Guilty until proven innocent?

Feb 20, 2002
Regardless of any opinions, banging a 13 year old is a felony. It's unwise to admit to felonies just ask the Bama fan that poisoned the Auburn trees.

In this case there is a zero chance of a conviction. Or think in terms of a guy winning a million dollar lotto twice in a row.

But if you find the teen slut that was involved, by all means let us know. I say teen slut instead of child slut because the phrase "child slut" seems like it might be an oxymoron, and the young lady in question was certainly much more of a slut than a child. IOW she was miles from being a virgin.

Who knows, if you can find her, she might remember half the guys she was banging at that age, some of whom were quite a bit older than 19. Then multiply that by the odds of her testifying against any of them, and you might begin to grasp the degree of difficulty you are facing here. However, word is you can start your search with a name like Liza with a tat on a tit.

Good luck with your mission...impossible.

P.S. Be sure to consult Hawaii 5-O and Burn Notice.

BTW, "There is a close in age exemption to the Hawaii age of consent which allows those aged 14 and 15 to consent to sex with those less than five years older."

But of course the rage crazed vigilantes here won't let the law get in the way of their secret desires for vengance and violence on young Romeos and Juliets ;

What do i think? I echo Charleton Heston: "Damn you all to hell!"


Universal Law of Love
Derived from Newtons Law

Love Can Neither Be Created Nor Be Destroyed; Only It Can Transfer From
One Girlfriend To Another Girlfriend With Some Loss Of Money

**First Law Of Love:**

A Boy In Love With A Girl, Continue To Be In Love With Her And A Girl
In Love With A Boy, Continue To Be In Love With Him, Until Or Unless
Any External Agent(Brother Or Father Of The Gal) Comes Into Play And
Break The Legs Of The Boy.

**Second Law Of Love:**

The Rate Of Change Of Intensity Of Love Of A Girl Towards A Boy Is
Directly Proportional To The Instantaneous Bank Balance Of The Boy And
The Direction Of This Love Is Same To As Increment Or Decrement Of The
Bank Balance.

**Third Law Of Love:**

The Force Applied While Proposing A Girl By A Boy Is Equal And Opposite
To The Force Applied By The Girl While Slapping.`

I'll be in the Bar..With my head on the Bar
Oct 3, 2004
As Anthony said to Cleopatra
As he opened a crate of ale :
Some girls are bigger than others

Feb 20, 2002
Let's stay on task pedophile. One topic at a time.

Where is the evidence hosnatcher is presently, or ever was, a "pedophile"?

"An adult or late teenager who is sexually attracted to prepubescent children.'

A reply to Zitface:

Please, when using Wikipedia as a source don't cherry pick and then state you are right and your verbal opponent is wrong and then ask for an apology.

First of all, the sentence you posted deals with law enforcement and notice that is states that it is "loosely used without formal definition". Law enforcement often has an agenda and lies or colors definitions to make a weak case stronger. When trying to make a point you should avoid using sentences that include "loosely used".

Then you conveniently leave out the next two sentences: "An example of this use can be seen in various forensic training manuals. Researchers recommend that this imprecise use be avoided".

You owe us the readers an apology first for quoting a sentence that includes "loosely used" to make your point and secondly for leaving out a sentence in the same paragraph that states that the use should be avoided.

Just a friendly suggestion.

post 106
Feb 20, 2002
Enfuego really needs to seek counseling about how to deal with people who disagree with him. Of course his response will be I need to seek counseling about being a child molester. Yeah I can see that happening.

No doubt. As i see it he's the one with child abuse tendencies, since he supports abortion. Which exposes his beliefs as being hypocritical in light of his stance in this thread against so-called alleged "child abuse". So as far as i'm concerned he has no credibility here when he speaks as he does on the subject of your ancient dating habits.

Hello Dr. I fucked a 19 year old when I was 13 and a 15 year old when I was 22. I am 36 years old now and haven't been with a minor since am I child molester and a danger to society? Hilarity ensues.

If you were 19 again today, would you seek out or date 13-15 year olds? Or have things changed too much since 17 [?] years ago so that that would not be advisable? The prison time for consentual sex with illegal teens can be severe. I suppose it might depend on things like the maturity and "experience" levels of the young lady, if she was a virgin or slutty, how her parents felt about you, if her brothers had golf clubs and baseball bats handy ; You have to admit a lot of girls who've just turned 13 are quite innocent, naive and perhaps easily taken advantage of, right, so even if you were in a place where dating and sexing such a 13 year old was legal, like Spain, as a 19 year old would you even want to?

New member
Aug 12, 2006
No doubt. As i see it he's the one with child abuse tendencies, since he supports abortion. Which exposes his beliefs as being hypocritical in light of his stance in this thread against so-called alleged "child abuse". So as far as i'm concerned he has no credibility here when he speaks as he does on the subject of your ancient dating habits.

If you were 19 again today, would you seek out or date 13-15 year olds? Or have things changed too much since 17 [?] years ago so that that would not be advisable? The prison time for consentual sex with illegal teens can be severe. I suppose it might depend on things like the maturity and "experience" levels of the young lady, if she was a virgin or slutty, how her parents felt about you, if her brothers had golf clubs and baseball bats handy ; You have to admit a lot of girls who've just turned 13 are quite innocent, naive and perhaps easily taken advantage of, right, so even if you were in a place where dating and sexing such a 13 year old was legal, like Spain, as a 19 year old would you even want to?

X-Files, I have no idea what it is like to be 19 years old today. From what I see that age demographic of 13-25 years old has gotten a little soft since my days. The things that mold a teenagers and young adults mind is so much more mild today. For example in my days it was easier for us to pick up a cigarette at age 13 which is when I started smoking. We were able to buy them from vending machines, they were easy to steal from grocery markets, liquor and 7-elevens and gas stations because the displays were so wide out in the open. Shit I even remember the pharmacies having an isle in the store dedicated to tobacco products. Today the youth have a better chance to not pick up that nasty habit because the government decided to crack down on the marketing, taxed the hell out of it and pretty much banned smoking in public. At the same time in my state of California smoking weed is pretty much legal nowadays were back in the day Nancy Reagan was hunting our asses down.

When I was young we listened to gangsta and porno rap like NWA and 2 Live Crew that glorified sex and violence. We also listened to grunge rock, thrash metal and punk which promoted anarchy. Today's youth have Katy Perry, Black Eyed Peas and Glee and American Idol and computers and smart phones and gaming systems and Netflix. Kids today pretty much don't like to leave the house which is good because it keeps more of them safe and off of drugs and out of trouble. In my days there wasn't shit to do at home we thought if you had three way calling you had it made. We went to arcades to play video games. We partied in abandon houses and business spaces. We would hang out in the streets just doing nothing, a big group of us talking, drinking, smoking, scamming. That was our Facebook.

For me being 36 years old now I wouldn't promote a 19 year old having sex with a 13 year old because that is encouraging someone to break the law. I also wouldn't promote a 13 year old having sex at all. However if teenagers and college students today are having sex, getting pregnant, drinking and doing drugs and causing mischief at the same rate as they were in my day I wouldn't be surprised at all.

May 27, 2007
No doubt. As i see it he's the one with child abuse tendencies, since he supports abortion. Which exposes his beliefs as being hypocritical in light of his stance in this thread against so-called alleged "child abuse". So as far as i'm concerned he has no credibility here when he speaks as he does on the subject of your ancient dating habits.

If you were 19 again today, would you seek out or date 13-15 year olds? Or have things changed too much since 17 [?] years ago so that that would not be advisable? The prison time for consentual sex with illegal teens can be severe. I suppose it might depend on things like the maturity and "experience" levels of the young lady, if she was a virgin or slutty, how her parents felt about you, if her brothers had golf clubs and baseball bats handy ; You have to admit a lot of girls who've just turned 13 are quite innocent, naive and perhaps easily taken advantage of, right, so even if you were in a place where dating and sexing such a 13 year old was legal, like Spain, as a 19 year old would you even want to?

This is news to me. If you support abortion, you have child abuse tendencies? How do you come to that conclusion?

New member
Sep 13, 2005
Almost 200 posts in and we get The Big Winner.....thanks, mi amigo

Girl, Your a proven fraud. You don't have any credibility what so ever! You continue to modify statements made by forum members and you post them to make it look like legitimate qoutes.

Yours and Steaks games have been exposed. Shoot what did I just do to myself. Now Steak is going to hijack another thread of mine and call me a pedophile/rapist.

Hey Steak Tartar, if lying out of your ass makes you feel better, you have a problem.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
Girl, Your a proven fraud. You don't have any credibility what so ever! You continue to modify statements made by forum members and you post them to make it look like legitimate qoutes.

Yours and Steaks games have been exposed. Shoot what did I just do to myself. Now Steak is going to hijack another thread of mine and call me a pedophile/rapist.

Hey Steak Tartar, if lying out of your ass makes you feel better, you have a problem.

fuck off .ill do what i want when i want......rapist piece of shit

New member
Sep 13, 2005
fuck off .ill do what i want when i want......rapist piece of shit

You remind me of many people I've known my 46 years on this earth. Your like the wanna be popular kid in jr. high/high school that will try and bully or make fun of the less popular kid because he thinks he has the majority support and it will make him more popular.

You continue to make false statements, lie out of your ass. Your games are childish, I can't count how many times you've called me a rapist. You continue to make a fool of yourself. The once popular kid has now become the whinning wannabe bitch. You remind of a girl bitching at her boyfriend for cheating on her.

Can't you just picture a disgruntled girlfriend bitching at her boyfriend for cheating on her. I can and I picture Steak Tartar as the girl yelling and calling her boyfriend "you rapist piece of shit". How could you do this to me?

New member
Sep 13, 2005
fuck off .ill do what i want when i want......rapist piece of shit


I think I've made my point. How do expect someone to react if you continue to call them a rapist when it's far from the truth. You started it, I continued it. I've gotten in the last jab. Let's call it a truce a this point.

I understand your respected by many at this forum. I don't think I have much respect because I'm willing to go against the norm and stand up for the people getting bullied. I am always the one to break up an unfair fight. Gotten in the middle of many fights and have always tackled the bigger stronger person. This has always worked and stopped the fight.

Be wise, a truce is best for all of us. Leave me, Hosnatcher alone. Hopefully Enfuego, Barman, and Festering will understand and let it go. We'll see.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006

I think I've made my point. How do expect someone to react if you continue to call them a rapist when it's far from the truth. You started it, I continued it. I've gotten in the last jab. Let's call it a truce a this point.

I understand your respected by many at this forum. I don't think I have much respect because I'm willing to go against the norm and stand up for the people getting bullied. I am always the one to break up an unfair fight. Gotten in the middle of many fights and have always tackled the bigger stronger person. This has always worked and stopped the fight.

Be wise, a truce is best for all of us. Leave me, Hosnatcher alone. Hopefully Enfuego, Barman, and Festering will understand and let it go. We'll see.
zeeman if you think sticking up for a guy who thinks 19 year olds can bang 13 year olds is the "noble" cause please rethink it............ive never had an issue with you......but this isnt about bullying or unpopular causes i take up for many myself....this is rape

New member
Sep 13, 2005
zeeman if you think sticking up for a guy who thinks 19 year olds can bang 13 year olds is the "noble" cause please rethink it............ive never had an issue with you......but this isnt about bullying or unpopular causes i take up for many myself....this is rape

I stick up for Hosnatcher because I myself I'm very far from perfect. People that judge other's seem to rub me the wrong way. Hosnatcher was honest to a fault, and you guys saw a opportunity to judge him harshly and take shots at him. Every time he tried to explain himself he would get judged some more and beat up some more. You guys call it rape by the definition of the law. I feel differently. I try not to judge, I'm very open minded and I also don't have any daughters. If it's consensual it shouldn't be rape. Many teen boys have been unfairly persecuted and sent to prison because of this law. Many examples have been given to support are argument that the law isn't necessarily right. Should it be societies responsibilty to protect teen girls from having sex? If a 13 year teen girl has the hots for a older guy, there's a good chance she may end up getting laid. Guys are dogs! This is reality.
If your at a party and some hot adult lady starts lining lines of coke of the coffee table and lets party, most of us would. Even though were adults we would break the law and party with this hot chick. Maybe the married guys would pass!

And now I see in another thread Barman stating the Michael J was blowing 7 year old boys. I don't believe this, it false. Once again Barman is fabricating the truth. These irresonsible remarks piss me off.

With all this said, it's best for all of us to agree to disagree!

New member
Aug 12, 2006
zeeman if you think sticking up for a guy who thinks 19 year olds can bang 13 year olds is the "noble" cause please rethink it............ive never had an issue with you......but this isnt about bullying or unpopular causes i take up for many myself....this is rape

Where did I say it was noble? There you go twisting words and fabricating info to suit your agenda.

Like I said when this whole thing started was when the OP asked the forum if a 19 banging a 16 year old is acceptable to them? I and tons of others chimed in and said either yes or no and many others like myself thought back to when we were that age mentioned that we too did bang a teenager when we were legally adult. Albeit against the law we just spoke the truth and said it does happen and and isn't out of the ordinary. No were did I say it was "noble", "recommend" or "encourage" somebody in the RX to go out and fuck all the teenagers they can until their dick goes raw.

If you want to start quoting the letter of the law "No means No" right? Well I wonder how many times you were on a date and kissing, rubbing and grinding that you tried to unhook a bra and/or unbutton the pants only to have your date gently push your hand out of the way or whisper no only to have her continue to kiss and pet you harder. So you wait a few more minutes or say come on or beg a little and tell her really like her or love her then to have her let you finally hit the home run? Sounds like a typical date right? Well the bitch said NO!!! Anything that happens after that is considered rape. You may have felt she changed her mind but in the eyes of the law you pressured her and ignored her initial rejection. Just think the Lord that when that happened your date didn't go home and convince herself that fucking you was a mistake and that she felt she had to sleep with you out of fear of you getting violent or abandoning her in the middle of nowhere or whatever fucked up reason she could conjure up just so she won't feel like a slut in the morning.

All I know if I ever have a teenage son I am going to live vicariously through him and make sure he doesn't leave a sheltered life. And if I have a teenage daughter I will hope and prey that she is a lesbian. In fact I will teach my daughter at an early age that a dick is poison and you can die from exposure.

New member
Sep 13, 2005

Stop wasting your time. Your not gonna change the mind of any of these hard core closed minded men that have daughters. Or even the guys that don't have daughters. You have been judged by these closed minded folks and end of story. Most everything your saying probably goes in one ear and out of ther other.

For what it's worth, I believe your a good person, I believe you know right from wrong, and I believe your harmless and a non threat to society.
Feb 20, 2002
This is news to me. If you support abortion, you have child abuse tendencies? How do you come to that conclusion?

Abortion snuffs out a human life, one that is the most helpless, vulnerable, and innocent, far more so than a teen slut. Consequently the involvement of both you, barman, and steak tartar in this thread is hypocritical, since you all advocate abortion, which is child abuse, and then you come into this discussion and speak out against "child rape".

It is odd agreeing with you Barman but in America we all have choices. Religion shouldn't choose what women should or should not do.
post 228


So let's take this point by point as I'm not sure I should waste my time knowing full well you are a religious kind of guy.
1) Having morals means you can't have an abortion? Funny stuff but we continue on.
2) Killing the unborn? Definite sign no matter what I say in this thread, you will not listen to an opposing viewpoint.
3) Ask the fetus if it wants to live or die? Women in America have a choice. It's as simple as that.
4) If I'm a fetus, what would I choose? I'm not a fetus so I don't care but I sure as shit don't want to be born to a 16-year-old with a walmart greeter as my father.
5) Her future is more important. That's why you terminate or give it up for adoption.
post 212


Seymour, I'm with you on all points in this thread. I'm a conservative as well but on the other side on this issue. Dad isn't going to be around six months from now let alone a lifetime and has it occurred to anyone that maybe Sooner doesn't want to raise anymore kids?

Bottom line is simple though...whatever she decides will be the best and once the decision is made, it's full throttle forward with that decision doing the best
she can. Good luck Sooner, think you all will need it.

post 213


Coming from a guy who seems to jump with glee every time the word
abortion is mentioned.

True fact: The one time that I had Barman on ignore for a matter of weeks (maybe months) was when he likened abortion to stepping on a cock-roach.

He now seems to prefer the same analogy, but using a palmetto bug instead.
post 176

bilbal said:
when the baby is born and you're holding it in your arms for the first time you can say to it..."I can't believe I considered having you murdered. I can't believe I considered having a doctor crush your skull and suck you out of my daughter's womb because of my selfish desires." Listen to your wife, you don't want that on your conscious for the rest of your life, give the baby a chance, it didn't ask to be created. Time to step up, grandpa. If you still want your daughter to have her shot at Baylor, you and the wife need to pick which room you're converting into a nursery and not which doctor you want ripping your daughter's uterus up.
post 25
Nobody wants to her your religious rant on here.
post 32
The following posts 33, 35, 36, 48 are replies to post 32 by Enfuego:
Are you kidding me? You just made yourself look like a bigger idiot than you probably are. Being a father and expecting my second the end of September, I agree 100% with ya bilbal. Religious or not, that has nothing to do with the statement.

BOL Sooner......BTW, one of my good friends from high school had a baby @ 17. She is now a very successful doctor. She had a lot of help from her parents, but that is what families are for.
post 35
I don't see a bit of religion in that statement???? Seems pretty on target to reality.....
post 33
I bet his daughter's unborn child wants to hear it. Don't confuse having morals with being religious, either, you can be an atheist or an agnostic and know that killing the unborn because it doesn't fit your plans is beyond wrong.

I know, let's ask the fetus if it wants to live or die. If you were a fetus, what would you choose? Live or sacrifice your life because mom feels her future is more important than yours?? It seems a person like you would have no problem committing suicide at your mom's request. ^<<^
post 36
I agree 100% with Bilbal.
post 48
Finding out your teenager daughter is preggers has gotta hurt. It's not the end of the world though. Its not the 60's anymore where they have to go to special high school mom schools or you have to worry what the neighbors are going to say. She just has to take on more responsibility earlier in life that's all.

I myself think in the long run if the circumstances are right and both young parents work together to raise the child then it is actually better in the long run to shoot out some kids when you are young yourself. Think about you have your parents to help you raise the kids, you get to enjoy the kids more while you are young instead of being 45 years old and trying to keep up with an active 10 year old and since the age gap isn't too far off you are in tune to what is going in your child's society as they grow up.
post 20
Feb 20, 2002
i dont blame x-files he is actually retarded......see the jamestkirk stiff thread in the rubber room if you dont believe me

lol another slime justifying his need for fucking children...

I don't fuck or need to fuck children, although you are in favor of snuffing them out via abortion.

Of course i can back up what i say with your own words, but you can't back up anything so are just full of hot air.

Why don't you go find a pin somewhere and pop your balloon?


hosnatcher does this same stale act every 6 months or so........he hasnt fucked 13 year sure his loins are aching for one but he hasnt.......hes an internet blowhard who is full of shit..........nothing more nothing less

You should quit calling him a rapist then, eh?

zeeman hosnatcher and x-files.......3 felons...internet is nice you can be a child molesting rapist and their is no repercussions


More great points from special sauce. Enjoy your big macs, my boy. But now another point comes to mind, as at least one poster has mentioned hosnatcher going to "hell". How many of his opponents are like fundy christians or muslims, etc, who think he's headed to an eternity of endless torures? That's a lovely god you have there. Can we count you in illini and sauce boy? BTW, be careful with the fat content on that stuff.

P.S. My view is that god is love and will save all of us, we being sinners, in the end.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
x-files your judgement is proven to be worthless....see james t kirk thread....thanks

New member
Aug 12, 2006
[FONT=Arial, Arial, Helvetica]
Well then I guess since a teenager is incapable of making the decision to have consensual sex a teenager couldn't possibly rape somebody now could they? Oh wait 15 year old Leroy Johnson raped Kelly McGillis (the Top Gun actress) back in 1982. Kelly McGillis must have been just a teenager at the time. What? Nope she was 20 years old??? Okay I am confused how can somebody 20 years old get raped by a teenager? Aren't teenagers protected under the law that makes them the automatic victim if they should choose to have sex with someone older than 18? Why is it rape its not like Kelly being 20 years old could legally consent to have sex with a 15 year old Leroy right? I guess they just locked Leroy up because he was black and not that he committed a sex crime as a minor.[/FONT]

New member
Nov 6, 2009
For what it's worth, I believe your a good person, I believe you know right from wrong, and I believe your harmless and a non threat to society.

I had my wife who is a psychiatrist read some of the his statements and she would not agree with you, and thats a medical doctors professional opinion. His knowing right from wrong is way off base and his moral base is flawed at the foundation. After reading some of his excuses she claimed "that poor man needs professional help".

I wish this thread would go back to about Sandusky :)

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