You have to be shitting me. Obama spends half his time raising money, what in the hell is going thru your mind (or empty space between your ears). Obama is all about money. He vacations in million dollar homes. He did not have a pot to pee in until he left community organizing and jumped full fledge into politics. And who has ragged on professors and scientists for not being millionaires. They simply prove that those who can't do, teach. Families that cannot afford healthcare were getting taken care of long before Obamacare, they were simply write offs, except for the hospital that Michelle Obama worked for who bused them to other facilities. You seriously just don't get it and you never will. Mooches do exist and in fact prosper in our society. Meanwhile you probably knock American exceptionalism. Liberals love to spend other peoples money. We cannot afford to get any further into debt. Obama is the best example of a modern day elitist as are the Clintons. Made their millions directly or indirectly from our pathetic political system. At least Romney made his on his own and saved our Olympics for no fee. Do you see him out charging thousands to give a speech. Get real dude.
LMAO!! You are out of touch with reality Russ. Even one of your conservative freaks called Romney out for taking so much in speaking fees...
Rick Santorum accused Mitt Romney of being out of touch with the American people, declaring Wednesday morning that Romney’s attitude toward his own lucrative speaking fees shows he can’t relate to regular people.
Romney has been under fire since Tuesday for saying he didn’t make “very much” on the speaker circuit, when in fact he made over $370,000 last year in paid appearances.
On Fox News, Santorum said that’s a bigger deal even than the low rate Romney paid on his income taxes – another issue on which the former Massachusetts governor is taking heat.
“The thing that is a difference … is to make a statement that I made a couple of extra bucks giving speeches, when that couple extra bucks is over $300,000,” Santorum said.
“I mean, that to me, says a little bit more about Gov. Romney and his connection with the American people than his tax rate, which is driven by a tax code.”
Asked if he was saying that Romney couldn’t relate to people because he’s rich, Santorum said that wasn’t exactly right.
“To refer to 300 and some thousand dollars as a few extra bucks, to me is – $300,000 isn’t a few extra bucks to me,” he said.
And those that can't do, teach? Teaching is doing something, one of the most important roles in society is education and educators. The fact you guys think so little of educators does not surprise me since you guys are so dumb, but it's embarrassing to think that Romney does more for society because he made money off his fathers friends, then someone that spends their lives educating our future generations.
Like I said, you guys have a messed up thought process, but that is why your wealthy masters love you guys. You will listen to whatever you say. This is a perfect thread of someone realizing that he is being brainwashed and used by people looking out for their best interest.
You are really dumb russ, not going to lie.