Guilty until proven innocent?


May 27, 2007
A crime is a crime and a felony is a felony. You wire money overseas, gamble and get caught it is a federal crime. You will then be truly locked up with real child molesters and murders and white supremacists who will fuck you in the ass and then sell you to the mexicans for a carton of Camel non-filters.

As long as you are not in a position of influence like being a teacher, coach or guardian having consensual relationship with a teenager at their parents blessings when you are under the age of 30 will get you nothing. Why? Because no one involved is going to report it. If for some reason it becomes public then the worse that would happen is you would ordered to stay away from said teenager until they are 18 years old and serve 6 months informal probation. LT paid good money to fuck a teenager and he got nada!!!

Steal a CD in 1994 = pay a $100 fine and 20 hours community service

Upload or download a song in 2011 = 5 years in prison and up to a $250,000 fine.

Same crime but different times.

Stop while you're ahead. Zeeman is the only poster on the RX that agrees with you and thinks it's ok to troll the schoolyard for a kid. But as long as her mom is ok with it, you're in.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
View Poll Results: is hosnatcher a rapist?

  • yes

    27 90.00%
  • no

    3 10.00%

Looks like Zeeman and X-files voted.

all talk hosnatcher isnt getting any tail so he might as well not get 13 year old felony tail......all bullshit hes too dumb not to be in jail

x-files has a thread in the RR about things in his ass(nuff said)

zeeman its too dumb to have a real avatar..uses the the generic rx clown

so these are the three guys you are arguing with a virgin idiot who dreams of 6th graders a guy who sticks bananas in his ass and a guy too dumb to have an avatar

carry on

New member
Aug 12, 2006
You deserve a good ole' fashioned ass kicking.

Are you the one to do it. Mr. internet tough guy? Are you one of those Computer Bangers or E-Thugs who talks mass shit online but in person you run at the sight of a minority.

I picture you as one of those wannabe authority fucks who probably are involved in your Neighbor Associations group and you patrol the neighborhood threating to report and fine people for having an overgrown tree or leave their Christmas lights on after the New Year. You probably put notes on peoples car who park on the street overnight and call the tow truck. Your neighbors must hate your fuckin ass and either your family doesn't get a holiday fruit cake or if you do get one the neighbor who gave it to you spit and rubbed boogers in it.

I bet your local police station sees you walk up and say to themselves here comes that puny asshole coming to file a complaint again. Then when the greet you they ask what is wrong today, is it something your neighbor did or something you read online and you want to report an out of state crime.

I am sure your kid is ashamed of your ass and hates your guts. You can look forward to your kid either becoming a drunk or junkie and possibly even becoming a faggot since you probably outlaw him from seeing girls.

Your life has got to be royally fucked up and utterly worthless for you to care so much about the activities of the individuals you encounter online.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
steak tartar

powdered milkman
Join DateAug 2006LocationNW MINNESOTAPosts21,689

This tells me all I need to know about you. 21k posts in 5 years and you don't even get paid from the RX? The internet is your life. No pussy, no money and no social skills. You live your life online and you just want to be judged by your avatar.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
so these are the three guys you are arguing with a virgin idiot who dreams of 6th graders a guy who sticks bananas in his ass and a guy too dumb to have an avatar

carry on

To be fair, I don't think anyone is "arguing" with the three pro-child bangers. We're ranking steadily on their pedophilic dreams...that's all.

But you do summarize it so well....just one of many reasons you remain one of my Key Life Role Models

New member
Sep 13, 2005
Online gambling=child molestation? Oh my.

Consensual sex = rape? Oh my.

My main valid point I made is don't judge people.

And for you Texasfan, thanks for pointing out that aquittal doesn't mean not guilty. Please try and focus and understand what I wrote. I'll repeat what I've stated a couple of times. If Michael Jackson was banging boys, it would be easy to prove. He had his day in court and was aquitted.

Now it seems to me you interpet the meaning of this statement as aquittal being synomus with not guilty. Read the statement again, open up that tiny weeny closed mind of yours. I'll give you second chance to understand I never said aquittal is the same as not guilty. Focus!


Please check my post for spelling errors! Thank You

New member
Sep 13, 2005
To be fair, I don't think anyone is "arguing" with the three pro-child bangers. We're ranking steadily on their pedophilic dreams...that's all.

But you do summarize it so well....just one of many reasons you remain one of my Key Life Role Models

No Barman,

What we're trying to say is try and think outside of the box. What we're trying to say is consensual sex doesn't = rape. What we're trying to say is stop judging people. What we're trying to say is most judges are hippocrits.

Judge and scholar Barman, please check my spelling. Thank you!

May 27, 2007
Are you the one to do it. Mr. internet tough guy? Are you one of those Computer Bangers or E-Thugs who talks mass shit online but in person you run at the sight of a minority.

I picture you as one of those wannabe authority fucks who probably are involved in your Neighbor Associations group and you patrol the neighborhood threating to report and fine people for having an overgrown tree or leave their Christmas lights on after the New Year. You probably put notes on peoples car who park on the street overnight and call the tow truck. Your neighbors must hate your fuckin ass and either your family doesn't get a holiday fruit cake or if you do get one the neighbor who gave it to you spit and rubbed boogers in it.

I bet your local police station sees you walk up and say to themselves here comes that puny asshole coming to file a complaint again. Then when the greet you they ask what is wrong today, is it something your neighbor did or something you read online and you want to report an out of state crime.

I am sure your kid is ashamed of your ass and hates your guts. You can look forward to your kid either becoming a drunk or junkie and possibly even becoming a faggot since you probably outlaw him from seeing girls.

Your life has got to be royally fucked up and utterly worthless for you to care so much about the activities of the individuals you encounter online.

I know one thing to be fact. If you ever got into a dust up with me, you'd lose and that's a fact. I haven't been in a fight in 17 years but if we ever fought, I'd win and you can bank that one.

That said, you can talk all the mess you want and one thing is for certain. You are a child molestor and a rapist and I am not. You have to live with that the rest of your life and I do not. You have to go to bed at night knowing you have taken advantage of kids and I have not. You are every father's worst nightmare.

Now, go do your speed and eat a grenade.

New member
Sep 13, 2005
I know one thing to be fact. If you ever got into a dust up with me, you'd lose and that's a fact. I haven't been in a fight in 17 years but if we ever fought, I'd win and you can bank that one.

That said, you can talk all the mess you want and one thing is for certain. You are a child molestor and a rapist and I am not. You have to live with that the rest of your life and I do not. You have to go to bed at night knowing you have taken advantage of kids and I have not. You are every father's worst nightmare.

Now, go do your speed and eat a grenade.


Your a father and most father's have to protect their children. If you didn't take this stance you and people that JUDGE you would consider you a bad father. But try and think outside the box, open up that conservative mind. You're not the father of every teen girl in America. Everybody is different. The laws are made by mostly male, hippicritical men who have daughters, similar to your demographic. Please stop trying to argue that consensual sex is rape. The best way to answer this question is to survey adult female's that took part in consensual sexual intercourse during their early teen years. Believe me, this is a very large pool. Now if the results of this survey support your beliefs it will definitely make me rethink my beliefs.
Sep 21, 2004

Your a father and most father's have to protect their children. If you didn't take this stance you and people that JUDGE you would consider you a bad father. But try and think outside the box, open up that conservative mind. You're not the father of every teen girl in America. Everybody is different. The laws are made by mostly male, hippicritical men who have daughters, similar to your demographic. Please stop trying to argue that consensual sex is rape. The best way to answer this question is to survey adult female's that took part in consensual sexual intercourse during their early teen years. Believe me, this is a very large pool. Now if the results of this survey support your beliefs it will definitely make me rethink my beliefs.

Zeeman, I'm going to clue you in, and I want you to pay attention very carefully.

By definition of the law, a person who falls under the statutory rape statute
cannot legally give consent. For the same reason a mentally disabled person
cannot legally give consent. The law deems them unable to give consent.

So, even though in your pedophile mind, you think the 13 year old who is fucking
the 19 year old is giving consent, the law says it is impossible.

Did you understand that? If not, please read it again until it sinks into your
sick skull.

powdered milkman
Aug 4, 2006
hosnatcher does this same stale act every 6 months or so........he hasnt fucked 13 year sure his loins are aching for one but he hasnt.......hes an internet blowhard who is full of shit..........nothing more nothing less

New member
Sep 13, 2005
Zeeman, I'm going to clue you in, and I want you to pay attention very carefully.

By definition of the law, a person who falls under the statutory rape statute
cannot legally give consent. For the same reason a mentally disabled person
cannot legally give consent. The law deems them unable to give consent.

So, even though in your pedophile mind, you think the 13 year old who is fucking
the 19 year old is giving consent, the law says it is impossible.

Did you understand that? If not, please read it again until it sinks into your
sick skull.


I'm not arguing the definition of the law. Were arguing that the law is ancient, shouldn't apply to every instance, was drafted and implemented by a hippicritical group of questionable male politicians. I'm arguing that not every instance of consensual sex of teens or penatration of a young teenage girl is rape. This a fact! Wise up boy and realize your the one who needs a clue. This whole argument hasn't been about the definition of the law. We all know the definition. The argument is if it a good law.

Here's a scenario for you and all your cohorts, I hope this helps you understand my argument.

It's already been pointed out to transfer money oversees to offshore sports books is by definition of the law a crime. I guess in your eyes anybody who has transferred money to an offshore sports book is a sick criminal gambler. Doesn't matter how may times a person has transferred money being once or many this person must be a sick criminal. That's the definition of the law, no room to interpet differently, right. right. Your probably a sick criminal gambler. I've sent money offshore once or twice over the years. I guess you think I'm a sick criminal gambler. I'd argue I'm not.

Barman, please do your job!

New member
Sep 13, 2005
To be fair, I don't think anyone is "arguing" with the three pro-child bangers. We're ranking steadily on their pedophilic dreams...that's all.

But you do summarize it so well....just one of many reasons you remain one of my Key Life Role Models

Your a fraud! No creditbility at all!
Feb 20, 2002
View Poll Results: is hosnatcher a rapist?
yes 27 90.00%
no 3 10.00%

Technicly according to present day California laws, how could it be answered other
than in the affirmative? Of course that assumes the incident occurred in that state.
And would he be judged by present day law, or those some 17 years ago, or whenever
this event happened?
Feb 20, 2002
You sick fucks act like just because the law doesn't prosecute it, that it somehow puts a stamp of approval on it, because like you said, in Colorado a 9 year old can have sex with a 13 year old. Wheeeeee!!!! That makes it A ok!!! It's legal, so it's great!

Which just goes to our point that just because a law says sex with an underage is not legal or ok does not mean that that is always the case. Many states even make exceptions where it is ok. Or like was posted re Canada, where it was implied that it's legal, for example, for a 14 year old and a 19 year old to have sexual relations. BTW, in the case at issue, the 13 year old the 19 YO was banging was only around 2-3 months shy of 14. Thanks for agreeing with our comments re the legal system!

While we're speaking about your attitude re the law, it was you who posted the following. Is this guy, Helmut Seifert, your hero or just your role model?

kiddie-snatcher better hope he's not banging this guy's 13 year old daughter:

German man castrates teenage daughter's 57-year-old boyfriend
An enraged father who disapproved of his daughter's older boyfriend went to his home and castrated him with a bread knife.

By Allan Hall, Berlin 10:11PM GMT 12 Dec 2010
Helmut Seifert, 47, an ethnic German originally from Russia, was enraged when he heard his 17-year-old daughter was having a relationship with Phillip Genscher, 57.
He went to police in the town of Bielefeld where he lives but officers said they were powerless to intervene.
"The man then recruited two work colleagues at his factory and then went to the house of the victim," said police.
"The man was forced to remove his trousers and, fully conscious, he was castrated. The severed testicles were taken away by the perpetrator."
The man was close to bleeding to death but managed to call police. His life was saved but he remains a eunuch for life.
Seifert pleaded guilty and will be on trial for attempted murder next year. But he has remained silent on who his accomplices were.
He told police: "I received a phone call anonymously that my daughter was involved with a guy 40 years older than her. You said you couldn't stop him - so I did.
"I saw it as my duty as a father."

Talking about "sick fucks", we finally have a real example of one. And you appear to sympathize with him and share his foolish rage.
Sep 21, 2004
Which just goes to our point that just because a law says sex with an underage is not legal or ok does not mean that that is always the case. Many states even make exceptions where it is ok. Or like was posted re Canada, where it was implied that it's legal, for example, for a 14 year old and a 19 year old to have sexual relations. BTW, in the case at issue, the 13 year old the 19 YO was banging was only around 2-3 months shy of 14. Thanks for agreeing with our comments re the legal system!

While we're speaking about your attitude re the law, it was you who posted the following. Is this guy, Helmut Seifert, your hero or just your role model?

Talking about "sick fucks", we finally have a real example of one. And you appear to sympathize with him and share his foolish rage.

The forum has spoken, and 90+% of us think the three of you are clearly the sick fucks.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
hosnatcher does this same stale act every 6 months or so........he hasnt fucked 13 year sure his loins are aching for one but he hasnt.......hes an internet blowhard who is full of shit..........nothing more nothing less

Mr Tarter it is you and your boys Enfuego, Festering and that chick Barman that keeps hijacking any and every thread you can and bring this topic up again and again. If I am in a thread discussing what good shows on TV these days and I mention a few shows. Here comes Enfuego saying some dumbass off topic crack like are there any 13 year old girls on those shows.

It has already been established that we are on the opposite end of the spectrum on this topic and we are all just looking like a bunch of immature assholes even discussing it. But you and your boys (and that bitch Barman) just keep proving to everybody else in The RX who the shit starters and drama posters are.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
I know one thing to be fact. If you ever got into a dust up with me, you'd lose and that's a fact. I haven't been in a fight in 17 years but if we ever fought, I'd win and you can bank that one.

That said, you can talk all the mess you want and one thing is for certain. You are a child molestor and a rapist and I am not. You have to live with that the rest of your life and I do not. You have to go to bed at night knowing you have taken advantage of kids and I have not. You are every father's worst nightmare.

Now, go do your speed and eat a grenade.

Enfuego if in your mind I am a rapist and a hardened criminal of the worse kind do you think for a moment that I would allow myself to get beat up by some punk who hasn't tussled in 17 years? As much as you believe that consensual sex = rapist and molester. I truly believe there are no rules in a street fight and I am talking from experience. For the simple fact that you want to report me to the DA and get me arrested for having a younger girlfriend when I was 19 years old is all I need to know that you don't have the heart to fuck with me. Where I come from snitches and bitches end up in stitches or in graves.

New member
Aug 12, 2006
The forum has spoken, and 90+% of us think the three of you are clearly the sick fucks.

There are thousands of members in the RX and if only 26 people voted yes and the rest by not voting stayed neutral it goes to show you nobody really gives a shit one way or the other.

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