which is why i'm leaving thejdog. US government is a joke. so many countries are run better.
ugh. Way too much stereotyping in this thread.
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which is why i'm leaving thejdog. US government is a joke. so many countries are run better.
Doesnt matter who I vote for state is blue in a landslide. Got to stand behind my boys.
The state is run beautifully, don't see why I shouldnt stay dem.
You always seem angry. I'm not that way. GL.Another stupid post. How much do they tax you to death up there. See thats what happens when you think the Kannedy's are royalty. LOL Yeah everything is just so perfect over there. LOL How much did that "big dig" cost???????????????????????
That if I remember is a blackhole. Nice Union work on that. They built it shitty and it ended up killing that lady. Nice job union fucks.
You always seem angry. I'm not that way. GL.
yeah I noticed you were splitting gtc......sharp call. I'm about two years out myself, ya got it narrowed down to a particular country or continent?
Heres a perfect scenario.
Joe makes 100k per year and pays 33k in taxes.
He puts approx 67k per year into the economy.
3 people make approx 22.5k per year thanks to Joe.
Now Obama becomes president and you tax him 50k, and he only has 50k available to spend per year. One more person can be supported on welfare.
Now you can only support 2 people at approx 25k per year.
Oh, and wait, now those folks making 25k per year take home even less because their taxes are ALSO higher, meaning they spend less as well.
So, by simple deduction, the more you tax, the less money is in the economy, meaning less job earning potential, meaning more unemployment, the need for more government programs and taxes along with it, and so on and so on.
HOW HARD IS THIS TO UNDERSTAND? The more money we have to spend, the more jobs and higher paying jobs it creates, which in turn stimulates the economy even more, etc. etc. etc.
Economics 101 fellas. And you want to increase taxes to pay for more welfare and free healthcare. Good idea....:nohead:
strongly considering vancouver. been there several times, love it. society isn't wrapped up in religion and guns like it is here. low crime rate. great atmosphere, environment. don't have to wear a bullet proof vest when i go outside. tolerant, prosperous.
people think i'm being anti-american for dogging this country. i wouldn't dog this country if it wasn't in such a bad state and had such a drear future.