I made my first bet today since quiting. You gotta read this!!!!


Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
Gyno for the record, im not sure where you got this from

but line movement means next to nothing in baseball this season, ask the so called sharps like fezzick and see how good his season is going

Triple digit silver kook
Mar 1, 2005
Blow a fucking 9-2 lead to the NATS.

Of course I was supposed to be able to cap that.

All you people who says its been like this every year.

Do me a favor and do a little homework before spewing your BS.

Ok, serious question here:

I understand that nobody would expect a team to blow a 9-2 lead.

However, how did you cap NYY being ahead 9-2?
Jan 19, 2006
Romanowski said:
Gyno for the record, im not sure where you got this from

but line movement means next to nothing in baseball this season, ask the so called sharps like fezzick and see how good his season is going

O.K Romanowski

I know you dislike me or whatever and that is cool. But if this system
that my friend and myself are working with, picks 55% winners would
you then change your mind??

100 plays 55 win--

Virtus Junxit Mors Non Separabit
Nov 17, 2005
I dont dislike you, I think youre an attention whore at times

Just pointing that out man, take it FWIW. Take a big sample size, say an entire season, and you will see that line movements mean very little in baseball....but by all means track it, and good luck

Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
gynecologist said:
O.K Romanowski

I know you dislike me or whatever and that is cool. But if this system
that myself and my friend are working with picks 55% winners would
that change your mind??

Gyno, please lose the idea of % winners. Familiarize yourself with ROI.

Oct 31, 2004
Budworth22 said:
I am so glad this is in the rubberoom so I can rip in to your ignorant ass.​

I posted this a few weeks back​

Farnsworth was out today with back spasms, maybe do a little research.​

You don't find value.​

You don't have any concept of value.
The value today Clearly was on Washington in the live betting. You're a moron to think it wasn't. Even if they would have lose, the value would have been on Washington.​

Your losses aren't bad beats.​

Runs in the first inning are worth the same as runs in the 9th.​

2 words: "Line Shop"​

Playing the Pinny -1 is stupid and lazy. You could have saved .04 units each time you bet it had you just combined pinny's ml and rl. That could have been .16 saved on your 4 unit bets, which of course, LOST.​

Your comments throughout therx have colored you stupid. Anyone with an objective mind and a willingness to look can see that easily. 70% of the game is pitching? Get a clue. Hope you still have some Katrina debit cards.​

You mislead people on TheRx into believing you were a good capper. Honestly though, people who have an idea of what to look for in a baseball bettor would have dismissed you within a week. I've called you a fraud from day one, and I'm calling you a fraud on day 150.​

The most ironic thing you did today, was when Dawoof called you on your excuse making. Instead of owning up, you weakly attempt to justify your whining by making a poor comparison to Bucs.​

I have more respect for GYNO than you. Jump off your oil rig.​

I said nothing about betting Washington at +1700, I just mentioned the line.

Farnsworth!!!!!!! being out. Thats a bonus my friend. I knew all about that injury. In case you did not notice, it was Rivera on the mound with the lead. You Know that guy? The first ballot HOFer?

Buy the way, I did not bet the Yanks on the -1 line. Get your facts stright before you make bogus comments like that. I bet them on the 1.5 line.

And by the way MR know it all. I know all about the formula for converting the ml/rl into a -1 line. I have done it 100 times. I always use that formula. Been doing since the beginning of last season.

Hate to tell you this, but 70% of baseball is pitching wheather you like it or not.

If that was not the case, If the Bluejays are facing the Yankees and its Halliday vs Johnson, the line is -150 Jays. If its Towers vs Johnson, its Yankees -150.

Well you tell me, if pitching is only 35% of betting, how come a single pitching change makes so much difference in the line? ANSWER THAT DAMM QUESTION AND DO NOT AVOID IT!!!

If you have the same exact pitching matchup minus AROD, there best player, the line would only change maybe 30 cents, not 100 cents for the pitching change.

Im not the only one who thinks that pitching is that important. The sportsbooks feel the same way. Its so important that the books protect themselves with listed pitchers. You cant list AROD, lol. Sportsbooks will not even take a bet on a baseball game without the protection of having the option to adjust the lines for a pitching change.

There is no other sport around that the sportsbooks to this with.

If you bet the Colts on Tuesday at -6 and on Wednesday Peyton Manning gets hurt, guess what??? You are still locked into your original bet.

Sportsbooks think that the starting pitcher is more important than the starting QB in football.

About the capping issue. You must not have been betting very long. Of course I get emotional, but the bottom line is that I know its all part of betting. Being down 30 units for the baseball season is hardly nothing to get too worried about.

Misleading posters???????

If these so-called mislead posters bet on every posted play that I made at this forum, they would be up over 150+ units and thats inclueding this baseball season. Go look it up if you dont believe it!!!!!! Its all in the tracker room. College Football, College Basketball and MLB baseball 150+ units my friend.

Its not day 150 either. Its about day 500. I am up 150 plus units. You are making a bigger deal over the last 2 months than the first 16 months. How rookie is that?

And by the way, I do not now, never did or never will work on an oil rig.

I make a very good living, thank you very much. Over 3 times the average annual pay in Louisiana. You will have a very hard time making what I make for a good while comming straight out of college. So I hope you did not say that to try and make it look like I have some clown job.

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
dsethi said:
haha funny how many peoplef rom the RX IMed me saying not to waste my time with an arrogant prick such as yourself. Clearly your earlier posts illustrated their points.

Any wonder you got kicked out of EOG?

My reply seemed fine to me...you made a few cocky statements, and then said they were in "jest." probably after Chop started acting decent to you you realized you could actually make an internet friend so you cut out your bullshit. congratulations

OMG! so many people from the RX IMed you?!?!? Oh WOW! thats crazy bud!! and to think, i know none of them. must be chillin with some real winners my friend. I can just imagine the little orange boxes flashing on the bottom of your PC, you're big time my friend, dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

i am honest, thats all. i told chop what i thought, he was cool, thats that. unlike you, i dont sit and whack off based on my e-buds. you seem pumped about yours. your replies seemed ok to you because your as bright as what i just deposited into my toilet 25 minutes ago.

booted from EOG? lol, im allowed to do as i wish on eog.

Look, im going to be honest. One of us is a much better capper, much better looking, and much more intelligent. The other one is you. thats just being real with ya little lady.

nice record YTD btw...well, if this was golf anyway.


Back from the Ban
Oct 13, 2004
I said nothing about betting Washington at +1700, I just mentioned the line.
I never claimed that you bet it. I only claimed that your assertion RE: the value of WAS +1700 live betting was wrong. You don't have any concept of value. You in fact did talk about it...here
Washington was +1700 on live trading at pinny. Dont tell me that Washington was the value play.

Are you telling me you would not lay -500 every single time with a 3 run lead and rivera on the mound?



Farnsworth!!!!!!! being out. Thats a bonus my friend. I knew all about that injury. In case you did not notice, it was Rivera on the mound with the lead. You Know that guy? The first ballot HOFer?
Farnsworth being out did hurt the Yanks, as it was Proctor who really opened the floodgates
It was a total effort. Blame Chacon, for had he given up only 2 or 3 runs, the Yanks would likely have won. He was horrible, no reason to blame this loss on the bullpen. Not having your setup man is NOT a bonus. Torre is unlikely to throw Rivera for the 7th, 8th, and 9th innings. For that matter, blame T.J. Beam also. Oh, and another thing; reember that hold stat you were loving yesterday? Look who got holds in this game. It's a ridiculous, meaningless stat, created by agents to get more money for their middle relievers.
<table border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="1" width="100%"><tbody><tr class="bg0away" align="left"><td class="bg0away" colspan="9">New York Yankees</td></tr><tr id="head" class="bg2" align="right" height="17" valign="middle"><td class="bg1" align="left">Pitchers</td><td class="bg1" align="center">IP</td><td class="bg1" align="center">H</td><td class="bg1" align="center">R</td><td class="bg1" align="center">ER</td><td class="bg1" align="center">BB</td><td class="bg1" align="center">SO</td><td class="bg1" align="center">HR</td><td class="bg1" align="center">ERA</td></tr><tr class="bg2" align="right" height="17" valign="middle"><td align="left">Shawn Chacon</td><td align="center"> 4.1</td><td align="center">6</td><td align="center">6</td><td align="center">6</td><td align="center">3</td><td align="center">3</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center"> 5.89</td></tr><tr class="bg2" align="right" height="17" valign="middle"><td align="left">Matt Smith</td><td align="center"> 0.2</td><td align="center">1</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center"> 0.00</td></tr><tr class="bg2" align="right" height="17" valign="middle"><td align="left">T.J. Beam (H,1)</td><td align="center"> 1.1</td><td align="center">3</td><td align="center">2</td><td align="center">2</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center">1</td><td align="center">1</td><td align="center"> 13.50</td></tr><tr class="bg2" align="right" height="17" valign="middle"><td align="left">Mike Myers (H,9)</td><td align="center"> 0.1</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center"> 0.69</td></tr><tr class="bg2" align="right" height="17" valign="middle"><td align="left">Scott Proctor (H,9)</td><td align="center"> 0.2</td><td align="center">1</td><td align="center">1</td><td align="center">1</td><td align="center">2</td><td align="center">1</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center"> 3.74</td></tr><tr class="bg2" align="right" height="17" valign="middle"><td align="left">Mariano Rivera (BS,2; L,4-4)</td><td align="center"> 0.2</td><td align="center">2</td><td align="center">2</td><td align="center">2</td><td align="center">1</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center">0</td><td align="center"> 2.29</td></tr></tbody></table>

Buy the way, I did not bet the Yanks on the -1 line. Get your facts stright before you make bogus comments like that. I bet them on the 1.5 line.
And by the way MR know it all. I know all about the formula for converting the ml/rl into a -1 line. I have done it 100 times. I always use that formula. Been doing since the beginning of last season.

Again, your illiteracy is alarming. I can only hope English is a 2nd language for you.
My comment didn't claim that you bet the Yanks on the -1 line. I was clearly referring to the fact that in almost every case in which you have bet the -1 line, you have selected it from the Pinnacle dropdown menu, and not created it using rl and ml, which saves a lot of money. You were betting -1's this year because it is the trendy thing to do. You obviously have not been using that formula, as evidenced by your many posts. Here is my statement, and nowhere in it did I state that you bet the Yanks -1 on 6/17

Playing the Pinny -1 is stupid and lazy. You could have saved .04 units each time you bet it had you just combined pinny's ml and rl. That could have been .16 saved on your 4 unit bets, which of course, LOST.

Hate to tell you this, but 70% of baseball is pitching wheather you like it or not.
If that was not the case, If the Bluejays are facing the Yankees and its Halliday vs Johnson, the line is -150 Jays. If its Towers vs Johnson, its Yankees -150.

Well you tell me, if pitching is only 35% of betting, how come a single pitching change makes so much difference in the line? ANSWER THAT DAMM QUESTION AND DO NOT AVOID IT!!!

If you have the same exact pitching matchup minus AROD, there best player, the line would only change maybe 30 cents, not 100 cents for the pitching change.

Im not the only one who thinks that pitching is that important. The sportsbooks feel the same way. Its so important that the books protect themselves with listed pitchers. You cant list AROD, lol. Sportsbooks will not even take a bet on a baseball game without the protection of having the option to adjust the lines for a pitching change.

There is no other sport around that the sportsbooks to this with.

If you bet the Colts on Tuesday at -6 and on Wednesday Peyton Manning gets hurt, guess what??? You are still locked into your original bet.

Sportsbooks think that the starting pitcher is more important than the starting QB in football.

About the capping issue. You must not have been betting very long. Of course I get emotional, but the bottom line is that I know its all part of betting. Being down 30 units for the baseball season is hardly nothing to get too worried about.
I don't respond to people who can't spell common words. "wheather"
Choptalk, baseball is not 70% pitching. I't say it's about 30% starting pitching.
Your examples are so flawed that my brain begins to ache when I break them down. Mr. Know-it-All, what if a college team with Halladay played the Yankees with Johnson?, would that college team be -150? Maybe they would be -105, that would be a 30 % swing! You make me laugh so hard Chop.

Arod is 1/9th of the Yankee lineup. The Big Unit is 100% of the yanks starting pitching, and about 2/3rd's of the Yanks overall pitching when he starts. The impact is obviously not 70%. If the entire Yankees lineup changed, the price would change much more than the change resulting froma swap of Starting pitchers.

In addition, allowing the option to list position players, or relievers is absolutely a logistical nightmare, and assinine.

What a horrible example you have laid out! This level of flawed reasoning qualifies you to work as a Super-Target Cafeteria Worker, and not much more.

Misleading posters???????
If these so-called mislead posters bet on every posted play that I made at this forum, they would be up over 150+ units and thats inclueding this baseball season. Go look it up if you dont believe it!!!!!! Its all in the tracker room. College Football, College Basketball and MLB baseball 150+ units my friend.

Its not day 150 either. Its about day 500. I am up 150 plus units. You are making a bigger deal over the last 2 months than the first 16 months. How rookie is that?

And by the way, I do not now, never did or never will work on an oil rig.
Again with the spelling mistakes. That is not a typo, the "e" is 3.5 inches away from the "u". Do you really not know how to spell including?

Chop, you've already admitted to betting over your head. Please stay on topic. You don't have any documentation for 8 consecutive (in a row) winning seasons. I am not talking about college basketball of football, even though I believe you bombed in sunbelt football this year. You're capping was poor at best, yet you still blame everything but the actual problem, which is you. Your beats aren't bad, but your handicapping is.

I make a very good living, thank you very much. Over 3 times the average annual pay in Louisiana. You will have a very hard time making what I make for a good while comming straight out of college. So I hope you did not say that to try and make it look like I have some clown job.
I will beat your salary by a good amount in my first day out of college. I seriously doubt your claim, as people who struggle to read at a 5th grade level (even a Louisiana 5th grade level) generally do not have jobs that pay over 40k. Maybe you are one of the rare ones that beat those odds.

I'll turn your own quote on you now. IceMan asked you a question that you ignored. He would like the answer to it, as would I.

Can you admit you have had a bad season because you just don't have your finger on the pulse of baseball this year or do you believe you have been unlucky (one or the other). I would like you to sum up your season in a few sentences.

Go cry in the corner now.

New member
Oct 21, 2004
mofome said:
OMG! so many people from the RX IMed you?!?!? Oh WOW! thats crazy bud!! and to think, i know none of them. must be chillin with some real winners my friend. I can just imagine the little orange boxes flashing on the bottom of your PC, you're big time my friend, dont let anyone tell you otherwise.

i am honest, thats all. i told chop what i thought, he was cool, thats that. unlike you, i dont sit and whack off based on my e-buds. you seem pumped about yours. your replies seemed ok to you because your as bright as what i just deposited into my toilet 25 minutes ago.

booted from EOG? lol, im allowed to do as i wish on eog.

Look, im going to be honest. One of us is a much better capper, much better looking, and much more intelligent. The other one is you. thats just being real with ya little lady.

nice record YTD btw...well, if this was golf anyway.

haha you're giving yourslef a whole lot of credit for a guy with a whopping 247 posts on here. funny that you apparently declared war on the RX? yet are on here sucking chop's dick? awesome.
least i have the balls to post my plays regardless of record, where are yours at? keep playing with that paper money big guy, you'll be banking big time soon enough.
haha little lady, that's even funnier. Pathetic how posters make fun of physical appearance on an internet sports forum. And then of course there are posters like you that actually might use their personal pics in their avatar for all the men to see how good looking they are. Damn, I'm jealous as hell right now...wish i had hundreds of grown men staring at my picture all day too...good job buddy. From DC huh, my guess would be Dupont Circle. You probably can't contain your excitement in that area.
your track record for posting on forums is proven. No one likes you. No one respects you. No one gives a shit about your posts. Got it? Good. Now go continue your transformation into the arrogant guido you strive to be. Bye.

That settles it...It's WED/DAY
Sep 21, 2004
thats pretty gay having a picture of yourself as your avatar on a sports betting forum. I seriously hope that is not true. Although there are a bunch of homos in this world.

Oct 31, 2004
Budworth22 said:
I never claimed that you bet it. I only claimed that your assertion RE: the value of WAS +1700 live betting was wrong. You don't have any concept of value. You in fact did talk about it...here

Farnsworth being out did hurt the Yanks, as it was Proctor who really opened the floodgates

It was a total effort. Blame Chacon, for had he given up only 2 or 3 runs, the Yanks would likely have won. He was horrible, no reason to blame this loss on the bullpen. Not having your setup man is NOT a bonus. Torre is unlikely to throw Rivera for the 7th, 8th, and 9th innings. For that matter, blame T.J. Beam also. Oh, and another thing; reember that hold stat you were loving yesterday? Look who got holds in this game. It's a ridiculous, meaningless stat, created by agents to get more money for their middle relievers.

<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=2 width="100%" border=0><TBODY><TR class=bg0away align=left><TD class=bg0away colSpan=9>New York Yankees</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 id=head vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD class=bg1 align=left>Pitchers</TD><TD class=bg1 align=middle>IP</TD><TD class=bg1 align=middle>H</TD><TD class=bg1 align=middle>R</TD><TD class=bg1 align=middle>ER</TD><TD class=bg1 align=middle>BB</TD><TD class=bg1 align=middle>SO</TD><TD class=bg1 align=middle>HR</TD><TD class=bg1 align=middle>ERA</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>Shawn Chacon</TD><TD align=middle>4.1</TD><TD align=middle>6</TD><TD align=middle>6</TD><TD align=middle>6</TD><TD align=middle>3</TD><TD align=middle>3</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>5.89</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>Matt Smith</TD><TD align=middle>0.2</TD><TD align=middle>1</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>0.00</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>T.J. Beam (H,1)</TD><TD align=middle>1.1</TD><TD align=middle>3</TD><TD align=middle>2</TD><TD align=middle>2</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>1</TD><TD align=middle>1</TD><TD align=middle>13.50</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>Mike Myers (H,9)</TD><TD align=middle>0.1</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>0.69</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>Scott Proctor (H,9)</TD><TD align=middle>0.2</TD><TD align=middle>1</TD><TD align=middle>1</TD><TD align=middle>1</TD><TD align=middle>2</TD><TD align=middle>1</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>3.74</TD></TR><TR class=bg2 vAlign=center align=right height=17><TD align=left>Mariano Rivera (BS,2; L,4-4)</TD><TD align=middle>0.2</TD><TD align=middle>2</TD><TD align=middle>2</TD><TD align=middle>2</TD><TD align=middle>1</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>0</TD><TD align=middle>2.29</TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>​

Again, your illiteracy is alarming. I can only hope English is a 2nd language for you.
My comment didn't claim that you bet the Yanks on the -1 line. I was clearly referring to the fact that in almost every case in which you have bet the -1 line, you have selected it from the Pinnacle dropdown menu, and not created it using rl and ml, which saves a lot of money. You were betting -1's this year because it is the trendy thing to do. You obviously have not been using that formula, as evidenced by your many posts. Here is my statement, and nowhere in it did I state that you bet the Yanks -1 on 6/17​

I don't respond to people who can't spell common words. "wheather"

Choptalk, baseball is not 70% pitching. I't say it's about 30% starting pitching.
Your examples are so flawed that my brain begins to ache when I break them down. Mr. Know-it-All, what if a college team with Halladay played the Yankees with Johnson?, would that college team be -150? Maybe they would be -105, that would be a 30 % swing! You make me laugh so hard Chop.​

Arod is 1/9th of the Yankee lineup. The Big Unit is 100% of the yanks starting pitching, and about 2/3rd's of the Yanks overall pitching when he starts. The impact is obviously not 70%. If the entire Yankees lineup changed, the price would change much more than the change resulting froma swap of Starting pitchers.​

In addition, allowing the option to list position players, or relievers is absolutely a logistical nightmare, and assinine.​

What a horrible example you have laid out! This level of flawed reasoning qualifies you to work as a Super-Target Cafeteria Worker, and not much more.​

Again with the spelling mistakes. That is not a typo, the "e" is 3.5 inches away from the "u". Do you really not know how to spell including?

Chop, you've already admitted to betting over your head. Please stay on topic. You don't have any documentation for 8 consecutive (in a row) winning seasons. I am not talking about college basketball of football, even though I believe you bombed in sunbelt football this year. You're capping was poor at best, yet you still blame everything but the actual problem, which is you. Your beats aren't bad, but your handicapping is.​

I will beat your salary by a good amount in my first day out of college. I seriously doubt your claim, as people who struggle to read at a 5th grade level (even a Louisiana 5th grade level) generally do not have jobs that pay over 40k. Maybe you are one of the rare ones that beat those odds.

I'll turn your own quote on you now. IceMan asked you a question that you ignored. He would like the answer to it, as would I.​

Go cry in the corner now.​

Lets just agree to disagree.

Like I told you, when I get in a hurry I type fast and make mistakes.

Do you honestly think I would use the term " BUY THE WAY ON PURPOSE?"

Come on man.

When I type fast, I make mistakes.

As far as all your other BS, I disagree.

By the way, I do use the formula even when I post the -1 line from PINNY.

I have said that many times on my thread.

I often get a better number than I post. The only reason I use the -1 line from PINNY is because its much easier to read, and much easier to track.

I can pull up several threads for you where I said this in the past if you dont believe me.

UF. Champion U.
Nov 2, 2004
Rawpimple said:
thats pretty gay having a picture of yourself as your avatar on a sports betting forum. I seriously hope that is not true. Although there are a bunch of homos in this world.

i missed it, i'm not reading through all of this i'm-smarter-than-you crap to find out. who on God's green earth has a photo of himself as their avatar? furthermore, which cowboy were they in brokeback mountain?

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
dsethi said:
haha you're giving yourslef a whole lot of credit for a guy with a whopping 247 posts on here. funny that you apparently declared war on the RX? yet are on here sucking chop's dick? awesome.
least i have the balls to post my plays regardless of record, where are yours at? keep playing with that paper money big guy, you'll be banking big time soon enough.
haha little lady, that's even funnier. Pathetic how posters make fun of physical appearance on an internet sports forum. And then of course there are posters like you that actually might use their personal pics in their avatar for all the men to see how good looking they are. Damn, I'm jealous as hell right now...wish i had hundreds of grown men staring at my picture all day too...good job buddy. From DC huh, my guess would be Dupont Circle. You probably can't contain your excitement in that area.
your track record for posting on forums is proven. No one likes you. No one respects you. No one gives a shit about your posts. Got it? Good. Now go continue your transformation into the arrogant guido you strive to be. Bye.

if there was an ounce of truth to anything you have said, i would be more concerned. seeing as i have recieved 10+ emails in the last 24 hours from posters here, im guess you are a tad off. fact is, im much better than you. I have a dog, his name is rerun, he is having a better season capping baseball than you are. It seem that he knows when to lay off.

you are a good fade and thats something every forum needs. if someone gets cold they know where to look for a fade, you certainly provide this forum with a service.

and giving myself credit? i dont give myself anything. i tell things as they are, you should do the same. for instance, i am the best baseball capper here, you, on the other hand, are down more units than this guy:

you are a poster, i am a capper. there is a difference. and as far as anything personal you care to discuss, those things can be done in person. you seem to know the area and have listed your favorite hangout. my info is all here.

you are worse than me. Much, much, worse.

you have a place here and thats as therx fade. play your part, kid


New member
Oct 21, 2004
the best baseball capper here? wow that was good for a nice laugh in the middle of my day.

hey i'm a fade right now, no question about it. so fade me. sorry i can't post any
"winnahs" like you. haha winnahs. and you claim you're a heterosexual. wow.

oh and great comeback to the dupont circle joke, by saying i enjoy it instead of you. damn thats great.

way to make things personal too, because the entire thread you've had no point whatsoever, since you couldn't admit that you're an arrogant prick that posts pictures of himself on a sports internet forum for all men to say. Man your heterosexuality couldn't be any more evident, could it?

to tell the truth you dont amaze me
May 11, 2006
the fact is i am the best baseball capper here. no big deal, thats just life. you, on the other hand, are a square.

check out my thread and then look at yours, you will be able to see a large difference. one has wins and one is yours.

great comeback? if you are from DC or spend much time there you dont worry too much about dupont or gay jokes...but you are only 18 years old or so, you're just a kid. im sorry if i did not feel as if much of a "comeback" was needed. you are no one, you are one of many posters. your picks are dreadful and thats the facts. this is a wagering forum and your picks blow. thats all there is to it. you are a little kid and maybe one day you will learn to cap, maybe not. you dont have much of a brain to work with so the hope for you is limitted. but we're all in your corner, little guy.

you simply do not matter, i dont know why you want all this attention from me. your picks belong in a comedy forum, not a wagering forum.

later squarepants


New member
Sep 21, 2004
There is no way you had 8 winning seasons with that mentality. Betting is just a stats game. It is also a negative expactation game. I doubt you understand what that means anyway. You bet -130 lines every single day for 2 and 3 "units". Guess what. The lines you bet are rarely incorrect and you have no edge. You start chasing by adding plays in the middle of the day with absolutely ridiculus statements like "if I lose this play I'm gonna add a game".
Stop having selective memory. You won't hear ANYONE complaining or at least mentioning their good luck when their team comes back and win with 3' left or 2 innings to play. Good and bad breaks will eventually even out.
About the whining thing. It's just human nature. You'll never see a poker player admit that he doesn't have a clue how to play. He'll just put the blame on the card that didn't hit or the card that outdrew him. That's why it's gambling. Because the odds are against you most of the times. Because very very few win in gambling. Because almost none of them will post the correct plays on the internet (and especially guarantee people they will make them money).

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