would he have an NFL QB job?


May 27, 2007
Bro. You are not understanding my point of view here.

This is about taking a stand for something. And the fact it is a black person taking a stand for OTHER black people. It will be automatically get negative backlash.

A black making a stand. That is how this started and that is what this is about.

If he wasn't black and he was taking a stand for something people would be like.....oh he's white and kneeling for the flag....he must have a grandfather in the marines......he must have a brother in the Army..... there would be some sort of break made and it would be swept under the rug quickly OR he would be awarded for his courage.

It is called white privilege, again. Blacks do not have that privilege. So it is....sit down blacky, shutup blacky, you know nothing, you don't know what it's like.

But why people call bullshit is because he's taking a stand based on lies. He's taking a stand based on falsehoods not backed by statistical data.

How can you support a protest based on bullshit? Did you go to the University of Missouri too?

How about black privilege? Like two exact applicants and the black man getting the job because of affirmative action?
Feb 6, 2007
Are You Willing to address the plague we all have to live with here that is the "Black Privilege" to do only, to Improve Our Situation here: Protest, Complain, Walk around with that Victim Mentality from the moment they awaken in the morning until they lay their head down at night Playing The Role of Victim, Black Privilege.

You willing to address that? hell to the no, you are not. Cuz you require Racial Division. The Struggle is 88% of your identity

what would you be without this? What would you occupy your time with?

What Role would be left for you? On this Stage?

You willing to address that Black Privilege that makes you able to Play That Race Card so as to shut down all potentially productive discussion

of what might be done to Lessen Our Collective


Hell to the no. You'll never discuss Black Privilege.

That enables you to completely ignore the actions of Blacks, certain behaviors, as maybe part of the problem? You and Black Lives Matter will never have that conversation.

You will never discuss that Black Privilege to create Division here, to be Violent. Show me even one Black Majority Country that is not awash in Misery.

Black Privilege.

to make areas within which they are The Majority places of Great Suffering.

and occasionally venture out beyond those areas to maim, kill & destroy, rob, rape and plunder

and Black Privilege demands that the world say: "oh well its our fault."​

You and BLM will never discuss Black Privilege

Thus do we have Zero Hope of Overcoming. Chance of Progress, None.

Black Privilege. To keep the world a Violent Hostile Misery Riddled Place. "Doesn't have to be that way", bullshit. Black Privilege permits the total ignoring of Unity. With anyone not Black or just "down" and "Hard". Unity could save us Unity against our COMMON FOES but

Black Violence, Resisting Arrest, that behavior which gets them focused on by Law Enforcement, that intense all consuming hatred that consumes so many Blacks will Continue cuz....

Black Privilege.

Discussion of things Blacks could do to help Repair: Not Permitted. Ya'll just say anyone trying to make such a discussion is Racist. Slap bam Boom you throw down that Race Card

thus ending any discussion

and thus

We Shall Not Overcome.

Bcuz of you.

and Black Privilege.

Are you really suggesting there is a privilege in this country to be Black?

Dude, please stop. Lets not reach into outter space. If they want to act like victims. ..oh fucking well. Poor them. No one is changing their mindset.
Feb 6, 2007
But why people call bullshit is because he's taking a stand based on lies. He's taking a stand based on falsehoods not backed by statistical data.

How can you support a protest based on bullshit? Did you go to the University of Missouri too?

Lies? There is no doubt racism still exists and hatred towards colors still exists. The aftermath of him kneeling is a PERFECT example of that.

What he did unintentionally exposed more racists in this country. Blacks and whites. I agree it did not help. Him saying it helped was bullshit. I don't like Kaeperknick. But I respect someone for standing up for what they believe in and bringing attention to a subject that is hard to talk about. I respect anyone who would do that. But the cause and where he chose to go about it I didn't like. He brought it to the work place so it's karma on him.

But I am talking about standing up for something. That's it. We can do that in this country you know. That takes way more courage than bruce jenner.

I don't careeeee what it was for. But people have an issue with it because he is Black standing up for other Blacks. That's what it boils down to.
Feb 6, 2007
Nobody else here thinks that people want Kaep's head here but you. Nobody is mad at him.

Please. That's why Ravens season ticket holders are threatening to pull the plug if they sign him. Callers into radio stations want to beat him with a spiked bat. That's not even including all of the military who hate his guts now. And all of the radicals who would do anything for this country. Yeah, nobody wants to kill him. Right. I bet you he gets 1000 death threats every single day..... yeah nobody wants to kill him. Right.

Nov 4, 2009
Are you really suggesting there is a privilege in this country to be Black?

Dude, please stop. Lets not reach into outter space. If they want to act like victims. ..oh fucking well. Poor them. No one is changing their mindset.

Dude I completely KNOW that I type way way way too many words, Editors Are My Godz (literally, lmfao) less words = I might get understood, point I'm trying to make might be CLEAR

which in this case was: Anyone with the sense that god gave to a grape fully knows that if we don't UNITE against what Our Government has become and Big Money like you talked about donating to the FDA and such, if we don't come together and UNITE against "Bad Hombres", "Rijal Sayyuwn" in Arabic

we are gonna Lose.

I'm simply saying that We Need to Come Together and Fight, as One. Instead of against each other.

But, Yes...there is a "Black Driveler" that allows Blacks to completely refuse to Come Together, to instead continue to Fight Whitey.

Ya'll are falling for The Man's Game. If We Came Together The Man would have big big big big Problems.

Stop falling for TPTB's Game, stop latting that Soros Money control your strings like ya'll is Punch & Nancy

Simply saying that there is some thing that does exist that makes The Black Community & supporters of that get away with behavior that continues to keep all of us down. And is impeding Progress, Evolution. Calling that "Black Privilege" maybe ain't the best term I could use to Tag That but you understand what I am trying to say. And You know that this exists.

Keeping Ya'll from getting to the damn table to talk Yo. Which if you'd come to the damn table we could then, United, Rise up and take back our fucking country Yo.


Nov 4, 2009
Nobody else here thinks that people want Kaep's head here but you. Nobody is mad at him.

This. ^^^^^.

Most people that're "Mad", on "this other side" as ya gotta have it...."Sides"....only people mad is at you MobD for insisting that this has to be about Race, being totally unwilling to even consider that maybe "race" ain't the end-alll-be-all of everything, that instead of just Playing The Race Card try coming to The Table.

Rally Around The Family mah Sisters & Brothers. Rise. Against The Machine.

Instead of Each Other.


May 27, 2007
Lies? There is no doubt racism still exists and hatred towards colors still exists. The aftermath of him kneeling is a PERFECT example of that.

What he did unintentionally exposed more racists in this country. Blacks and whites. I agree it did not help. Him saying it helped was bullshit. I don't like Kaeperknick. But I respect someone for standing up for what they believe in and bringing attention to a subject that is hard to talk about. I respect anyone who would do that. But the cause and where he chose to go about it I didn't like. He brought it to the work place so it's karma on him.

But I am talking about standing up for something. That's it. We can do that in this country you know. That takes way more courage than bruce jenner.

I don't careeeee what it was for. But people have an issue with it because he is Black standing up for other Blacks. That's what it boils down to.

Dude, after reading this post, it's clear you don't know why he protested to begin with. His protest is based on lies presented by BLM. More people in America die by getting stung by bees than killed at the hands of cops.

Deal with facts not myths.

May 27, 2007
Please. That's why Ravens season ticket holders are threatening to pull the plug if they sign him. Callers into radio stations want to beat him with a spiked bat. That's not even including all of the military who hate his guts now. And all of the radicals who would do anything for this country. Yeah, nobody wants to kill him. Right. I bet you he gets 1000 death threats every single day..... yeah nobody wants to kill him. Right.

Uh, I wonder why the are threatening to pull the plug? Duh.

His girlfriend called the Ravens owner a "racist" and called the franchises' greatest player an "Uncle Tom." Gee, I wonder why they don't want him to play in Baltimore?

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
he simply isn't good enough to make it worth all the Dramatic Baggage that comes with signing him. Were he White with this same skill to baggage ratio he'd be in the same place: UnSigned.

Right, because you will NEVER convince me or any other sane person that NFL owners care about any color other than green, as evidenced by the fact that 70% of NFL players are black.
Feb 6, 2007
Dude, after reading this post, it's clear you don't know why he protested to begin with. His protest is based on lies presented by BLM. More people in America die by getting stung by bees than killed at the hands of cops.

Deal with facts not myths.

What do you not understand? I don't care what he was protesting at all. That does not matter to me. I don't care if it was on lies or not. Black people face plenty of injustice and mistreatment in this country to this day. That was his point on it all. I don't care what BLM think, they are idiots. Not talking about those rioters.

May 27, 2007
What do you not understand? I don't care what he was protesting at all. That does not matter to me. I don't care if it was on lies or not. Black people face plenty of injustice and mistreatment in this country to this day. That was his point on it all. I don't care what BLM think, they are idiots. Not talking about those rioters.

The entire point is you're supporting a guy protesting a big fat lie. How can you support a man that is protesting a falsehood? That's what I don't understand.

I support his right to protest too but to think he actually has a point and black men should fear the cops is a load of shit.

Jan 15, 2010
How's the saying go? I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it? Absolutely nothing wrong with what Kap did. Even if the statistics aren't there it's still ok for him protest something. People should learn to empathize, and try open themselves to how someone else feels is happening to him. Though the BLM is not based in facts, there are other issues that have not been fair in the legal justice system, especially when it come to the war on drugs and people of color, so yeah when people get fucked with by the police and the system, they are likely to believe bullshit. But the same goes with white's too, some of you guys believe that immigrants are stealing jobs and raping and murdering, when guess what that numbers don't match your claims either. But you wont here a peep about Trump being wrong or fired even by the his supporters that know it's bull shit. Islam terrorist don't even register here on killing at an epidemic rate, but people sure do protest like it's happening like we need to be worried about muslims under our beds killing everyone. Guess what the math isn't there on that either. So is it not important? are these things not important?

May 27, 2007
How's the saying go? I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it? Absolutely nothing wrong with what Kap did. Even if the statistics aren't there it's still ok for him protest something. People should learn to empathize, and try open themselves to how someone else feels is happening to him. Though the BLM is not based in facts, there are other issues that have not been fair in the legal justice system, especially when it come to the war on drugs and people of color, so yeah when people get fucked with by the police and the system, they are likely to believe bullshit. But the same goes with white's too, some of you guys believe that immigrants are stealing jobs and raping and murdering, when guess what that numbers don't match your claims either. But you wont here a peep about Trump being wrong or fired even by the his supporters that know it's bull shit. Islam terrorist don't even register here on killing at an epidemic rate, but people sure do protest like it's happening like we need to be worried about muslims under our beds killing everyone. Guess what the math isn't there on that either. So is it not important? are these things not important?

Think I read once at any given time, the FBI has approximately 200 active investigations ongoing in regards to current terrorist plots being planned in the U.S. It only takes once.

So yeah, I am worried about Islamic Terrorism even though they aren't out murdering Americans. If you think they aren't planning to murder Americans, you are bat shit crazy.

Nov 4, 2009
What do you not understand? I don't care what he was protesting at all. That does not matter to me. I don't care if it was on lies or not. Black people face plenty of injustice and mistreatment in this country to this day. That was his point on it all. I don't care what BLM think, they are idiots. Not talking about those rioters.

If thats Sincere, whats ^^^^ Bolded then understand that I lumped You in with them in my previous posts cuz just like them Your message up in here comes off as one where You refuse to consider any Motivation on Whitey's part than Racism.

Another Post of Yours, I'll Quote it later, Reveals like the saying: "Rejoice in Your sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope, and all of these things create Unusual Strength." what The Answer is, for You.

That which a certain part of Your "Soul" took up Residence within ya Lumpy Flesh Whip for.

...To DO.

When we apply that above saying in response to that earlier Post of yours (that, again...I'll Quote later) Revelation Comes lDark Clouds Part Light Rains Down.

You Need A Mission.

Not an Ancient Spanish Church in California but a Mission like: An important assignment carried out for political, religious, and (ideally) to also Stack Bust Package Open Of Some Serious Cheddar harvest massive amounts of Benjamins,

and which involves travel.

I just got back with Beer to add Pickles to, to try that. I really believe this is gonna work out well.

Both Your Mission and this adding a Pickle to Beer deal.

I feel like Pickle to Beer could become like Olive is to Martini. Like Celery is to Bloody Mary, a thing that is not just accepted but eventually Standard Operating Procedure like Lime is to Corona.

Challenge is figuring out which type of beer is Most Suitable to have a Pickle in it. This is gonna take a while. I'm gonna be very very drunk for a very long time, hereforward. Maybe even drunk continuously. Unless I drink myself Sober. Which May happen. Historically, throughout Football Season I've been extremely Drunk anyways so its not like we're Breaking Bad here.

If You're Willing to Accept this Mission.....This Mission HERE is Dramatically On Point
to assisting as many people as you can up to the Top of that Mountain\

that has been spoken of, in a "Recommended Goal"-like Sense....

which could not have been more accurate. Could not have been more Right.

I'll be back at some point over the course of this Weekend (or some day soon thereafter) with Revelation of Your Mission.

Defender of the Faith
Aug 13, 2005
How's the saying go? I may not agree with what you say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it? Absolutely nothing wrong with what Kap did. Even if the statistics aren't there it's still ok for him protest something. People should learn to empathize, and try open themselves to how someone else feels is happening to him. Though the BLM is not based in facts, there are other issues that have not been fair in the legal justice system, especially when it come to the war on drugs and people of color, so yeah when people get fucked with by the police and the system, they are likely to believe bullshit. But the same goes with white's too, some of you guys believe that immigrants are stealing jobs and raping and murdering, when guess what that numbers don't match your claims either. But you wont here a peep about Trump being wrong or fired even by the his supporters that know it's bull shit. Islam terrorist don't even register here on killing at an epidemic rate, but people sure do protest like it's happening like we need to be worried about muslims under our beds killing everyone. Guess what the math isn't there on that either. So is it not important? are these things not important?

Good post.

Jan 15, 2010
Think I read once at any given time, the FBI has approximately 200 active investigations ongoing in regards to current terrorist plots being planned in the U.S. It only takes once.

So yeah, I am worried about Islamic Terrorism even though they aren't out murdering Americans. If you think they aren't planning to murder Americans, you are bat shit crazy.

Do you think it's a fair representation of the islamic community though, lot's of people do, lots of people on this board do. And no they aren't killing at alarming rates. Do you think there are no cops killing people and getting away with it?

Nov 4, 2009
Lies? There is no doubt racism still exists and hatred towards colors still exists. The aftermath of him kneeling is a PERFECT example of that.

What he did unintentionally exposed more racists in this country. Blacks and whites.

There You Go Again. Voluntarily LIMITING Yourself to a little tiny dive bar where Keyword: RACISM is the only female present, amidst You who I hope has Hope, wants for Better than just that stanky small Dive surrounded by Attention Whores many who may never escape that tiny Sandbox that is seeing all thru a filter of Victimization due to Race

Analogy Concludes with: there is a yuge Club Out There, with Millions of Fresh Foxxes. Begin Now to (mentally, intellectually) Break Those Chains. Prepare Yourself to leave the Little sq

Alrite. I'll give You That though...."racism still exists" cuz.....

Its Correct.

But One Day this facet of our situation here this that You describe as: "racism still exists and hatred towards colors still exists."

will evolve to be among the Lowest Priorities within Your Own Mind

bcuz a Vision of "bigger fish to fry" is fi'in to get presented to You.

and You, bcuz of A Life's Experience, That Path that U have walked

are uniquely built Fore Given to accomplish This Mission. If U accept


Mobdeeper7239;12191909I I don't like Kaeperknick. But I respect someone for standing up for what they believe in and bringing attention to a subject that is hard to talk about. I respect anyone who would do that. But [B said:
"I" am[/B] talking about standing up for something. That's it.

Yes, You Are.

Whole Reason that This Has Unfolded.

Well, is Unfolding....

like a Massive Sail that Once Upness is realized Of.....will then lead a Boatload of Souls through dangerous dangerous waters

damn Big Ass Sail

takes the time that it does

to get up.

PS: that James Baldwinclip above does cut off prematurely as a test to see if you

  • cared enuff to Listen to all 9 minutes of it, or whatever 0:00 it was
  • had the Sense (Divine Wisdom) to actually listen all the way thru it
  • would have enuff of the above to seek out the rest of what he said


May 27, 2007
Do you think it's a fair representation of the islamic community though, lot's of people do, lots of people on this board do. And no they aren't killing at alarming rates. Do you think there are no cops killing people and getting away with it?

It's not fair as a majority of Muslims are not involved in Islamic extremism but a good amount are and that's the reality.

Do I think cops get away with murder sometimes? Yes. I think the guy did in Minnesota recently. That said, more people get killed by bees and wasps each year in America than do by cops. The outrage over police violence isn't backed by facts.
Feb 6, 2007
It's not fair as a majority of Muslims are not involved in Islamic extremism but a good amount are and that's the reality.

Do I think cops get away with murder sometimes? Yes. I think the guy did in Minnesota recently. That said, more people get killed by bees and wasps each year in America than do by cops. The outrage over police violence isn't backed by facts.

The media blows it up. No doubt. But not backed by facts? Rodney king was on tape. Wtf do you mean not backed by facts. There are just a lot of times where the shit is not reported or simply ignored.

New york cops in the 80's were more corrupt than any drug dealer you have ever seen in your life.

You clearly will back up cops in every situation lol and clown Kaeperknick whenever you get a chance. Your opinion is jack shit

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