Except abortions are a woman making a decision about another human being's life... so that's not really the same thing, isn't it?
Same thing as what? Abortion is an example where people's freedom, which you referred to, should be taken away because their freedom harms others. Just as not getting vaccinated can endanger those who have been vaccinated yet are still vulnerable to C-19. Get it now?
As for your other point, it's moronic. As I just said, if I don't get a vaccine, and I am in line with someone at the store who also decided not to get the vaccine, then that person made an independent choice as well.
Irrelevant to my point. See my comment above & the article i posted that you apparently didn't read.
Are you telling me the vaccine isn't even going to be effective? Then why would anyone choose to take it? If that person is endangered by my not getting a vaccine, then they must have not got the vaccine either, by choice, or the vaccine doesn't work.
Why would anyone take a vaccine that didn't work?
Wrong & ditto my comments above.