Hope Obama wins so I can give up more of my paychecks...


Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
I dont go around bitching when the IRS demands their "fair share" of taxes.


What exactly is "fair share"? A "progressive" tax? Why should higher earners pay a higher rate in taxes? Because they aren't as hard working as the lower classes? Because they aren't as honest as the lower classes? Because higher earners are just...ya know, LUCKY and "fairness" demands they give some of it back?

Enlighten us, Prof. Marx.

Morons like you who think road just built themselves, or that utilities are delivered to your house my tooth fairy, or that the security blanket you live under is provided by the easter bunny and the seven dwarfs!!!

So THIS is where my federal tax dollars are going?




Wow! Them's a lot of "roads" and "utilities", huh?

Jambolaya = typical illiterate ignorant arrogant Obamaron determined to wreck my country!


New member
Jul 21, 2006
If you follow along with the original post it is not a denial or refuasal to pay for public roads, services and law and order...

The problem lies in the whole premise of the Democratic system of the Robin Hood theory. The whole irony is the spewing by the Dems that they will lessen the tax burden of the poor...last I checked the poor dont pay taxes or very little. How is that going to help them?

there going to create more government programs with the additional taxes they recieve to help poor people live a better quality of life. you essentially want to get rid of the class structure, capitalism is a dying, failed form of government. democratic socialism is the new wave.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
oy yeah..I forgot...With this Subprime loan shit going around even homeless bums were getting homes.. I guess i was wrong on that!:missingte:missingte:missingte

And no one is stealing your pissant dollars your lying hack. You are definately a broke ass punk who spent the last two years living off of george bush tax cuts!!!

Obama's tax increase wont even touch your miserable un employed ass!!!

LOL look at the hate you spew. You are just like Docdumb you make yourself feel better to think people are doing worse than you.

Have the job for 6 years......wrong again
Tax Cuts are a good thing. Why is all the lefty kooks think that stealing money from hard working people that wake up everyday and go to work is a good thing?

Why would you say I don't have a job? I might soon but I would get another one. Or grind out a profit at the poker tables.

New member
Sep 9, 2005
there going to create more government programs with the additional taxes they recieve to help poor people live a better quality of life. you essentially want to get rid of the class structure, capitalism is a dying, failed form of government. democratic socialism is the new wave.

WOW are you dumb. The government can never do anything better than the private sector.

Why can't the "poor" people get a job and not be poor anymore. You always blame society for the flaws of the person. People can make as much money as they want or can.

Get a job any job. Have a diploma and don't get married or pop out any kids before you are 23 and you will not be poor. Sounds pretty simple to me. Stop having kids when you can't aggord them.

Why do you think its the government's job to raise people from the wound. That is the job of the parents. Not the government.

Jan 19, 2005
Last time i checked it was the same republican dumbasses that run up our spending to outrageous levels that now want us to graduate another of their wild ass spending comrades to office of the president


All these morons whinning about winning the war in Iraq, Where the heck do you think the money comes from to pay for this shit?

Where do you morons think the money is going to come from to pay for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae?

Do you people think this money falls out of the sky??

OH wait ..you morons are hopping John Mccain becomes president continues the same idiotic spending programmes of george bush while cutting taxes!!! Now who is stupid?

Get yourself an early holiday present


Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
there going to create more government programs with the additional taxes they recieve to help poor people live a better quality of life. you essentially want to get rid of the class structure, capitalism is a dying, failed form of government. democratic socialism is the new wave.

Oh, it's a "wave", alright....a TIDAL"wave" that is going to bankrupt the entire system!

Do you libs only see things from the heart?

New member
Sep 20, 2004
Hey guys, interesting conversation here. Thanks for the entertainment on a night when I consumed too much caffeine to fall asleep at a normal hour.

Just a suggestion...since both of you are so well off financially, why not formulate a bet?

For example, the bet could be for $20k which the loser has to pay to an organization of the winner's choice.

Here is a site that brokers such bets:


An example of what you might bet on is whether or not the federal tax burden for someone making $300k will increase by 10% under Obama. If Obama doesn't win the election, the bet is void. Just an example of course.

What do you say?

New member
Sep 9, 2005
Last time i checked it was the same republican dumbasses that run up our spending to outrageous levels that now want us to graduate another of their wild ass spending comrades to office of the president


All these morons whinning about winning the war in Iraq, Where the heck do you think the money comes from to pay for this shit?

Where do you morons think the money is going to come from to pay for Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae?

Do you people think this money falls out of the sky??

OH wait ..you morons are hopping John Mccain becomes president continues the same idiotic spending programmes of george bush while cutting taxes!!! Now who is stupid?

LOL yeah the Democrats don't waste our money. LMAO Thats just dumb.

I am against the Farm bill
I am against public education (what a joke)
I am against welfare.
I am against anytime the government "says" that they want to help.
I am against garunteed government student loans (sounds good on the outside but just made the prices go up)
I am against people like you that want to take my money.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
The roads that you drive on to work, or to take your children to school, one which products you use are delivered are built by magic trolls..Not your government.

So how much of the federal budget is spent on the "roads that you drive to work, or take your children to school"?

Your police, that protect and serve your community are all working for a sack of potatoes.

Same question as above. How much of the federal budget is spent on "police that protect and serve my community"?

Do you have any answers for us? :icon_conf

New member
Sep 9, 2005
yeah you are right mr chart posting moron..The roads that you drive on to work, or to take your children to school, one which products you use are delivered are built by magic trolls..Not your government.

Your police, that protect and serve your community are all working for a sack of potatoes.

Its all magic man..

You made an overwhelming argument..You win..Its all magic..Its all voodoo!!!!:missingte:missingte:missingte:missingte:missingte:missingte

I cant believe the moron is asking me "what roads"

That would be the gas tax. Duh

New member
Sep 9, 2005
once again. Stop lying. you are a broke pathetic fool who doesnt make even a mere 40k a year.

Now you are on here pretending like you make over 200k a year and you will affected by Obama's tax increase.

We already know you are a racist bastard who simply hates OBama because he is black. You cant stand that he is going to win the election so you come up with this bogus fake anger at tax increases, tax increases that will not even affect you..

Same moron attacking michelle obama for rejecting a 600$ hand out from the government is the same fool crying about taxes going to the poor!!!

Now you just look stupid and desperate. Been on these forums awhile now. People know where I stand, I thought I would try to clue you in on what I feel. Well you are showing you are just like Docdumb and it's impossible to have a conversation with or just a healthy debate.

You are just a sad little man and I am ok with that. You must need some help just like Doc. Please go see a doctor and get on the meds.

I never said I make 200,000 so you just make it up. Don't let facts get in your way. Just ignore what anyone tries to tell you. It just doesn't matter you will go on a rant about nothing. LOL all the anger and het I pitty you. You think you are smart and hell you might be but you come across as a kook so nothing you say to anyone will mean nothing. Even the people that might agree with you think you are just a kook.

New member
Oct 27, 2006
get him "joe" get him.......:103631605

and don't forget to inform this troll/ghost that 100% of all personal income taxes collected goes to pay down our national debt:ohno:

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
You are just a sad little man and I am ok with that. You must need some help just like Doc. Please go see a doctor and get on the meds.

No, no, no, TheRightSide, don't tell him to do that. Jambolaya is on Medicaid and that'll cost us more money! :ohno:

New member
Oct 27, 2006
if the Bush tax cuts are allowed to expire (and it appears they will).....it will be the largest tax increase in American history:shocked:

1930's anybody?:chest:

New member
Jun 28, 2008
this fool figured out yet who built the roads in his neighbor hood or does he still think termites built those for him??:missingte:missingte:missingte:missingte

Jambo 1/3rd of our tax dollars goes to paying the interest on the 9 trillion debt the Republicans put us in. 1/3 just pissed away getting nothing in return. Now if these phony conservatives saw this coming out of their checks then maybe they might wake up but until then they will always attack the poor. The ten billion a month wasted in Iraq with 20 billion missing is okay with them since it is white collar crime. Republican finance things with a credit card and then when the bills come in these simpletons cry foul when in fact its the people they support who create these massive bills.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
The first step to reform in this country is to raise the voting age significantly and to implement mandatory drug testing for anyone who believes they are responsible, wise and sober enough to vote. As many of you have noticed throughout these elections, we're not going to be able to have an intelligent dialogue and debate about the challenges we are facing unless and until the hysterics from all sides are duly patted on the head and told to go stand in the corner while the adults carry on the conversation.

In addition to this, our next president should immediately assemble a panel made up of the sharpest and most successful minds in the country -- businessmen, economists, venture capitalists, law enforcement and military officials, professionals in every field etc. (Republican and Democrat politicos past and present, need not apply) -- and put together a plan for...

1) Reforming the tax system

2) Reforming entitlements

3) Reforming the way government spends your money and a plan to end the toxic influence the current special interests yield in Washington.

4) Reform for every govt bureaucracy and dept in existence.

The goal being to eliminate virtually every govt bureaucracy that is broken and exists only to serve ITSELF, rather than WE THE PEOPLE. (This should eliminate about 80% of the current federal budget. lol)

After a deliberate and thorough evaluation concluding with a competent solid plan of action, the president should then approach Congress and ask them to work with him on implementing these reforms.

If Congress balks and/or wants to revert to their old Washington partisan ways, the president must then use his unique bully pulpit and go directly to the American people asking for their help in the way of phone calls, faxes, e-mails DEMANDING "change" -- REAL "CHANGE." (similar to what we witnessed during the Shamnesty debacle.

This is what the next president needs to do, and yes, the right man can do it -- all it takes is a little LEADERSHIP. Not "knowledge" on policy, but WISDOM and LEADERSHIP.

The other day I was having a conversation with a very successful venture capitalist. He was telling me his suggestions for balancing the budget and paying down the dept within a single day -- you heard me right, folks, A SINGLE DAY. It is a very simple reform to our current monetary policies that would I'm guessing revolutionize world markets and world governments. as we know them.

I personally have made suggestions regarding our health care system (no more medical insurance for our daily medical care except for the gravest medical illnesses and most expensive procedures; deregulate the industry and let Corporate America set up medical clinics on every corner in every city, providing the same level of quality care and service we have come to expect from their other products and services).

The point is, we have some BRILLIANT minds in our country -- the best collection of doers in the history of mankind. Millions of Americans are rugged self-made individualists who know how to "think outside the box" rather than the mind-numbing "group think" that permeate that our institutions of "higher education", the media, and of especially the knuckleheads in Washington DC.

Folks, it is beyond obvious that government is broken. Everyone agrees that government no longer works for the PEOPLE it is sworn to serve. We all agree the SYSTEM ITSELF is toxic and poisons any person (running for office) that comes in contact with it.

For too many special interests in this country, government has become an end in itself, rather than the important means it was designed to serve: WE THE PEOPLE.

Your governments spends your hard-earned tax dollars without any accountability, oversight or conscience.

If any business in small town America or Corporate America ran their enterprises the way our government does business, they would be broke and/or in jail.

With all said, I am NOT a tizdoom gloomer -- I have tremendous FAITH in the American people and in my country because after all, the engine that drives this country aren't the spoiled fat cats in Washington. They are the farmers, IT programmers, entrepreneurs, doctors, teachers...YOU...

THE AMERICAN PEOPLE can fix this -- and the solutions to the challenges we face are not insurmountable. They don't require expensive political campaigns....just a little leadership -- and by leadership, I don't mean the latest arrogant white knight who pretends to ride in on his high horse lecturing us on how we need to live our lives and spend our money promising his enlightened "vision" can save us from ourselves. (Any humble student of history can see that B. Hussein Obama is a complete FRAUD!)

The First Principles this country were founded on are far greater than any individual, any politician or any president who wishes to run for the highest office.

We must therefore choose a humble but tough leader who embodies these First Principles and who, like great leaders of our past, becomes the "reluctant warrior." We must choose a leader with great wisdom and FAITH in the God who created our blessed Republic.

There are many such leaders across our country, but I am sad to say that not a single one of them will step to the fore until we face a crisis and the people demand change -- REAL CHANGE.

Whatever the daily headlines, I promise you, my friends, America's best days are still ahead. But we Americans must look deep within our own souls and our glorious past if we are to chart out a brighter and more prosperous future. :103631605

New member
Oct 27, 2006
"Joe" you're a lot closer to Dr. Pauls positions than you think.

You should be ashamed of yourself for some of the M/D BS you were posting about him. Although I think you were in fact more turned off by the posters here and his supporters abroad who agreed with him, than the man himself.

Militant Birther
Nov 29, 2005
This fella is full of it!!!! So much of it i can smell it stinking mightily all the way over here.

Notice how he buries in thise nonsensical bullshit that Obama is a complete fraud, and his own sig seeks to prevent people from voting for him..The obvious alternative being John Mccain, a blathering old idiot who has infact promised more of the same Bush policies that have brought this country to the brink of financial disaster...

Nice try you looney whacko!!!




RX resident ChicAustrian
Aug 8, 2005
there going to create more government programs with the additional taxes they recieve to help poor people live a better quality of life. you essentially want to get rid of the class structure, capitalism is a dying, failed form of government. democratic socialism is the new wave.
I have no idea how any sane person can look at the unemployment rates in Europe and think democratic socialism is a good idea.

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