Gallup: More Americans Pro-Life for 1st Time Ev


Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
If you honestly feel that a woman terminating an unwanted pregnancy in the USA is "committing murder" than I would think you would be on the front lines with those who want to change the laws in the USA so that such women are subject to arrest, prosecution and time in prison.

But perhaps your interest in shaving your federal income tax by $20 a week so that some Other Guy doesn't get free food on you account has you way too busy to be wasting time protecting all those murdered "babies".

Hey man, we all have our priorities. I can dig it.

Aug 17, 2008
Here is my exact quote from earlier in this thread

Here's the good news. The number of pregnancies terminated in the third trimester is less than 2000 a year.

It was you who assigned the word "babies" to those fetuses and embryos who were terminated, not I.

ONLY 2000 infantcides per year.

we ONLY kill 2000 babies per year


It's not a big deal, it's ONLY 2000 kills per year.

The virginia tech shooter... he ONLY killed 30 people, it was a bargain compared to the ONLY 2000 babies that weren't given a chance to life.... it's only 2000 babies, and we didn't even have to look at their faces.

We didn't kill them, we just gave them a little procedure. Just a little procedure. ONLY 2000


Aug 17, 2008
If you honestly feel that a woman terminating an unwanted pregnancy in the USA is "committing murder" than I would think you would be on the front lines with those who want to change the laws in the USA so that such women are subject to arrest, prosecution and time in prison.

But perhaps your interest in shaving your federal income tax by $20 a week so that some Other Guy doesn't get free food on you account has you way too busy to be wasting time protecting all those murdered "babies".

Hey man, we all have our priorities. I can dig it.

If you want to give your earnings to lazy hood rats, that's fine... just do it.

Just don't try and make it so that other people ( like myself) who don't want to give money to welfare queens have to legally do so.

50 % entitlements is 50% slavery.

Obama is the biggest thief in human history. He should be in jail.

Aug 17, 2008
so i ask you again???

How many brave americans died in Iraq in the last 7 years?
How many babies die in abortions every 1 year? 365 days?

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
ONLY 2000 infantcides per year.

we ONLY kill 2000 babies per year

Well there ya go. You believe a fetus or embryo is a "baby".

If you honestly believe that an embryo or a fetus is a "human baby" worthy of constitutional rights equal to that of other Americans, you should really get crackin' on changing the laws.

Meanwhile, those of us who view them for what they really are - embryos & fetuses - will continue to stand up and protect the American women who wish to terminate pregnancies without fear of arrest, prosecution and prison time.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
If you want to give your earnings to lazy hood rats, that's fine... just do it.

Just don't try and make it so that other people ( like myself) who don't want to give money to welfare queens have to legally do so.

a) If you're honestly stressed about the maybe $20 a week of your federal income tax which goes to house or feed other people, you should get crackin' on changing the laws. (right after you get crackin' on putting a million or so American women in prison each year for aborting their pregnancies)

b) OR, you could move to another country where they spend federal income tax dollars in a way that is more agreeable to you.

But definitely do one of the two.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
so i ask you again???

How many babies die in abortions every 1 year? 365 days?

Asked And Answered in an earlier post.


Aug 17, 2008
a) If you're honestly stressed about the maybe $20 a week of your federal income tax which goes to house or feed other people, you should get crackin' on changing the laws. (right after you get crackin' on putting a million or so American women in prison each year for aborting their pregnancies)

b) OR, you could move to another country where they spend federal income tax dollars in a way that is more agreeable to you.

But definitely do one of the two.

A million abortions a year? You don't say. That's a whole lot of killing...

I can't move to a free-er country. In 1776 the people that thought like ME, broke away and created our own country. We fought and defeated the greatest military in the world at the time and since then have created the worlds only super power in the blink of an eye.

Now that we created the best country in human history, the money is there, the leeches are here, and they slowly turned us back into the england that we defeated.

The true patriots would be rolling in their graves if they saw what the "progressives" have turned this great land into.

We need a revolution, at least 52.7 % of the population doesn't have a pulse and is brain dead.

Aug 17, 2008
a) If you're honestly stressed about the maybe $20 a week of your federal income tax which goes to house or feed other people, you should get crackin' on changing the laws. (right after you get crackin' on putting a million or so American women in prison each year for aborting their pregnancies)

b) OR, you could move to another country where they spend federal income tax dollars in a way that is more agreeable to you.

But definitely do one of the two.

20 dollars a week.

You win the award for the grosses exaggeration of the year award.

My money is going to support deadbeat hood rats that really don't even deserve to live. Let the animals kill each other and do us all a favor.

New member
Jul 21, 2006
its a tough topic, but if c-gold was a rah rah do whatever you want liberty 3rd party guy, he would not dare infringe on a couples choice of whether to keep or abort the kid, and he would not care about gay marriage either.

the 3rd party is the do whatever you want, individual freedom party i thought. or is that just for things you like? cant play it both ways.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
CG notes: A million abortions a year? You don't say. That's a whole lot of killing...

Bar: Of unwanted embryos and fetuses. Really not that big a deal in comparison to the absurd notion that we should arrest, prosecute and imprison one million American women each year.

CG: I can't move to a free-er country.

Bar: So you acknowledge that right now you live in the free-est country.

Cool. We agree.

CG: We need a revolution

Bar: Well there ya go...Yet another project for you to get crackin' on.

1) Turn a million or more American women each year into criminals and put them in prison.

1a) Arrest, prosecute and imprison all their doctors, medical staff and any family members or friends who helped facilitate the "murder".

2) Eliminate the federal income tax system

3) Start and carry out a revolution to overthrow the federal government. better LOG OFF right now from our sports handicapping web forum. You've got work to do, son.

Aug 17, 2008
its a tough topic, but if c-gold was a rah rah do whatever you want liberty 3rd party guy, he would not dare infringe on a couples choice of whether to keep or abort the kid, and he would not care about gay marriage either.

the 3rd party is the do whatever you want, individual freedom party i thought. or is that just for things you like? cant play it both ways.

I am a liberty guy, a freedom guy, I support gay marriage, I'd be fine with legalizeing weed ( or having a much smaller penalty like Canada)


When your actions start harming other people then we need laws and courts and the rule of law in place.

If my action doesn't harm anybody ( but myself), then fine, who the fuck are you to tell me what to do...

but if you swing a baseball bat and hit somebody in the stomach then you shouldn't be able to do that.

Well killing a baby IS fucking harming somebody so yes, it should be illegal. Just like hitting somebody in the head with a baseball bat or trying to hit somebody with a car, or stealing a wallet, or destorying somebodies property.

Abortion is the issue that democrats have horribly wrong.

Aug 17, 2008
CG notes: A million abortions a year? You don't say. That's a whole lot of killing...

Bar: Of unwanted embryos and fetuses. Really not that big a deal in comparison to the absurd notion that we should arrest, prosecute and imprison one million American women each year.

CG: I can't move to a free-er country.

Bar: So you acknowledge that right now you live in the free-est country.

Cool. We agree.

CG: We need a revolution

Bar: Well there ya go...Yet another project for you to get crackin' on.

1) Turn a million or more American women each year into criminals and put them in prison.

1a) Arrest, prosecute and imprison all their doctors, medical staff and any family members or friends who helped facilitate the "murder".

2) Eliminate the federal income tax system

3) Start and carry out a revolution to overthrow the federal government. better LOG OFF right now from our sports handicapping web forum. You've got work to do, son.

The us is still probably the free-est all around country but that's because of economic freedoms but the community organizer president is wiping those away pretty quickly.

I mean, a place like amsterdam or switzerland has more social freedoms... so if Barry is going to turn the US into europe...

He's either going to have a huge revolution where people start killing people until we get "change back".

or rich fed up americans are going to flee to more "old fashioned" countries like australia where they don't have to pay welfare payments to hood rats and gang warfare, drugs, crime, red vs blue gang warfare.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
So which of the three campaigns are you going to focus your attention on, CG?

1) Criminalizing abortion and imprisoning millions of Americans each year for their involvement

2) Eliminating the federal income tax system


3) Starting a revolution to overthrow the US government?

Aug 17, 2008
2) is the best bet

What about you?
saving the whales
Killing the babies
sending more troops to afganistan
bailout out of wallstreet
bailing out failed auto comapnies
stealing the car company from the debt owners
quadrupiling the national defecit
closing gitmo
changing the terrorist vocabulary
apoligising for being american
increasing welfare
stealing even more money from responsible people
global warming tax?

what's the best bet?

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
CG responds: 2) is the best bet

(Eliminating the federal income tax)

What about you?

Bar: Focusing on building our privately owned businesses to a point where we can retire from full time work. (currently about 100+ hours a week between us)

As for civic work, I've spent the past ten years being a visible advocate in both the mainstream media and on a local (state) level for reform of failed public drug policies. We've changed laws in 25 states now and about another dozen municipalities.

As of Feb 1, I stepped away from that activism so I could better focus on our business efforts.

I'll likely become involved again in early 2011 as part of the 2012 general election cycle. And my focus will be on helping to protect civil liberties from undue government intrusion.

Please keep us updated on your efforts to eliminate the federal income tax. If you're doing anything legitimate (not counting lengthy rants on sports handicapping internet forums) point us to who you're working with and what orgs you might be affiliated with.

That helps those readers who agree with your mission to be more likely to join and contribute.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
No, I said "at most, maybe 10%"

I don't know the entire federal pie chart but I'd venture it's about

10% Food & Housing, Medical Care for indigent
30% Other entitlements such as social security and Medicare/Medicaid which impact all citizens across the board
30% Military "defense" and other war funding
30% General infrastructure such as roads, utilities, funds sent to the states, law enforcement

I had not researched this in a while, but was pleased to see that my recollection of the percentages was pretty darn close

In fact, per the 2008 federal budget

a)41% Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid

b) 24% Department of Defense, "Global War on Terror" and Homeland Security Dept

c) 11% Unemployment, Welfare and Other Mandatory Spending

Had neglected to include in my initial Guesstimate

d) 8% Interest on the National Debt

e) Which leaves about 16% for all the various government agencies not covered in the above percentages.

Basically, my only missed estimate was to mistakenly guess A and B above to be about equal.

Here's the breakdown, in admittedly rounded numbers.

Honey Badger Don't Give A Shit
Sep 21, 2004
Using the above data, any of us can take our 2008 federal tax bill and get a fairly reasonable count on how much we each contributed to each category.

In my own case, our reported income to the IRS was a bit over $55,000. After personal and business deductions we had a taxable income of about $32K. The federal tax was right about $4000.

So our whoppin' federal tax bill prorated out to about $77 a week

Using the percentages in our last post, that's about

a) $31
b) $15
c) $8
d) $5
e) $18

Thus, we contributed a big $15 a week for those people who would normally be viewed as "on the public dole".

If we're honest and admit that a large percentage of those people are in fact physically and/or mentally disabled, then we're likely contributing well under $10 per week to people who even a social liberal like me might call "undeserving"

Anyone can take their own 2008 federal tax paid and calculate about how much you're contributing on a weekly basis to the above federal budget categories.

Aug 17, 2008
You only paid 77 dollars in taxes... Oh, you put it out in weekly numbers to make it seem like less. Do you work for the media? At ONLY 55,000 per year it's possible.

Here are the 2008 numbers
Social Security 21%, Medicare 13.3% Medicade 9% = 43%
Welfare 11.2%
DOD 16.6%
Global war on terror 5%
debt interest 9%
Then we have the about remaining 25% on Hud, veterans affairs, department of education, agriculture, Justice, transportation, nasa, treasury etc. etc. etc.

So the numbers clearly state that you are paying over 50% of your money as transfer payments.

So for a grown man that only pays 4,000 in federal income taxes, I'd imagine most people here pay a lot more than that. We'll use 10,000 dollars as the figure...

$ 5,420 transfer payments + entitlements
$ 2,160 in National Defense
$ 900 in debt interest
$ 2,500 for various other govt. paper pushers

and keep in mind, that isn't even a RICH person, that doesn't even include state taxes, sales taxes, death taxes, car taxes and all the other crap they throw at you... that's just 1 of the many taxes and please keep in mind that the government didn't even balance the budget that year, so you will have more future debt interest... 900 bucks to 1200 bucks to 1500 bucks to 2500 bucks... Thanks losers.

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