CGOLD gets rockin':illegal immigrants can be a fiscal drain on america, should we kill them too? How about the generations of welfare queens in the ghetto? Kill them?
Bar: Of course not. They are human beings with constitutional rights, unlike a fetus or embryo that is not wanted by the pregnant female.
CG: Health care costs rise exponentially because of end of life operations that are extremely expensive, should we start euthenizing people?
Bar: Of course not. But your question does remind us of the urgent need to better educate all Americans on the need for removing legal impediments to assisted suicide. I am confident there are tens of thousands of Americans every year in a late-life medical crisis who would really like to pull their own plug, but do not do so because of how it might bring legal harm to their doctor or family members who might assist this process.
CG: What if your mommy wanted to kill you, how would you like that?
Bar: That's a silly question. My mommy wanted me at the time I was born and she certainly does not want to kill me now.
But I do know that if she had elected - for any reason she wanted - to terminate one of her pregnancies (she's had six kids), I would not support allowing the government to arrest her, prosecute her and put her into prison for infanticide.
Therefore I'm super glad I live in The United States of America, where women need not have that fear