If a Covid-19 vaccine were available tomorrow, would you take it?


would you?

  • yes

    Votes: 20 38.5%
  • no

    Votes: 25 48.1%
  • only if it's mandatory

    Votes: 4 7.7%
  • no idea

    Votes: 3 5.8%

  • Total voters
Aug 17, 2019
Sbd lies once again and gives his total bullshit answer re: what Trump said re: telling the public to get the vaccine.

This is what Trump said and is documented by all of the media including Fox-no one twisted anything except sbd in his demented and psychotic mind.

I don't see any mention of HYDROXYCHLORIQUINE mentioned here as the "vaccine."

Hopefully someday sbd will find out that us "low iq" folks are smart enough to and will call out his lies when we see them and more importantly

will be more careful next time before he opens up another thread of the nature of the one unless of course he is a masochist and wants to ne exposed

once and destroyed again.

Here you go with the DOCUMENTED truth as to what Trump said:

Trump urges all Americans to get COVID vaccine: 'It's a safe vaccine' and it 'works' | Fox News

We already established long ago that you are brainwashed, delusional and have a very low IQ.

Again, Trump is referring to HCL.

If you understand that HCL is the ONLY REAL vaccine, registered as such with the FDA, and the one Trump admitted publicly he took then common sense says HCL is the vaccine is endorsing.

Trump endorsed HCL from the start and never stopped endorsing it.

Unfortunately, you and others are brainwashed sheep and lack independent and logical thinking.

Nov 11, 2007
We already established long ago that you are brainwashed, delusional and have a very low IQ.

Again, Trump is referring to is HCL.

If you understand that HCL is the ONLY REAL vaccine, registered as such with the FDA, and the one Trump admitted publicly he took then common sense says HCL is the vaccine is endorsing.

Trump endorsed HCL from the start and never stopped endorsing it.

Unfortunately, you and others are brainwashed sheep and lack independent and logical thinking.

You've established nothing, pal, and trying to poison the well with your first sentence just shows how much of a liar you are and your inability

to respond to FACTS such as I just presented.

If Trump is as you say referring to HCL, then how come he hasn't come out and stated that to avoid confusion as to what he meant in the link I

posted-how come, huh???

Surely if he told Fox or one of your "sources" what he really meant, he/they would have clarified things would he not??

Trump endorsed HCL, but again that is NOT A VACCINE, and the link I posted, he used the word vaccine!

You got some explaining to do here, buddy, and your last sentence is just another unsuccessful attempt to try to divert attention from your

own incompetency when confronted with something. which I did with documentation and to try to project that onto someone else.

Again I suggest you chose you adversaries more carefully in the future as you totally misjudged it when you started your thread and have

found out that there are folks like myself and others who are very intelligent, well educated and have the ability to put down and expose

folks like yourself, which in all honesty is not all that difficult to do with you!

ps Show me a quote from Trump telling folks NOT to get the vaccines they are currently getting.
Aug 17, 2019
You've established nothing, pal, and trying to poison the well with your first sentence just shows how much of a liar you are and your inability

to respond to FACTS such as I just presented.

If Trump is as you say referring to HCL, then how come he hasn't come out and stated that to avoid confusion as to what he meant in the link I

posted-how come, huh???

Surely if he told Fox or one of your "sources" what he really meant, he/they would have clarified things would he not??

Trump endorsed HCL, but again that is NOT A VACCINE, and the link I posted, he used the word vaccine!

You got some explaining to do here, buddy, and your last sentence is just another unsuccessful attempt to try to divert attention from your

own incompetency when confronted with something. which I did with documentation and to try to project that onto someone else.

Again I suggest you chose you adversaries more carefully in the future as you totally misjudged it when you started your thread and have

found out that there are folks like myself and others who are very intelligent, well educated and have the ability to put down and expose

folks like yourself, which in all honesty is not all that difficult to do with you!

ps Show me a quote from Trump telling folks NOT to get the vaccines they are currently getting.

Again, you lack the independent and logical thinking to even understand what I say.

You have proven this countless times over the past 15 months.

My information is intended for those that actually do this ability.

Nov 11, 2007
Again, you lack the independent and logical thinking to even understand what I say.

You have proven this countless times over the past 15 months.

My information is intended for those that actually do this ability.

Not surprisingly, what you just posted just exemplifies what I have been saying over the last 14 or 15 months, namely making vague and cryptic statements

as you did in the first sentence, and then trying to poison the well in sentence two.

And then in sentence three, you draw your usual non sequitur and illogical conclusion based on what you said in sentence 1 and 2, in which you said


All I can say is that even though some of us are intelligent and well educated, one really doesn't need to be to see that and using what you just said as an example,

that you are way out of your league in discussion and debates of this nature and should stick to REAL low iq folks in the future.

Before concluding this post, I am going to call your bluff with what you said in first sentence about independent and logical thinking to understand

what you are saying.

Kindly tell me SPECIFICALLY as to how that applies to what I said and documented about Trump's recommending that everyone get the vaccine?

Trying to confuse and obfuscate the issues in an response like this doesn't work with folks like myself who have been around the block

a "few" times in my long life both on a personal and professional level, and who able to see and snuff out bullshit responses like yours quite easily!

Nov 11, 2007
To put icing on he cake and to rebut even more what sbd said about the vaccine, consider this:

As we all know, Trump took great pride last year and bragged about the "warp speed" time that a vaccine would be available under his Administration

and with the hopes that people would vote for him because of it.

Again he used the term vaccination and NOT HCL.

Also the companies which were working on the vaccine were NOT working on HCL.

Thus the question that arises is why would one think that Trump really did not get the vaccination and instead use HCL and at the same

time tell all people to get the vaccine(not HCL), when in his mind he(Trump) was/is the person responsible for it getting

to the "marketplace" as fast as it did??

Logical Thinking!

Nov 11, 2007
Re: post 105-one last thing:

If in fact Trump NEVER did get vaccinated with the REAL vaccine but used ONLY HCL while at the time telling everyone in the country

to do so, that would constitute not acting in good faith at best and at worst, which it is, LYING for whatever reason he had;

if the vaccine is as dangerous as sbd and others claim, then Trump would be an accomplice by telling folks to take

the vaccine while he himself did not.

As we all know, lying is not anything new to Trump, as he told a DOCUMENTED 33,000 LIES during his four year tenure

as POTUS as well as even more importantly, downplaying it how serious and dangerous the Virus was/is as documented

by Bob Woodward in the interview he had with Trump while writing his book.

To sum up and as I see it, this is a lose/lose situation for sbd for the simple reason and as the old expression goes, "You can't have it

both ways!"
Feb 20, 2002
Fake news. Less than 30% have got the shot. Many have skipped the 2nd , many are Democraps

"The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said on Sunday about 152.1 million people have received at least one dose of a Covid-19 vaccine, including about 114.3 million people who have been fully vaccinated by Johnson & Johnson’s single-dose vaccine or the two-dose series made by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna.

Fifty-eight percent of adults have received at least one shot. President Biden set a goal on Tuesday of reaching 70 percent of adults by July 4.

Providers are administering about 2.02 million doses per day on average, about a 40 percent decrease from the peak of 3.38 million reported on April 13.


Nov 11, 2007
I am actually going to give sbd for something and that is running away and to use Trump's famous words when referring to the Corona Virus, "just

disappeared" after I hammered him good in posts 105 and 106 for which he obviously has no rebuttal.

Actually disappearing or at best calling folks names who rebut what he says with documentation has been sbd's standard modus operandi since he started

his thread in March of 2020, and he just showed it again in this thread!

I say used the word "credit" to sbd because he knows that in this case and in just about everything else he as said, that is better to say nothing

to make a bigger fool out of himself than he already has by trying to weakly respond!

Nov 11, 2007
I am actually going to give sbd for something and that is running away and to use Trump's famous words when referring to the Corona Virus, "just

disappeared" after I hammered him good in posts 105 and 106 for which he obviously has no rebuttal.

Actually disappearing or at best calling folks names who rebut what he says with documentation has been sbd's standard modus operandi since he started

his thread in March of 2020, and he just showed it again in this thread!

I say used the word "credit" to sbd because he knows that in this case and in just about everything else he as said, that is better to say nothing

to make a bigger fool out of himself than he already has by trying to weakly respond!

Correction/addition-add post 104 to 105 and 106 in what I stated.

Nov 11, 2007
Come on out of hiding, sbd, and try to do your best to respond to posts 104, 105, 106 if you are able to do so that is.

Show you have some balls for a change and respond instead of running away and hiding or resorting to name calling when confronted with posts such

as mine which do not agree with your contentions and with stated reasons, as you have done just about every time not only with me but

with everyone else since you started your thead!

Are you a REAL MAN or a QAnon MOUSE!!!

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd essentially tossed in the towel in his own thread (post 10531), stating that he won't respond to me and several other

posters but for reasons which are a lie.

Thus don't expect any DIRECT response to what I submitted in post 104, 105 and 106 as well as post 111.

Hopefully for his own good, next time sbd will learn that he shouldn't bite off more than he can chew when posting unless of course he wishes to

continue to be emasculated by the REAL PATRIOTS in this forum!!

Nov 11, 2007
Sbd essentially tossed in the towel in his own thread (post 10531), stating that he won't respond to me and several other

posters but for reasons which are a lie.

Thus don't expect any DIRECT response to what I submitted in post 104, 105 and 106 as well as post 111.

Hopefully for his own good, next time sbd will learn that he shouldn't bite off more than he can chew when posting unless of course he wishes to

continue to be emasculated by the REAL PATRIOTS in this forum!!

Post 113 should also be added to above.

Nov 11, 2007
I am bumping this thread so that those who for whatever reason didn't see the absolute 100% TRUTH with glaring examples, go back and read it.

Just start with post 102 and read the subsequent posts moving forward with the very relevant questions which I asked and just check out

his "responses" to them, which add up to a big fact ZERO.

Hopefully using JUST THIS EXAMPLE AONE, you will be able to understand why sbd has decided to no longer respond to the REAL Patriots of this forum,

namely because he realizes he is no match for we "low iq"/"delusional" folks, and does not wish to continue to be mopped/wiped all over the floor by us

If you believe the reasons that HE gives for no longer responding to us, then well lets just say very politely, that's you choice.

Nov 11, 2007
One last bump for this thread to show how helpless and battered sbd is when someone(me in this case) confronts him with questions, which

are relevant to what he is saying for which he has no response.

In short, he does what all bullies and cowards do when they are overmatched, REALLY disappear and not the fake "disappears" that

his idol Tronald DUMP talked about and predicted when referring to the Virus.

Read posts, 102, 104, 105 and 106 if you want to know more what I am referring to
Feb 20, 2002
Sbd essentially tossed in the towel in his own thread (post 10531), stating that he won't respond to me and several other

posters but for reasons which are a lie.


SBD is hiding with his head in the sand!


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