HONDO of the NY POST - we need to start tracking him


Jul 7, 2011
The Dodgers made another important contribution to the Hondo Deficit-Reduction program yesterday, blanking the Rays to lower the debt to 345 tewksburys.
Today, Mr. Aitch will band together with the one and only Jimmy Shields — 20 units on Lackey to receive a Royal beating.
From emailer John Cobert of Beatty, Nev.: The Yankee rotation is shaping up to be Kuroda and Nova and pray for a do-ova.

Jul 7, 2011
Big Game James outdueled Big Lame Lackey yesterday in Kansas City, enabling Hondo to reduce his deficit to a meager 245 sutcliffes.
Tonight, Mr. Aitch is pining for a victory by Wood — 20 units on the Cubs to menace the Reds. ................. HONDO loves laying WOOD

Jul 7, 2011
The Small Bears were large failures last night, getting blanked by the Reds in Wrigley to raise Hondo’s accounts payable to 345 virdons.
Tonight, Mr. Aitch expects to salt away a victory with Morton — 20 units on the Pirates to steal a win in St. Louis.

Jul 7, 2011
The Pirates pulled the rug out from under Hondo last night when they blew a lead with two out in the ninth then lost it in the 14th to boost the debt to 445 mcnallys.
Today, Mr. Aitch expects Tillman to ring the register for him in Phoenix — 20 units on the Orioles.

Jul 7, 2011
Another day, another 14-inning loss. Hondo, who lost in 14 Tuesday night with the Bucs, took the same road to doom yesterday with the Orioles, whose loss to the D’backs pushed the debt to 545 templetons.
Today, Mr. Aitch will revisit some St. Louis-style Lynn-sanity — 20 units on the Cards to slay A.J. Tonight, he expects Guthrie to write a happy tune in Detroit — 20 units on the formerly sizzling Royals.

Jul 7, 2011
Hondo ran in place yesterday as his victory with the Cards was negated by the Royals’ failure and left him with 595 brownings owed to assorted creditors.
Tonight, Mr. Aitch will take Leake to hose down the Brewers — 20 units on the Reds.
It’s looking as if rookie quarterback Geno Smith is a quick study. Smith, who tossed four picks at Jets practice Wednesday, already has mastered many of Sanchez’s techniques ... TLC has a special airing Monday night called: “The Man With The 132 Lb Scrotum.” It sounds fascinating but then again Hondo may just bag it and hit the sack.

Jul 7, 2011
Chapman gave up another walk-off dinger last night, dooming the Reds and Hondo to a defeat that sent the deficit skyrocketing to 685 dickeys.
Today, Mr. Aitch will step it up and do the Hiroki-pokey at Fenway Pahk — 20 units on the Yankees to lump up Lackey. Tonight, he will eschew the Brew — 20 units on the Reds to menace Milwaukee.
HondoNation props to A-Rod, who, if the latest reports are accurate, continues to build quite an impressive resume. In addition to “lying cheater,” it seems he now also can lay claim to being a “backstabbing snitch” ... Only two days until TLC televises “The Man With The 132 Lb Scrotum.” Hondo hears The Man supposedly was OK with his power package until the constant chafing just became too painful and noisy ... If The Man could skate just a little bit, he would have made one helluva goalie — nobody would ever be able to go five-hole on him.

Jul 7, 2011
Slumping Hondo wiped out with the Yankees and Reds last night, a double-flusher that sent the runaway debt soaring to 935 javiers.

Tonight, since the skinny on Sabathia is that he’s back, there will be no Dempster-diving for Mr. Aitch — 20 units on the Bombers.

It looks like Urban Meyer is becoming tough on crime in his old age. The Ohio State coach suspended two more players for the team’s opener, bringing the total to three. How will the depleted Buckeyes ever beat Buffalo in that first game? ... Only one more day until TLC televises “The Man With The 132 Lb Scrotum.” If you tend toward being squeamish, you might want to sit out the removal portion of the festivities. Not to give it away, but rumor has it there are two lumberjacks involved in the scene. ... An indignant Anthony “A-Wad” Weiner has issued a strong denial about a report he had an affair with a staffer. Stay tuned.

Jul 7, 2011
A tip of the Hondo hat goes to Ryan Dempster of the Sawx for inspiring A-Rod and the Yanks to a victory that prevented the deficit from soaring into four figures.
Tonight, with the dirty digits down to 805 otts, Mr. Aitch isn’t at all leery about a Liriano play – 20 units on the Pirates to patch together a victory and show the Padres who their daddies are.

Jul 7, 2011
It was smooth sailing for the Pirates last night in San Diego as they breezed past the Padres to lower Hondo’s NRN (nasty red number) to 705 keanes.
Tonight, Mr. Aitch will partake of some Lynn-sanity in Milwaukee — 20 units on the Cards to make a loser of Lohse.
Wesley Warren, the star of TLC’s telecast last night of “The Man With The 132-Lb Scrotum,” had his SuperSack removed, but for several years he had to have been potentially the world’s most dangerous tea-bagger. ... Emauler Ed Buckmir claims last night’s telecast of “The Man With The 132-Lb Scrotum” was sponsored by Hefty Cinch Saks ... Al Jazeera America launches today amid reports it is having difficulty selling ads. For some reason, American companies are showing a reluctance to be associated with Osama bin Laden’s favorite network.

Jul 7, 2011
The Cardinals were a major disappointment to Hondo last night as they succumbed in Milwaukee to the stumble-bum Brewers to raise the accounts payable back up to a hefty 845 ashbys.
Tonight, Mr. Aitch will drop back and throw a Hail Mary with Bedard — 20 units on the ‘Stros to put the Rangers to rest in Arlington.

Jul 7, 2011
The Astros came up a whisker short in Arlington last night, getting nipped in the ninth to expand Hondo’s IOUs to cavarrettas.
Today, Mr. Aitch will count on Wood to neutralize the Nats’ lumber — 20 units on the Small Bears. Tonight, he expects Quintana to roll against the one and only Jimmy Shields — 20 units in the Chisox.

Jul 7, 2011
Leave it to the Cubs, those lovable losers, to rally for three in the ninth off Strasburg only to lose in 13 yesterday. Fortunately, Hondo also took the other Chicago team, which worked extra hard in Kansas City to cut the deficit to 875 brutons.
Tonight, Mr. Aitch will join forces with the Medlen cartel in St. Louis — 20 units on Los Bravos to get it ’wright against their Arch enemies.
Convicted Wiki-leaker Bradley Manning, who was given 35 years for urinating on his country, wants the government to pay for hormone treatments so he can become “Chelsea” Manning. As a result, eventually the leaker will have to learn a new way to leak ... San Diego Democrat Mayor Bob “Feel ’Em Up” Filner reportedly will resign today. Sources say Filner wants to set a good example for other perverts in office or running for office, such as Anthony “A-Wad” Weiner. Not only that, but Filner feels it will be much easier to get away with running his own personal stop-and-frisk program as a member of the private sector.

Jul 7, 2011
hondo has pirates today , i will skip

Jul 7, 2011
The big chill hit Hondo Saturday night, first in LA with the Dodgers then in San Fran with the Pirates, causing the runaway deficit to soar to 1,255 bunnings.
Sunday it’s supposed to be so nice out that Mr. Aitch will go for a double dip with the D’backs and Rangers — 20 units apiece on Corbin and Garza. ....................................... 0-4 run , nice fade weekend

Jul 7, 2011
The beats go on and on. Reeling Hondo took another thrashing last night with the Reds, whose loss in St. Louis caused the deficit to expand to 1,695 guras.
Tonight, Mr. Aitch will strike up the band and go with The One And Only Jimmy Shields — 20 units on the Royals to maul Minnesota. Also, desperation dictates a 20-unit play on the Cubs over Kershaw.
Taylor Swift was caught mouthing the words “shut the f--k up” Sunday night while a former boyfriend was on stage during the VMAs. Apparently, the singer has fallen under the Svengali-like influence of Brian Cashman ... Chris Christie threw out the first pitch before the Little League championship game Sunday. Williamsport officials insisted the Jersey guv throw from in front of the mound, because they were concerned that if he threw from on top of the mound there would be no mound............................................................................................................................................ 8/26 = Hondo wrapped up Wipeout Weekend by suffering a pair of crushing defeats with the Rangers and Diamondbacks that ballooned the deficit to a whopping 1,575 nuxhalls.
Tonight, Mr. Aitch hopes to begin his latest in a series of comebacks with Leake, the favorite pitcher of Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden – 20 units on the Reds to prevail over their Arch enemy.
Carl DeMaio, a Republican who’s considered a candidate to replace Bob “Feel ’Em Up” Filner as mayor of San Diego, masturbated in the City Hall bathrooms in 2009, according to the website VoiceofOC.org. Having elected Filner, San Diegans deserve someone like DeMaio, who obviously knows how to handle himself ... The fact that DeMaio reportedly limited his self-pleasuring to 2009 could be an indication he has lost his grip, which in his case would be a good thing ... Speaking of possible mayoral perverts, Anthony Weiner was in a chain-reaction fender-bender on the FDR Saturday morning. Luckily for A-Wad, he wasn’t taking selfies at the time, so he didn’t suffer any below-the-belt injuries.
May 19, 2007
looking for his plays today...


Hondo playing favorites

Hondo, who had a victory in hand with the Royals, became the toast of the West Coast last night when the Cubs shocked Kershaw & Co. to lower the deficit to 1,335 bauers.

Tonight, Mr. Aitch is trying for a three-fave night with the Yankees, Cardinals and Pirates — 20 units apiece on Kuroda, Wainwright and Morton, that old salt.

Jul 7, 2011
God bless the Pirates. Hondo went belly up with the Cards and Yanks last night but was spared a triple trouncing by the Bucs, whose triumph kept the deficit down to a mere 1,535 monbouquettes.
Tonight, Mr. Aitch expects to dig up a winner with Tillman at Fenway Pahk — 20 units on the Birds to dump on Lester, aka Jonny Lager .
News broke yesterday that Michael Douglas and Catherine Zeta-Jones have separated. Sources close to the Hollywood power couple say the trouble started when Douglas, who announced earlier this year he that he got cancer from oral sex, underwent a major change in his dietary habits ... Emailer Peter Salvato on Lamar Odom’s alleged drug problem: ”If I was married to a Kardashian, I would probably smoke crack, too.”
Hondo’s Week 1 college football picks are available -- free of charge — in the Bettor's Guide. In case you have forgotten, Mr. Aitch’s extensive college knowledge resulted in the overall Bettor’s Guide championship last season. http://www.nypost.com/p/sports/coll...e_spread_IIFDtAvIAUn2A8ALvErMAL#axzz2dN3Ei1O7 he has South Car , Bama , and Oklahoma

Jul 7, 2011
Hondo had a successful Fenway flight last night with the Orioles, who overcame the odds and beat the Sawx to lower the deficit to 1,385 skinners.
Tonight, it’s not Miller time, it’s Iron City time, so Mr. Aitch will plunge on the Pirates – 20 units on Liriano to cuff the Cards. ................................................... he hit a BIG college play yesterday with South Carolina and was 3-1 in CFB overall last night , no play for him in CFB today

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