Guilty until proven innocent?

Sep 21, 2004
Enfuego if in your mind I am a rapist and a hardened criminal of the worse kind do you think for a moment that I would allow myself to get beat up by some punk who hasn't tussled in 17 years? As much as you believe that consensual sex = rapist and molester. I truly believe there are no rules in a street fight and I am talking from experience. For the simple fact that you want to report me to the DA and get me arrested for having a younger girlfriend when I was 19 years old is all I need to know that you don't have the heart to fuck with me. Where I come from snitches and bitches end up in stitches or in graves.


I know some things about Enfuego that you don't, and he probably doesn't want to share in a public forum. Let's just say this, he would absolutely rip your pedophile ass to shreds.

I'm in pretty good shape, and I have no problem saying that from what I know about him, I would not mess with him.

I would put 3-1 on a large bet that he would fucking crush your face in.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
funny where kiddysnatcher comes form snitches and bitches end up in graves but pedophiles and rapists get the red

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Originally Posted by festeringZit
kiddie-snatcher better hope he's not banging this guy's 13 year old daughter:

German man castrates teenage daughter's 57-year-old boyfriend
An enraged father who disapproved of his daughter's older boyfriend went to his home and castrated him with a bread knife.

By Allan Hall, Berlin 10:11PM GMT 12 Dec 2010

Helmut Seifert, 47, an ethnic German originally from Russia, was enraged when he heard his 17-year-old daughter was having a relationship with Phillip Genscher, 57.
He went to police in the town of Bielefeld where he lives but officers said they were powerless to intervene.
"The man then recruited two work colleagues at his factory and then went to the house of the victim," said police.
"The man was forced to remove his trousers and, fully conscious, he was castrated. The severed testicles were taken away by the perpetrator."
The man was close to bleeding to death but managed to call police. His life was saved but he remains a eunuch for life.
Seifert pleaded guilty and will be on trial for attempted murder next year. But he has remained silent on who his accomplices were.
He told police: "I received a phone call anonymously that my daughter was involved with a guy 40 years older than her. You said you couldn't stop him - so I did.
"I saw it as my duty as a father."

Talk about projecting here. It is obvious this father had a hard-on for his daughter. He saw someone in his own age bracket going to town on his daughter in such a fashion that he can only dream of doing to her himself and he lost control. It reminds of that movie American Beauty when the father thought his son was gay and fucking Kevin Spacey so when he went to confront Kevin Spacey he ended up letting his own gay emotions take over and ended up killing Kevin Spacey out of lust and rage.
Sep 21, 2004
There are thousands of members in the RX and if only 26 people voted yes and the rest by not voting stayed neutral it goes to show you nobody really gives a shit one way or the other.

Another really stupid argument.

The poll has always been in the rubber room, which has probably the lowest audience of any forum on this site. You're dumb enough to think that the thousands of members on here read the poll, and decided to not vote because they are neutral? Are you really that fucking stupid?

New member
Aug 12, 2006

I know some things about Enfuego that you don't, and he probably doesn't want to share in a public forum. Let's just say this, he would absolutely rip your pedophile ass to shreds.

I'm in pretty good shape, and I have no problem saying that from what I know about him, I would not mess with him.

I would put 3-1 on a large bet that he would fucking crush your face in.

Uh oh. If you say so then it must be true. I am so scared!!!
Feb 20, 2002
Quote from Hosmolestor:

"Thinking back to my experiences when I was 19 I was dating/fucking a 13 year old. She was very advanced for her age. She drank liquor, snorted drugs, had a lot of previous sexual experience got a tattoo on her breast... It was like dating young Drew Barrymore. Also when I was 22 I was dating a 15 year old and she was pretty much self-reliant too. She drank, did drugs, came and went as she pleased had no
curfew and pretty much only answered to herself."

You deserve a good ole' fashioned ass kicking.

It seems that in both America and especially many other times and places he'd be getting a lot of high fives. There are many millions of examples.

"The ages of consent for sexual activity vary by jurisdiction across Europe. Spain (age 13) has the lowest age of consent, while Malta and Turkey are at the highest end, (both age 18)."

"Based on ancient Jewish law, Bar and Bat Mitzvah placed age of consent at 12 for girls and 13 for boys.[4][5][6][7]"

whats the big deal, i guarantee theres some 17 yr olds youd fuck.
why does this bother you so much?
what exactly happened to you as a young girl?
ahem..she was pretty much 16 and I just turned 21. Also..what are you from the farm?
I say let him fuck 12 year olds....I mean he has to be a great guy, hes a Colts fan!
He can screw barnyard animals for all I care.
Easy question, it is absolutely acceptable unless it's my daughter that's 16 then hell no.
I was 19 and briefly dated a girl that was 15 and 9 months. She moved to Cali and actually does movies now.....ohhhh, hummmm
hehehe... when i was 16 i dated a 19yo and a 20yo at the same time... nothing wrong with it - i wonder where my MOJO went?
in my book a hs freshman can date a senior, anyone over 16 can date anyone under the drinking age.
I have a sister 10 years younger than me, and when she was 17, she dated a guy who graduated with me. He was a close friend and I had no problem with them dating. I knew he would treat her alot better than the 17 year old boys at her school. Its more a matter of how mature and trustworthy the guy is than how old he is...
as long as its not where i live, well then i see no problem
A kid who is a senior in HS could have a early birthday and turn 19 before he graduates....and be dating a junior who has a late birthday and still be 16. A senior dating a freshman in HS could have the same situation: 18 & 14 or so...... I don't see anything wrong with it.


In reply to the above quote by CoachCB, WC said:
Like I posted earlier, depends on the kids and their maturity.
On the flipside, you could have a 16 year old sophomore dating a 19 year old 2 years graduated from HS. I was 17 when I graduated from HS.
It all depends.

........go for it

You only live once.

Do whatever you want that is legal and let others do the same.

A response about Enfuego:

I have to disagree with you on this one Chris. He gets worked up in several threads, not just this one. Then when the majority in the thread disagree with him he just spouts his opinion and takes it for fact and calls his opponent the angry one.


As far as sumday being a felon, rapist and pedophile, the legal age of consent in Canada is 14 when he had sex with the girl. So having sex with a 15 year old makes him neither a rapist nor a felon.

Hell, for most of the world's history 21 year old guys and older have been having sex with 15 year olds. It's only been recently that it's been frowned upon and mostly only in the US. The Latin countries certainly don't frown upon and most of Europe and Asia don't either. Certainly the lawmakers in the whole country of Canada didn't think it was bad either. Otherwise they wouldn't have made the age of consent 14.

As far as him being a pedophile, in order to be a pedophile one has to be sexually interested in prepubescent children. A 15 year-old doesn't hardly fit that description.

0-3 for our friend Enfuego. Or perhaps 0-4 if you include all the people who disagreed with you that rich people get favors from law enforcement when you said they don't.


I think people should be free to engage in any sexual practices they choose; they should draw the line at goats though.
-- Elton John

New member
Apr 18, 2011
ok...Rubber Room time for this thread...On the day where it has been brought up which sports forum is the best I dont think this is our best representation here.
Sep 21, 2004
Uh oh. If you say so then it must be true. I am so scared!!!

Well, actually I think threatening childish fights in a forum like this is really gay. But, since you brought it up,
I figured I'd inform you that Enfuego is way too much for you to handle in that dept. Without giving anything
away, let's just say that it's a requirement for his occupation.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
i dont blame x-files he is actually retarded......see the jamestkirk stiff thread in the rubber room if you dont believe me

lol another slime justifying his need for fucking children...

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Another really stupid argument.

The poll has always been in the rubber room, which has probably the lowest audience of any forum on this site. You're dumb enough to think that the thousands of members on here read the poll, and decided to not vote because they are neutral? Are you really that fucking stupid?

So then you admit it only the dip shits voted then.

This thread is in the main forum and has been so for days and is now ridiculously 8 pages long and I don't see anybody else besides Enfuego who you think is the second coming of Chuck Norris, Tube-Steak and that chick Barman fueling the fire.

Face it nobody gives a shit.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Well, actually I think threatening childish fights in a forum like this is really gay. But, since you brought it up,
I figured I'd inform you that Enfuego is way too much for you to handle in that dept. Without giving anything
away, let's just say that it's a requirement for his occupation.

What bouncer at a gay and tranny bar???

New member
Aug 12, 2006
It seems that in both America and especially many other times and places he'd be getting a lot of high fives. There are many millions of examples.

"The ages of consent for sexual activity vary by jurisdiction across Europe. Spain (age 13) has the lowest age of consent, while Malta and Turkey are at the highest end, (both age 18)."

"Based on ancient Jewish law, Bar and Bat Mitzvah placed age of consent at 12 for girls and 13 for boys.[4][5][6][7]"

In reply to the above quote by CoachCB, WC said:

A response about Enfuego:


I think people should be free to engage in any sexual practices they choose; they should draw the line at goats though.
-- Elton John

Like I said before many people chimed on the OP's thread with responses just like mine. Enfuego's issue with me dates back to a thread a few days earlier when it was reported that Randy Moss bad mouthed some caterers food all loud and I was like who gives a shit he probably had a bad experience with that caterer before. Especially since that caterer knew exactly who was bad mouthing his food with out even looking up. So Enfuego got on his high horse and does what he does and made a mountain of a mole hole about another posters response rather then address the topic itself. He started calling me an asshole and a loser and blah blah blah.

Enfuego really needs to seek counseling about how to deal with people who disagree with him. Of course his response will be I need to seek counseling about being a child molester. Yeah I can see that happening.

Hello Dr. I fucked a 19 year old when I was 13 and a 15 year old when I was 22. I am 36 years old now and haven't been with a minor since am I child molester and a danger to society? Hilarity ensues.

I could also walk into Narcotics Anonymous and say I used to snort speed and smoke weed and binge drink during my high school years and college years. It has been 15 years since I touched a drug and I drink beers and have a shot or two every now and then and I never had a DUI. Am I recovering addict? Hilarity ensues.
Feb 20, 2002
Another really stupid argument.

The poll has always been in the rubber room, which has probably the lowest audience of any forum on this site. You're dumb enough [snip] Are you really that fucking stupid?

So much hostility, and then you are wrong again at the same time.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Like I said before many people chimed on the OP's thread with responses just like mine. Enfuego's issue with me dates back to a thread a few days earlier when it was reported that Randy Moss bad mouthed some caterers food all loud and I was like who gives a shit he probably had a bad experience with that caterer before. Especially since that caterer knew exactly who was bad mouthing his food with out even looking up. So Enfuego got on his high horse and does what he does and made a mountain of a mole hole about another posters response rather then address the topic itself. He started calling me an asshole and a loser and blah blah blah.

Enfuego really needs to seek counseling about how to deal with people who disagree with him. Of course his response will be I need to seek counseling about being a child molester. Yeah I can see that happening.

Hello Dr. I fucked a 19 year old when I was 13 and a 15 year old when I was 22. I am 36 years old now and haven't been with a minor since am I child molester and a danger to society? Hilarity ensues.

I could also walk into Narcotics Anonymous and say I used to snort speed and smoke weed and binge drink during my high school years and college years. It has been 15 years since I touched a drug and I drink beers and have a shot or two every now and then and I never had a DUI. Am I recovering addict? Hilarity ensues.

Here is where the Enfuego vs Hosnatcher originated from. (see pages 3 and 5)

Enfuego and his typical I am right you are wrong and not only wrong, stupid and an asshole rants. This is all he contributes to The RX. Taking pot shots at other posters like he owns the place.
Sep 21, 2004
Regardless of any opinions, banging a 13 year old is a felony. It's unwise to admit to felonies just ask the Bama fan that poisoned the Auburn trees.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
Regardless of any opinions, banging a 13 year old is a felony. It's unwise to admit to felonies just ask the Bama fan that poisoned the Auburn

Lots of people in that thread admitted to banging someone under age. Now if I posted a picture you are on to something.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
The forum has spoken, and 90+% of us think the three of you are clearly the sick fucks.

You continue to lie and exagerate beyond reality. Barman has spoken, he's a proven fraud, Enfuego has spoken he hasn't been in a fight in 17 years but he's ready to dust Hosnatcher, and Steak Tartar thinks anyone that supports the otherside of his opinion is a rapist/pedophile. Pretty comical. The few that have spoken, such as you boys don't have a leg to stand on. Winning!!! By the way wiseguy the forum hasn't spoken, a small group has, everybody else isn't passionate enough to waste their time. They don't care. Time after time I have to prove a point, and please don't ask what point I'll just give you a clue "Imbisoul".

Barman, please step up to the plate, your needed!

May 27, 2007

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
hosnatcher does this same stale act every 6 months or so........he hasnt fucked 13 year sure his loins are aching for one but he hasnt.......hes an internet blowhard who is full of shit..........nothing more nothing less

Almost 200 posts in and we get The Big Winner.....thanks, mi amigo

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