I made my first bet today since quiting. You gotta read this!!!!

Jan 19, 2006

You are a popular guy, people are talking about you on
other forums alot. One thing I keep hearing is they do not
like your whining. I myself don't mind it cause I do alot of
my own. But I have seen that it does touch some people the
wrong way.

I have seen it for myself-- you have had some terrible beats this
year. Good Luck whatever you do. But you are opening
yourself up to alot of ridicule.

I hope you win your next 7 bets.
Jan 19, 2006
He put himself on a pedestal this spring.....8 or 9 straight years of winning baseball, labeled his tracker thread moneymaking, gladly accepted the praise, and when his plays flopped, rather than blaming himself, he blamed EVERYTHING under the sun other than himself.

Not a big deal, alot of guys here like Chop (myself included), but when this stuff is posted time and again, some bashing should be expected.

Maybe Chop is having other troubles in life and this forum is his avenue to vent. If so, I apologize for these posts.

If not, then man up to your flopped season, layoff posting about quitting and bad beats every other day, and charge forward with football and/or other sports you bet.

Anyway, its Miller time....over and out.


I have to admit this is a great post. Alot of great points made.
I think alot of people agree with all or most of this. :103631605

Sep 20, 2004
I can see how he rubbed some wrong, I really can, with the 8 straight winning seasons announcement ... We'll just have to disagree though on the venting issue...

Sports wagering as we all know can be emotional , some will argue it should not be, I disagree I wouldn't play if I watched the scores the next day...Thats no fun IMO.

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
gynecologist said:
I have to admit this is a great post. Alot of great points made.
I think alot of people agree with all or most of this. :103631605
this was my point. You are what you are. Except it. If you can't than you are saying that maybe last year was luck that you won. You see what I am saying. You can't have it both ways.

Sep 20, 2004
Iceman said:
the thread starts out saying that this is the 1st bet you have made in 2 weeks. You also have stated you were done betting.

I just on't see what the problem is, if he says something then does the opposite, it happens....everyone does it at some point....Why is every last detail magnified on this forum?

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
promise I am done. Sorry if i rubbed anyone the wrong way. Beleiev it or not just trying to help.
Jan 19, 2006
Iceman said:
this was my point. You are what you are. Except it. If you can't than you are saying that maybe last year was luck that you won. You see what I am saying. You can't have it both ways.

Exactly. :103631605

New member
Mar 19, 2006
Iceman said:
if this was his first post like this than ok. But he takes time off and than he comes back, than he quits for good and maybe 2 whole weeks later. BAM he comes back. I guarantee I speak for alot of people on here that this act is getting old. This looks like someone with a serious gambling problem. We had a 3 or 4 page thread when he quit, hell I even consoled in him, gave him a heart felt goodbye.

It old and its weak and I expect alot more from a so-called baseball expert and guy that has bet for years and won.


Oct 31, 2004
"A" game? That would be fine, but this has seemingly been every day this season.

He put himself on a pedestal this spring.....8 or 9 straight years of winning baseball, labeled his tracker thread moneymaking, gladly accepted the praise, and when his plays flopped, rather than blaming himself, he blamed EVERYTHING under the sun other than himself.

Not a big deal, alot of guys here like Chop (myself included), but when this stuff is posted time and again, some bashing should be expected.

Maybe Chop is having other troubles in life and this forum is his avenue to vent. If so, I apologize for these posts.

If not, then man up to your flopped season, layoff posting about quitting and bad beats every other day, and charge forward with football and/or other sports you bet.

Anyway, its Miller time....over and out.


For what its worth, BUCSFAN does the same damm thing. Maybe even worse than me.

Its been a very frustrating season for all of us.

I can handle bad beats. Part of the game. But unless you check the box score of every single bet I have made this season, you cannot even begin to comprehend what im talking about.

I can name you the good beats ive had this season on 1 hand, not using all of my fingers.

I have had more bad beats in one half a season this year than the last 4 years combined.

Oct 31, 2004
Iceman said:
this was my point. You are what you are. Except it. If you can't than you are saying that maybe last year was luck that you won. You see what I am saying. You can't have it both ways.

If I would have had 10 come from behind wins last season I would have said it was luck.

But that was not the case.

I challenge anyone on this forum to find more than 3 games that I have bet this season where my team came back from 3 or more after 6 innings.

For G-Baby
Oct 22, 2004
I agree with everything Ice Man and WOOF said...those were daggers right there.

I have no problem with CHOP personally, but I swear to god, I don't think he was on the wrong side of a game once this entire season. Just ask him.

That shit gets real annoying real quick. And the subtle shots at cappers who weren't in the red, more than once saying how they've done a good job basically falling on the right side of luck and blown saves, that shit was completely uncalled for and as classless as it gets. Posters like TN and jimmyk could've, should've, and did take offense to that. Absolutely unacceptable.

And Journey, yes, sports wagering can be emotional, but that's no reason to become a whiney bitch. There was incessant whining in numerous threads this season. Carry yourself with some dignitity and class, in both victory and defeat.

Bottom line: Shit happens. Deal with it, don't bitch about it.

I have no problem with you personally CHOP and wish you nothing but success in the future, but some of your antics this season were uncalled for in my eyes. GL.

Oct 31, 2004
Iceman said:
the thread starts out saying that this is the 1st bet you have made in 2 weeks. You also have stated you were done betting.

It was not a picks thread.

I did not even post the play until the 6th inning.

There is a big difference in past posting about a beat, and running a season long picks thread where people follow your plays.

Knowone had the misfortune of losing money on that bet other than me.

If I have to explain the difference to you, you are not as smart as I thought.

Oct 31, 2004
esaboo_pa said:
I hear you Choptalk, unreal things are happening in baseball this year! Don't quit! You are a value to RX, plus you are a winner.

Things will turn around 4 U...

Thanks man. But thats going to have to wait for awhile. Got to get this thing in order before I lay any more real money on these games.

Oct 31, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
I agree with everything Ice Man and WOOF said...those were daggers right there.

I have no problem with CHOP personally, but I swear to god, I don't think he was on the wrong side of a game once this entire season. Just ask him.

That shit gets real annoying real quick. And the subtle shots at cappers who weren't in the red, more than once saying how they've done a good job basically falling on the right side of luck and blown saves, that shit was completely uncalled for and as classless as it gets. Posters like TN and jimmyk could've, should've, and did take offense to that. Absolutely unacceptable.

And Journey, yes, sports wagering can be emotional, but that's no reason to become a whiney bitch. There was incessant whining in numerous threads this season. Carry yourself with some dignitity and class, in both victory and defeat.

Bottom line: Shit happens. Deal with it, don't bitch about it.

I have no problem with you personally CHOP and wish you nothing but success in the future, but some of your antics this season were uncalled for in my eyes. GL.


There is a huge difference in being on the wrong side and blowing a 7 run lead to the NATS for crying out loud.

Give me a damm break!!!!

I have made many bad picks this season. This and many others were not one of them.

Rx Wizard
Oct 25, 2005
It was not a picks thread.

I did not even post the play until the 6th inning.

There is a big difference in past posting about a beat, and running a season long picks thread where people follow your plays.

Knowone had the misfortune of losing money on that bet other than me.

If I have to explain the difference to you, you are not as smart as I thought.
just 2 weeks ago you said you QUIT. Not posting but betting.

Sep 20, 2004
Okay, i understand to a degree where you guys are coming from but I hope no one would be afraid to vent because someone might get upset.

I've seen posters admit to being lucky, just the same as bitching about Todd Jones...nothing wrong with it IMHO.

Oct 31, 2004
SkinsRaj28 said:
I agree with everything Ice Man and WOOF said...those were daggers right there.

I have no problem with CHOP personally, but I swear to god, I don't think he was on the wrong side of a game once this entire season. Just ask him.

That shit gets real annoying real quick. And the subtle shots at cappers who weren't in the red, more than once saying how they've done a good job basically falling on the right side of luck and blown saves, that shit was completely uncalled for and as classless as it gets. Posters like TN and jimmyk could've, should've, and did take offense to that. Absolutely unacceptable.

And Journey, yes, sports wagering can be emotional, but that's no reason to become a whiney bitch. There was incessant whining in numerous threads this season. Carry yourself with some dignitity and class, in both victory and defeat.

Bottom line: Shit happens. Deal with it, don't bitch about it.

I have no problem with you personally CHOP and wish you nothing but success in the future, but some of your antics this season were uncalled for in my eyes. GL.

I dont even know what you are talking about.

I have said more good things about TM and Journeyman than maybe anyone on this forum. If they are offended by something I said, that is there problem.

Oct 31, 2004

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
I dont think its comparable what you have done to Bucs posts during his slump. Bucs has admitted he just doesnt seem to have a handle on several teams.

Also, he probably has alot more followers than you had this season and his record prior to today wasnt too bad.

You even went across the street today, into his thread, and posted about a bad beat from a few weeks ago?????

Give it a rest already. You arent the only poster that has had a rough year. Also, there are some solid cappers here that are making money.

Put this season in the history books and good luck with football.

If you decide to continue betting bases, best of luck with your plays.

<table id="post276762" class="tborder" align="center" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="0" width="100%"> <tbody><tr><td class="thead" style="font-weight: normal;">06-17-06, 06:41 PM <!-- / status icon and date --> </td> <td class="thead" style="font-weight: normal;" align="right"> #46 </td> </tr> <tr valign="top"> <td class="alt2" width="175"> CHOPTALK <script type="text/javascript"> vbmenu_register("postmenu_276762", true); </script>

</td> <td class="alt1" id="td_post_276762"> <!-- icon and title -->

<hr style="color: rgb(43, 41, 94);" size="1"> <!-- / icon and title --> <!-- message --> Kind of like my huge play on the METS against the Yankees a few weeks ago.

Mets up 4-0 in the 9th, only to have Wagner blow a 4-0 lead.
</td></tr></tbody> </table>

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