How To Get To Heaven When You Die



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    Votes: 2 3.4%
  • NO

    Votes: 19 32.8%

    Votes: 30 51.7%

    Votes: 7 12.1%

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New member
Sep 20, 2007
i believe the correct Order to Salvation is:

1. believe (Jesus is the Son of God)

2. repent (of your sins and turn from them)

3. confess (confess Christ before men, just like this)

4. baptism (very essential) (not one example in the new Testament) (except for theif on the cross).......

5. walk daily with the Lord.

you naysayers,,,,, how do you dismiss all the prophecies that have come true and are now coming to......

How can a nation be re-born in a day (May 15 1948 it happened)

The European Union (revision of the Roman Empire)

i could name many more........

not to mention the evolution crap that is a downright lie from the pits of hell.....

in the book of Daniel (chapter 12) it states that in the last days, there will be an explosion of knowledge and people will travel to all parts of the earth easily (to and fro)....

how can you dismiss these claims....... knowledge in the last 50yrs, is staggering...... more than all history combined....

laugh and scoff all you want but those with ears, let them hear....
i believe in everything you have brought up in your wrighting.:toast:

New member
Sep 20, 2007
Jesus would NOT approve of what Obama's preacher is preaching.
i believe jesus would pray for him,but i do believe he would not like his teachings.the preacher comes across as a hostile person.saying that, i have not heard his whole teachings,but something tells me i would not change my mind.i do not agree with obama's preacher's comments, nor do i aprove of john hagee,or pat robertson,and jerry farwell,for making the 911 comments. my grandmother always said never hate the person,just hate their ways.

New member
Sep 20, 2007
Well of course not. Because everyone knows that

my family are christians,but we are die hard democrates.three things the repuplicans harp on ,and make the dems feel like they are sinners,are gay marriage,stem cell,and abortion.the republicans have brainwashed the people in the united feelings on abortion are that they should only be used in case of rape,insest,or harm to the mother.i know people believe murder is murder,and there is no in between. i feel like a true christian should show compassion.i feel like abortion should never be a form of birth control.i feel stem cell could be the next medical breakthrough.we do not have to , destroy or kill embryoes,eventhough scientist throw away thousands.we could use the cord,it would help people with spinal cord prolems,and help people like my dad ,who has diabities,my dads kidneys are shot because of the england they can make new heart cells.god has given the doctors knowledge,so they can help us in the furture.the next time i hear a preacher say cloning,i feel like slaping someone.the gay marriage thing is tricky .i feel deep down it is wrong,but they dont bother me .i see that straight marriages are 5o,50,they end up in divorce,so it cant get much worse.true christians should worry about people getting a living wage.people should be able to have affordable health care,people should not lose everything he or she has worked for because they are sick and have no insurance.we are suppose to be a superpower ,we should be able to get this done,these are what i feel make a true christion .:toast::toast:
Jul 11, 2007
In what respect precisely?

In that he preaches Hatred against white people and against the United States. What did you think I was talking about? It's only been all over the news for millions of people to see. Do you watch the news? Oh, wait a minute, I bet you watch the liberal news CNN and MSNBC. They will water it down to hide the truth of what a traitor that man is because they are ran by liberals who think just like him.

New member
Oct 20, 2005
Fletcher that was getting pretty hot. Then you had to mention Larry King!

And you left out the part about the wolf fucking Little Red Riding Hood in the ass -- BOO!

:monsters- :scared:

New member
Apr 21, 2007
In that he preaches Hatred against white people and against the United States. What did you think I was talking about? It's only been all over the news for millions of people to see. Do you watch the news? Oh, wait a minute, I bet you watch the liberal news CNN and MSNBC.

Funny, I never heard or saw him preaching hatred against the whites, only demanding fairness between black and white instead of the current state which he, correctly or not, views as discriminating the black people. More importantly, I have challenged the Republicans in this very forum to show me where Rev. Wright said anything that could be called racist, but I did not get a single quote in return. I know you and probably millions of others believe him to be racist, but I guess you just didn't bother to listen to what he really says.
Also, for all I know Rev. Wright is not against the U.S. itself, just against the current system which, to him, still suppresses blacks' rights.

In addition, what makes you think you can judge whether Jesus would like the current state of America?

Btw, you should be more careful with saying "I bet you ...", especially in a gamblers' forum. Seems you didn't bother to check my location. If you had you'd know I'm from Germany, so it's unlikely I get my information from CNN or MSNBC. How much did you put on that wager? And how will you pay me, via Paypal?

Rx junior
Sep 21, 2005
Funny, I never heard or saw him preaching hatred against the whites, only demanding fairness between black and white instead of the current state which he, correctly or not, views as discriminating the black people. More importantly, I have challenged the Republicans in this very forum to show me where Rev. Wright said anything that could be called racist, but I did not get a single quote in return. I know you and probably millions of others believe him to be racist, but I guess you just didn't bother to listen to what he really says.
Also, for all I know Rev. Wright is not against the U.S. itself, just against the current system which, to him, still suppresses blacks' rights.

thats because people like al sharpton and jessie jackson has made this whole p.c. thing soooo ridiculous that it has conditioned the sheep to think that EVERY gripe or complaint by a black leader is just more of the same al and jessie bullshit....I LIKE REVERAND WRIGHT....i don't like obama, al and jessie.

if your a black leader and you ain't complaining about the war on drugs at the rate i do or even rev. wright then your just a gatekeepin, sell-out uncle tom!

fuck al sharpton
fuck jessie jackson
fuck uncle tom obama
fuck the white devils that run this country and the black devils that go along with em!

Jul 11, 2007
Funny, I never heard or saw him preaching hatred against the whites, only demanding fairness between black and white instead of the current state which he, correctly or not, views as discriminating the black people. More importantly, I have challenged the Republicans in this very forum to show me where Rev. Wright said anything that could be called racist, but I did not get a single quote in return. I know you and probably millions of others believe him to be racist, but I guess you just didn't bother to listen to what he really says.
Also, for all I know Rev. Wright is not against the U.S. itself, just against the current system which, to him, still suppresses blacks' rights.

In addition, what makes you think you can judge whether Jesus would like the current state of America?

Btw, you should be more careful with saying "I bet you ...", especially in a gamblers' forum. Seems you didn't bother to check my location. If you had you'd know I'm from Germany, so it's unlikely I get my information from CNN or MSNBC. How much did you put on that wager? And how will you pay me, via Paypal?

...then you need to watch Fox News, they show the clips all the time. He called the U.S. the U.S. of KKKA, he said that it was ran by rich "white" people, he teaches that "white" america hates blacks, he says "G@# Da@ America", he said that we started the aids virus in africa, he endorsed the most racist man in america Lewis Faricon (his name doesn't deserve to be spelled right anyway), he says that we are murderers for defending ourselves from terrorists, He IS against the U.S. No one supporting the U.S. would over and over again say G@# Dam America. He is a traitor and a racist.

You have no room to talk about America. America is doing a great job. They did what the wimps in Europe wouldn't do, they stop talking with Hussain after a year, who was clearly buying time and we went in and stopped him from developing Nuclear weapons, torturing and raping 14 year old kids, murdering families, anyone who went against him, used chemical weapons on his own people, oppressed his own people...yes he did have chemical weapons. He smuggled them into syria. They FOUND chemical weapons in his country. The morons in the U.N. agreed that he had nuclear weapons, yet wouldn't support us in the war. The U.S. does much good around the world and the world spits in our face for it. They don't deserve our help, yet we help. U.N. philosophy=let's talk and do nothing. Typical liberal, unGodly, men with no moral compass.

You being German have no room to talk about America after starting 2 world wars causing millions of deaths and murdering 6 million Jews. Did they teach you that in school? Or did they try to hide it from you because the germans that I have met have never heard of the halocaust of the Jews by Germany.

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001

What do you think about Prez Bush taking satanic vows to satan in coffins at Yale? What do you think about the Fed reserve printing money deflating the dollar? What do you think about the new world order and all seeing eye on the USA dollar?

Its good you preach Jesus as the way, but you start preaching USA it maybe a stumbling block.

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
Maybe damn America. ITs what happens when Bush pushes Palestinain state. Same as the last 6 useless presidents. Our US Presidents need to stop being freinds of satan. Satan is the enemy.

New member
Apr 21, 2007
...then you need to watch Fox News,

So you get all your information from FOX News - that's all I need to know. :) Your arguments have already been discussed and refuted in other threads. Go look them up if you want, I'm certainly not typing all this again.

You being German have no room to talk about America after starting 2 world wars causing millions of deaths and murdering 6 million Jews. Did they teach you that in school? Or did they try to hide it from you because the germans that I have met have never heard of the halocaust of the Jews by Germany.

The Holocaust is most certainly taught in German schools, it's a very big issue here in Germany. I don't know what Germans you met, probably you just made this up.

And could you, please, explain to me why I am not allowed to have an opinion because of things that happened thirty years before I was born and have no direct connection with what is being discussed here?
Jul 11, 2007

What do you think about Prez Bush taking satanic vows to satan in coffins at Yale? What do you think about the Fed reserve printing money deflating the dollar? What do you think about the new world order and all seeing eye on the USA dollar?

Its good you preach Jesus as the way, but you start preaching USA it maybe a stumbling block.

First of all George W. Bush is not the U.S.A. He is the active president. I don't agree with everything that Bush says/does. He was better in the beginning of his presidency. He was more conservative, then moved to the left as he went along. As far as what's happening with the federal reserve and such, there are evil men who are attempting to push globalization. The deflation of the dollar is a move toward the "amero" it's all intentional. The founding fathers WERE mostly Christians. Most of them had seminary degrees. This was a Christian nation, which is why it's such a great country. As it moves away from God, as Europe has, it is becomming less and less great...for THAT reason. The policies will get less and less Godly, the laws will get less and less Godly. I have witnessed that as we have turned away from God, horrific crimes have skyrocketed threw the roof.

The one world Government is prophecied in the bible along with the mark of the beast, which at this point is most likely going to be a micro-chip implanted in your hand or forehead.

North American Union video, ties into bible prophecy of the one world government, the mark (micro chip?) of the beast 666 and the anti-christ.<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" /><o:p></o:p>
Jul 11, 2007
So you get all your information from FOX News - that's all I need to know. :) Your arguments have already been discussed and refuted in other threads. Go look them up if you want, I'm certainly not typing all this again.

The Holocaust is most certainly taught in German schools, it's a very big issue here in Germany. I don't know what Germans you met, probably you just made this up.

And could you, please, explain to me why I am not allowed to have an opinion because of things that happened thirty years before I was born and have no direct connection with what is being discussed here?

The point is that America helps every country around the world and they are ungrateful and spit in our face. I say that we are fools for helping those who spit in our face, but since our country was originally built on Christian values it helps anyway. Then you come along saying how evil we are. What has america done to be evil? Give me some things. Then tell me what Germany has done to make the world a better place.

As far as Bush taking satanic oaths, what proof do you have of that? Yes, he was involved in skull and bones, like his dad. Peter Jennings, Tony Blair and Bill Clinton were all frat buddies at oxford. They were in a similar "frat", which is supposedly tied into skull and bones and the mysterious "illuminati".
Jul 11, 2007
Please take the time to read this first post and pray that prayer to God at the bottom of it if you haven't yet.

New member
Apr 21, 2007
The point is that America helps every country around the world and they are ungrateful and spit in our face.

Sorry, but there can be only one answer to this: :missingte
If you truly believe this then obviously ther eis no point in continuing this discussion.

As far as Bush taking satanic oaths, what proof do you have of that? Yes, he was involved in skull and bones, like his dad. Peter Jennings, Tony Blair and Bill Clinton were all frat buddies at oxford. They were in a similar "frat", which is supposedly tied into skull and bones and the mysterious "illuminati".

You may want to direct this at Railbird, because he had posted this. I don't care at all about satanic oaths and such nonsense.

The Great Govenor of California
Feb 21, 2001
Shawrnagger and Guilani are baby killers, Republicans kill babys too. Bush and his dad both cheat on their wifes. Please dont tell us who to vote for. Why are guilani and Shwaznagger baby killers becuase they want to get elected. These leaders are whores they dont care about us.

Bush hates us, America doesnt even exist anymore. Basically a communist state. Bush loyalty is to the World bank and unperfected jews the unholy vatican and ISlam. ISlam and Vatican are the 1 world church combo. Bush backs the whore of the world bank, he took that vow in college just like his dad and granddad.

New member
Mar 16, 2006
this is worse than the bloody 9/11 threads

the bible is a top notch science book because it says there are many stars. geezzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

any nimrod who looks up in the sky on a summer night can tell u that, don't need to be a astronomy expert.

fk no wonder people turn away from religion when u twist things and try and connect things that aren't

Keep looking i'm sure you'll find Waldo in there to
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