I have always declined the flu shot because I was told some may get the flu from the shot. However, this past year I was organizing a flu shot event in our office so it only made sense I participated. I did NOT get the flu and intend to get the flu shots going forward. Funny how it takes a pandemic like COVID-19 to educate people. Because now I realize, me refusing to take my flu shot all these years left me susceptible and in turn contributing to the spread of the common flu.
Can you name one vaccine ingredient and how it’s beneficial to your health?
If someone chooses not to get a vaccine, and then dies of Coronavirus, that's their freedom.
Why you liberal cunts always try to take people's freedom to choose away is beyond me. Likely stems from daddy issues.
Name one vaccine ingredient and how it’s beneficial to your health.
[/FONT][FONT="]2 people died according to the fda[/FONT]
[FONT="]More died by lightning strikes. Which are statistically insignificant.[/FONT]
[FONT="]I have to laugh at people (largely conspiracy nut job covidiots) who are more afraid of a vaccine than the health destroying C-19.[/FONT]
[FONT="]Keep hiding under your bed from getting a needle jab ;[/FONT]
[/FONT]Are rushed vaccinations rigorously tested? That is a legitimate concern for a lot of people.
By the time the vast majority of people get a chance to get a C-19 vaccine millions at highest risk will have already been vaccinated. Which will tell us, with yet more testing on human subjects, how effective the various vaccines are.
"I understand why people might think that this process has been rushed, because in the past vaccines have taken years to develop, but it actually has not been rushed, at all, with the design of the vaccine or with respect to the safety and efficacy trials (all these phase 1-3 trials). "