If it were a white guy it would be perceived as completely different. That is all I am saying. You have to be one closd minded fuck to disagree. Or perhaps an openly racist to not open your mind up in that manner.
Caitlyn Jenner was given an award for courage after killing someone.
Like dude, what are you talking about? They do this shit all of the time for white people.
It's called white privilege. Glad I have it. Be grateful.
If you don't understand this, then I can't help you.
You tell me. Do you really look at Kaeperknick as white over black? I don't so I know damn well you guys don't. Nobody says.... Kaeperknick is half white and half black. Nah they just say....he is black. Same thing with any half white half black person. Come on, you guys know this.
A lot of my views are different than most but that's why I share them. So I didn't touch the Kaeperknick topic for months because I had the same opinion as all of you. Hated how he chose to go about it. But the more I listened about people talking about it the more I saw the anger. And I didn't understand why.
But I was having a discussion with people In real life and I mentioned that scenario to them and they all said wow, damn...... you're right.
I just think a lot of people on this forum don't ever want to think outside their boundaries. They are afraid to or something.
It's all good.