I made my first bet today since quiting. You gotta read this!!!!


Oct 31, 2004
Iceman said:
I am sorry but I don't buy into this statement. This sounds like every guy that I grew up betting with. Always unlucky. If I could just catch a break,etc...

I had a funny feeling that you would not say "I just am lost this year on finding good bets and I take full responsbility that I am the reason I am losing. I haven't done a good job finding value. I need to improve on my capping."

I think guys would respect you alot more and the above statement is probably fairly accurate, dont you think?

You must not have read my going away thread. Here it is and tell me that I did not take responsbility for my season.

Even though I had some bad breaks this season does not take away from the fact that it happened. Its 2 different things.

Just wanted to let everyone know that I am done betting baseball for the year.

Sometimes its just not meant to be. I was due for a bad year, and here it is. Hopefully as I look back I will learn something about this year and become even stronger in the future. I was beginning to feel like I was not capable of having a losing year. This year humbled the shit out of me.

I want to give my deepest apology to all those that followed my plays this year. I am so sorry for the loss. That almost hurts me more than me losing my own money. I hit the -50 unit mark for season and decieded that enough was enough. Im mentally drained and I have nothing left in the tank.

I look forward to putting this mess of a season behind me and start off new next season

Oct 31, 2004
mofome said:
good answer. first grown thing i have heard you say.

playboy bunny's? lol....not for me. i prefer a lady that hasnt been turned out 50 times a month for 10 years. a nice, humble, fun and caring lady would do me just fine.


Its the only correct answer there is.

Much happier being with the best, then the old school days of screwing everyone in sight. That got old quickly for me.

Never cheated, and never will. (Dont even want to)

New member
Oct 21, 2004
doesn't seem like you're learning much chop.

You clearly aren't done betting baseball for the year like you said.

You clearly aren't humbled because you continue to bet and make excuses when you lose games on "bad beats."

Apparently your -50 unit mark isn't your fault. oh wait, it's actually -20 units cause of spring ball. or wait a minute, weren't we not counting that? or weren't you not betting anymore or posting bets? aren't you betting again after the all-star break? or wasn't that a secret?

i'm confused, to say the least.


Jan 15, 2005
If I would have had 10 come from behind wins last season I would have said it was luck.

But that was not the case.

I challenge anyone on this forum to find more than 3 games that I have bet this season where my team came back from 3 or more after 6 innings.

Baseball is a 9 inning game. Does it matter what inning the runs are scored in? No. Is a team that scores 7 runs to go up in the 2nd any more deserving or undeserving than a team that does it in the 9th? No.

Oct 31, 2004
dsethi said:
doesn't seem like you're learning much chop.

You clearly aren't done betting baseball for the year like you said.

You clearly aren't humbled because you continue to bet and make excuses when you lose games on "bad beats."

Apparently your -50 unit mark isn't your fault. oh wait, it's actually -20 units cause of spring ball. or wait a minute, weren't we not counting that? or weren't you not betting anymore or posting bets? aren't you betting again after the all-star break? or wasn't that a secret?

i'm confused, to say the least.

Why do you care?

I said Im done betting, but later on decieded to give one more try after the all-star break.

The #1 thing that I said I was done with is posting my plays in this forum.

That is a stance that I will not back down from.

Posting a bet that I made in the 6th inning is far different than posting a picks thread.

I dont have the pressure of having to worry about other people losing money on my picks when you post it in the 6th inning.

There is a huge difference.

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
919 said:
Baseball is a 9 inning game. Does it matter what inning the runs are scored in? No. Is a team that scores 7 runs to go up in the 2nd any more deserving or undeserving than a team that does it in the 9th? No.

excellent point that I continue to make from the beginning. BINGO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
Its the only correct answer there is.

Much happier being with the best, then the old school days of screwing everyone in sight. That got old quickly for me.

Never cheated, and never will. (Dont even want to)

you are all good in my book then. not that you care, but that shows more character than most have. cheating is for clowns and not being proud of your lady is worthless. i certainly understand why you vent and get pissed about games, it happens to me and others, i just leave mine in a garbage room where no one should mind. Its a garbage spot and i know i am posting garbage. i know after the game i will be able to retionalize some of it a bit and be more calm, but having money on an event and being competitve will bring out some strong emotions. i dont see why others seem too bothered by it, i dont feel as if you attack anyone personally while ripping these teams or claiming bad beats. Vernting helps some, we are not all the same and i cant judge someone passionate about his wagering and prideful about what he does. it seems that you have done well in the past and perhaps even have had some follow you which does add pressure and its a vise just being able to let others know what the fuk you think is causing a loss. the wagner Loss you reference was one of the worst beats many of us have had in years, but i do think they will even out...if not this year, the next. whats the difference really. its all just immidiate gratification, wanting them to even out right away. and then some feel as if the blown saves in their favore are justified but we must also realzie that our/lucky win was someone elses bad beat. I find that it helps a bit if you have a poster you respect a bit and see that he is on the other side and then instead of just getting completely pissed for yourself, kinda know that your bud caught a break. not gonna help a ton, but it doesnt hurt.

well, you seem to be a man of high chracter and your relations with real people and how you refer to the woman of your life and family shows more than venting about a loss. venting is a reaction and doesnt have any mal intent. and if your intent is nto to harm anyone else than i find it hard to have much fault with that. we certainly can not all be the same, but we can try to recognize that this involves money, pride, emotions and some levels of respect. when you feel like you are losing any/all of those things on a balk or a lidge HR, its painful to see and i know you can feel the anxeity of it buildin in your chest and the boards are your only true outlet at that moment. doesnt come off real well but i dont think its the end of the world.

bol to u

much respect

Oct 31, 2004
mofome said:
you are all good in my book then. not that you care, but that shows more character than most have. cheating is for clowns and not being proud of your lady is worthless. i certainly understand why you vent and get pissed about games, it happens to me and others, i just leave mine in a garbage room where no one should mind. Its a garbage spot and i know i am posting garbage. i know after the game i will be able to retionalize some of it a bit and be more calm, but having money on an event and being competitve will bring out some strong emotions. i dont see why others seem too bothered by it, i dont feel as if you attack anyone personally while ripping these teams or claiming bad beats. Vernting helps some, we are not all the same and i cant judge someone passionate about his wagering and prideful about what he does. it seems that you have done well in the past and perhaps even have had some follow you which does add pressure and its a vise just being able to let others know what the fuk you think is causing a loss. the wagner Loss you reference was one of the worst beats many of us have had in years, but i do think they will even out...if not this year, the next. whats the difference really. its all just immidiate gratification, wanting them to even out right away. and then some feel as if the blown saves in their favore are justified but we must also realzie that our/lucky win was someone elses bad beat. I find that it helps a bit if you have a poster you respect a bit and see that he is on the other side and then instead of just getting completely pissed for yourself, kinda know that your bud caught a break. not gonna help a ton, but it doesnt hurt.

well, you seem to be a man of high chracter and your relations with real people and how you refer to the woman of your life and family shows more than venting about a loss. venting is a reaction and doesnt have any mal intent. and if your intent is nto to harm anyone else than i find it hard to have much fault with that. we certainly can not all be the same, but we can try to recognize that this involves money, pride, emotions and some levels of respect. when you feel like you are losing any/all of those things on a balk or a lidge HR, its painful to see and i know you can feel the anxeity of it buildin in your chest and the boards are your only true outlet at that moment. doesnt come off real well but i dont think its the end of the world.

bol to u

much respect

Best of luck you buddy. Great post.

I know I should think before I post sometimes. Its just the way I am.

Glad to hear that you are in a good relationship. Protect it with everything you have, and dont do anything to fuck it up. You and I are in a very small group of people who have found the right person. Nothing in the world is more valuable than that.

New member
Oct 21, 2004
trust me i don't care...i just find it humorous that a guy that apparently has so much respect on this site would act as immature as this.

don't make this into a personal issue. if u actually looked back at all the BS you said from a 3rd party perspective, you might think differently about how you've reacted to everything.

this is no true knock on you, but come on man, you've been saying alot of BS this year no doubt.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
Best of luck you buddy. Great post.

I know I should think before I post sometimes. Its just the way I am.

Glad to hear that you are in a good relationship. Protect it with everything you have, and dont do anything to fuck it up. You and I are in a very small group of people who have found the right person. Nothing in the world is more valuable than that.

actually sr, i did not mean to imply that i am currently in a relationship. the lady i was with, whom i still care for, is well across the country from me now, so its not gonna happen for now. but i agree with your thoughts on such things. peolpe are what matters the most. IMO, the people who attempt to sound "cool" talking about how many girls they screw or what not, just sound like idiots. have some respect and class.

i dont see a problem with venting, you are just letting it out, no other outlets. part of gambling and having real money on these events. just make a thread in the rubber room and let fucking lose, why should anyone else care or be bothered? many games will have frustrating moments and if you want to piss about it and that helps you get it out, why not? doesnt hurt Anyone and it helps you. seems like it can do no harm but help someone. i may join ya in a venting thread on certain days, ive made a few myself. venting is healthy as long as u keep it in a single thread and dont put down other peoples plays. IMO


New member
Oct 21, 2004
mofome said:
actually sr, i did not mean to imply that i am currently in a relationship. the lady i was with, whom i still care for, is well across the country from me now, so its not gonna happen for now. but i agree with your thoughts on such things. peolpe are what matters the most. IMO, the people who attempt to sound "cool" talking about how many girls they screw or what not, just sound like idiots. have some respect and class.

i dont see a problem with venting, you are just letting it out, no other outlets. part of gambling and having real money on these events. just make a thread in the rubber room and let fucking lose, why should anyone else care or be bothered? many games will have frustrating moments and if you want to piss about it and that helps you get it out, why not? doesnt hurt Anyone and it helps you. seems like it can do no harm but help someone. i may join ya in a venting thread on certain days, ive made a few myself. venting is healthy as long as u keep it in a single thread and dont put down other peoples plays. IMO

haha isn't "queer that could get more ladies in the next 10 minutes than choptalk could in the next 15 years"

just as bad as saying how many people they've screwed in their life?

no bashing from me here but just thought that was comical.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
dsethi said:
haha isn't "queer that could get more ladies in the next 10 minutes than choptalk could in the next 15 years"

just as bad as saying how many people they've screwed in their life?

no bashing from me here but just thought that was comical.

obviously i expected a fairly simple person to make this comment, you are not hard to predict. the ability to get a girl, or stating such, in reply to someone elses slight, is something that should be taken in jest, instead of literally. I realize that may be hard for you to understand, but i can assure you, it makes sense.

Put down your slurpee and think about it when the "brain feeze" is over. Assuming yours end.

no bashing from me here

New member
Oct 21, 2004
mofome said:
obviously i expected a fairly simple person to make this comment, you are not hard to predict. the ability to get a girl, or stating such, in reply to someone elses slight, is something that should be taken in jest, instead of literally. I realize that may be hard for you to understand, but i can assure you, it makes sense.

Put down your slurpee and think about it when the "brain feeze" is over. Assuming yours end.

no bashing from me here
haha good one man, good one...

not hard to predict that you'd get defensive over that comment and make up some bullshit excuse when you knew exactly what you meant when you made that comment to chop, but now that you all are on good terms you have a reason to retract that statement however possible.
good job buddy.

i did take it in jest, but it pretty much is the exact same thing you were saying above, regardless if it was in "jest." it's still the same thing. a "fairly simple person" like myself still realizes this and sees this. cool.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
dsethi said:
haha good one man, good one...

not hard to predict that you'd get defensive over that comment and make up some bullshit excuse when you knew exactly what you meant when you made that comment to chop, but now that you all are on good terms you have a reason to retract that statement however possible.
good job buddy.

i did take it in jest, but it pretty much is the exact same thing you were saying above, regardless if it was in "jest." it's still the same thing. a "fairly simple person" like myself still realizes this and sees this. cool.

seems as if the only defensive one is you. im very pleased and calm, simply explaining something to a slower "man". I have not retracted anything, Dr phil.
Also, having the ability to get a lady does not imply any physical activity. well, not to someone with class, as i have. To a Neanderthal it may imply a good screwing, but thats not how i meant it. I do not "screw" ladies for the hell of it, im sorry if that does not please you. you, being someone who doesnt have the option to be physically intimate with a willing participant, perhaps has a tougher time understanding. I can not fault you for what you are unable to grasp. the blame there lies solely with the gene pool you are pulling from. Im sorry about that, but i have made many a donation to help people such as yourself. Dont think im not on your side.
So yes, i did know Exactly what i meant, and the same holds true. i have not retracted a thing. If someone is to slight someone else, the person slighted is likely to reply, are they not? part of a back and forth. I am guessing that Chop did not mean that he actually thinks im am a homosexual with his comment. Learn how to interpret a conversation and then you will be better able to interject with something semi-intelligent, which would be a huge step up from where you are seated currently.


New member
Oct 21, 2004
mofome said:
seems as if the only defensive one is you. im very pleased and calm, simply explaining something to a slower "man". I have not retracted anything, Dr phil.
Also, having the ability to get a lady does not imply any physical activity. well, not to someone with class, as i have. To a Neanderthal it may imply a good screwing, but thats not how i meant it. I do not "screw" ladies for the hell of it, im sorry if that does not please you. you, being someone who doesnt have the option to be physically intimate with a willing participant, perhaps has a tougher time understanding. I can not fault you for what you are unable to grasp. the blame there lies solely with the gene pool you are pulling from. Im sorry about that, but i have made many a donation to help people such as yourself. Dont think im not on your side.
So yes, i did know Exactly what i meant, and the same holds true. i have not retracted a thing. If someone is to slight someone else, the person slighted is likely to reply, are they not? part of a back and forth. I am guessing that Chop did not mean that he actually thinks im am a homosexual with his comment. Learn how to interpret a conversation and then you will be better able to interject with something semi-intelligent, which would be a huge step up from where you are seated currently.

haha being cocky about how many girls you can get with is just as bad as saying you've screwed alot of them. now you're just mingling over details because you have no point. it's okay, you can admit you're wrong and we can move on.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
dsethi said:
haha being cocky about how many girls you can get with is just as bad as saying you've screwed alot of them. now you're just mingling over details because you have no point. it's okay, you can admit you're wrong and we can move on.

well thought out reply. i will think about that.

i think we all just watched you learn your lesson, sport.


New member
Mar 16, 2005
For what its worth, BUCSFAN does the same damm thing. Maybe even worse than me.
Now you just sound like a little girl Chop.

The whine-a-thon grows tiresome...

New member
Oct 21, 2004
mofome said:
well thought out reply. i will think about that.

i think we all just watched you learn your lesson, sport.

haha funny how many peoplef rom the RX IMed me saying not to waste my time with an arrogant prick such as yourself. Clearly your earlier posts illustrated their points.

Any wonder you got kicked out of EOG?

My reply seemed fine to me...you made a few cocky statements, and then said they were in "jest." probably after Chop started acting decent to you you realized you could actually make an internet friend so you cut out your bullshit. congratulations

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
I am so glad this is in the rubberoom so I can rip in to your ignorant ass.

I posted this a few weeks back
Some dude who works on an oil rig and is a diehard braves fan loses 50 units after claiming to have 8 straight winning seasons (never ever ever proven), and decides to leave. This trash is cluttering the baseball forum.

Farnsworth was out today with back spasms, maybe do a little research.

You don't find value.

You don't have any concept of value.
The value today Clearly was on Washington in the live betting. You're a moron to think it wasn't. Even if they would have lose, the value would have been on Washington.

Your losses aren't bad beats.

Runs in the first inning are worth the same as runs in the 9th.

2 words: "Line Shop"

Playing the Pinny -1 is stupid and lazy. You could have saved .04 units each time you bet it had you just combined pinny's ml and rl. That could have been .16 saved on your 4 unit bets, which of course, LOST.

Your comments throughout therx have colored you stupid. Anyone with an objective mind and a willingness to look can see that easily. 70% of the game is pitching? Get a clue. Hope you still have some Katrina debit cards.

You mislead people on TheRx into believing you were a good capper. Honestly though, people who have an idea of what to look for in a baseball bettor would have dismissed you within a week. I've called you a fraud from day one, and I'm calling you a fraud on day 150.

The most ironic thing you did today, was when Dawoof called you on your excuse making. Instead of owning up, you weakly attempt to justify your whining by making a poor comparison to Bucs.

I have more respect for GYNO than you. Jump off your oil rig.

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