If A. Rodgers protested the National Anthem and GB cut him, would he have an NFL QB job?

Feb 6, 2007
If it were a white guy it would be perceived as completely different. That is all I am saying. You have to be one closd minded fuck to disagree. Or perhaps an openly racist to not open your mind up in that manner.

Caitlyn Jenner was given an award for courage after killing someone.

Like dude, what are you talking about? They do this shit all of the time for white people.

It's called white privilege. Glad I have it. Be grateful.

If you don't understand this, then I can't help you.

You tell me. Do you really look at Kaeperknick as white over black? I don't so I know damn well you guys don't. Nobody says.... Kaeperknick is half white and half black. Nah they just say....he is black. Same thing with any half white half black person. Come on, you guys know this.

A lot of my views are different than most but that's why I share them. So I didn't touch the Kaeperknick topic for months because I had the same opinion as all of you. Hated how he chose to go about it. But the more I listened about people talking about it the more I saw the anger. And I didn't understand why.

But I was having a discussion with people In real life and I mentioned that scenario to them and they all said wow, damn...... you're right.

I just think a lot of people on this forum don't ever want to think outside their boundaries. They are afraid to or something.

It's all good.
Feb 6, 2007
It's funny though. Most white people will say it's not about race, it's about business. And most black people will say it's all about race.

It's not ALL about race. But real talk, that is WHY there was so much backlash in the first place. And if you take away that backlash in the first place....then you get owners who don't care if he plays for them. So technically yes, it is about race. Because if he wasn't colored, he would not have much backlash at all and like I said....most likely receive an award for it.

And I'll say maybe 30% of people think it is about race. The majority don't. But I realize not everybody is going to be able to see it through my eyes. And some of that 30% is probably pro Kaeperknick and hate white people. I dno. But I'm in that percentage and I don't even like the guy.

That's called being non biased.
Feb 6, 2007
I sure as hell didn't agree Caitlyn Jenner deserved an award for courage. I mean yeah you chopped off your dick. That takes hella courage, but this fucker killed someone while texting and driving. Did no time, and ended up receiving an award on stage live on TV.

Fuck the flag if we going to let this bitch get off the hook but we wont let Kaeperknick off the hook. Fuck is that shit. This bitch killed somebody and is walking on stage receiving an award. And we are talking about Kaeperknick kneeling for something he believes in.

What in the actual fuck

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
Colin Kap went out of his way to offend people under the guise of suppression, another man who has (had) everything in life complaining about suppression. These people know nothing about suppression, just visit communist and / or third world countries and you might learn something about suppression.

Bottom line, do you think modern day African Americans are better off because their ancestors may have been slaves? Or do you think they'd be happier in some African Nation?

I'm not condoning what happened, but that was a long time ago and it's time to move on. Especially if you get to live in a 19 million dollar mansion.

If you spit in people's eyes, don't expect them to accept you with open arms.

Jul 4, 2012
ESPN's Undefeated actually tweeted the other day "If Kaepernick isn't signed, will you boycott watching the NFL this year?"


ESPN's push to have Kap signed is just surreal. In what sense are they a media organization? They're pure propagandists.

Retired; APRIL 2014 Thank You Gambling
Sep 20, 2004
Kap is a hypocrite, and that is the IRE on my end... and I think the majority also see that... if you want to agitate, and cause problems don't be 2 faced, own your actions own your beliefs.. he does not.. black or white, if your a hypocrite and Revel in spitting on symbols most hold close to their heart, then you deserve everything that comes your way.

May 27, 2007
If you don't understand this, then I can't help you.

You tell me. Do you really look at Kaeperknick as white over black? I don't so I know damn well you guys don't. Nobody says.... Kaeperknick is half white and half black. Nah they just say....he is black. Same thing with any half white half black person. Come on, you guys know this.

A lot of my views are different than most but that's why I share them. So I didn't touch the Kaeperknick topic for months because I had the same opinion as all of you. Hated how he chose to go about it. But the more I listened about people talking about it the more I saw the anger. And I didn't understand why.

But I was having a discussion with people In real life and I mentioned that scenario to them and they all said wow, damn...... you're right.

I just think a lot of people on this forum don't ever want to think outside their boundaries. They are afraid to or something.

It's all good.

What you're missing though is the very reason Kaep is protesting is based on a scenario that isn't fact based at all. His premise for protest is based on a complete fabrication based on a false narrative from Black Lives Matter.

May 27, 2007
ESPN's Undefeated actually tweeted the other day "If Kaepernick isn't signed, will you boycott watching the NFL this year?"


ESPN's push to have Kap signed is just surreal. In what sense are they a media organization? They're pure propagandists.

If ESPN wants him to have a job so bad, why don't they hire him to be an analyst?

Conservatives, Patriots & Huskies return to glory
Sep 9, 2005
The real irony in Kap's protest? besides the fact that he lives a privileged life!!!!

If he and others were truly suppressed, they wouldn't be protesting as they are, they'd locked up and beaten and killed and they'd actually know something about suppression

EV Whore
Apr 18, 2006
Rodgers and kaep. Apples and oranges bro. It doesn't prove your point at all.

Is he white and polite? Then yes it does.

I didn't make this analogy. Your buddy did.

And I told him in an earlier post it was a bad analogy.

Let's not pretend the only difference between Rodgers and CK is color and demeanor. They are also on completely different planets talent-wise. THAT is why Rodgers could get away with being a polarizing figure and CK can't. And THAT is why it is a bad analogy.

You are trying too hard to apply a narrative that just isn't there.

Why does this personally offend you so deeply?

May 27, 2007
And I told him in an earlier post it was a bad analogy.

Let's not pretend the only difference between Rodgers and CK is color and demeanor. They are also on completely different planets talent-wise. THAT is why Rodgers could get away with being a polarizing figure and CK can't. And THAT is why it is a bad analogy.

You are trying too hard to apply a narrative that just isn't there.

Why does this personally offend you so deeply?

Could not agree more. We could actually replace Rodgers with Newton or Prescott or Wilson and we'd see the same thing. They'd all be signed because they are more talented with no personal drama off the field.

Nov 4, 2009
ESPN's Undefeated actually tweeted the other day "If Kaepernick isn't signed, will you boycott watching the NFL this year?

Oh My God this is a Clear Sign that ESPN in Bristol has been taken over by BLM Militants and are being held hostage. For awhile now.

Easy Top 10 Dumbest Question Ever, that.


Nov 4, 2009
The Ironic Thing is that with the same amount of Effort invested by Blacks in Protesting what they are here in USA combined with the number of murders they are responsible for within an average 3 month period of time if they simply United, Came Together and directed these efforts at LIBERIA they'd accomplish a successful Coup (take over of the government & country) approximately 2.32 times over.

Which, if they did that, they'd then qualify for Foreign Aid from U.S.A. in an amount that would break down to a per-person $$$$ amount that would far exceed any $$ amount they'd ever be able to actually get via the "reparations" approach. Which is REALLY the "End Game" Goal of a large percent of Black Lives Matter (and similar groups) members.

They'd get even MORE $$$ in Foreign Aid if, once they took over Liberia, they then could manage to get in a War with U.S.A. cuz if we beat you in a War that qualifies you for more benefits.

I think Grenada did this. Or The Falkland Islands used this approach with England.

Whats the Yuge attachment to USA? A Place they are so terribly Oppressed in?

How enormously COOL would it be to have your own country? Liberia would be easy. Do they even have an Army? If so one reckons that'd be like 18 guys and four trucks.

New member
Nov 29, 2005
Mob it's great you have an opinion but damn you say a lot of being wrong a lot of the time...

Jay Culter still has more than enough talent to be a starting QB in the league but he's a huge douche so guess what no one wants him. Is he half black by chance?

Kobe Bryant raped a girl in the ass, he could have signed for every team in the league he was booed a little and then it was forgotten instantly because he was so great. OJ Simpson murdered 2 people and was found not guilty BECAUSE he was black. OJ the white guy would still be sitting in jail.

Kap isn't that good which was said many times above. If he was he would be playing for a team even with his views. Ray Lewis is black, killed people still played. I know there is still racism in the world but not like it used to be. And kap making 19 million a year complaining about oppression, on who? His family that probably sat in a suite for each game? He's a moron even if he stood for the flag, not worth the headache.

Nov 4, 2009
You tell me. Do you really look at Kaeperknick as white over black? I don't so I know damn well you guys don't.

When he first came on my radar when he was at U of Nevada in one of those Crazy Ass Smaller Conferences that I Love so much they showed his head on TV and I noticed it was Brown-ish then with his unusual name I concluded he was of Eastern European descent, probably Hungarian or Serbian.

You refuse to let go of The Race Angle you've concluded is the bottom line to this. Guys have told you that he simply isn't good enough to make it worth all the Dramatic Baggage that comes with signing him. Were he White with this same skill to baggage ration he'd be in the same place: UnSigned.

You as GM, Owner whatever of an NFL Franchise right now this moment:

You Sign Kap?

Be Honest. Be Objective. Don't Lie. Answer Honestly.

You Sign Him?
Feb 6, 2007
What you're missing though is the very reason Kaep is protesting is based on a scenario that isn't fact based at all. His premise for protest is based on a complete fabrication based on a false narrative from Black Lives Matter.

Nah I get that. And guess what, I don't really agree with it.

But I personally do not care WHAT he is standing for. I don't care. Never did. It didn't bother me WHY he is doing it. It never did. It bothered me WHERE he was choosing to do it. But, I don't care about the cause.

The reason doesn't matter to me. It is more about him taking a stand for something. It could be anything....I don't care what it is.

But I know you do and a lot of others do.

All that matters to me is how angry people have gotten with him over this. I haven't said a word about BLM because I don't give a flying fuck about it. The cause was never my concern. He could have been kneeling for anything. I don't care. You see the difference between us?
Feb 6, 2007
Mob it's great you have an opinion but damn you say a lot of being wrong a lot of the time...

Jay Culter still has more than enough talent to be a starting QB in the league but he's a huge douche so guess what no one wants him. Is he half black by chance?

Kobe Bryant raped a girl in the ass, he could have signed for every team in the league he was booed a little and then it was forgotten instantly because he was so great. OJ Simpson murdered 2 people and was found not guilty BECAUSE he was black. OJ the white guy would still be sitting in jail.

Kap isn't that good which was said many times above. If he was he would be playing for a team even with his views. Ray Lewis is black, killed people still played. I know there is still racism in the world but not like it used to be. And kap making 19 million a year complaining about oppression, on who? His family that probably sat in a suite for each game? He's a moron even if he stood for the flag, not worth the headache.

Bro. You are not understanding my point of view here.

This is about taking a stand for something. And the fact it is a black person taking a stand for OTHER black people. It will be automatically get negative backlash.

A black making a stand. That is how this started and that is what this is about.

If he wasn't black and he was taking a stand for something people would be like.....oh he's white and kneeling for the flag....he must have a grandfather in the marines......he must have a brother in the Army..... there would be some sort of break made and it would be swept under the rug quickly OR he would be awarded for his courage.

It is called white privilege, again. Blacks do not have that privilege. So it is....sit down blacky, shutup blacky, you know nothing, you don't know what it's like.
Feb 6, 2007
He did nothing illegal and ppl want his head like bin Laden

Nov 4, 2009
It is called white privilege, again. Blacks do not have that privilege. So it is....sit down blacky, shutup blacky, you know nothing, you don't know what it's like.

Are You Willing to address the plague we all have to live with here that is the "Black Privilege" to do only, to Improve Our Situation here: Protest, Complain, Walk around with that Victim Mentality from the moment they awaken in the morning until they lay their head down at night Playing The Role of Victim, Black Privilege.

You willing to address that? hell to the no, you are not. Cuz you require Racial Division. The Struggle is 88% of your identity

what would you be without this? What would you occupy your time with?

What Role would be left for you? On this Stage?

You willing to address that Black Privilege that makes you able to Play That Race Card so as to shut down all potentially productive discussion

of what might be done to Lessen Our Collective


Hell to the no. You'll never discuss Black Privilege.

That enables you to completely ignore the actions of Blacks, certain behaviors, as maybe part of the problem? You and Black Lives Matter will never have that conversation.

You will never discuss that Black Privilege to create Division here, to be Violent. Show me even one Black Majority Country that is not awash in Misery.

Black Privilege.

to make areas within which they are The Majority places of Great Suffering.

and occasionally venture out beyond those areas to maim, kill & destroy, rob, rape and plunder

and Black Privilege demands that the world say: "oh well its our fault."​

You and BLM will never discuss Black Privilege

Thus do we have Zero Hope of Overcoming. Chance of Progress, None.

Black Privilege. To keep the world a Violent Hostile Misery Riddled Place. "Doesn't have to be that way", bullshit. Black Privilege permits the total ignoring of Unity. With anyone not Black or just "down" and "Hard". Unity could save us Unity against our COMMON FOES but

Black Violence, Resisting Arrest, that behavior which gets them focused on by Law Enforcement, that intense all consuming hatred that consumes so many Blacks will Continue cuz....

Black Privilege.

Discussion of things Blacks could do to help Repair: Not Permitted. Ya'll just say anyone trying to make such a discussion is Racist. Slap bam Boom you throw down that Race Card

thus ending any discussion

and thus

We Shall Not Overcome.

Bcuz of you.

and Black Privilege.


May 27, 2007
Nah I get that. And guess what, I don't really agree with it.

But I personally do not care WHAT he is standing for. I don't care. Never did. It didn't bother me WHY he is doing it. It never did. It bothered me WHERE he was choosing to do it. But, I don't care about the cause.

The reason doesn't matter to me. It is more about him taking a stand for something. It could be anything....I don't care what it is.

But I know you do and a lot of others do.

All that matters to me is how angry people have gotten with him over this. I haven't said a word about BLM because I don't give a flying fuck about it. The cause was never my concern. He could have been kneeling for anything. I don't care. You see the difference between us?

So you're mad over people getting mad at him for protesting?

I don't really even see people getting mad at him for protesting?

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